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Manga Made In Abyss Tomos

Manga Made In Abyss Tomos

Tsukuji, Akihito (つくし あきひと) is a Japanese mangaka. He has works in Fairy Musketeers (TV) as a character designer, and is the original creator of Made in Abyss, a fantasy and adventure manga.

Riko, Reg, and Nana-Chi venture deeper into the Abyss, to the domain of The Sovereign of Dawn... Wow, shit took a really dark turn in this one. Riko recovers from the events of the third book and goes deeper into the Abyss in search of her mother. Reg finds out he has a limited shelf life and that's before the manure hits the windmill. The artwork in this series continues to amaze me, an ink-washed mix of cute and grotesque. I find the world extremely interesting and I've grown fond of Riko and Reg. On the other hand, there's still an ick factor. Riko, and Reg are sexualized to some extent, disturbing considering they're pre-teens. Well, a pre-teen and a robot that looks like a pre-teen. Not only that, this volume had some choppy transitions between scenes and wasn't as clear as the previous three. Despite the warts, I'm in for the final two volumes. How could I turn back when I'm already this deep into the Abyss?


Praticamente più Reg e Riko scendono verso l’Abisso, più la storia diventa dark e quasi “malata” oserei dire. A me continua a mettere a disagio la sessualizzazione di questi poveri bambini. Non sono nemmeno adolescenti (non che la cosa sarebbe giustificata se lo fossero stati), ma bambini, CON DENTI DA LATTE SANTO CIELO. Al di là di questo, la storia continua a interessarmi, a incuriosirmi, voglio proprio sapere come continuerà a evolversi. Ammetto però che ho trovato questo volume più sottotono rispetto ai precedenti e in più vorrei ci fosse anche un pov sugli altri amici di Reg e Riko rimasti al campo, sul loro Maestro ecc. Era una cosa che proprio mi aspettavo, davo per scontato ci sarebbe stata e invece al momento zero, questo mi lascia un po’ indispettita, ma continuerò sicuramente a leggere i volumi successivi.

Manga Magical Girl Of The End Todos Los Tomos

I keep reading this series, thanks to my library, but I don’t think it’s a good decision nor do I recommend this series to anyone. After reading the first half of the volume I was about to warn about ch25 and very disturbing “beach episode” featuring nudity of two children. Later the story moved on from that scene and I decided to let it slide, but then we see a torture scene featuring a naked child, then another experiment on a child, she’s naked and it’s very unsettling. All of the children are in prepubescent age, all of them. All of them are featuring naked at some point or with barely there clothes (I’m looking at you Michi in human form). I’m not fed up yet, surprisingly, I have the following volume loaned from library, but after that, I don’t know.

This volume absolutely has darker content in it compared to the previous volumes. I’m for sure petrified of meeting someone as sick and twisted as Bondrewd. The torment that Reg was subjected to by the Umbra Hands gave me the creeps as well as hurt my heart. My heart aches for Prushka and I want her to get away from her “father”. April 2021 Edit: After briefly rereading this series, I’m going to continue to read this manga. However, I’m doing so very apprehensively. These children just don’t deserve this much pain and I feel like the further along I go in this series, the more I doubt this story will have a happy ending; which they deserve.

Hi, Hello, It feels like it has been a while since I have sat down to type out a post but it really has not been (I had a post just last week). But I am hoping to get back to daily posts now that my graduate semester has ended (yay!). Despite the lack of reviews this month, I have read quite a few books! So I am excited to get some reviews up finally (I also know I still have not posted the March book list but that will be coming next week alongside April, I really wanted to post some reviews while things were still fresh in my head). One of the first books I picked up in the month of April was the next volume in the manga Made in Abyss, this is an eight-volume manga that does have an anime out currently! I have not watched the anime yet as I wanted to finish the mangas first! I have reviews for the first three up already on here and . Before I start talking about plot and feelings I do want to mention there were a few scenes in here that were incredibly uncomfortable and I wanted to let anyone know who was considering reading these books. SPOILER ALERT Rego, Riko, and the gang head further into the abyss in this volume. Encountering another layer and another high-level miner. However, what they do not expect to encounter is another child of the abyss. While they are offered sanctuary for the night it does not turn out to be as safe as one might expect. Things take a turn during the middle of the night and the group has to make some quick choices in order to survive and continue on their quest in the abyss. While I really enjoyed seeing a new whistle (kind of like a new big boss/miner) and the place they had created in the abyss, I was really uncomfortable with some scenes. (I do not want to say more but please be advised)! The story definitely seemed to take some unexpected turns in this volume and I hated to see some of the things that were happening (but part of me is still holding out hope that they will find her mother). At this point, I believe it is too late for them to leave the abyss so I am really hoping they find everything they are looking for and a nice place to live someday. Rating: 4 Stars


Ya A La Venta: Made In Abyss #9

Interesante y perturbador Tras recuperarse Riko, Nanachi se une en su búsqueda. Encuentran a un explorador, y uno bichos plaga. Finalmente llegan al fondo nivel 5. Se encuentran con la hija de Bondrew (El enemigo de Nanachi, el que daño a Mitty) Los reciben, pero luego capturana Reg, para hacer expermentos con el.

Finally!! A middle boss appear! Bondrewd , The Lord of Dawn is a legendary white whistle delver. He is the reason why Nanachi and Mitty became this way. He is almost invincible!!


Wow...uhh...okay, umm...yeah, there was a lot here that made me super uncomfortable and I'm just gonna leave it at that cuz I do not want to talk about it. Boy, I'm starting to dread reading the next volumes...

Guía De Estrenos Manga: ¡nuevos Tomos De Dr. Stone Y One Piece!

Spoilers. The book sets out to show that Reg awakens from using his weapon to find Riko alive and well. They ask Nananchi to join them, as 3 is better than just the 2 of them and she's resourceful AF. Nananchi agrees and they pack up. As they are traveling they come across members of Bondrewd's cave raider squad in a huge field of flowers of fortitude. They think that they hear cries for help so they investigate to find that the flower field has been infested by deadly bugs. Also Reg is hit with memories of having been there before possibly with Lyza. Everything regarding Bon's squad, base and self are extremely sketchy. He acts cordial at first but explains that the altar that is used to take the last dive down a level of the Abyss is activated by a white whistle only. Which sounds sus considering he sends children down there all the time in that weird ass elevator so why can't he just let them use it? His daughter Prushka leads them to their room as if they are being hospitable but Riko wakes up in the middle of the night to find herself alone in the room. Every other door in the corridor is bolted and locked shut so she goes up some stairs that goes up a level of the abyss and immediately starts to feel sick losing all senses. She ends up banging herself up real good before Preshka finds her and they go to locate Reg and Nananchi. Bon is very intimidating and persuades Nan to join him. Dunno why but she agrees if he keeps the duo proceed down a level. By then it is too late as Reg is already being dismantled and experimented on by some weird ass underlings of Bon. It is fucking terrifying and every time something horrible happens in this book it is like gun-wrenchingly fucked up! They basically rip off his weaponized arm because it is a relic of some sort. Meanwhile Prushka is naive, acting like what is going on is no big deal at all because her daddy is the best lol. She leads the trio to a boat so they can


Spoilers. The book sets out to show that Reg awakens from using his weapon to find Riko alive and well. They ask Nananchi to join them, as 3 is better than just the 2 of them and she's resourceful AF. Nananchi agrees and they pack up. As they are traveling they come across members of Bondrewd's cave raider squad in a huge field of flowers of fortitude. They think that they hear cries for help so they investigate to find that the flower field has been infested by deadly bugs. Also Reg is hit with memories of having been there before possibly with Lyza. Everything regarding Bon's squad, base and self are extremely sketchy. He acts cordial at first but explains that the altar that is used to take the last dive down a level of the Abyss is activated by a white whistle only. Which sounds sus considering he sends children down there all the time in that weird ass elevator so why can't he just let them use it? His daughter Prushka leads them to their room as if they are being hospitable but Riko wakes up in the middle of the night to find herself alone in the room. Every other door in the corridor is bolted and locked shut so she goes up some stairs that goes up a level of the abyss and immediately starts to feel sick losing all senses. She ends up banging herself up real good before Preshka finds her and they go to locate Reg and Nananchi. Bon is very intimidating and persuades Nan to join him. Dunno why but she agrees if he keeps the duo proceed down a level. By then it is too late as Reg is already being dismantled and experimented on by some weird ass underlings of Bon. It is fucking terrifying and every time something horrible happens in this book it is like gun-wrenchingly fucked up! They basically rip off his weaponized arm because it is a relic of some sort. Meanwhile Prushka is naive, acting like what is going on is no big deal at all because her daddy is the best lol. She leads the trio to a boat so they can


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