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Noblesse Manga Online Reading

Noblesse Manga Online Reading

He awakens. For 820 years he has slumbered with no knowledge of mankind's advancements and scientific achievments. The land which he once knew has become an unfamiliar place with new technologies, attitudes, and lifestyles. Cadis Etrama Di Raizel, Rai, while seeking to familiarise himself with this era, locates a loyal servant of his, Frankenstein, who is currently the principal of a South Korean high school. Rai decides that this high school would be the perfect place to help him learn about the new world. He enrolls, and suddenly becomes the friend of Shinwoo, an immature teenager who is also a master martial artist. But this new world is no safer than the old, and the dignified, bewildered, technologically illiterate Rai finds himself caught up in adventures both ridiculous and dangerous. Chapters 1-92

Name (in native language): 손제호 He has also published the novels 『비커즈』(2004) and 『러쉬』 (2005), in addition to writing the novel, Noblesse S based off of his ongoing webcomic. His blog can be found here:

Best korean webtoon ever~ And my first. Manage to keep me entertained from the first chapter. What attracts me first is the title and the art (The art is gorgeous, but it changes in upcoming chapters). When I thought it would be a typical vampire story.. I was wrong. It was more than that. Cadis Etrama Di Raizel woke up from a 820 years of slumber to a modern era of 21st century, with surroundings that he does not familiar with. He comes across a student Shinwoo, followed him to his school, Ye Ran High School and met his loyal servant Frankenstein, who helps him enroll into the school. Although he is mostly expressionless and quiet, he quickly become acquainted with Shinwoo the athletic guy, Ikhan the computer geek and Yuna (Shinwoo's crush). And there begins the adventure of Rai where tries to adapt himself to the lifestyle of modern society. Learning how to eat, speak, and do things that normal people do. Hilariously. And also come across a dangerous secret organization that experiments on humans. As the story progresses the plot slowly reveals itself and also you will find more about each Rai's, Frankenstein's and also other characters background story. The thing about this series is that, its doesn't only focus on one or two characters. It has a few main characters actually. And all of them are very interesting. The battle scenes are choreographed and drawn very well. And the humor. Oh, the humor.. I love ramen. Romance is not the main genre of this series, but there are hints of it. Umm well. I tried to keep this somewhat review short as possible. This series is still ongoing, there will be a new chapter every week on Tuesday. An arc may eat up a lot of chapters, so be patient reading.

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I would have given Noblesse a much higher rating if it weren't for the shameful lack of diversity: we get two women, one is a useless damsel in distress and the other is a half-naked evil freak, for example. I found that extremely irritating, not to say sexist. That being said, the art is lovely, the story is engaging, and Rai is absolutely hilarious. I wish we'd get more of his private conversations with Frankenstein xD As for the students, they haven't made much of an impression on me; I suppose they are merely there as a plot device. I will be continuing this webtoon despite my severe objections in the hopes that it might make some amends in the future. If not, I'm afraid it will consistently remain a three-star read. A shame, really.

I'm not entirely sure if this #1 means that it's Season One or something else. I'm going to assume it is. If it's not, I apologize for the confusion. In any case, Noblesse originally started out as a Korean webcomic. Manhwa, if you prefer. Since then, it's progressed quite well, and I believe the creators have published the story into volumes. (Don't quote me on that.) Noblesse is a complex story that revolves not necessarily on one protagonist, but a group of them. We first meet the core of the group within the first few pages of the first chapter: Rai. His name doesn't get revealed until a little later, by which we as the audience finds out that Rai is more like his nickname, bestowed upon him by three Korean high school students who are right away added to our protagonist bunch. Though the story does seem to center around the school environment at first, as Rai explores a world he has -- until now -- been oblivious to, it is not really a high school based story. Noblesse doesn't focus on classes or school drama, etc. that's often seen in Japanese manga/anime. In fact, the school is merely a starting point and neutral meeting ground for some of the series' main characters to come together. Speaking of characters, another person to add to the bunch is the handsome principal: Frankenstein. Franky is the loyal servant of Rai, who has a mysterious past that whispers of the immense power he holds. For years upon years, Franky has been looking for Rai, uncertain of what happened to him after he disappeared from their mutual home. While there are many questions about what happened and why Rai was missing, very few get answered as events take a dramatic turn. Of course, if you have protagonists, you have to have antagonists. For Season one (which happens to consist of 92 chapters total), these villains come in pairs, in two waves. We learn a little bit more about the world that these characters live in and get a hint of the powers that they hide from the public, human eye, as supernatural people come to cause havoc. The first pair, who only go by code names M-21 and M-24, seem to be searching for something. There is suspicion that they're looking for Rai. This spells trouble, not just for Rai and Franky, but also those who they associate with. The innocent will always get dragged into dangerous situations whether they like it or not, and the unfortunate coincidence of their acquaintance with Rai and Franky lead the three high school students (Yuna, Ikhan, and Shinwoo) to become victims of circumstance. When the three students get into trouble, Rai and Franky take a step forward to save them. The battles and confrontations that take place as the students run into trouble again and again give light to the powers that Rai and Franky have, making it clear they are anything but normal humans. If humans at all. Noblesse is full of action and fighting scenes that raise the tension with every progressive chapter that takes place. As a webcomic, it's expected that scenes will take a while to finish, but if you're reading the season all at once, it's hard to notice. The colors and dramatic actions that are drawn out are wonderful to stare at. The artists do a fantastic job using a blend of lights and darks to represent day and night, as well as adding a unique flare to certain powers. The lines are very delicate as well, precise and detailed with every frame that is drawn and colored. Despite the comic being full of pretty people, masculinity is not lost on the men, and the women are not overly sparkly or beautified. Take, for example, Franky. He's very pretty for a man. Long flowing blond hair and a perfect smile worth plastering on a poster. But even though he's got a pretty face, he has nasty secret that makes his personality very twisted. I wish I could say more, but that would be spoiling. I have to say, my favorite character in Season One is Frankenstein. He's complex and very dark. He has many layers and wears many faces. At times, you can't help but laugh at him. At other times, you want to take a step back and shudder at the things he can do and the things he says. Season One barely scratches at the surface of this universe. It's a fairly good setup and introduction to what Noblesse will be like later on down the road, and leave the reader curious and hungry for more. More knowledge, more action, just simply more more more. I give it two thumbs up. Overall: 4.5 out of 5

I always ignore this webtoon whenever I encounter it while searching for manga. LOL. Now I regret it though. This is the first webtoon I have ever read. I thought it was some typical beautiful vampires sucking humans blood. But trust me, this webtoon brings out the vampire to the whole new level. Interesting plot. I am totally got hooked. Oh remember, how much of the perfect piece that Raizel is, he has no sense of direction at all. :D

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Has the Twilight series rendered you unable to read any book that has the word 'vampire' in it? Noblesse is the

I would have given Noblesse a much higher rating if it weren't for the shameful lack of diversity: we get two women, one is a useless damsel in distress and the other is a half-naked evil freak, for example. I found that extremely irritating, not to say sexist. That being said, the art is lovely, the story is engaging, and Rai is absolutely hilarious. I wish we'd get more of his private conversations with Frankenstein xD As for the students, they haven't made much of an impression on me; I suppose they are merely there as a plot device. I will be continuing this webtoon despite my severe objections in the hopes that it might make some amends in the future. If not, I'm afraid it will consistently remain a three-star read. A shame, really.

I'm not entirely sure if this #1 means that it's Season One or something else. I'm going to assume it is. If it's not, I apologize for the confusion. In any case, Noblesse originally started out as a Korean webcomic. Manhwa, if you prefer. Since then, it's progressed quite well, and I believe the creators have published the story into volumes. (Don't quote me on that.) Noblesse is a complex story that revolves not necessarily on one protagonist, but a group of them. We first meet the core of the group within the first few pages of the first chapter: Rai. His name doesn't get revealed until a little later, by which we as the audience finds out that Rai is more like his nickname, bestowed upon him by three Korean high school students who are right away added to our protagonist bunch. Though the story does seem to center around the school environment at first, as Rai explores a world he has -- until now -- been oblivious to, it is not really a high school based story. Noblesse doesn't focus on classes or school drama, etc. that's often seen in Japanese manga/anime. In fact, the school is merely a starting point and neutral meeting ground for some of the series' main characters to come together. Speaking of characters, another person to add to the bunch is the handsome principal: Frankenstein. Franky is the loyal servant of Rai, who has a mysterious past that whispers of the immense power he holds. For years upon years, Franky has been looking for Rai, uncertain of what happened to him after he disappeared from their mutual home. While there are many questions about what happened and why Rai was missing, very few get answered as events take a dramatic turn. Of course, if you have protagonists, you have to have antagonists. For Season one (which happens to consist of 92 chapters total), these villains come in pairs, in two waves. We learn a little bit more about the world that these characters live in and get a hint of the powers that they hide from the public, human eye, as supernatural people come to cause havoc. The first pair, who only go by code names M-21 and M-24, seem to be searching for something. There is suspicion that they're looking for Rai. This spells trouble, not just for Rai and Franky, but also those who they associate with. The innocent will always get dragged into dangerous situations whether they like it or not, and the unfortunate coincidence of their acquaintance with Rai and Franky lead the three high school students (Yuna, Ikhan, and Shinwoo) to become victims of circumstance. When the three students get into trouble, Rai and Franky take a step forward to save them. The battles and confrontations that take place as the students run into trouble again and again give light to the powers that Rai and Franky have, making it clear they are anything but normal humans. If humans at all. Noblesse is full of action and fighting scenes that raise the tension with every progressive chapter that takes place. As a webcomic, it's expected that scenes will take a while to finish, but if you're reading the season all at once, it's hard to notice. The colors and dramatic actions that are drawn out are wonderful to stare at. The artists do a fantastic job using a blend of lights and darks to represent day and night, as well as adding a unique flare to certain powers. The lines are very delicate as well, precise and detailed with every frame that is drawn and colored. Despite the comic being full of pretty people, masculinity is not lost on the men, and the women are not overly sparkly or beautified. Take, for example, Franky. He's very pretty for a man. Long flowing blond hair and a perfect smile worth plastering on a poster. But even though he's got a pretty face, he has nasty secret that makes his personality very twisted. I wish I could say more, but that would be spoiling. I have to say, my favorite character in Season One is Frankenstein. He's complex and very dark. He has many layers and wears many faces. At times, you can't help but laugh at him. At other times, you want to take a step back and shudder at the things he can do and the things he says. Season One barely scratches at the surface of this universe. It's a fairly good setup and introduction to what Noblesse will be like later on down the road, and leave the reader curious and hungry for more. More knowledge, more action, just simply more more more. I give it two thumbs up. Overall: 4.5 out of 5

I always ignore this webtoon whenever I encounter it while searching for manga. LOL. Now I regret it though. This is the first webtoon I have ever read. I thought it was some typical beautiful vampires sucking humans blood. But trust me, this webtoon brings out the vampire to the whole new level. Interesting plot. I am totally got hooked. Oh remember, how much of the perfect piece that Raizel is, he has no sense of direction at all. :D

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Has the Twilight series rendered you unable to read any book that has the word 'vampire' in it? Noblesse is the

I would have given Noblesse a much higher rating if it weren't for the shameful lack of diversity: we get two women, one is a useless damsel in distress and the other is a half-naked evil freak, for example. I found that extremely irritating, not to say sexist. That being said, the art is lovely, the story is engaging, and Rai is absolutely hilarious. I wish we'd get more of his private conversations with Frankenstein xD As for the students, they haven't made much of an impression on me; I suppose they are merely there as a plot device. I will be continuing this webtoon despite my severe objections in the hopes that it might make some amends in the future. If not, I'm afraid it will consistently remain a three-star read. A shame, really.

I'm not entirely sure if this #1 means that it's Season One or something else. I'm going to assume it is. If it's not, I apologize for the confusion. In any case, Noblesse originally started out as a Korean webcomic. Manhwa, if you prefer. Since then, it's progressed quite well, and I believe the creators have published the story into volumes. (Don't quote me on that.) Noblesse is a complex story that revolves not necessarily on one protagonist, but a group of them. We first meet the core of the group within the first few pages of the first chapter: Rai. His name doesn't get revealed until a little later, by which we as the audience finds out that Rai is more like his nickname, bestowed upon him by three Korean high school students who are right away added to our protagonist bunch. Though the story does seem to center around the school environment at first, as Rai explores a world he has -- until now -- been oblivious to, it is not really a high school based story. Noblesse doesn't focus on classes or school drama, etc. that's often seen in Japanese manga/anime. In fact, the school is merely a starting point and neutral meeting ground for some of the series' main characters to come together. Speaking of characters, another person to add to the bunch is the handsome principal: Frankenstein. Franky is the loyal servant of Rai, who has a mysterious past that whispers of the immense power he holds. For years upon years, Franky has been looking for Rai, uncertain of what happened to him after he disappeared from their mutual home. While there are many questions about what happened and why Rai was missing, very few get answered as events take a dramatic turn. Of course, if you have protagonists, you have to have antagonists. For Season one (which happens to consist of 92 chapters total), these villains come in pairs, in two waves. We learn a little bit more about the world that these characters live in and get a hint of the powers that they hide from the public, human eye, as supernatural people come to cause havoc. The first pair, who only go by code names M-21 and M-24, seem to be searching for something. There is suspicion that they're looking for Rai. This spells trouble, not just for Rai and Franky, but also those who they associate with. The innocent will always get dragged into dangerous situations whether they like it or not, and the unfortunate coincidence of their acquaintance with Rai and Franky lead the three high school students (Yuna, Ikhan, and Shinwoo) to become victims of circumstance. When the three students get into trouble, Rai and Franky take a step forward to save them. The battles and confrontations that take place as the students run into trouble again and again give light to the powers that Rai and Franky have, making it clear they are anything but normal humans. If humans at all. Noblesse is full of action and fighting scenes that raise the tension with every progressive chapter that takes place. As a webcomic, it's expected that scenes will take a while to finish, but if you're reading the season all at once, it's hard to notice. The colors and dramatic actions that are drawn out are wonderful to stare at. The artists do a fantastic job using a blend of lights and darks to represent day and night, as well as adding a unique flare to certain powers. The lines are very delicate as well, precise and detailed with every frame that is drawn and colored. Despite the comic being full of pretty people, masculinity is not lost on the men, and the women are not overly sparkly or beautified. Take, for example, Franky. He's very pretty for a man. Long flowing blond hair and a perfect smile worth plastering on a poster. But even though he's got a pretty face, he has nasty secret that makes his personality very twisted. I wish I could say more, but that would be spoiling. I have to say, my favorite character in Season One is Frankenstein. He's complex and very dark. He has many layers and wears many faces. At times, you can't help but laugh at him. At other times, you want to take a step back and shudder at the things he can do and the things he says. Season One barely scratches at the surface of this universe. It's a fairly good setup and introduction to what Noblesse will be like later on down the road, and leave the reader curious and hungry for more. More knowledge, more action, just simply more more more. I give it two thumbs up. Overall: 4.5 out of 5

I always ignore this webtoon whenever I encounter it while searching for manga. LOL. Now I regret it though. This is the first webtoon I have ever read. I thought it was some typical beautiful vampires sucking humans blood. But trust me, this webtoon brings out the vampire to the whole new level. Interesting plot. I am totally got hooked. Oh remember, how much of the perfect piece that Raizel is, he has no sense of direction at all. :D

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Has the Twilight series rendered you unable to read any book that has the word 'vampire' in it? Noblesse is the

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