Und ihre Freundinnen sind neu auf der Oberschule. Der Druck von Schule, Elternhaus und Gesellschaft ist hoch, und jedes Mädchen hat seine eigene Art, damit umzugehen. Life gewährt einen unverfälschten, aber auch ungeschönten Blick in das Leben heranwachsender Menschen. Quelle: /manga/1352
Ayumu Shiiba is studying for the all-important high school entrance exams. She is struggling to get by, but thankfully has help from her best friend Shii-chan, who is at the top of their class. Test results come back and their friendship falls apart when Ayumu surpasses Shii-chan’s scores and gets into her high school of choice while Shii-chan doesn’t! Losing Shii-chan is so painful for Ayumu that she starts cutting her wrists for comfort. Hoping for a fresh start, Ayumu arrives at her new high school and finally opens up to a new friend, Manami. But will Manami prove to be the friend that Ayumu truly needs or send her further in a downward spiral? Source: www..com/manga/1352
Entra en una espiral de tristeza y desesperación cuando su mejor amiga la rechaza por culpa de su suspenso en un examen de ingreso. Se culpa de su abandono, y su nueva vida la angustia hasta tal punto que solo encuentra consuelo en autolesionarse. Una historia sobre el fenómeno del bullying y la fuerte presión que soportan los adolescentes. Fuente: www..es/manga/1352
Angelesen: „laid Back Camp“ Und
Primo appuntamento con il nuovo sconvolgente manga di Keiko Suenobu, l’autrice di “Vitamin”! Il desiderio più grande di Ayumu era di essere ammessa nello stesso liceo in cui voleva entrare l’amica Yuko. E fu così che cominciò tutto… All’inizio era solo un modo per tenersi sveglia mentre studiava. Poi, quando insorsero dei problemi con Yuko, divenne l’unica maniera possibile di allontanare il dolore. E, senza accorgersene, Ayumu iniziò a ricorrere un po’ troppo spesso a quell’espediente…
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Free Life Fantasy Online: Immortal Princess (manga) Vol. 2
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Best Slice Of Life Romance Manga — Anime Impulse ™
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* Angaben zur Lieferung - wird in neuem Fenster oder Tab geöffnet werden ermittelt unter Berücksichtigung der Bearbeitungszeit des Verkäufers, der Postleitzahlen des Artikelstandorts und des Zielorts und des Zeitpunkts der Bestellannahme. Außerdem sind sie abhängig vom gewählten Versandservice und von der Bestätigung des Zahlungseingangs. Insbesondere während saisonaler Spitzenzeiten können die Lieferzeiten abweichen. Lieferhinweise *Angaben zur Lieferung werden ermittelt unter Berücksichtigung der Bearbeitungszeit des Verkäufers, der Postleitzahlen des Artikelstandorts und des Zielorts und des Zeitpunkts der Bestellannahme. Außerdem sind sie abhängig vom gewählten Versandservice und von der Bestätigung des Zahlungseingangs. Insbesondere während saisonaler Spitzenzeiten können die Lieferzeiten abweichen.Slice of life manga come in many shapes and sizes. Some focus on romance, others comedy. Some take simple situations and twist them into bizarre shapes. Others are queer coming-of-age stories.
Whatever your personal flavour when it comes to slice of life manga, you’ll find something to sink your teeth into here. Many of these manga — whether they be comedy, romance, or something else entirely — will likely send you down a rabbit hole as you discover your own favourite slice of life manga.
No Guns Life
Most prominently, it’s a comedy about two young geniuses locked in a battle of wits as they each avoid admitting their feelings to the other, while simultaneously attempting to trick the other into admitting their own feelings. Love, as the subtitle says, is war.
Escalates, however, the romance peeks through the clouds of comedy. We see more and more moments of genuine adoration. We see Kaguya and her rival Shirogane blush and act sheepish as they come close to letting their guards down and being genuine.
This slice of life manga is, at times, laugh-out-loud hilarious, but it keeps you pushing forward with its moments of honesty and earnestness. Its situations are relatable, even if our protagonists — being elite-level smart and, in Kaguya’s case, rich — are less so.
Wonderful Slice Of Life Manga
The manga, however, makes better use of the narrator’s voice and Aka Akasaka’s depiction of his characters’ facial expressions comes out on top in the original, making for one of the best comedy and slice of life manga around.
) is a comedy slice of life manga, propelled forward by a sweet premise that remains interesting throughout, but with some comedy moments that only sometimes land.
The titular Komi is a high school girl who is popular almost by default. She is immaculate, beautiful, and refined; she never speaks to anyone, and she reduces anyone who looks her way to a puddle with her piercing stare.
Manga: Life (nr.1)
The way that Komi presents herself (not by choice, as we soon learn) leaves her beautiful and unapproachable, thus leaving her with this goddess-like aura; anyone who strays her way is unworthy of her attention.
Komi is a student at Itan Private High School, where Hitohito Tadano has just enrolled with the personal mission of being ordinary and simply fitting in. Like everyone else, Tadano is struck by Komi’s beauty and left paralysed by the looks she gives him.
Unlike everyone else in their class, however, Tadano quickly figures out that Komi’s terrifying veneer of coldness is all a misunderstanding, one that she can’t put right because, as the title makes clear, Komi can’t communicate.
Tokyopop Slice Of Life 15+ Manga Komi Can't Communicate #14
Manga is a really solid one. It gives us a charming pair of characters to begin our story: a girl and a boy with no romantic chemistry who have a sort of quest to undertake together.
It also gives us a very relatable theme for younger readers to latch onto. Communication issues, loneliness, and misunderstanding are all very common stresses amongst teenagers, and many will surely find a friend in Komi.
Is a slice of life manga masterpiece that takes the very concept of “slice-of-life” and plays with it in a very meta, constantly hilarious way.
Past Life Returner
) centres around two main groups of characters: a group of three young schoolgirls and an odd trio made up of a child professor, her hand-built robot, and a talking cat.
Despite the second trio’s strangeness being seen from a mile away, the three schoolgirls of this slice of life manga are just as eccentric. One is deadpan serious, the second is cheerful to a fault, and the third is wildly emotive.
Sets up a fairly ordinary scenario — one that is relatable or, at least, understandable and reasonable — but that scenario quickly morphs and deteriorates into absurdity. Almost without fail, the events of each chapter will have your guts in knots.
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Is truly outstanding. Shocking, unexpected, blending slapstick with absurdism, these comedy scenes are loud and unabashed at one moment; quiet and subtle in the next.
Is all about taking daily occurrences, struggles, and battles (ones which we all handle with politeness and camouflaged frustration) and tackling them with bombast and hilarity. In that way,
Is a slice of life manga with a simple premise: a once fearsome and terrifying yakuza boss is now living the life of a househusband.
Disc] ←company Life
Our former yakuza boss is Tatsu. While he was once known as The Immortal Dragon, Tatsu is now a dedicated househusband, eager to support his career-woman wife Miku.
Is an episodic comedy slice of life manga. The comedy here derives from the brilliant and absurd juxtapositions created by Tatsu’s situation: that of a crime boss living the simple and soft life of a househusband.
It’s remarkable and always unexpected, the ways in which Oono continues to keep this manga’s comedy fresh, given its simple premise. The
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