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Blue Exorcist Manga Anime Unterschied

Blue Exorcist Manga Anime Unterschied

A lot of my favorite anime are manga adaptions, and in most of those cases, I don’t just like the anime more than the manga—I don’t even

The manga. Usually I attribute this to my liking the medium of animation more than that of manga, but it’s more true that I have a different set of demands and expectations from the two mediums, and the disconnect between those things in an adaption can make or break the experience for me.


First I’ll point out that amongst my favorite anime, none of them is an adaption of one of my favorite manga. Moreover, most of my favorite manga either don’t have an adaption or have an incomplete one.

Geht Der Anime No. 6 Nach Dem Ende Des Anime Im Manga Weiter? (filme Und Serien)

There’s a big difference between what makes a favorite anime of mine and what makes a favorite manga. My demands of anime cover a broad range, but with manga, it really comes down to the art. I enjoy many aspects of manga art (broken down a lot more on my inactive manga blog, here) but it mostly comes down to style and character designs. Those things are important to anime as well, but they’re

Another aspect is that manga gives me certain things that anime either doesn’t or outright can’t (or if they can, only in smaller portions. See: Akira). Ridiculously detailed art that usually anime can’t imitate (Jing), or subject matters that couldn’t be profitable to a larger audience (Tokyo Akazukin). Even porn with decent character designs is something manga has in spades, while anime has little of.

That said, it’s perfectly possible for a manga I like to become an anime I like. When it doesn’t work in reverse, it’s because the anime has added a number of things that define the story for me and I don’t want to see it without those things. But anime can carry the stuff I like from a manga and even add to it.

Mangawünsche An Manga Cult

Gunslinger Girl, my all-time favorite manga, was every bit as good in its first adaption. The style, tone, character depth, and amazing writing all made it to the anime adaption, to where they were pretty much 1:1 in terms of how much I cared for them. Soul Eater is a highly stylish, action-packed manga that I love, and the anime adaption enhanced it by upping the style to eleven and animating the action beautifully. For a recent example, Lotte no Omocha was a rare case of a manga I really liked becoming an anime that I really liked for mostly new reasons, without loosing all of the old ones. That’s the kind of adaption where I can enjoy it and the original in totally different ways.

For a manga adaption not to work for me, it means that two things must’ve happened. Firstly, the anime adaption didn’t capture what I loved about the manga; and secondly, the anime adaption didn’t work for me as an anime in itself. This has been the case for a handful of manga in the past (Jing, Working!!, Bleach), and it’s the case for Ao no Futsumashi (AKA Ao no Exorcist; I’m used to the other name).


Which is strange: there’s so much that should make this show a winner. It’s got an awesome vocal cast, is directed by Tensai Okamura (Darker Than Black), and while they’ve mostly been a source of consistent disappointment over the past year, A-1 Pictures is sometimes a great animation studio. What went wrong?

Blau Exorcist Okumura Rin Anime Manga Hd Print Wall Poster Blättern|malerei Und Kalligraphie|

It comes down to one thing: more than anything else, I love the Ao no Exorcist manga for its art. It has a style that I particularly love, rife with thick, sketchy lies, bold usage of blacks, great facial expressions, and cool-looking fights. The anime doesn’t capture that style.

The things the anime does right are things I didn’t care about in the original manga. But as I’ve said before, it’s often the case that I like an anime for its own merits over those of the manga. However, the anime is unsuccessful at meeting my expectations for anime as well. The episodes are poorly paced and the action scenes are boring. While the art and animation are surely above-average, I don’t care for the style at all, and the whole experience falls flat for me.


I can’t really tell you that if you didn’t like the anime of Ao no Exorcist then you should check out the manga, because if what bothers you is the story or characters or anything, then the manga isn’t a whole lot different (the plot has matched up after the initial stuffing of the first chapter into 2 eps). I can only say that I love the manga for its art, while I don’t love the anime for anything.Assiah, die Welt der Menschen und Gehenna, die Welt der Dämonen, existieren in zwei unterschiedlichen Dimensionen der gleichen Welt. Zwischen ihnen erscheint jede Art von Kontakt als unmöglich. Doch die Dämonen haben einen Weg gefunden, in die Menschenwelt zu kommen. Allerdings hat Satan, der Gott der Dämonen, keine Chance überzutreten, denn er findet keinen Container, der seiner Macht standhalten kann. Deshalb schuf er seinen Sohn Rin. Der wurde von einer menschlichen Frau ausgetragen und wuchs bei einem Exorzisten auf, ohne zu wissen wer er ist. Der Exorzist tat alles, um Rin zu schützen und als die Situation es verlangte, übergab er ihm das Schwert, welches dafür konzipiert wurde, Dämonen zu töten. Jetzt muss Rin handeln! Quelle: /manga/5446

Yesterday Taguchi (charakter)

Raised by Father Fujimoto, a famous exorcist, Rin Okumura never knew his real father. One day a fateful argument with Father Fujimoto forces Rin to face a terrible truth – the blood of the demon lord Satan runs in Rin’s veins! Rin swears to defeat Satan, but doing that means entering the mysterious True Cross Academy and becoming an exorcist himself. Can Rin fight demons and keep his infernal bloodline a secret? It won’t be easy, especially when drawing his father’s sword releases the demonic power within him! Source:

Corre sangre de demonio, pero cuando Satán en persona aparece ante él para llevárselo al mundo de los demonios, Rin se niega. Su padre adoptivo, un prestigioso exorcista, logra salvar al chico a cambio de su vida... ¡¡por lo que Rin toma la decisión de aprender el oficio de exorcista para luchar contra el maligno ángel caído!! Fuente:


Lui-même, apparaît pour l’emmener dans son monde. Mais impossible pour le jeune homme d’oublier tout ce qui lui a été enseigné jusqu’ici … Confronté à un adversaire invincible qui a consumé le seul homme à l’avoir jamais aimé, Rin fait alors le choix de combattre aux côtés des exorcistes, quitte à libérer, en dégainant l’épée de son père, la puissance démoniaque qui sommeille en lui! Source:

Cover Und Allgemeines

Non abbassate mai la guardia. Possono essere ovunque. I demoni dimorano in un mondo separato dal nostro, ma sono in grado di giungere tra noi possedendo qualsiasi cosa ci circondi… soprattutto i nostri cuori. Rin ha sempre pensato che fossero creature di fantasia, ma sta per scoprire quanto possano essere reali. Anche se ancora non lo sa, lui è il figlio di Satana. E quando quest’ultimo giungerà a reclamarlo uccidendo una persona a Rin molto cara, il nostro protagonista deciderà di usare i suoi poteri, le fiamme azzurre, per diventare un esorcista! Fonte:

Du hilfst anderen gerne bei der Suche nach einem Manga oder informierst gern über Manga? Dann empfehlen wir, zusätzlich einen Link zum Manga-Eintrag hier auf mit anzugeben. Damit erleichterst Du dem Empfänger die Suche nach dem Manga und bietest ihm eine ganze Fülle an Informationen!


It comes down to one thing: more than anything else, I love the Ao no Exorcist manga for its art. It has a style that I particularly love, rife with thick, sketchy lies, bold usage of blacks, great facial expressions, and cool-looking fights. The anime doesn’t capture that style.

The things the anime does right are things I didn’t care about in the original manga. But as I’ve said before, it’s often the case that I like an anime for its own merits over those of the manga. However, the anime is unsuccessful at meeting my expectations for anime as well. The episodes are poorly paced and the action scenes are boring. While the art and animation are surely above-average, I don’t care for the style at all, and the whole experience falls flat for me.


I can’t really tell you that if you didn’t like the anime of Ao no Exorcist then you should check out the manga, because if what bothers you is the story or characters or anything, then the manga isn’t a whole lot different (the plot has matched up after the initial stuffing of the first chapter into 2 eps). I can only say that I love the manga for its art, while I don’t love the anime for anything.Assiah, die Welt der Menschen und Gehenna, die Welt der Dämonen, existieren in zwei unterschiedlichen Dimensionen der gleichen Welt. Zwischen ihnen erscheint jede Art von Kontakt als unmöglich. Doch die Dämonen haben einen Weg gefunden, in die Menschenwelt zu kommen. Allerdings hat Satan, der Gott der Dämonen, keine Chance überzutreten, denn er findet keinen Container, der seiner Macht standhalten kann. Deshalb schuf er seinen Sohn Rin. Der wurde von einer menschlichen Frau ausgetragen und wuchs bei einem Exorzisten auf, ohne zu wissen wer er ist. Der Exorzist tat alles, um Rin zu schützen und als die Situation es verlangte, übergab er ihm das Schwert, welches dafür konzipiert wurde, Dämonen zu töten. Jetzt muss Rin handeln! Quelle: /manga/5446

Yesterday Taguchi (charakter)

Raised by Father Fujimoto, a famous exorcist, Rin Okumura never knew his real father. One day a fateful argument with Father Fujimoto forces Rin to face a terrible truth – the blood of the demon lord Satan runs in Rin’s veins! Rin swears to defeat Satan, but doing that means entering the mysterious True Cross Academy and becoming an exorcist himself. Can Rin fight demons and keep his infernal bloodline a secret? It won’t be easy, especially when drawing his father’s sword releases the demonic power within him! Source:

Corre sangre de demonio, pero cuando Satán en persona aparece ante él para llevárselo al mundo de los demonios, Rin se niega. Su padre adoptivo, un prestigioso exorcista, logra salvar al chico a cambio de su vida... ¡¡por lo que Rin toma la decisión de aprender el oficio de exorcista para luchar contra el maligno ángel caído!! Fuente:


Lui-même, apparaît pour l’emmener dans son monde. Mais impossible pour le jeune homme d’oublier tout ce qui lui a été enseigné jusqu’ici … Confronté à un adversaire invincible qui a consumé le seul homme à l’avoir jamais aimé, Rin fait alors le choix de combattre aux côtés des exorcistes, quitte à libérer, en dégainant l’épée de son père, la puissance démoniaque qui sommeille en lui! Source:

Cover Und Allgemeines

Non abbassate mai la guardia. Possono essere ovunque. I demoni dimorano in un mondo separato dal nostro, ma sono in grado di giungere tra noi possedendo qualsiasi cosa ci circondi… soprattutto i nostri cuori. Rin ha sempre pensato che fossero creature di fantasia, ma sta per scoprire quanto possano essere reali. Anche se ancora non lo sa, lui è il figlio di Satana. E quando quest’ultimo giungerà a reclamarlo uccidendo una persona a Rin molto cara, il nostro protagonista deciderà di usare i suoi poteri, le fiamme azzurre, per diventare un esorcista! Fonte:

Du hilfst anderen gerne bei der Suche nach einem Manga oder informierst gern über Manga? Dann empfehlen wir, zusätzlich einen Link zum Manga-Eintrag hier auf mit anzugeben. Damit erleichterst Du dem Empfänger die Suche nach dem Manga und bietest ihm eine ganze Fülle an Informationen!


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