Ever since his parents passed away, Haebom has been living in Taesung’s house. And now, being a 12th grader, he enters the same class as Taesung, which makes the whole situation way more awkward. Living together 24/7, Taesung and Haebom's relationship is bound to change.
Bom and Taetae are my comfort, my favorite couple in this world. Gosh, I needed them and their love and I feel fucking rejuvenated
Me pone triste que Haebom siendo alguien tan amable haya gente mala detrás de él. Sin embargo, siento que en esta temporada se está volviendo un poco más fuerte en ese aspecto y creo que se debe a que ya no está solo. Poco a poco va formando bonitas amistades como Jia y Yonghee, en serio ellos valen oro puro. Por cierto, tanto Taesung como Haebom, tienen que comunicarse un poquito más, espero que lo logren.
Cherry Blossom After Winter
I love this BL sm. i teared up at the coming out moment. it was v emotional. yonghee and jia as side characters are so wholesome, jesus christ
This season was amazing (just like the first one).Love how Ms. Ha accepted Taesungs and Haeboms relationship and started patching up the uncomfortable situation with her son, despite the trauma she had from her father, her ex husband and her best friends death.Also I really enjoy how the plot remains intresting and cute at the same while also involving the side characters on the story and despite not having any 18+ scenes (like most yaoi mangas do).I’m seriously so happy while reading this, I’m eating it up extremely fast, without even noticing.
This childhood friends -one being adopted into another's family - being actual stepbrothers in a way- to lovers is very unappealing, and sort of disturbingly gross to say the least. My humble opinion
Enjoy Holiday! (再販) 12.隠岐 孝二|の通販はアキバ☆ソフマップ[sofmap]
Foi uma luta terminar esse manhwa, principalmente da metade pro final. Teve vários momentos em que eu quis desistir, por esse motivo não sei se continuarei as próximas temporadas. Não posso dizer que recomendo, a primeira temporada é bem fofa mas essa segunda deixa a desejar.
Haber sigo amando a los chicos desde la primera temporada y más porque empiezan una nueva etapa en sus vidas y en su relación. Ver como enfrentan nuevos retos, conocen personas agradables y desagradables (me hubiera gustado que en especial uno tuviera su merecido ante las autoridades porque en la historia se menciona que en el pasado existieron más víctimas de acoso pero todo queda en ten cuidado y listo nisiquiera hubo arrepentimiento sino hecho la culpa a uno de los protas por sus actos) En general me gustó mucho y por fin hubo avance y enfrentamiento (porque era necesario) entre taesung y su madre, que mi niño dijera como se sentia por todos estos años fue un momento para empatizar y llorar.
Amo esta historia pero ¿porqué otra vez en esta temporada tenía Haebom que ser el blanco de sus compañeros? Al menos aquí tuvo buenos amigos y a Taesung que estuvieron a su lado ayudándolo.
Cherry Blossoms After Winter #2
There's one cursed epilogue chapter including a secondary character that completely feels out of place and I'm pretending it doesn't exist. Now, gushing ensues.. So he has wanted to marry him since they were 8 years old, he works hard at school and works out to impress him, he attends the same university he attends, he learns to bake pastry and delicacies because the other likes cake and sweet things and even goes as far as turning it into a career, he gets the same boring corporate job at the same company as he does. He is not an obsessive stalker, he's Jo Taesung, a fine specimen of a man who believes the earth is Haebom-centric and his sole purpose is to love and worship Seo Haebom.. Mmmmm nomnom Season 4>>>>>>>>>> This manhwa is ridiculously sweet and romantic, the two last seasons are definitely a great progress in everything. It gives a genuine feel of maturity and growth, we're witnessing their coming of age and emergence into adulthood, their ambitions and anxieties and conflicts, it's all well explored and realistic. Apart of course from all the over the top drama plaguing this two, I mean creepy stalkers, deluded exes, snitching gold digger bitches, lines of admirers ensuing chaotic possessiveness, Taesung's manager stamina (rip haebom's ass, this story has no business being this hot) so yeah, they got lots of hurdles and obstacles to get over, but yeah love wins. I love haebom and taesung so much, with all their glorious relationship tropes, their k-flavored cliches, their sweet somehow realistic portrayal. I adore how Haebom is absolutely loved and cherished after years of silent suffering of loneliness and abandonment and sense of unbelonging. And I adore how taesung latches on haebom and loves him with everything after suffering his own childhood trauma of neglect and resentment and abandonment. And it's truly beautiful how they find the love they deserve together like the soulmates they are There are some eventual questionable elements that's supposed to represent some filler conflict, especially with Taesung's jealousy (and of course the chapter that shall not be mentioned), but it doesn't take from the overall joy and wholesomeness. Lots of amazing stuff, love and romance and marriage, family and friends, careers and future plans, all super saccharine and lovely. The thing that fascinated me the most is the artstyle change and eventual improvement like wow, especially when you binge the whole thing and notice the drastic change, so gorgeous and fluid. I was genuinely sad to finish Cherry blossoms after winter, it's truly warm and wonderful, and I can see myself revisiting it in the future
More of a 3.5 star rating but I gave it 4 stars because of how healthy the main/sole relationship is. Also, I’m not sure how much of the webcomic was put into the 2nd volume so this review will be for the last 2 seasons. While there were some scenes and one particular side character that I didn’t enjoy reading about, overall I did greatly enjoy reading more about Haebom and Taesung’s relationship. I loved that the natural progression of their relationship as the pair navigated adulthood, was shown in such a realistic way and especially as a gay couple needing to hide their love. Another thing I loved seeing what more of Taesung’s mother then officially meeting his father, as well as, seeing both parents navigate their own emotions for their son and his relationship with Haebom. The epilogue chapters at the end were also very interesting to read and I liked how well the loose ends for the story were handled.
5🌟 THIS IS BEAUTIFUL!! I read it in less than 24 hours and I enjoyed it so much, I love Haebom and Taesung, for a moment I was scared that there would be more problems with his mom, but the good thing was that there wasn't😌 pdt: I would have finished it sooner but I put Boys Over Flowers and I was entertained for a long time LOL
Cherry Blossoms After Winter [comic] [bl]
Verlos crecer es lo mejor del mundo mundial, porque así como ellos crecen, tu sientes que creces con ellos, y con su forma de amar. Y con cada volumen uno como que aumenta su amor por ellos.
Part 2 was def paced better! I still had some issues at the very end but I will say, much needed fluff
There's one cursed epilogue chapter including a secondary character that completely feels out of place and I'm pretending it doesn't exist. Now, gushing ensues.. So he has wanted to marry him since they were 8 years old, he works hard at school and works out to impress him, he attends the same university he attends, he learns to bake pastry and delicacies because the other likes cake and sweet things and even goes as far as turning it into a career, he gets the same boring corporate job at the same company as he does. He is not an obsessive stalker, he's Jo Taesung, a fine specimen of a man who believes the earth is Haebom-centric and his sole purpose is to love and worship Seo Haebom.. Mmmmm nomnom Season 4>>>>>>>>>> This manhwa is ridiculously sweet and romantic, the two last seasons are definitely a great progress in everything. It gives a genuine feel of maturity and growth, we're witnessing their coming of age and emergence into adulthood, their ambitions and anxieties and conflicts, it's all well explored and realistic. Apart of course from all the over the top drama plaguing this two, I mean creepy stalkers, deluded exes, snitching gold digger bitches, lines of admirers ensuing chaotic possessiveness, Taesung's manager stamina (rip haebom's ass, this story has no business being this hot) so yeah, they got lots of hurdles and obstacles to get over, but yeah love wins. I love haebom and taesung so much, with all their glorious relationship tropes, their k-flavored cliches, their sweet somehow realistic portrayal. I adore how Haebom is absolutely loved and cherished after years of silent suffering of loneliness and abandonment and sense of unbelonging. And I adore how taesung latches on haebom and loves him with everything after suffering his own childhood trauma of neglect and resentment and abandonment. And it's truly beautiful how they find the love they deserve together like the soulmates they are There are some eventual questionable elements that's supposed to represent some filler conflict, especially with Taesung's jealousy (and of course the chapter that shall not be mentioned), but it doesn't take from the overall joy and wholesomeness. Lots of amazing stuff, love and romance and marriage, family and friends, careers and future plans, all super saccharine and lovely. The thing that fascinated me the most is the artstyle change and eventual improvement like wow, especially when you binge the whole thing and notice the drastic change, so gorgeous and fluid. I was genuinely sad to finish Cherry blossoms after winter, it's truly warm and wonderful, and I can see myself revisiting it in the future
More of a 3.5 star rating but I gave it 4 stars because of how healthy the main/sole relationship is. Also, I’m not sure how much of the webcomic was put into the 2nd volume so this review will be for the last 2 seasons. While there were some scenes and one particular side character that I didn’t enjoy reading about, overall I did greatly enjoy reading more about Haebom and Taesung’s relationship. I loved that the natural progression of their relationship as the pair navigated adulthood, was shown in such a realistic way and especially as a gay couple needing to hide their love. Another thing I loved seeing what more of Taesung’s mother then officially meeting his father, as well as, seeing both parents navigate their own emotions for their son and his relationship with Haebom. The epilogue chapters at the end were also very interesting to read and I liked how well the loose ends for the story were handled.
5🌟 THIS IS BEAUTIFUL!! I read it in less than 24 hours and I enjoyed it so much, I love Haebom and Taesung, for a moment I was scared that there would be more problems with his mom, but the good thing was that there wasn't😌 pdt: I would have finished it sooner but I put Boys Over Flowers and I was entertained for a long time LOL
Cherry Blossoms After Winter [comic] [bl]
Verlos crecer es lo mejor del mundo mundial, porque así como ellos crecen, tu sientes que creces con ellos, y con su forma de amar. Y con cada volumen uno como que aumenta su amor por ellos.
Part 2 was def paced better! I still had some issues at the very end but I will say, much needed fluff
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