He loves her blood, but does her love her?! There is a world of myth and magic that intersects ours, and only a special few can see it. Misao Harada is one such person, and she wants nothing to do with magical realms. She just wants to have a normal high school life and maybe get a boyfriend. But she is the bride of demon prophecy, and her blood grants incredible powers, her flesh immortality. Now the demon realm is fighting over the right to her hand...or her life!
I'm so mad about this series. So mad! Because now I'm genuinely invested and want to talk to someone about Misao's development as the senka maiden and analyze her emotional state because the series is skating this knife edge between problematic stockholmy stuff and emotionally engaging exploration of Misao's empathy and like. How on earth am I going to find someone; anyone with sense probably quit after the first volume. :((((( It's not right. Who is going to have feelings with me about how Misao's gone through so much trauma and now she's home with almost no one who understands how she's different? Who's going to talk to me about how she's learned to deal with injury calmly and practically because it's nothing to what she's faced in the demon world? Who's going to theorize with me about how her senka maiden powers seem to have evolved into something with attack potential? How dare you make me care Kanoko Sakurakoji. How dare you. 3.5 stars
Waaaah Sho!!!! Great volume and I loved the extras. Kyo’s is hot, and he loves Misao, but Sho had this ‘woe is me’ characteristic that I also shipped him with Misao for a bit. He’s in a better place I think. I wonder what happens in the next volume, though- what was that boom?!
Jk's Wing: Black Bird Manga Review
There maybe many things that annoys me about this series, but I think my favourite character so far is Hoki. What happens to him in the previous chapters, I think it was perhaps the best part. He seems like a strong character. Even though Kyou is clearly the alpha male. Misao is a bit of a pain sometimes, but she's not completely stupid when it comes to Kyou so I'm glad. But meh, I guess I hate the overflow of romance, but it can't be helped since this is a shoujo manga. Though, if were to choose, I would choose Dengeki Daisy by Kyousuke Motomi over this. I would still read this, but I would have more fun with Motomi's series. But that's just me.
This volume was a pretty quick read, since alot of it was action. Most of it was about Kyou having to kill Shou. And, then about Misao thinking her scent had grown alot strong. Of course, it was her blissful feelings from being touched by Kyou that made her scent strong. We have now reached the final arc of the story, having read this volume. I'll hate to see this series end. It's been one of my favorites for awhile. Also, thanks to Transcendence for scanslating this volume for us fans. Much appreciation to all of y'all.
I'm tired of repeating the same thing over and over again... I'm glad the other evil brother died, I really don't care how much he loves Misao. Half of this book is only special features, little stories here and there. I think the end is near for this series.
Black Bird Review: A Fan Rave
Popsugar Reading Challenge - A book with a bird on the cover - There's a silhouette of a bird on all the Blackbird series of books! This volume only had 3 chapters of the actual main plot. The rest was just extras. The first couple of chapters were good, though... “I won’t give an inch...I won’t let you get your way...You’re going to be a pain to the very end...Misao is mine, ” is what Kyo says to Sho when the battle reaches its climax. Who wins? You’ll have to read for yourself to find out...
~3.5-4/5 [Also available on my blog.] I read this volume, like, forever ago. And I really should have reviewed it then, but I didn’t. I’m doing it now, now that the next volume is out. This was a very good volume, however. So the big fight scene between Sho and Kyo was brought to a close in this volume. And it was a bit surprising, and intense, and Misao had to cry and hug Sho, because ugh. I don’t really dislike Misao, but she is a very sensitive person, and I want her to toughen up. I’m not going to say any more about that, though, so as not to spoil any of it. The volume continued with another chapter, starting another story arch (apparently the final arch; what!?). Misao is now back home, where no one knows how long she was gone. Misao and Kyo are back at school, with Kyo teaching. They have a talk about the whole Senka Maiden thing, and how they need to find out more about it as well as how for them to be together without her getting hurt; and Misao is reassured that he’s not going to push her away. Also, there’s a plot about how Misao’s scent is getting stronger, attracting more men to her, but Kyo knows why that is. Oh, and this guy gets hurt, his arm is all bloody, and Misao helps him rather calmly, which I found rather interesting. It shows that she’s getting a bit stronger, after all that she’s been through, and I like that. The volume ended with something coming up to attack Misao, but when she flinches back and screams, it vanished, I think was killed. But it doesn't show us if someone else came up and killed it at the last minute, or if maybe she did it somehow? I'm thinking someone else came up and did it somehow, but I'll find out next volume, I guess? There were also a couple short/snipet stories, and they were very cute. One about the group of boys meeting up with Misao including a little thing with the three little guys, which was sweet and funny. Another about Sagami and Ayame, which was very cute, and the last in which Kyo interacts with Misao’s dad, while looking at some of her baby pictures, with was sweet. Overall, this was a good volume, and I’m looking forward to the next one.
Well, it seems things are winding down in this series. Manga can be deceptive about that, but this one states pretty clearly that things are entering the final story arc. This volume picks up right where volume thirteen left off. Black Bird had been consistently ending with cliffhangers. In the last volume someone’s arm was chopped off and the reader didn’t know who’s it was. This volume begins with that revelation and quickly ends the conflict between Kyo and Sho. It’s pretty dramatic, but that’s also consistent with the previous volumes of Black Bird. There’s a short filler chapter that I skipped over. I’ve never been that interested in the “extra” chapters. I went straight to the first chapter in the final story arc. Kyo and Misao are back in Japan. Misao has plenty of school work to catch up on, but she keeps getting distracted. She’s constantly tired. I’m pretty sure I see where this is going. Some strange things start happening. According to the Daitengu, her scent is stronger and she can now scare away spirits on her own. This volume had little real development. It reached the climax of the Kyo vs. Sho story line and finished that up, which was important. The rest of the volume was filler and expository material. I didn’t really get much out of it except the announcement that this story line is the last of the series. I’m kind of ready for something new so I’m eager to finish this up!
Sundayswithlita: Black Bird Manga Review
This was such an interesting volume because it's transitional between the final Sho arc and the final, final arc of the series as a whole. It felt rather anti-climatic because it's only two chapters and this arc is over. We do get to meet Yoh Usui which is really cool, since he's still alive. We see the final piece of the cause and effect between the two brothers. I love the graceful way Kyo won and that he loves that Misao is the way she is. the special features were so, so cute! I love in the taxi with Hoki! And Sagami with his wife! The final arc chapter is really all setup. I did like how we learned about her scent from the boys at school. The end was a cliffhanger of course and we are brought almost back to the beginning when she was frightened at the things she could see that no one else can (unless you're one of them) and I really liked that. We see that things are different now, why? Tell us, now!
This was such an interesting volume because it's transitional between the final Sho arc and the final, final arc of the series as a whole. It felt rather anti-climatic because it's only two chapters and this arc is over. We do get to meet Yoh Usui which is really cool, since he's still alive. We see the final piece of the cause and effect between the two brothers. I love the graceful way Kyo won and that he loves that Misao is the way she is. the special features were so, so cute! I love in the taxi with Hoki! And Sagami with his wife! The final arc chapter is really all setup. I did like how we learned about her scent from the boys at school. The end was a cliffhanger of course and we are brought almost back to the beginning when she was frightened at the things she could see that no one else can (unless you're one of them) and I really liked that. We see that things are different now, why? Tell us, now!
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