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Manga Horreur Vampire

Manga Horreur Vampire

Sauvé in extremis de la mort par la belle et mystérieuse Miwako, Osamu n'est toujours pas parvenu à se faire à sa nouvelle condition de familier.

Pourtant, sa situation ne lui laisse guère d'autres choix que d'accepter son sort, et de se soumettre à la volonté de sa maîtresse.


Et l'avoir laissé s'évaporer au soleil, elle a soigné son nouveau familier grâce à son sang. Maintenant bien régénéré, c'est à la maîtresse de son adversaire qu'il va avoir affaire! Bien décidée à venger la perte de son serviteur, celle-ci n'hésite pas à s'introduire sur le territoire de Miwako pour effectuer sa vendetta. Mais là encore, la propriétaire des lieux ne l'entendra pas de cette oreille là.

Critique] Shigahime Tome 2, De Sato Hirohisa

Effrayé par cette nouvelle vie qu'il n'a pas souhaitée, le jeune lycéen cherche alors à s'enfuir. Mais il se rend vite compte que s'il ne chasse pas pour sa maîtresse, il mourra, et plus grave encore,

Mourra aussi, car elle est dépendante des pouvoirs de Miwako depuis son accident. Résigné, Osamu accepte de chasser, mais il tient à garder son humanité : il refuse de sacrifier des humains innocents et ne prendra le coeur que d'autres familiers ou membres de la lignée de sang. Cependant, il est encore loin de maîtriser ses nouveaux pouvoirs et devra se mesurer à certains de ses semblables qui chassent déjà depuis bien longtemps…

Depuis février 2022. Il s'agit d'un manga d'horreur sur le thème des vampires, même si le mot vampire n'est jamais prononcé dans les dialogues.

Vampire Hunter D (t1)

Aussi belle que dangereuse, Miwako est une vampire cruelle et manipulatrice, qui prend du plaisir à tuer et boire le sang du cœur encore chaud de jeunes hommes. Elle semble s'être attachée à Osamu et a décidé unilatéralement d'en faire son serviteur. Le pauvre garçon qui avait jusqu'ici une vie banale et paisible de lycéen, se retrouve à devoir tuer pour survivre, mais surtout pour que sa petite amie survive. Un destin tragique qu'il n'aurait imaginé dans ses pires cauchemars et dont il se serait bien passé.

Shigahime est un manga gore et ecchi, ce qui le destine à un public averti. Les planches sont littéralement magnifiques. L'histoire est dramatique pour ce pauvre Osamu, et en même temps on en arrive presque à avoir de la compassion pour Miwako, son immortalité liée à sa solitude devant être insupportables. C'est une femme irrésistible qui tue pour vivre. Un peu comme une plante carnivore, qui attire les insectes par son parfum avant de les avaler.

Ce second tome de Shigahime est tout bonnement incroyable. La présence exceptionnelle de Miwako n'a d'égal que l'intensité des combats, et la précision du dessin des organes des corps découpés. On en apprend également un peu plus sur les origines des vampires et sur leur mode de vie. Le plus dur avec ce genre de séries, c'est d'attendre la sortie du prochain tome!

Vampire Princesse Miyu, Les Oav

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Jin Mori, un lycéen de 17 ans, est invité à un tournoi d'arts martiaux : The God Of High School. Cet… Lire la suiteBeing a horror writer, I’ve always loved the horror genre and I’m always searching for new horror content. One medium I hold very dear is manga, namely horror manga.

There’s an enormous amount of horror manga out there which feature horrific incidents and combine them with a unique and breathtaking art style.

Looking back, I can’t help but wonder why this genre stands out so much to me. It might be the detailed art that presents the horror that’s happening in all its horrific glory. Maybe it’s also the cultural difference. Japan is a country with a unique culture and one that’s always had firm beliefs about ghosts and other supernatural beings.

Terrifying Horror Manga That Anyone Should Read

In this list, I want to present to you many of my favorite horror manga that I uncovered throughout the years. While some are vastly popular, I’m sure there are some hidden gems that some of you might not have heard about.

I’d also like to give a general spoiler warning. I’ll try not to go into too much detail about the plot points, but sometimes it’s unavoidable.

God’s Left Hand, Devil’s Right Hand features a young boy named Sou, who’s often haunted by visions of terrible things happening and tries to stop them from becoming reality.


The Vampire & The Rose (tome 1)

Some scenarios in this manga are more normal, including serial killers or ghosts, but others are more bizarre, featuring heavy instances of body horror.

If one’s willing to overlook that, one’s treated with quite a good horror manga. God’s Left Hand, Devil’s Right Hand can get quite gruesome and feature some terrifying imagery.

God’s Left Hand, Devil’s Right Hand is one of the oldest manga on this list and one of the more outlandish ones. If one’s interested in experiencing the earlier days of horror manga, one could do worse than read this one.

Stream Zara La Vampire

Each member of the group has a special skill related to the supernatural. One member, Kuro Karatsu, can commune with the dead.

This manga is also not a pure horror manga, but could often be classified as a mystery one. Many stories feature mysterious deaths that the main characters have to unravel using their various abilities.

It’s an interesting and unique manga. While it’s not as horrible or graphic as others on the list, it makes up for it by its unique and creative story.

Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust: Hideyuki Kikuchi, Marco D'ambrosio, Yoshiaki Kawajiri, Yoki Minowa, Yuji Ikehata, Mataichirô Yamamoto, Masao Maruyama: Dvd & Blu Ray

It starts with a naked, bloody man, who emerges from a manhole one day. Unbeknownst to anyone, the man is host to a deadly biological agent.

This manga could be best described as a detective story, but what truly makes it a horror manga is the deadly infection and the things it causes to happen.


Especially in times of the global Corona pandemic, this one’s truly scary and might hit a bit too close to home for some.

Vampire Dormitory (tome 9)

Pet Shop of Horrors is another episodic horror manga. Each story revolves around a specific rare pet and the person adopting it. Each pet comes with a contract, comprising three rules the new owner has to follow. Should he fail to do so, there will be dire consequences.

The manga features some overarching plotlines and reoccurring characters, but most of its chapters fall into the ‘monster of the weak’ category.

As this is an older horror manga, the art might take some time to get used to. It’s well worth the effort, though, and some chapters are quite creative and unique.

Découvrez La Version Japonaise Des Vampires Dans Shigahime

The story of Domu is set in an apartment building that’s plagued by a series of mysterious suicides and other similar incidents.

It’s soon revealed that the perpetrator is a senile old man with psychic powers. He uses them to hold sway over the apartment complex and its inhabitants.

Eventually, a young girl with psychic powers of her own moves into the apartment complex with her family. It doesn’t take long for a conflict between her and the old man to begin.

Shigahime 4 Simple (mangetsu)

It tells the story of Kei, a student who learns one day that he’s immortal. After being fatally hit by a truck, Kai miraculously survives. Even stranger, his body will regenerate any injury, regardless of how bad it is.


Kei soon gets to know another Ajin named Sato, who escaped from the government and pledges to help fellow Ajin. However, we soon learn that Sato’s got much bigger plans and that he’s much more dangerous.

It takes a bit to get used to this horror manga. Once we get to know the character of Sato, however, the story takes up more steam.

Horreur Tag, Anime Pictures On

The story focuses on Kirishima Seiichi, a troubled writer who plans to murder his wife during a vacation. The reason for that is revealed throughout the story.

When his attempt fails, a chase emerges and soon Seiichi follows his wife into a cave. However, Seiichi and his wife aren’t the only ones in that cave.

Hideout is a great horror manga, but it’s also a gloomy, depressing tale. It’s a story that’s nothing but a downward spiral that keeps getting worse and worse.

Creepy Manga Gifs

Hideout is only nine chapters long. It’s a quick and disturbing read that comes with some of the finest art I’ve seen in horror manga.

Heads is a horror manga by Higashino Keigo and Motorō Mase. The story centers on a young man, Naruse Jun’ichi, who gets shot in the head but survives miraculously because of a brain transplant.

He recovers quickly but slowly starts to change. It begins with little things, such as disgust about his girlfriend’s freckles. Soon enough, though, other areas in Jun’ichi’s life change as well.


Blood The Last Vampire (manga)

Heads is a bit of a different type of horror manga. It’s a slow burn and most of the horror stems from the idea that you’re losing yourself and slowly become a different person. Would you even know you’ve changed yourself? Would you be able to see it? It’s those

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