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Xian Wang De Ri Chang Sheng Huo Manga 12

Xian Wang De Ri Chang Sheng Huo Manga 12

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Eine kurze Inhaltsangabe zum Manga „The Daily Life of Immortal King“ würde vielen Anime- und Manga-Fans weiterhelfen. Du kennst diesen Manga bereits? Dann unterstütze und füge eine kurze Beschreibung zum Inhalt des Manga „The Daily Life of Immortal King“ über unsere Eintragsmaske hinzu. Damit hilfst Du der gesamten deutschsprachigen Anime und Manga-Community! Quelle: /manga/71066


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Xian Wang De Richang Shenghuo 3

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Du hilfst anderen gerne bei der Suche nach einem Manga oder informierst gern über Manga? Dann empfehlen wir, zusätzlich einen Link zum Manga-Eintrag hier auf mit anzugeben. Damit erleichterst Du dem Empfänger die Suche nach dem Manga und bietest ihm eine ganze Fülle an Informationen!Wang Ling is a high school student with a cool and carefree demeanor. Coming off as someone with a very low spiritual force, he actually possesses a power capable of destroying the world at a moment's notice. To mitigate the volatile force within him, his parents have resorted to using an amulet as a temporary solution. However, the amulet weakens over time and Wang Ling's emotions also accelerate its deterioration. Now with the amulet on the verge of breaking, Wang Ling and his father race against time in order to fix it.

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China is putting out more and more anime and i have to say that there are good ones like King's Avatar, Antidote, The Grandmaster, Spiritpact etc. But this anime was just really plain. No real story, terrible writing AND so many plot holes ???

Best Anime Like The Daily Life Of The Immortal King

I feel like they tried to make every character have some sort of character growth, but in the end they didn't address any internal problems everyone had, except for the main character.

Something that also bothers me is that this anime had 15 episodes and half ... of them where just fillers to make memories for characters so they could somehow make an emotional ending. terrible ending by the way. Anyways, the characters are still cute and the concept of buddhism/spirit/magic/underworld is cool too.


Before The Daily Life of the Immortal King, I saw The King’s Avatar awhile ago, which felt like a breath of fresh air to me. Not only was it unique, since no anime before has ever touched upon the concept of cyber-sport, but it also had good writing and interesting characters. I was hoping to see something as good as the King’s Avatar, but my expectations were too high for this series, which focuses on Wang Ling, who is near unkillable human being. He is just 16 and wants to enjoy his high school life, but it might be too challenging for ... him to do, because he is so powerful that it is highly possible for him to hide his power. Will Wang Ling enjoy the high school life? Good Start The Daily Life of the Immortal King did have quite a start. Awesome animation, all characters look unique, the series portrays human emotions in a somewhat unique way, action scenes are really spectacular and there is hardly anything dissatisfying you will find about this series. The main protagonist of the series has high spiritual powers, but he has never asked for this. All he wants is to relax and to enjoy the life. Average The main problem of that series is that you do not understand what to expect. It might look like it is a parody on overpowered heroes, which is even somewhat funny sometimes. And if it really were a parody, there would have been absolutely no problems concerning this series. However, what makes it average is the fact that the series tries to constantly shift its emphasis, so you do not understand if you are watching something serious, or not. And that makes it totally not worth it. Overall Do you want to see a good Chinese anime? Watch The King’s Avatar (Quanzhi Gaoshou). If want to see something similar to this series, watch The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. Enjoy the watch.

Xian Wang De Richang Shenghuo 3 Ending Shikong Jintou Deng Ni

This isn't even the real 'the daily life of the immortal king'. What can i say? When you want to make 'Justice League' out of 'Courage the Cowardly dog' then you will get abomination like this. Dude i read the novel and it was nothing like this. Yes, you don't need to follow the original but you still can't change your root completely and this was just that.

*There is no romance in the novel, or should i say not so early. Even if there is romance, it will be brushed away in a comedic undertone. That's how it should be. Man, ... do they even know what slice of life means? They made 'star wars' in 'simpson'. * The original Wang Ling cares only about keeping his powers check and his noddles. And the story revolves how the adversary keeps poking mc, only to get squashed and that results in more pain in the neck for mc, all in a comedic undertone. And they made this 'romeo and juliet' somehow. *This story somewhat follows upto the six assassins part after that all made up. Even those parts are poorly done. They rushed through the main punchlines like the frog summon or frog test, the novel was hilarious there. Also the limited sword part, they changed the original to mama Wang buying a cheap one. The real one was way more funny, go check no spoilers. * Character? Like i said, Wang ling only likes his noddles and he doesn't care about nakama bullshit. And they made this shounen which is a disgrace. Lotus sun or the heroine is kind in rivalry with mc, but they made her a direct romance target from the start. *Lot more can be said about how they changed the theme altogether. Even if i ignore the novel, the work is not done well that much either. For example, what is 59 or 60 high school? How this happened? Assuming that's the plot, and 59 and 60 being rivals how did 59 get 60's data instantly as if they are the main organization overseeing the data. And what about sword spirit? Why did they introduce it when they weren't used that much at all. Only the class president's were used. I can nitpick more but that's the gist without mention the novel. Art is good like all Chinese animations. They had budget unlike most poor cheap ass Japanese productions. But the industry is shallow because of their inexperience and greed. Do you think people will jump into an unknown anime if they didn't hear about the novel first? Most of us wanted to experience the adaption of novel and I'm pretty disappointed Just read the novel and one downvote for thisDu bist fit in Grafikbearbeitung? Dann suchen wir genau Dich! Wir sind auf der Suche nach Helfern die sich mit Bildbearbeitung auskennen und unser Team verstärken. In folgendem Forenbeitrag findest Du mehr Informationen. Die Tätigkeit ist natürlich freiwillig und hat keinerlei Verpflichtungen – Du entscheidest, wie viel Zeit und Aufwand Du in investieren möchtest!


Eine kurze Inhaltsangabe zum Anime „Xian Wang De Richang Shenghuo Di Si Ji“ würde vielen Anime- und Manga-Fans weiterhelfen. Du kennst diesen Anime bereits? Dann unterstütze und füge eine kurze Beschreibung zum Inhalt des Anime „Xian Wang De Richang Shenghuo Di Si Ji“ über unsere Eintragsmaske hinzu. Damit hilfst Du der gesamten deutschsprachigen Anime und Manga-Community! Quelle: /anime/17973

Stream The Daily Life Of The Immortal King/xian Wang De Ri Chang Sheng Huo (full Song) By Wutdidyouexpect

Immer mehr Anime sind auf legalen Streamingportalen verfügbar. Wenn Dir eine solche Quelle zum Anime „Xian Wang De Richang Shenghuo Di Si Ji“ bekannt ist, dann kannst Du unterstützen, indem Du die Streams über unsere Eintragsmaske hinzufügst.

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I feel like they tried to make every character have some sort of character growth, but in the end they didn't address any internal problems everyone had, except for the main character.

Something that also bothers me is that this anime had 15 episodes and half ... of them where just fillers to make memories for characters so they could somehow make an emotional ending. terrible ending by the way. Anyways, the characters are still cute and the concept of buddhism/spirit/magic/underworld is cool too.


Before The Daily Life of the Immortal King, I saw The King’s Avatar awhile ago, which felt like a breath of fresh air to me. Not only was it unique, since no anime before has ever touched upon the concept of cyber-sport, but it also had good writing and interesting characters. I was hoping to see something as good as the King’s Avatar, but my expectations were too high for this series, which focuses on Wang Ling, who is near unkillable human being. He is just 16 and wants to enjoy his high school life, but it might be too challenging for ... him to do, because he is so powerful that it is highly possible for him to hide his power. Will Wang Ling enjoy the high school life? Good Start The Daily Life of the Immortal King did have quite a start. Awesome animation, all characters look unique, the series portrays human emotions in a somewhat unique way, action scenes are really spectacular and there is hardly anything dissatisfying you will find about this series. The main protagonist of the series has high spiritual powers, but he has never asked for this. All he wants is to relax and to enjoy the life. Average The main problem of that series is that you do not understand what to expect. It might look like it is a parody on overpowered heroes, which is even somewhat funny sometimes. And if it really were a parody, there would have been absolutely no problems concerning this series. However, what makes it average is the fact that the series tries to constantly shift its emphasis, so you do not understand if you are watching something serious, or not. And that makes it totally not worth it. Overall Do you want to see a good Chinese anime? Watch The King’s Avatar (Quanzhi Gaoshou). If want to see something similar to this series, watch The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. Enjoy the watch.

Xian Wang De Richang Shenghuo 3 Ending Shikong Jintou Deng Ni

This isn't even the real 'the daily life of the immortal king'. What can i say? When you want to make 'Justice League' out of 'Courage the Cowardly dog' then you will get abomination like this. Dude i read the novel and it was nothing like this. Yes, you don't need to follow the original but you still can't change your root completely and this was just that.

*There is no romance in the novel, or should i say not so early. Even if there is romance, it will be brushed away in a comedic undertone. That's how it should be. Man, ... do they even know what slice of life means? They made 'star wars' in 'simpson'. * The original Wang Ling cares only about keeping his powers check and his noddles. And the story revolves how the adversary keeps poking mc, only to get squashed and that results in more pain in the neck for mc, all in a comedic undertone. And they made this 'romeo and juliet' somehow. *This story somewhat follows upto the six assassins part after that all made up. Even those parts are poorly done. They rushed through the main punchlines like the frog summon or frog test, the novel was hilarious there. Also the limited sword part, they changed the original to mama Wang buying a cheap one. The real one was way more funny, go check no spoilers. * Character? Like i said, Wang ling only likes his noddles and he doesn't care about nakama bullshit. And they made this shounen which is a disgrace. Lotus sun or the heroine is kind in rivalry with mc, but they made her a direct romance target from the start. *Lot more can be said about how they changed the theme altogether. Even if i ignore the novel, the work is not done well that much either. For example, what is 59 or 60 high school? How this happened? Assuming that's the plot, and 59 and 60 being rivals how did 59 get 60's data instantly as if they are the main organization overseeing the data. And what about sword spirit? Why did they introduce it when they weren't used that much at all. Only the class president's were used. I can nitpick more but that's the gist without mention the novel. Art is good like all Chinese animations. They had budget unlike most poor cheap ass Japanese productions. But the industry is shallow because of their inexperience and greed. Do you think people will jump into an unknown anime if they didn't hear about the novel first? Most of us wanted to experience the adaption of novel and I'm pretty disappointed Just read the novel and one downvote for thisDu bist fit in Grafikbearbeitung? Dann suchen wir genau Dich! Wir sind auf der Suche nach Helfern die sich mit Bildbearbeitung auskennen und unser Team verstärken. In folgendem Forenbeitrag findest Du mehr Informationen. Die Tätigkeit ist natürlich freiwillig und hat keinerlei Verpflichtungen – Du entscheidest, wie viel Zeit und Aufwand Du in investieren möchtest!


Eine kurze Inhaltsangabe zum Anime „Xian Wang De Richang Shenghuo Di Si Ji“ würde vielen Anime- und Manga-Fans weiterhelfen. Du kennst diesen Anime bereits? Dann unterstütze und füge eine kurze Beschreibung zum Inhalt des Anime „Xian Wang De Richang Shenghuo Di Si Ji“ über unsere Eintragsmaske hinzu. Damit hilfst Du der gesamten deutschsprachigen Anime und Manga-Community! Quelle: /anime/17973

Stream The Daily Life Of The Immortal King/xian Wang De Ri Chang Sheng Huo (full Song) By Wutdidyouexpect

Immer mehr Anime sind auf legalen Streamingportalen verfügbar. Wenn Dir eine solche Quelle zum Anime „Xian Wang De Richang Shenghuo Di Si Ji“ bekannt ist, dann kannst Du unterstützen, indem Du die Streams über unsere Eintragsmaske hinzufügst.

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