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One Piece Manga 952 Pirate King

One Piece Manga 952 Pirate King

In Udon, Chopper successfully cures Luffy and the infected prisoners. Tama tames Babanuki and he gives a false report to Queen, keeping him from returning to Udon. Hyogoro also got reacquainted with the four yakuza bosses.

Meanwhile, Zoro and Hiyori return to Oihagi Bridge. Zoro fights Gyukimaru again until Kawamatsu interrupts them. Hiyori then reunites with Kawamatsu, but some Beasts Pirates arrive and attack the group.


Two days after his first encounter with Gyukimaru, Zoro has returned to Oihagi Bridge and overwhelms the warrior monk in his quest to get Shusui back. After forcing Gyukimaru to the ground, Zoro asks why the thief steals the weapons of passersby and why he is so adamant about not giving Shusui off. Gyukimaru forces Zoro off of him and says that Shusui is the one blade he cannot let anyone take, as he believes its theft angered the Sword God and spelled the misfortune that caused Wano to become overrun by enemies. Kawamatsu then suddenly comes in and intercepts Zoro, calling the fight between him and Gyukimaru a farce. Hiyori immediately recognizes Kawamatsu and calls out to him, and Gyukimaru expresses shock at seeing him as well.

One Piece Manga

At Onigashima, Kaidou and Big Mom continue fighting unabated, having been doing so all night. Kaidou's subordinates get more and more afraid about the condition of the island, and wonder if they should flee. Queen berates them for their cowardice, but then asks if there have been any reports from Udon. Upon hearing that there is still no Tanishi signal, he decides to go and check on it, prompting questions from his subordinates about his hypocrisy. Suddenly, Queen receives a call on his Tanishi from Babanuki, who says that communications have been restored. Queen asks if he needs backup, and Babanuki says that there is no need, as Luffy, Kid, and all the prisoners have been put back in their cells. This disappoints Queen, as he wanted a reason to leave Onigashima. Back in the Prisoner Mines, Babanuki hangs up and is praised by Tama, who has tamed him with her power. Caribou looks forward to surprising the Beasts Pirates during the final battle. The freed prisoners thank Chopper for curing them of the Mummy virus and promise to repay him with their lives if necessary, although Chopper downplays his accomplishment and points them to the rejuvenated Luffy.

Hyogoro is then approached by the four regional yakuza bosses: Omasa, Tsunagoro, Cho, and Yatappe. The bosses are extremely happy to see him again and reverently promise to gather the remaining rebels from Wano's regions. Luffy laughs at their reverence and refers to Hyogoro casually, causing the yakuza bosses to angrily grab him with the intent to mutilate him. Hyogoro immediately tells them to stop, and the bosses head off, telling Luffy to be more careful in the future. Raizo then says that they can report all this to Kin'emon. At Port Itachi in Kuri, Kin'emon is ecstatic when Ashura Doji reveals the blueprints for Kaidou's fortress are in his possession. Kin'emon then receives a call from Raizo, who reveals to him that they have taken over Udon, freed both Luffy and Kawamatsu, and recruited 3, 500 soldiers for the battle. However, he does point out that they still have an issue regarding finding weapons for the soldiers, as they are very hard to obtain due to Orochi's prohibition on them. Kin'emon then prepares to go back to Amigasa Village, telling Raizo to gather as much information as possible while he officially sets up a base of operations.

Back on Oihagi Bridge, Hiyori tearfully embraces Kawamatsu, being overjoyed to get the chance to see him again. She confesses that she ran away from him 13 years ago because he always gave the food to her, and she had hoped this would help him survive. Kawamatsu understands her reason, praising it as thoughtful. Suddenly, Gyukimaru notices a group of Beasts Pirates riding toward Oihagi Bridge, but one of them manages to shoot him before he can do anything. The pirates have come to reclaim all the weapons Gyukimaru stole from them, and they decide to kill Zoro's group as well. Zoro and Kawamatsu then draw their swords and take out the pirates in one fell swoop, and Zoro sees Gyukimaru running away again. As he runs, Gyukimaru says that he is so glad to see Kawamatsu alive and well.

One Piece (season 20)

Luffy-senpai Support Project! Barto's Secret Room! • Zoro and Sanji-senpai Admiring Project! Barto's Secret Room 2! • A Comprehensive Anatomy! The Legend of Kozuki Oden! • A Comprehensive Anatomy! Fierce Fight! The Five from the New Generation! • Great Fierce Battle Special! The Straw Hats vs. the Tobi Roppo • Great Fierce Battle Special! Zoro vs. an All-Star!One Piece Chapter 951 has already been released, and I’m convinced that it didn’t disappoint you. The chapter is very amazing and showed us a lot of interesting information. One Piece Manga is going really strong and it is picking up momentum with every passing chapter.

In the previous chapter, we learned that Law submitted himself in order to free his crewmates, and Law told his crewmates not to tell this to Straw Hats. I don’t know what his purpose is, but I believe he has a big plan. Maybe One Piece Chapter 952 will give us some suggestions about this plan.


Another interesting thing that we cannot fail to mention is the clash between Big Mom and Kaido. The clash was so powerful that even the sky split apart due to their Haki. I bet fans are looking forward to seeing how this fight take place, but I don’t think it will continue.

One Piece Episode 952

As we all know, Wano Country arc will focus on the battle between Straw Hats pirates and Beast pirates. If the fight between Big Mom and Kaido takes place now, it will lose a lot of time. Also, it’s too early to release the battle of the two emperors, so I believe Oda will not do that.

On the other hand, we didn’t see our Captain – Monkey D. Luffy appear in the previous chapter. Thus, One Piece Chapter 952 may bring us back to see what’s going on in the Udon Prison. However, that’s just my speculation, we would know what will happen when One Piece Chapter 952 is released.


One Piece Chapter 952 will not be released by next week. This is not because Oda is going to take a break but because Weekly Shonen Jump published double issue this week. So, there will be no issue on 12th August. That means we will get the new chapter of One Piece manga when Jump returns to its normal schedule two weeks from now. One Piece Chapter 952 release date is 19 August 2019. The unofficial scans of this chapter will be released on 16 August 2019.Kaido of the Beasts and also known as the Strongest Creature in the World, is the general of the Beast Pirates and the current ruler of the Wano Country. Kaido is feared by the most but still there are pirates like Monkey D. Luffy who are brave enough to challenge him and this shows that there still is a hope to defeat him. Warning!!! Spoiler Alert!!!

Luffy, Anime, Monkey D Luffy, One Piece, Pirate King, Strawhats, Wano Arc, Hd Wallpaper

A solid group and strong partnership could make the Yonko falter, and it appears Monkey D. Luffy has set up such a trap.

Chapter 952 was released on August 19th, furthermore, it was there fans adapted about his trap. The latest chapter monitors the Udon Prison Camp after the group figures out how to throw the Beasts Pirates off their aroma. Luffy figures out how to rally the jail to battle against their captors which liberates the majority of the prisoners. A fake call to Queen leaves Kaido accepting the prisoners are back in their cells yet that isn’t the situation.


“Now they think thousands of us prisoners are all locked up, safe and sound!! Wait’ll they get a lot of us when we show up on the day of the big battle, ”

Spoiler) One Piece Chapter 924: The Almost Pirate King

Later in chapter One Piece ventures to such an extreme as to affirm what number of partners Luffy added to the Wano Rebellion. Kin’emon is seen calling into the group, and he is soothed to hear his confidants are fine. In any case, he starts freezing in the wake of learning Luffy has carried an amazing 3, 500 men to the case. Obviously, the news is welcome to the radicals the same number of their non-military personnel supporters were imprisoned by Orochi, and it is just a short time before they are liberated as well.

One Piece is a Japanese manga arrangement composed and represented by Eiichiro Oda. It has been serialized in Shueisha‘s Weekly Shōnen Jump magazine since July 22, 1997, and has been gathered into 92 tankōbon volumes. The story pursues the undertakings of Monkey D. Luffy, a kid whose body picked up the properties of elastic after unexpectedly eating a Devil Fruit. With his group of privateers, named the Straw Hat Pirates,  Luffy investigates the Grand Line looking for the world’s definitive fortune known as “One Piece” so as to turn into the following Pirate King.


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Luffy Pirate King, Red, Anime, Onepiece, Pirateking, Strawhat Hd Phone Wallpaper

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