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Manga Android 21

Manga Android 21

Android 21 (人造人間21号 , Jinzōningen Nijūichi-Gō ) is an Android whose template was Vomi. She appears as the main antagonist of Dragon Ball FighterZ when in her evil persona. Her intellect rivals that of Dr. Gero,

Android 21 is described as a tall, curvaceous scientist with glasses and long bushy auburn hair. She has a gold ring on her left middle finger, and black nails. She wears a pair of hoop earrings, a sleeveless, short blue and red checker pattern high-neck minidress with opaque black tights, matching black detached arm sleeves, and blue (left foot) and red (right foot) ankle heel boots with gold tips. She also usually wears a white lab coat with her outfit. Her eyes are similar to that of Dr. Gero's Androids, such as Android 18.


In her true form, Android 21 keeps her curvy body, her skin turns pink, her hair becomes white with a pink tint,  her ears become pointed, her eyes changing depending on if her evil half takes over, and she gains a tail. Her attire changes to a black tube top, keeping the black arm sleeves with gold bracelets at the ends, her boots become black, and also gaining white baggy pants. It's noted that she most resembles a Majin in this form. Her eyes slightly vary depending on which moral alignment she represents. In her good representation, she retains the eyes from her human form. In her evil representation, her eyes instead are more similar overall to that of a Majin.

Jack O Valentine Over Android 21 (lab) [dragon Ball Fighterz] [mods]

Her appearance in her true form is the result of her having all of the traits of the Z Fighters, Frieza, Cell and Majin Buu rolled into one.

Android 21 reveals in a private talk with the player that while she may have the appearance of an adult, she is actually less than ten years old, and regrets not having an adolescence, finding it awkward when small children call her ma'am.

Due to her biology, Android 21 has a natural, compulsive instinct to feed (which grew out of control due to cells in her body going berserk). Like Majin Buu, she prefers sweets and confectioneries, her favorite being macarons. However, she has no control over her hunger and constantly fights to keep herself from turning others into treats and devouring them.

Dbfz Ssj Goku And Android 21 (good). Dragon Ball Super Manga Hd Wallpaper

Her hunger is so great and painful that it has led to Android 21's psyche being damaged and manifesting a split personality. The longer she goes without feeding, the more the evil side of her gains control. When her true persona is in control she acts like a kind and motherly woman who was concerned about Android 18 and agreed to help her. When her evil persona is in control, however, she becomes a sadistic and power-hungry sociopath, wanting to devour all the powerful fighters, drawing to the point of near insanity. Her gluttonous lust for devouring powerful fighters is similar to the traits of the Majins, inherited when Buu's cells were added to her. Her good side is friendly towards Good Buu presumably due to their shared biology and love of sweets.

Her personalities were later transferred to her two halves after her good self-managed to use fission as a result of the emotional turmoil caused by the death of her adoptive son, Android 16, who was killed by her evil side as a result of her losing control.


Though Android 21's good side is aware of the fact that her human template was the mother of Android 16's template, which causes her to develop mother-like affection for him, she admits she has little to no memory of her former life as a human, though she enjoys thinking about what her template's name and life might have been like. She is also apparently unaware that Dr. Gero was the father of Android 16's template or of his relationship with her human template. During one of her conversations with the player, she notes that her creator, while not a good person, was a brilliant scientist and admits she would like to know the reason she was created though admits that he might not answer her questions or that if he did that she might not want to know the truth. Interestingly, she never mentions Dr. Gero's name directly, though it is obvious he is the one she is referring to. Presumably, her knowledge of him either comes from what little memories she possesses and what she has been able to learn through research of herself and Android 16.

Android 21 Is Back In Dragon Ball Fighterz, But This Time With A Lab Coat

In contrast, her evil side cares nothing for Android 16 and believes that Androids have no use for things like family and loved ones as she orders Android 18 to attack her husband Krillin. Additionally, she only values Dr. Gero for his labs and research. Though she is focused primarily on feeding, the evil side of Android 21's personality does not dismiss the concept of seeking galactic conquest, although that goal remains secondary to satisfying her hunger. Unlike her good side, the evil 21 cares only about herself and possesses a selfish and bratty personality. Like Cell, her power causes her to view other beings as beneath her; additionally, though, she dismisses all other beings as little more than food to make her stronger. She is responsible for creating evil clones of the Z Fighters as well as Nappa, the Ginyu Force, Frieza, Cell (all of whom she resurrected with the Namekian Dragon Balls), and Kid Buu; these clones exist only as a source of food to sustain her and her hunger, despite finding their taste to be unsatisfactory. She only allows the Z Fighters, resurrected villains, and Androids to survive and grow stronger in order to further her goal of consuming them. However, she was angered when Z Fighters and the villains led by Frieza and Cell started hunting the clones to deny 21 of her food supply, causing her to seek them out in a blind rage driven by her hunger.

After separating from her good half, the evil 21 mocked her good half's refusal to feed on others to increase her power and was certain that she was a hypocrite who would eventually give into her hunger and feed on her allies. However, the good 21 was able to link with the human soul that had been linked to Android 18 which allowed her to maintain control over herself and oppose her evil half without succumbing to her hunger. Still, the good 21 feared she would one day lose control, and thus decided to sacrifice herself to stop her evil half as well as prevent herself from losing control and hurting her newfound friends. Whis and Beerus noted that the good 21 would have succumbed to the hunger in time, so her sacrifice was ultimately for the greater good. However, while it is unclear if the good 21 could have overcome her hunger permanently, she may not have wanted to take the risk of losing control of herself. The self-sacrificing aspect of the good 21's personality fittingly resembles that of her adoptive son, Android 16.


In one instance she claims she was initially a Human-type Earthling, converted by Doctor Gero into an Android. As a human, she had a son with Dr. Gero who became the model for the design of Android 16.

Anime, Manga, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Android 21, Majin Android 21, Anime Girls, Hd Phone Wallpaper

In another instance 21 notes that she is a new type of Bio-Android - superior to Cell - built in the image of a human female with the IQ of an adult, though she is not even ten years old - making her feel as though she missed out on her adolescence.

Over time, the cells of numerous powerful warriors and intelligent researchers were added to her, with even the likes of Buu's cells being added to her. She states she has no memory of her apparent life as a human and often found it fun to imagine what her original name was and what her life was like. She did not know why Gero created her as a unique new type of Android different from the mecha-types (like 16) and the modified humans (like 17 and 18). Her good side did not know much about her creator (only referring to him as the scientist) though she knew he was an evil person with great intelligence, though discussing him for some reason made her feel like crying; on the other hand, her evil side knew about Gero to an extent yet cared little for him or the Android built in her son's image, though this is likely due to her views that Androids have no need for loved ones and family.


At some point, 21 recalled the memory of her - or her template - having a son. When she realized that she wanted so badly to see him and have him by her side, she repaired Android 16 (the android whose design was modeled after her son) later on and explained that she wanted to treat him like family. Android 21 is apparently unaware that Dr. Gero was the father of her apparent human self's son and thus

Android 21 Drawing By Me

In contrast, her evil side cares nothing for Android 16 and believes that Androids have no use for things like family and loved ones as she orders Android 18 to attack her husband Krillin. Additionally, she only values Dr. Gero for his labs and research. Though she is focused primarily on feeding, the evil side of Android 21's personality does not dismiss the concept of seeking galactic conquest, although that goal remains secondary to satisfying her hunger. Unlike her good side, the evil 21 cares only about herself and possesses a selfish and bratty personality. Like Cell, her power causes her to view other beings as beneath her; additionally, though, she dismisses all other beings as little more than food to make her stronger. She is responsible for creating evil clones of the Z Fighters as well as Nappa, the Ginyu Force, Frieza, Cell (all of whom she resurrected with the Namekian Dragon Balls), and Kid Buu; these clones exist only as a source of food to sustain her and her hunger, despite finding their taste to be unsatisfactory. She only allows the Z Fighters, resurrected villains, and Androids to survive and grow stronger in order to further her goal of consuming them. However, she was angered when Z Fighters and the villains led by Frieza and Cell started hunting the clones to deny 21 of her food supply, causing her to seek them out in a blind rage driven by her hunger.

After separating from her good half, the evil 21 mocked her good half's refusal to feed on others to increase her power and was certain that she was a hypocrite who would eventually give into her hunger and feed on her allies. However, the good 21 was able to link with the human soul that had been linked to Android 18 which allowed her to maintain control over herself and oppose her evil half without succumbing to her hunger. Still, the good 21 feared she would one day lose control, and thus decided to sacrifice herself to stop her evil half as well as prevent herself from losing control and hurting her newfound friends. Whis and Beerus noted that the good 21 would have succumbed to the hunger in time, so her sacrifice was ultimately for the greater good. However, while it is unclear if the good 21 could have overcome her hunger permanently, she may not have wanted to take the risk of losing control of herself. The self-sacrificing aspect of the good 21's personality fittingly resembles that of her adoptive son, Android 16.


In one instance she claims she was initially a Human-type Earthling, converted by Doctor Gero into an Android. As a human, she had a son with Dr. Gero who became the model for the design of Android 16.

Anime, Manga, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Android 21, Majin Android 21, Anime Girls, Hd Phone Wallpaper

In another instance 21 notes that she is a new type of Bio-Android - superior to Cell - built in the image of a human female with the IQ of an adult, though she is not even ten years old - making her feel as though she missed out on her adolescence.

Over time, the cells of numerous powerful warriors and intelligent researchers were added to her, with even the likes of Buu's cells being added to her. She states she has no memory of her apparent life as a human and often found it fun to imagine what her original name was and what her life was like. She did not know why Gero created her as a unique new type of Android different from the mecha-types (like 16) and the modified humans (like 17 and 18). Her good side did not know much about her creator (only referring to him as the scientist) though she knew he was an evil person with great intelligence, though discussing him for some reason made her feel like crying; on the other hand, her evil side knew about Gero to an extent yet cared little for him or the Android built in her son's image, though this is likely due to her views that Androids have no need for loved ones and family.


At some point, 21 recalled the memory of her - or her template - having a son. When she realized that she wanted so badly to see him and have him by her side, she repaired Android 16 (the android whose design was modeled after her son) later on and explained that she wanted to treat him like family. Android 21 is apparently unaware that Dr. Gero was the father of her apparent human self's son and thus

Android 21 Drawing By Me

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