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Detective Conan Manga Lista

Detective Conan Manga Lista

I have compiled a list of canon episodes that are actually significant as well as listed the reasons someone may believe them to be essential (so

Should have to watch them or not). This is for the sake of those who might want to get into or try to convince a friend to get into Detective Conan for the story but find the insanely high episode count and 2-decade long history daunting. As hinted there, this is not a list of “must watch” episodes, but rather a list of episodes you may not want to miss depending on what aspects of the series you are trying to follow. The episodes labeled *Main Plot* are closer to that, but still not quite the same thing, because at least the occasional dose of character development here and there is “must watch” in its own way. There are tons of great “normal” cases that are self-contained throughout the series that naturally are left out, which are really the original point of the series, but if you just want to get around all of that and watch the series for just the overall story and characters, this might prove useful for that. Of course, there are still a ton of episodes, but cutting a good two-thirds of the series out should ease the pain of entry a bit.


Note this uses the original Japanese episode numbers. The Funimation English dub version (aka “Case Closed” although the more recent official subs have adopted that name as well) stopped before it ever got to anything really huge in the story anyway, so watching that would kinda defeat the purpose. Update: I went ahead and added the alternative episode numbers as well where applicable in brackets (as [INTL #]). It turns out nowadays many international licensors have adopted the same method of numbering the series that Funimation used to. That might be useful to visitors from affected regions. Plus if someone really just wants to watch the English dub that bad, this will help them, too. I still would recommend against using this list with the English dubbed version, especially considering that version was

Liste Der Abgeschlossenen Fälle Png

Ages ago. Further update: And now more recently Funimation has let the license for those early dub episodes lapse, so you can’t really watch them anywhere anyway.

The corresponding manga chapters are listed in parentheses next to the episode numbers if you are interested. The first set is the overall chapter numbers and the second is the chapters as contained within each volume, separated by a bar (|). If a manga chapter reference is followed by an asterisk (*), then there has been some story-critical change between the manga and the anime adaptation.

The movies are entirely optional, seeing as they are generally not canon and have nothing to do with any sort of plot from the series proper (update: this is becoming less true recently), but still recommended based solely on outstanding quality (most of the time). Note their placement in the list is based on minimizing spoilers for the main series. Thus they are based primarily on their release dates relative to where the original manga was at the time. This consideration is because the movies tend to have spoiler references to things from the anime that came before the release of each particular film, and sometimes

Japan: Manga Kapitel

, since the movies are often clearly being targetted at fans of the original manga more than anime-only fans. So watching a movie too early can be dangerous if you don’t like spoilers.

Since the series started, and especially in the last few years, Aoyama has gotten infinitely better at weaving the story into the individual, unrelated manga cases. These days just about every canon case contains at least a bit of plot advancement, so plot advancement has become a lot more gradual and stretched out rather than happening in chunks scattered here and there. As a result, the more recent episodes pretty much all have some level of importance, except for anime original filler episodes, of course. Although, and I’ve stated as much before in the comments, as this list is about easing the barrier of entry, it is more the early episodes that really matter for trimming the fat. As you get closer and closer to completely caught up, it doesn’t really matter all that much anymore anyway. In short, this list starts to lose meaning the further you get in the series and the closer to caught up to the present you are.

Parts that gave them context animated as well, those crossovers have never really had their full and proper effect for anime-only fans. However, now that

Case Closed: The Scarlet Bullet (2021)

Has finally received an adequate anime adaptation, I have taken the liberty of working the timings of these all-important crossovers into where they fit in with their Detective Conan episode counterparts, making the crossovers whole once more. The Internet can thank me later. The only issue is that the


Episodes are entirely out of order. But, the order really does not matter for that series as it does with Conan, as the series is entirely episodic beyond pretty much the first episode. So, you can ignore that and watch that series in any order you wish.

An episode being on this list does not necessarily mean that I am insisting that you watch it. It is calling the case out as one that someone might not want to miss for some reason or reasons, with those listed. If the reason given does not look like it matters to you, feel free to ignore that episode.

Detective Conan: 1000 Capítulos, 1000 Historias

The *Main Plot* label is only there to point out episodes that you definitely should not skip, since listing the spoiler-lite reasons alone may not be enough. Watching only those episodes is missing out on most of the character development, which is what mainly causes you to care about what happens in those episodes in the first place. While I am not necessarily recommending that you watch every case listed, I am suggesting that you find a balance somewhere in the middle that works for you.

That is not necessarily something you need to watch unless you’re a big fan of Kaitō Kid. They are just there to fill in some extra information about his character if you want it, as well as to point out when episodes of that series and events of Detective Conan overlap.


It doesn’t matter. I would personally recommend it if only because most of the movies are particularly entertaining if you’re a Detective Conan fan, but it’s ultimately up to you. The films don’t impact the story of the main series.

Detective Conan: La Bala Escarlata Estará Otra Semana En Cines

The placement of a movie is decided primarily by where the manga was when it released. In other words, if it was released just after a specific case in the manga, then it will be placed after the anime episodes that adapted that same case. The movies tend to spoil things from the main series, sometimes even stuff from the manga that the anime hasn’t covered yet. Sometimes only small details, but they exist nonetheless. Therefore, the placement is to avoid spoilers. If you’re going to watch the movies, you don’t necessarily have to watch them right when they appear. You can wait until you’ve caught up and binge them all at once if you want to. The point is to let you know in general that you shouldn’t watch a movie before it comes up.

If it’s from the last few years, it’s almost certainly anime original, and therefore non-canon. Otherwise, ask, along with why you want it included. Your comment could get it added. Feedback from people like you is what has gotten this list to the point it is at today.

Go right ahead. I won’t stop you. I encourage it. Not only are there tons of exceptional cases that aren’t included on this list (since they don’t advance any aspect of the metanarratives in any significant way), regular mysteries are the whole point of this series in the first place.


Manga Listed By Case

Upcoming episodes are generally revealed around a month in advance in blocks in Japan. As someone who reads the manga, as long as they aren’t anime originals, I already know what’s going to happen before the episodes air. I usually have which cases to include and why planned out months in advance, only waiting for the episode numbers to be announced.Dieser Artikel enthält in einigen Abschnitten Informationen, die bisher noch nicht in Deutschland bekannt sind. Überlege dir bitte gut, ob du dir diesen Artikel ansehen oder die Seite hier verlassen möchtest.

Dieser Artikel behandelt die Manga-Bände von Detektiv Conan. Für die Manga-Bände anderer Reihen, siehe Short Stories, Liste der Manga-Bände (Kaito Kid), Liste der Manga-Bände (Yaiba), Liste der Manga-Bände (Zero’s Tea Time), Liste der Manga-Bände (Hannin no Hanzawa-san) & Wild Police Story.

Die Liste der Manga-Bände enthält alle Bände und Kapitel der Manga-Serie Detektiv Conan. Bisher wurden in Japan 1115 von Gosho Aoyama gezeichnete Kapitel in der Shōnen Sunday veröffentlicht, die in aktuell 103 Sammelbänden veröffentlicht wurden. Von diesen veröffentlichte Egmont Manga bisher 102 Bände in Deutschland,

Manga Detective Conan 277 Online

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