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Best Baseball Manga Reddit

Best Baseball Manga Reddit

Best baseball manga hey there i love baseball and i love manga so i was wondering what everyone s favorite baseball manga was thanks in advance 0 15 comments best add a comment itstoybox 4 yr ago mitsuru adachi does some of my favorites though the actual baseball can take a backseat to romcom elements sometimes still plenty though

Change my mind the best baseball manga currently running is bungo currently at volume 28 and 270 chapters the story revolves around ishihama bungo and his story where he started as a beginner baseball pitcher becoming a top middle school recruit even though he just pitches because he loves the sport off the top of my head that one ace of


Everything and anything manga manhwa manhua is okay too discuss weekly chapters find recommend a new series to read post a picture of your collection lurk etc

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Baseball manga recommendations request i ve watched read cross game one outs daiya big windup and rookies im looking for something about a non pitcher i m tired of pitcher main characters still with a pitcher but bungo is amazing major is a staple in the baseball manga world but the protag is a pitcher so i guess it wouldn 39 t work

5 posted by u pridedkinslayer 9 years ago looking for a baseball manga hi i 39 m hoping you guys can help me i 39 m going nuts trying to find a manga about a pitcher on a baseball team it kinda has a prince of tennis feel to it i know its not a lot to go on but i 39 m going crazy her thanks in advance 10 comments 99 upvoted

H2 is also my favorite manga from adachi mitsuru the scene you mentioned really is one of the most emotional moments in the manga for me its the only manga which i have read twice there 39 s something soothing and magical about his works cross game ace of diamond and big windup are some other baseball manga i would suggest

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Diamond no ace one outs major mix touch cross game h2 all from same author and some characters crossover in mentions

I ll say this pal don t look at bungo and compare it to ace of the diamonds because they have their clear differences but imo bungo is something i enjoy reading more than any other baseball manga because i like the story of it and how it s from bungos beginning rather than starting in the middle of someone s journey and shows his highs and lows

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Rewatching season 1 of big wind up and then plan on reading the manga along side it mrpac23man 5 mo ago one outs ookiku furikabutte bungo rookies major nine dragons ball parade cross game h2 gurazeni other sports shoujo fight king of the octagon blue lock be blues


Major was more emotional and story driven while diamond no ace focuses more on the team and includes other aspects than just pitching major for story and diamond no ace for baseball as a whole i 39 m inclined to agree but i guess where i get nitpicky then is when people say that major is a better sport anime or baseball anime when what

Musubikazesaru major which has 6 seasons a movie and two epilogue ovas one has two eps is my favorite it follows the mc 39 s career from little league and goes far further than the usual high school one outs is another contender but it isn 39 t a complete adaption and the last bit of it feels a bit slow due to the pacing

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22 bakuhatsuda 7 yr ago it 39 s so fucking good that sometimes i forget that it 39 s even a sports manga i 39 ve bought about 9 of the volumes so far and rereading through it has been an amazing experience 1 mahung 7 yr ago slam dunk and eye shield 21 7 deleted 7 yr ago

We can say that in each season we see goro major 39 s mc in his new team and new characters with returning characters from previous seasons in it the baseball is very important but there is also family matters a bit of love story a lot of drama professional baseball players and what is related to them world cup major league differences between pro baseball in japan and in the us


I 39 ve seen that there is a good number of baseball anime so i 39 m wondering which one is the best one major diamond no ace one outs touch cross

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Adachi s most famous work is touch which started in 1981 and is still one of the highest selling manga in history and the anime adaptation was a huge hit as well it is without a doubt a cultural touchstone of japan in the 80s and an easy example is the first opening theme touch by yoshimi iwasaki which is still a popular cheer song

1 posted by u gavalant 2 years ago what is the best baseball anime what to watch we 39 ve seen several very good sports animes and wanted to try one with a baseball theme there does not seem to be a consensus best baseball series so i 39 m looking for opinions 7 comments 60 upvoted log in or sign up to leave a comment log in sign up sort by best

The 30 best baseball manga you should be reading vote on everything collection 86 lists manga mania the best manga titles in every genre including vampire ecchi sports and more sports manga isekai manga underrated shonen manga basketball manga adventure manga cooking manga revenge manga assassin manga medical manga about doctors hospitals


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Let us gather our equipment and watch from the stands to see how it all turns out 10 aozora yell tsubasa really loves playing the trumpet and one day she comes across an exceptionally talented trumpet player performing at the summer baseball championships

Major and one outs are typically regarded as the go to baseball anime cross game has a romantic plot to it and less baseball but still great as a bonus taishou yakyuu musume a pretty unique take about school girls forming a baseball team in the 1920 39 s more of a relaxed show but still focused on baseball

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You can check out the full catalog of anime on hulu for more details about what the service can offer hulu has 2 different plans to choose from no ads for 14 99 a month or with ads for 7 99 a


A new baseball drama manga series titled shikyuuji koukou kyuuji ni asu wa nai by oonuma ryuuki tsurushima will start in upcoming weekly young magazine issue 30 2023 out june 26 comments sorted by best top new controversial q a add a comment

R roboragi the subreddit for u roboragi a bot which links anime and manga when requested

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