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Yasu Nana Manga

Yasu Nana Manga

What do you think about miu and yasu's relationship? I always thought it came out of nowhere but also i haven't reread the manga in a while and I noticed everytime I reread it rewatch the anime I always understand the series better so idk thoughts?

I really like their relationship! I think it’s nice, that two “supportive”/”caretaker” characters ended up together, since they can share the responsibility of looking out for their younger friends. They kind of remind me of Kyosuke and Junko, in that respect.


I didn’t think their relationship came out of no where - but I can see why you might because, for one, Miu’s relationship with Nobu was being built and seemed to be set up for them. Tbh, it’s something that still bothers me, that the moment Nobu went for Asami instead, he and Miu stopped interacting. but, Anyway!!

Ready To Ship Yasu Nana Anime Glass Painting

Another, is simply that their relationship is very Adult. And by that I don’t mean sex or anything, but that it their attraction wasn’t shown through blushing and rapid heart beats, the way characters in love usually act in manga. They just started out talking and teasing. I think this is their first interaction shown in the manga, but presumably they’ve talked before since Blast had been living in the apartments for a while by then:

Just simple teasing and having fun! Though, Miu already seems to be interested at this point, so you might be right in that their we never saw them talk the first few times they talked. Tbh I dunno if Yazawa planned that Yasu and Miu would end up dating from the beginning, or if she realized that their personalities were much more suited and of coursethey’d be attracted to each other and have a lot in common just from a few conversations, or if Miu and Yasu did that all on their own.

After that though, they talk and find more and more in common (not liking crowds and the same taste in booze). While Yasu might have decided him being in a relationship was something he had to do because of feelings for Nana, he’s definitely genuine in his attraction, as well as in his concern for her well being. But unlike most of the characters that Yasu tries to look out for, Miu’s problems are helped just by his companionship and sincere kind words. Otherwise she can look out for herself. So she’s not just another person he has to feel Responsible for, like he does with Nana, Nobu, Ren, and Shin and she even takes to looking out for Hachi and Miu/Misato for him. They lighten each other’s burdens.Yasushi Takagi (高木 泰士 (たかぎ やすし) , Takagi Yasushi ), commonly known by his nickname Yasu (ヤス), was the drummer of the punk band, Black Stones. He handled most of the band's business related matters. Yasu previously studied to become a paralegal, but gave it up to move to Tokyo. He was a long-time friend of Ren Honjo, with whom he was in in two bands, Brute and Blast.

Nana Manga Cerâmica Canecas De Café Caneca De Chá De Leite Nana Hachi Manga Pedras Pretas Explosão Punk Trapnest Ren Yasu Shin Nobu Música|can.|

When he was little, both of Yasu's parents were killed in a car accident, and was therefore put into the same orphanage as Ren. Though he was adopted by the Tagagi couple while still in grade school (at age of 9), they still remained close as brothers. Later he became the drummer for Ren's band Brute. He is older then others, only one of them who has higher education and their band's leader, so Nobu sometimes teases him by calling him old man. In high school he dated Reira, but he was jealous of Reira's feelings for Takumi, which he later relates as the reasons for their break up. Ever since he met , Yasu has been an older brother figure for O. and sometimes Nobu, and acted as 's guardian when she arrived in Tokyo. While he admits to being in love with her, he baits Ren to rekindle their love for each other. Ren says that Yasu always stood back and let [Ren] have what ever he wanted to Reira in chapter 53. realizes that Yasu will always consider Ren's feelings first, and the reason Yasu will never pursue his feelings for is not that he is a prude or loves her like a sister but because she is Ren's girlfriend. He looks after her in place of Ren, who can not.

He is in a budding romance with Miu to the surprise of Ren and others, who thought he would date Reira again. When sees him with Miu having breakfast she immediately assumes they had sex and is obviously hurt by this thought, avoiding Yasu and even comically screaming that she does not care who he sleeps with. After, Yasu asks her if she is alright (Referring to the hangover she was complaining of when she entered his room).

Yasu formerly had a full head of hair, but shaved it off one day and continued to do so. As such, many people jokingly called him Baldy. Yasu was almost always seen wearing shades. Yasu's sharp eyes and thin eyebrows gave him a somewhat menacing appearance. He often wore suits, or other formal, business-like clothes. Yasu had five piercings in his left ear, one in his nose, and four in his right ear. Sometimes, he was seen with one on his eyebrow. Additionally, Yasu was also often seen wearing a scorpion ring.

Nana Chapter 46: Get 'em Yasu 😤

At heart, Yasu was a trustworthy and caring person. He is shown to be a reliable and dependable friend, coming to the rescue of anyone who needs it. He mostly offers a shoulder to cry on, but he can also dish out the occasional piece of advice. Among his friends, he is probably the most selfless, mature, and thoughtful. He is usually quite serious and speaks in a monotone voice.


Although he is the mature and quiet type, Yasu can also be coquettish at times, once slyly commenting that he would have liked to see Hachi in the short miniskirt that she wore for work. Immediately after, he was called an old perv by Nobu and Shin.

Beyond anything, Yasu wants the best for his loved ones. He is hardworking and sticks to his goals. He rarely changes his mind once it's been made up, and he can be very stubborn in that aspect. However, he would do absolutely anything for his friends, especially , a fact that is proven once he gives up his career goals as a lawyer to be a full-time member of Blast.Um die Sicherheit der Nutzerdaten zu gewährleisten, werden ältere Versionen deines Webbrowsers von nicht mehr unterstützt. Bitte aktualisiere auf die neueste Version.

Ai Yazawa Exhibition Nana Calendar 2023 Japan Anime Manga Nana Nobu Shin Yasu

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This piece is made to match with my other separate paintings of Nana and Hachi, ren, nobuo and shinichi (on my shop) to make a beautiful set! All paintings are 8x10, greyscale, and have glitter in their design. ♡


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Poster A2 Nana Osaki Nobu Yasu Shin Shojo Manga

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Nana: The American Cut

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