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Yandere Manga Recommendations

Yandere Manga Recommendations

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Girl, Yandere And Manga Anime #1445523 On

Here, we see naive heroines stalking, brandishing weapons to deter their competition, or even killing anyone who gets in the way of their love. It’s different from a 

, where the character exhibits a rough, cold exterior only to show a warm, caring side whenever he or she gets the chance.

If this kind of plot intrigues you, or you want something fun to read to learn more Japanese, this list of the best

Best Yandere Manga Recommendations For Otakus

Imagine a world (or at least, the country of Japan) where an uber-conservative government suppresses sexual language. By law, everyone must wear a monitoring device to keep citizens under round the clock surveillance against “perverted” thoughts and language.

The main character, Tanukichi Okuma, was the son of a “terrorist” — outspoken, sexually-woke individuals prosecuted by the authorities. Even with his family background, he aims to live a normal, peaceful, law-abiding life as he starts high school. But that plan went down the drain when he meets Ayame Kajou, the student council vice president who’s also secretly the icon of modern terrorists, masked heroine Blue Snow.

But the real source of Yandere energy for this manga is Anna Nishikinomia, the president of the student council. She’s also the daughter of one of the conservative politicians pushing to suppress sexual thoughts and language.

Yandere Manga By Artandykawaii On Deviantart

Imagine the level of sexual repression she’s suffered not just in school but also at home. When she accidentally kissed the main character, it woke all kinds of emotion from her, often mistaking her deep lust for love. She became a full yandere, chasing, stalking, and even assaulting the protagonist in the name of love. During these outbursts, she exhibits superhuman strength and speed, a common trait of yandere characters.

You can find the Japanese version of volume 1 on Amazon. Unfortunately, they don’t have the English version, but if you can read Japanese, you can check it out here: Shimoneta Japanese Version 1 (BLADE COMICS)

Even in the early 2000s, mobile phones have already been quite useful. These bulky bricks helped people communicate on the fly, and the variety of features they pack also made them a must-have gadget for everyday activities. In this manga, though, we see another way to use these phones.


Anime & Manga / Yandere

The protagonist, Yukiteru Amano, is your typical middle schooler: gloomy, stubborn, likes to keep to himself. And apparently, he loves to keep a diary on his phone. One fateful day, he was invited to participate in a ruthless survival game by Deus Ex Machina, an “imaginary friend.” If only he took his friend’s name as a clue, it would’ve saved him a lot of trouble! His mobile phone diary became the “Future Diary” that can tell him the future as a means to fight.

We’re also introduced to his only “comrade” in this death game, Yuno Gasai. Yuno is easily one of the most memorable Yandere heroines in manga. She’s ultra-protective of Yuki, making sure that those who dare to touch her Yuki will be dealt with horribly. You might think it’s convenient, especially with the survival game they’re in, but having a Yandere superfan is one of those things you really can’t be thankful for.

Yandere is an extreme kind of love, and those who exhibit such character is irreparably messed up. Take the main character of this manga, for example. Satou Matsuzaka is pretty and charming and has lots of male admirers. But this cheerful and innocent girl awakens her perverted feelings, not to a boy her age but to someone else you wouldn’t expect.

Wuihhh… Mengerikan! 8 Rekomendasi Manga Heroine Yandere

Not towards a boy, and shockingly not someone her age. Satou found the love of her life with Shio Kobe, an eight-year-old girl. And like every yandere, anyone who gets in her way, or anyone who tries anything towards her love will definitely taste her wrath.

From the art, character design, and just overall first impression, you wouldn’t think there’s anything wrong with this manga. A girl-to-girl attraction isn’t something that would raise red flags, and there’s a whole genre dedicated to it, even. But when you see Satou going full yandere because of Shio, you’ll know for sure why this belongs in this “best of” list. You may want to binge actual cutesy, happy titles after this so that you can cleanse your palate and eyes from the main character’s outbursts.


The problem with most mainstream harem manga titles is that they withhold most of the juicy parts from the readers. These titles tease readers with the progress of relationships, often stopping short of the characters fulfilling their actual sexual desires. Fortunately, this doesn’t happen with the manga, Uwa-Koi. Instead, it has an abundance of these encounters. Who could say no to that?

Yandere Girl Karashi

To start, our lucky protagonist Yukiteru Tamaki is dating, Yuno Kirishima the childhood friend you’d seldom root for in an actual harem story. But since this is title is in the “best yandere” list, the devil’s really in the details. Yukiteru is constantly sleeping with one of their close friends, Reno Saotome.

With his conscience bugging him, Yukiteru wanted to tell Yuno what’s been going on. Since this is a harem title, having two beautiful ladies at your beck and call isn’t enough. So, unsurprisingly, another friend, Kaori Yumeno, found out about his complicated relationship “arrangement.” And to keep her quiet, of course, she wants a piece of the action as well. Good stuff.

Kidding aside, Yuno is the cray-cray one in this story. And it’s quite unfortunate for Yukiteru to be holding back when it comes to her while going full throttle with the other girls. How’d she take that, you ask? Well, she “forced” herself on him, short of saying she had her way with our frisky protagonist. And that’s just one of her yandere antics you’ll find when you get immersed in the story.

Top 10 Best Yandere Manga You Must Read

After a botched suicide attempt, Etsurou Kurosu found new meaning in life when he tore a hole in the wall to his neighbor’s apartment unit. Of course, it was purely voyeuristic, but he did realize that there are more things to discover in life, like his neighbor’s work schedule, her meals, and sexy “me times, ” and lastly, her serial murders.


Yup, the neighbor, sexy Rio Miyaichi, was a serial killer who preyed on lustful, perverted men. Etsurou witnessed countless murders but didn’t do anything himself. He was a silent witness, or should we say, accomplice, because keeping her away from the authorities was also the only way for him to keep on his peeping addiction.

Of course, Rio learns that Etsurou’s been spying on her. But surprisingly, she gives him a choice: get killed like the rest of her victims and take her secrets to the grave, or keep her secrets, accept who she is, and love everything about her, serial murderer and all. Well, we won’t be talking about this manga if Etsurou took the first choice, right?

True Yandere Manga

And this is just the start of their “complicated” relationship. And Rio is the epitome of yandere: she loves him, but she’s also a crazy serial killer. If that doesn’t get you hooked on this brilliantly messed up story, I don’t know what will.

Unfortunately, it’s difficult to get an English version of this manga. If you can read Japanese, you can get the Japanese version on kindle at Amazon Japan here: Ana Satsujin – 穴殺人 1

The protagonist of this manga title, Shiina Shinya, thinks that the girls around him are pretty harsh — they’re either indifferent, rude, or don’t notice him at all. He’s wrong, though, because in reality, all eyes are on him. It’s just that all the girls are weird, and they have their weird ways to keep tabs on what he does on the daily. It is technically a harem, without the main character knowing about his harem’s existence.


Read The Story Of A Manga Artist Confined By A Strange High School Girl Chapter 38: The Story Of A Manga Artist Using A Yandere High School Girl As A Model

, it’s Tsubasa Tooka, a likable, cute character on the outside and a raging yandere inside. She’ll go to great lengths

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