I finished and wrote about Tokyo Ghoul in February, but due to the delay in chapter releases on the Shonen Jump app, I was left to wait (rather impatiently) for
To be uploaded in its entirety this month. I’m trying my best to divest from scanlation sites, mostly reading from official sources and buying tankobon once available, so it took much self-control to wait for these chapters, but I’m glad I did. Two days later, and I had completed the full story. Just from the start, I’ll say that
Part one ends with a bizarre cliffhanger: Ken Kaneki is no more after his battle with Arima. The details of their battle is unknown, but it resulted in Kaneki losing his memories and assuming the new identity of Haise Sasaki, CCG investigator and leader of his own elite task force. The organisation utilises ghoul technology now, realised in Sasaki’s squad made entirely from Quinxes: humans implanted with kakuho, the organ responsible for ghoul powers. Sasaki, who is in fact a one-eyed ghoul and therefore a more advanced version of a Quinx himself, is left to mentor his team and lead out in dangerous anti-ghoul tasks.
Tokyo Ghoul, Vol.1 Chapter 2 Oddity
CCG personnel successfully maintain a facade around Sasaki, shielding him from all details of his previous life, leading to a highly surveilled and restricted work environment, one that slowly begins to eat away at his psyche until the moment when he finally regains his old self. The first few chapters reveals the darker undertones to Sasaki’s CCG life. He loses control of himself during a difficult investigation, submitting to the Centipede that lies dormant within his subconscious, and all senior investigators swiftly move to subdue him, labelling him as an SS-class Ghoul, much to the surprise and horror of his devoted team. This moment stands to identify Sasaki as The Other in the CCG, and the underlying fear that the rest of his colleagues hold towards him contributes to the eventual re-awakening of his former self.
The story follows Kaneki’s slow resurrection through the innocent and conflicted Haise Saski, his Quinx team and their trials of identity, and Kaneki’s meteoric rise through ghoul society to become the One-Eyed King, assuming a mantel that was prepared and orchestrated for him by none other than Arima and Eto Yoshimura. A lot happens within 179 chapters but the story rarely feels rushed, although there are times when plot elements are underdeveloped or character motives become muddled in the wider, highly complicated story. Deaths abound, betrayals unravel in abundance, stilted alliances are formed, and the characters endure hardships, romance, and unrequited love. All in all, it makes for a solid story.
First of all, I like that Sasaki’s existence doesn’t last for too long. After the initial intrigue of Kaneki’s new identity, I worried that I would tire of Sasaki’s tortured innocence, but Ishida re-awakened Kaneki just before Sasaki became tedious. The artwork is just phenomenal and Ishida pushed himself with every new chapter, creating breathtaking battle scenes that were miles better than some of the confusing sequences in Part One. I especially like how Ishida uses the contrast of black and white space to denote internal turmoil: the page of Kaneki’s return is frightening, with his pale white stare penetrating through fractured black panels, and you worry for his mental health when turning to the next page, wondering if he will be the shy, reserved Kaneki from before, or a totally new, further contaminated creature.
Tokyo Ghoul, Vol.8 Chapter 74 Indomitable
The theme of bonds is common in literature, and I’m always interested to see how authors decide to explore something that is innate to us, so ubiquitous in this life, and the cause of so much heartache and joy all at the same time. The bonds between Kaneki’s various allies are shown to be both a blessing and a burden. As Sasaki, he endures the strain of trying to find his own sense of self whilst caring for a team that nurses the bruises of grief, bereavement, abuse, and feelings of worthlessness from their pasts. As Kaneki the ghoul, he faces the loss of his best friend and confidant, Hide, as well as trying to bridge the endless space between his old life and his new fugitive existence away from the colleagues he once admired. As the One-Eyed King, Kaneki shoulders the fear of Tokyo’s ghoul population, pushing himself to breaking point to protect them from an increasingly toxic and hateful CCG. His need to
Everything for everyone has a detrimental affect on his health. His motives are expertly deconstructed in a conversation between himself and Rize, and he is forced to acknowledge that whilst he cares for the ghouls and his loved ones, there is an underlying selfishness of wanting to feel needed that drives him to go so far.
My favourite bond is that between Kaneki and Touka. When Sasaki still roamed the streets, Touka only watched on helplessly, not wanting to trigger his old memories. Her love for him is self-sacrificing. It is clear she wants him to return to his old life and to her, but his new life has brought a newfound peace that she is reluctant to disturb. When he does return, they fully acknowledge their feelings for each other, have sex in what is the cutest and most realistic first-time sex scene I’ve read in a long time, get married, and eventually get pregnant. Once again, Touka sacrifices her personal happiness, forcing herself to digest human food all for the sake of the growing baby, and deciding to push aside the impending execution date of her best friend from school so as not to worry Kaneki and the other ghouls. Their relationship inspires their surrounding friends to fight for the survival of the ghouls, so that the future where they can exist in peace is realised in the next generation, of which Kaneki and Touka’s child is just the start.
Tokyo Ghoul:re Episode 24 Final Episode Discussion Thread
My second favourite almost drove me to tears during the epilogue. Maverick CCG investigator Juzo of the troubled past finally understood what it meant to have a loving parent at the end of Part One, where the admirable Shinohara is mortally wounded for his sake during the fight against the Owl. His injuries leave him in a vegetative state, and Juzo has been fighting hard, using his CCG salary to pay for Shinohara’s hospital treatment, all the while hoping that he will eventually regain consciousness. Thanks to Shinohara’s sacrificing love, Juzo begins to form bonds with his own task force, slowly learning empathy and what it means to care for others. His team’s unfailing loyalty to their boss is wonderful to see, especially during the Auction battle, when Juzo is confronted by Big Madame, his former ghoul “mother” and long-time abuser. The team steps into help Juzo, literally covering his ears so that he doesn’t have to hear the abusive insults she throws at him. At the end of the story, thanks to new ghoul technology, Shinohara awakes, and we are treated to a double page of Juzo’s tearful breakdown: the first time we see him showing true, open emotions in the whole story.
An awesome callback to Part One when Touka bites Kaneki to regain her strength. This time, he bites her as a mark of their love.
Complicated bonds are explored within Sasaki’s Quinx Squad. An initially generic one-sided rivalry develops between Sasaki and Kuki Urie, the very typical black haired, undercut-wearing, dark eye-liner- having, mean-mugging boy genius, who wants to be like Sasaki so that he can undertake missions alone and avenge his father. I’m happy to report that after Sasaki changes back to Kaneki and leaves the CCG, Urie is forced to be a mentor and friend to the remaining Quinx Squad, becoming a solid leader and responsible investigator, standing against Furuta’s new sadistic CCG and choosing his own method of justice. His new resolve is triggered by the death of the comical Ginshi Shirazu, who dies in Urie’s arms, and after which Urie is forced to admit that without loyal teammates, he is nothing. Urie’s transformation into a well-rounded character of depth is just one of many instances where apparently generic shonen-type archetypes are given a sophisticated progression, quickly lining up for a Best Boy prize.
Tokyo Ghoul Anime Vs Manga: Which One Is Better?
In a weird contrast is the fragile Toru Mutsuki, whose unhealthy obsession with Kaneki drives him to a madness which is first noticed by Urie. He slowly deteriorates, becoming a much stronger Quinx than the others, leading his own teams, and unwaveringly siding with Furuta’s genocidal assault on the ghouls, all to quell a raging jealousy of Touka. For Toru, if Kaneki is hurt or wounded, or subdued well enough, he will be forced to re-join the CCG. If Toru’s plans fail, then he resolves to kill either Touka, Kaneki, or both, in a twisted “if I can’t have you, nobody can” type of way. Toru is eventually challenged and taken to task by Urie and Yonebayashi, but an inner discomfort of his previous actions remain even in the epilogue.
Besides the bonds, I think it’s important to mention
My second favourite almost drove me to tears during the epilogue. Maverick CCG investigator Juzo of the troubled past finally understood what it meant to have a loving parent at the end of Part One, where the admirable Shinohara is mortally wounded for his sake during the fight against the Owl. His injuries leave him in a vegetative state, and Juzo has been fighting hard, using his CCG salary to pay for Shinohara’s hospital treatment, all the while hoping that he will eventually regain consciousness. Thanks to Shinohara’s sacrificing love, Juzo begins to form bonds with his own task force, slowly learning empathy and what it means to care for others. His team’s unfailing loyalty to their boss is wonderful to see, especially during the Auction battle, when Juzo is confronted by Big Madame, his former ghoul “mother” and long-time abuser. The team steps into help Juzo, literally covering his ears so that he doesn’t have to hear the abusive insults she throws at him. At the end of the story, thanks to new ghoul technology, Shinohara awakes, and we are treated to a double page of Juzo’s tearful breakdown: the first time we see him showing true, open emotions in the whole story.
An awesome callback to Part One when Touka bites Kaneki to regain her strength. This time, he bites her as a mark of their love.
Complicated bonds are explored within Sasaki’s Quinx Squad. An initially generic one-sided rivalry develops between Sasaki and Kuki Urie, the very typical black haired, undercut-wearing, dark eye-liner- having, mean-mugging boy genius, who wants to be like Sasaki so that he can undertake missions alone and avenge his father. I’m happy to report that after Sasaki changes back to Kaneki and leaves the CCG, Urie is forced to be a mentor and friend to the remaining Quinx Squad, becoming a solid leader and responsible investigator, standing against Furuta’s new sadistic CCG and choosing his own method of justice. His new resolve is triggered by the death of the comical Ginshi Shirazu, who dies in Urie’s arms, and after which Urie is forced to admit that without loyal teammates, he is nothing. Urie’s transformation into a well-rounded character of depth is just one of many instances where apparently generic shonen-type archetypes are given a sophisticated progression, quickly lining up for a Best Boy prize.
Tokyo Ghoul Anime Vs Manga: Which One Is Better?
In a weird contrast is the fragile Toru Mutsuki, whose unhealthy obsession with Kaneki drives him to a madness which is first noticed by Urie. He slowly deteriorates, becoming a much stronger Quinx than the others, leading his own teams, and unwaveringly siding with Furuta’s genocidal assault on the ghouls, all to quell a raging jealousy of Touka. For Toru, if Kaneki is hurt or wounded, or subdued well enough, he will be forced to re-join the CCG. If Toru’s plans fail, then he resolves to kill either Touka, Kaneki, or both, in a twisted “if I can’t have you, nobody can” type of way. Toru is eventually challenged and taken to task by Urie and Yonebayashi, but an inner discomfort of his previous actions remain even in the epilogue.
Besides the bonds, I think it’s important to mention
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