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Sleepy Princess In The Demon Castle Manga Read

Sleepy Princess In The Demon Castle Manga Read

Kidnapped by the Demon King and imprisoned in his castle, Princess Syalis is…bored. The Demon Castle staff procure a flock of Monster Bird chicks to ensure a steady supply of eggs, but their problems only grow. The princess’s efforts to help the Demon Castle weather a financial crisis range from the criminal to the musical. Mechanical Zone boss MOTHER creates a mechanical marvel modeled after the most fearsome resident of the castle. Now who would that be…? And then the princess must operate the mecha in battle against the hero Dawner, who is determined to rescue her from her beloved new home. Plus, the secret of the Demon King’s horns and an herbaceous invasion!

2020 Read #474 Prior to this volume, I was all Syalis/Demon Cleric, but now...I actually want Syalis/Poseidon???? What goes on here?! (Also, I laughed uncontrollably for a few minutes at the scene where the demons freaked out when they thought Syalis had a lover in her cell. Good times.)


This is one of the funniest manga I have read! I've loved the older volumes and this one was no exception. Most of the volumes didn't seem to have an overarching story, but as you read farther and farther in, you begin to realize that there's an overall story and not just individual stories. These stories were full of humor that were all on point. Most of the humor comes from misunderstandings that the princess (typically) makes. The characters are fabulous and well designed. I really like the art style too. You can tell the author spent a lot of time on this. Thanks to the publisher and netgalley for providing the arc for a review!

Sleepy Princess In The Demon Castle Succeeds By Defying Expectations

This is such a fun series, and this volume was no exception. It continues the funny misunderstandings and character interactions from previous volumes, and introduces a new character. It was light, entertaining, and all around enjoyable. I'd definitely recommend the series! 4.5 stars.

I love Syalis, this was an awesome volume and it was a lot of fun. I loved Twilight in this volume, and really enjoyed the connection that Syalis and Twilight had in this, both being royalty. Another cute volume in a cute series. I look forward to the next one.

Well hello M.O.T.H.E.R you have officially become one of my favorite characters in this series. Apart from all of the awesomeness that he has now brought to the series I love the relationship that exists between the king and the princess because sometimes they are having a touching heart to heart and the next she is causing him extreme anguish while inadvertently doing him enormous favors, it's great.


Maou Jou De Oyasumi (sleepy Princess In The Demon Castle)

I found this volume particularly amusing. The interactions with Poseidon and her “battle” with the hero were hilarious. I also enjoyed the chapter with demon mint - as someone that is always trying to eradicate ivy and such, i totally sympathized with the demons

Laughter upon laughter upon laughter!! It just never stops 🤣📖. All the shenanigans that Syalis and her friends though of here made me laughing out loud! Was surprised at some chapters, and sometimes, I just simply lost it. It's that hilarious 📖🤣A captured princess just wants a good night’s sleep! Imprisoned in the castle of the Demon King, all spoiled-sweet Princess Syalis dreams of is a good night’s sleep! Shhh... Kidnapped by the Demon King and imprisoned in his castle, Princess Syalis is…bored. She decides to while away the hours by sleeping, but getting a good night’s rest turns out to be a lot of work! She begins by fashioning a DIY pillow out of the fur of her Teddy Demon guards and an “air mattress” from the magical Shield of the Wind. The princess’s hapless demonic guards soon discover that their captive expects to be treated like, well, a princess. Things go from bad to worse—for her captors—when some of Princess Syalis’s schemes end in her untimely—if temporary—demise and she chooses the Forbidden Grimoire for her bedtime reading…


A princess, kidnapped by a demon king. Now I know what you will be thinking, the poor thing. Is anyone going to save her? How will she survive? Well, um, throw out all those ideas, and just worry about the monsters and the demon king. :P Yes, our princess isn't so weak, so silly, instead she is awesome, and she is a danger to all the critters in the castle. She is on a quest to sleep well, and she will do anything for it. Including cutting up living blankets, brushing demon teddy bears until they drop their fluff, cutting off capes, stealing precious artifacts, and so much more. Every chapter features a new quest, and the hilarious situations that come with it. Did I mention she keeps dying? Yes, in her quest for new stuff to sleep better she keeps falling into lava, or falls asleep on deadly mushrooms. The girl is totally awesome, and I actually don't want her to be saved. She is just too fabulous and kick-ass. She totally isn't afraid of the monsters. In the meantime we see the humans still trying to save the princess, and the demons making plans to thwart the humans. :P If anything, I agree with a comment I saw somewhere, that someone should save the demons, and the demon king. Before they get killed any further. The art is pretty awesome, I do love the style! This manga is perfect if you want to laugh your butt off, and if you want to know what the next thing is that the princess will do. Review first posted at

Tv Anime Sleepy Princess In The Demon Castle Casts Hiro Shimono, Rikiya Koyama

I must be missing something... It seems like a repeated variation of the same not-that-funny story? The princess can't sleep so she mutilates some supernatural creature to get material for some ridiculously elaborate pillow/bed/blanket.


I haven't even gotten to this yet and it's already got a confirmed anime in the works, naturally Might still get around to reading this in the meantime since the airdate is as yet unknown and it does look cute, but knowing me I might wait for the anime now.

There is a lot to love in this manga. The art, the characters, and especially the tone. A manga like this can't be terribly easy to write - you're taking the 'damsel in distress' trope and not only subverting it, but doing so in the most spectacularly comedic way that takes the mickey out of what is a normally very serious storytelling device. The story is simple: Princess Syalis has been captured by the titular Demon King. He's using her the way most captured princesses are used in these types of tales: as bait for a hero. Except, very quickly, we realize not only is she hardly a prisoner, but that, in most ways, the castle she finds herself in is a reprieve from her daily drudgery as a princess. Not only can she finally get some rest (something we can all empathize with in a deep, primordial way), but she no longer has to worry about carrying out the duties of a princess. She can dedicate herself to her one, true passion: sleeping. What manga-ka Kagiji Kumanomata does so well is showcasing how the princess is anything but a damsel-in-distress and, in fact, she could quite easily waltz out of the castle whenever she likes thankyouverymuch. Except why would she leave when she can finally get the perfect shut-eye using all sorts of magically enhanced objects? The princess aside, one thing I really enjoyed in Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle, Vol. 1 is how desperately the Demon King's is trying to be a classic villain. He's trope-savvy and he knows exactly how stories like this should play out...except no matter what he does, no matter what his plans, or what he expects of the princess to do, nothing works out. He is, like a lot of his minions, a rather sympathetic character who is just trying to be the best Demon King he can be goshdarnit! It's just this kind of manga that keeps me coming back for yet more manga. It's fun, lighthearted, and cute. The perfect manga for the start of the winter season.


Sleepy Princess In The Demon Castle, Vol. 1 By Kagiji Kumanomata

A princess who has been captured by the demon king just wants to have a good night's sleep This is a cute and funny book. While you think the stories would be about the demons torturing the princess, she actually ends up 'torturing' them by escaping her cell and destroying artifacts in her drive for the best bed, best sheets, etc. My favorite part was when she realized that she could brush the teddy demons to get high quality stuffing for her pillow. And then the teddy demons follow her around asking for More! Brush us more!. If you read that and think 'adorable', you should read this book. If instead you roll your eyes, skip it. I'm not sure how well this idea will cover several volumes, but I'll give the second one a try.

The artwork was cute and the first two-three chapters were amusing, but


I must be missing something... It seems like a repeated variation of the same not-that-funny story? The princess can't sleep so she mutilates some supernatural creature to get material for some ridiculously elaborate pillow/bed/blanket.


I haven't even gotten to this yet and it's already got a confirmed anime in the works, naturally Might still get around to reading this in the meantime since the airdate is as yet unknown and it does look cute, but knowing me I might wait for the anime now.

There is a lot to love in this manga. The art, the characters, and especially the tone. A manga like this can't be terribly easy to write - you're taking the 'damsel in distress' trope and not only subverting it, but doing so in the most spectacularly comedic way that takes the mickey out of what is a normally very serious storytelling device. The story is simple: Princess Syalis has been captured by the titular Demon King. He's using her the way most captured princesses are used in these types of tales: as bait for a hero. Except, very quickly, we realize not only is she hardly a prisoner, but that, in most ways, the castle she finds herself in is a reprieve from her daily drudgery as a princess. Not only can she finally get some rest (something we can all empathize with in a deep, primordial way), but she no longer has to worry about carrying out the duties of a princess. She can dedicate herself to her one, true passion: sleeping. What manga-ka Kagiji Kumanomata does so well is showcasing how the princess is anything but a damsel-in-distress and, in fact, she could quite easily waltz out of the castle whenever she likes thankyouverymuch. Except why would she leave when she can finally get the perfect shut-eye using all sorts of magically enhanced objects? The princess aside, one thing I really enjoyed in Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle, Vol. 1 is how desperately the Demon King's is trying to be a classic villain. He's trope-savvy and he knows exactly how stories like this should play out...except no matter what he does, no matter what his plans, or what he expects of the princess to do, nothing works out. He is, like a lot of his minions, a rather sympathetic character who is just trying to be the best Demon King he can be goshdarnit! It's just this kind of manga that keeps me coming back for yet more manga. It's fun, lighthearted, and cute. The perfect manga for the start of the winter season.


Sleepy Princess In The Demon Castle, Vol. 1 By Kagiji Kumanomata

A princess who has been captured by the demon king just wants to have a good night's sleep This is a cute and funny book. While you think the stories would be about the demons torturing the princess, she actually ends up 'torturing' them by escaping her cell and destroying artifacts in her drive for the best bed, best sheets, etc. My favorite part was when she realized that she could brush the teddy demons to get high quality stuffing for her pillow. And then the teddy demons follow her around asking for More! Brush us more!. If you read that and think 'adorable', you should read this book. If instead you roll your eyes, skip it. I'm not sure how well this idea will cover several volumes, but I'll give the second one a try.

The artwork was cute and the first two-three chapters were amusing, but


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