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Shokugeki No Soma Manga Online 261

Shokugeki No Soma Manga Online 261

We have finally reached to this point; the end of the road. Erina has already amazed the top 2 Elite 10 members, but they’re not the one to judge, so it does not count. Erina’s dish is finally served in this 2-part judgment process (I think). This chapter is the first to present Erina and her true form of specialty; unleashing her special perk. Having said to be part 1, it’s no doubt we are slowly savoring a magnificent taste of victory.

It’s no secret that Erina stole the battle singlehandedly; arguably the entire arc. She has been on a tremendous momentum and the ride won’t end until she can get the last laugh over azami. The last chapter was so satisfying for her character to evolve, pairing love increased tenfold, and her killing spree keeps on going. This chapter is where she will finally get to claim her rights to live as a sole person and mark the end of her father’s reign.


The tension deepens from the very first page with many characters including the audience, preparing to be amazed by Erina’s specialty. You would think it’s the protagonist that is on stage, about to blow them away, but it’s Erina. Wait, I think I contradicted myself…The moment of truth keeps on building up and Erina never look so alive and confidence with that second page.

The Incomplete Manga Guide

Tsukuda is likely aware of the hype because it was purposely stalled further with Azami getting his last words while acting like a father in a rare occasion before meeting his ultimate defeat. It’s all the merrier to hate the guy, trying to ruin the hype. It was strange to see him talking like a caring father, as if he decided to be concern of her. He points out how she was breathing heavily after improvising for 10 minutes. The problem is he’s more concern on the presentation.

Somehow, he deviates from his concern on her health towards the representation of a chef. According to him, if they improvise or try to cook something unusual, it would force them to work so hard; much difficult than what’s already established. He’s not wrong about that, but it’s not as inventive, hence lack of enthusiasm. Because of that, he finds her dish unacceptable. It comes off like a cheap excuse and act like sore loser; however, it actually does play a role and key to his character.

This is like a cooking series’ version of “any last word” moment. Think of a scene of when a character about to do something that will change forever, the other character would plead to do otherwise. Case in point, Azami tried to convince Erina that her dish shall not be served due to health and such; but Erina, the Queen she is, has decided. She will serve and thus, breaking all chains from Azami completely. I have been surprised plenty of times from the last chapter, and yet this one surprised me as well.

Hd Wallpaper: Anime, Erina, Food Wars, Erina Nakiri, Shokugeki No Soma, Night

I forgot to mention in my last review. The part I like about the callback that this series does is how it is done in an appropriate timing that isn’t just nostalgia, but it serves a significant purpose. It’s hilarious that Erina used peanut butter and squid for her dish; however, it’s fascinating how it connects to the main theme of creativity. It was always portrayed as the worst dish imaginable, but Erina made it work. If it can be delicious, then nothing is impossible. It is this series’ version of “anyone can cook.”

In this chapter, it’s the furikake that amazes the judges with its transformation. The detail of how it slowly melts really made it look so good. Saeki went out of his way to zoom in a piece of meat with the cube on top slowly dissolving. There has to be a restaurant for me to try; it’s drool worthy. Decora more or less described my reaction just by looking at it. Finally, the tasting process commences and Azami activates Erina’s trap card. He look awed judging by his eyes. You have done that to yourself.


Surprise, surprise, Decora and Anne got foodgasm, now with tentacle…well, you know what (serious note: is there a better word than that?) Actually, instead of tentacle that wraps around the two judges, it’s the egg sauce or juice that engulfed them. Saeki really spent a lot of time in his early days as Toshi huh. If stripping isn’t the endgame, this could be it. The description of the taste favors towards to creativity because they are awestruck beyond anything. Never would they have imagined that there could be something more than what’s already considered “perfect.”

Chapter 147: The Counterattack Begins

I do like the full picture of the foodgasm (not the wrapping) where they are once living in a good life with what they already have. Everything changes when Erina attacks. Her specialty is so blessing that the servants of God have arrive to carry them to the heaven heights. It’s a funny, charming, and delighting way to describe the taste in the nutshell. How adorable those little Erinas are; it reminds me of chapter 3 with Soma. Now it brings me to this point: Erina’s specialty.

The thing about her specialty is quite terrifying. She is like jack of all trades and now, she can master of all. Actually, it’s more like polishing or harmonizing for a unique balance. The reason why it’s amazing is because her choices of recipe are what they are considered as: low-class. If she can convert it and make it at least redeemable like with peanut butter and squid, she can make anything delicious like 5-star class; perhaps even more. It’s why the resemblance to Soma’s little servants happened here; it’s the same, only in its master form, at least in her own way.


Her specialty goes against everything Azami believes in. I don’t know if Azami was aware of her specialty to be this, but if so, it would make a lot of sense for his action to be painful that ultimately manipulated her. She has a gift that can influence anyone to cook the way they see fit. It’s like what she believed in: cooking is fun. She pretty much was his enemy from the get-go. If he can enslave her, he can twist it to his favor by converting her God Tongue into “there can only be one way” morale.

Shokugeki No Soma Chapitre 261

Erina completes her development against Azami. The days of his control over her are long gone. This is her farewell. She was the bird in the cage; now flying away towards freedom. She calls it “True Gourmet Flying Away from the Academy: Delinquent Daughter Style.” Looks like Yukihara rub even got to her in naming as well. How they won’t be together will be a war crime of the century.

It’s about time to see Azami losing his cool after everything. He finally reached to the tipping point; no longer put an evil smile to hide his actual feeling. Actually, I do recall him bit his finger after confronting with Alice, humiliated no less. He has bad luck against female Nakiri I suppose. In all seriousness, he does have a flashback that brings the light to why he said those words about “concern” before.


The flashback lasts a page and 1/3 but it’s enough to give you an idea where he established the problem he sought fit to eliminate. Before Jouichirou lost his love with cooking, he was experimenting different recipes with the dish that he won gold prize with. Azami didn’t understand why he tried to change something that is already perfected, but he told him that it fascinated him to see other possibilities such as flavors. It was his belief that Azami believed what got him “damaged.”

Read Shokugeki No Soma Chapter 261 On Mangakakalot

Azami was portraying like a killer from a case from Phoenix Wright the video game; nearly about to break and show his true color to everyone. It is filled with angry words that continuously deny anything else but his. It’s no wonder his character acted unusual when Erina was breathing hard. He believed Jouichirou gave up his passion because he tried too hard to find other means and because of testing many recipes, he burnt out. Worn out Erina probably resembles him in his view. That would explain his reaction towards his farewell; like he knew why he left Tootsuki.

It’s not the same with Tsukasa because his problem was to find the upmost perfection, even when he was getting great reception. Tsukasa could be manipulated to find only one path to cooking; that’s why Azami wanted him on his side. The irony is that even if everyone follows the way of one path, they will eventually be burnt out from little to no joy. Probably even at a quicker rate than what he could imagine because reality is it won’t work at all. There’s no escaping from fallout or a perfect solution.


The ending is…interesting. Well, more like the first impression because apparently the series took a dark turn with a bomb explosion. It perplexed the hell

Stream The Dish Toward Tomorrow By Purpleppower_7

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