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Orange Marmalade Drama Manga

Orange Marmalade Drama Manga

On the surface this seems like your typical high school vampire romance—and make no mistake, it is true to its shoujo nature, but the execution of the plot is utterly flawless. Orange Marmalade plays out like a simple but effective allegory, dealing with the unfair treatment and oppression of vampires, who have now turned to pig blood rather than human blood to try to acclimate and adjust to modern human society. Despite their efforts and a three-hundred year peace treaty, vampires have been forced to hide their true nature lest they face discrimination and harassment by their human neighbors.

What is so exceptional about this series is the characters and how much development they receive. In the beginning, Ma-Ri is jaded and cynical. She is accustomed to her family’s constant moving as a result of their nature being discovered, so moving schools is nothing new to her—and having friends is almost a foreign notion given her past experiences. Yet throughout the series she not only makes friends, but comes to trust and rely upon them as well. Soon, rather than doubting the humans and wondering if they can ever live peacefully together, she starts to desperately believe and want that to be the case—contrary to her initial apathetic and apprehensive nature.


Jae-Min and the supporting cast receive their own measure of fleshed out back stories and development through the course of the series. Even the antagonists are given a dose of humanism, wavering from completely incapable of inducing sympathy to relatable characters with legitimate motives for their actions.

All Photos About Orange Marmalade Page 13

Their realism comes through the fact that they all make mistakes and poor decisions that result in severe repercussions. It is their own actions that produce their suffering—and it gives the impression that everyone has some measure of control over their own misery.

The plot itself does a good job of keeping some suspense, introducing new supporting characters, new obstacles, and culminating to an exciting final climax that is satisfactorily resolved by the end. It’s simplistic in its premise and the introduction of it, but the way the story moves through each arc is at just the right pacing to let everything sink in before introducing something novel to reel you back in.

The color palette for the art, the shading, the expressions, everything is rich with the appropriate emotion and tone for the characters and the story. Each panel is clean and clear, a unique experience especially for most people reading shoujo as its in webtoon format and flows perfectly.

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Despite being conventional with many of its elements, Orange Marmalade manages to pull everything together in a way that most of its peers are unable to. In every category possible it exceeds expectations, and while it may not be a masterpiece, it comes awfully close.Vampires were once hunted to extinction, but for the last 200 years there’s a peace treaty betwe humans and vampires. Now vampires are living amongst the humans hiding their nature by drinking only pig blood. However, vampires are still predators by nature and still desire human blood.

This is a story about a vampire named Baek Ma-ri, who tries to conceal her idtity from the world. Seeing vampires as monsters, the humans shun them and wish that they would die out already. Until one day, Jae-min's sweet-smelling blood made Ma-ri lose control of herself, resulting in a new sweet beginning.


Ma-ri is the female protagonist of the story. She is a vampire trying to conceal her real idtity from the world. In the beginning, Ma-ri is shown to be very quiet and lacking in emotion. She also turned down multiple boys without hesitation, thus earning her the nickname Ice Princess. Despite this fact, she is still one of the more sought after girls. It's revealed that her aversion to forming relationships is due to the fact that at her last school she was ridiculed wh her frids found out she was a vampire. Ma-ri's life all starts to turn around wh Jae-min's sweet-smelling blood made her lose control of herself, resulting in biting his neck. After this incidt, Jae-min began to have interest on her and kept chasing her, she slowly develops a love interest for him. Later on the story, she and Jae-min finally started dating.

Orange Marmalade Manga

Jae-min is the male protagonist of the story. He is charming and an extremely skilled basketball player. He is one of the most popular boys in school but he cares the least. Jae-min is shown as a misogynist but the reason isn't that he really hates wom. In truth, he hates their touch as it reminds him of his stepmother who used to beat him up for everything. His life started to turn around wh his sweet-smelling blood made Ma-ri lose control of herself, resulting in biting his neck. After this incidt, he has be confused of his feelings and kept on chasing her to try to make the situation clear, ev joining the Band Club. As the story progress, he falls in love with Ma-ri and cares for her the most. He is ready to beat anyone who hurts her. He is se to be smiling more wh he is with Ma-ri. He asked her to never leave his side. Later on the story he and Ma-ri finally started dating.

Soo-ri is Ma-ri's first frid. Initially not thinking much about Ma-ri, she became tranced by her guitar playing after witnessing it by chance, and persisttly tries to get her to join the band club. Soo-ri was originally oply hostile about vampires, ev oply badmouthing them in front of Ma-ri while having no idea she was a vampire. After Ma-ri saves her life, getting injured in the process, Soo-ri's tire opinion of vampires is changed and she becomes protective of Ma-ri, ev standing up for her wh Ah-ra found out. Soo-ri's mother is ill with cancer and she's constantly worried about her.


Woo-mi is Ma-ri's second frid, via Soo-ri. Wh she found out Ma-ri was a vampire, she accepted her without hesitation. However, she grew a bit scared of her after witnessing Si-hoo drinking Chae-rin's blood, ev more so after an incidt where a vampire seemed to have attacked and killed someone. That incidt was later revealed to be a hoax by some anti-vampire criminals, but Woo-mi was still timid with Ma-ri for awhile. After Ma-ri's idtity as a vampire was revealed to the school, Woo-mi regretfully watched as Ma-ri was ridiculed and bullied, but evtually overcame her fears and regrets and befrided Ma-ri again.

My Boyfriend In Orange, Band 01

Ah-ra is the antagonist of the story. She saw Ma-ri as her rival for Jae-min. She constantly tried to intimidate Ma-ri, but all her attempts failed miserably. Ah-ra finds out Ma-ri is a vampire and tries to use this against her, but she was stopped by Si-hoo. Later, she joined the Band Club. She begins to be nicer towards Ma-ri after this, but still tries to steal Jae-min from her. Wh the whole school finds out that Ma-ri is a vampire, Ah-ra becomes very protective of her, as shown wh she took Chae-rin's phone wh she tried to report Ma-ri to the Vampire Reporting Cter and threated to wipe Chae-rin off the face of the planet if she hurt Ma-ri. She seemed to care for Ma-ri at the d of the season, but usually dies it.

Si-hoo is Ma-ri's fiancee who was later introduced in the story. Due to the shortage of vampires, he and Ma-ri were arranged to be married since they were both very young. He thinks highly of himself. He doesn't trust humans at all, believing they're nothing more than food and that no human, not ev Ma-ri's frids, will ever accept vampires or that that will ever change, despite mounting evidce to the contrary. He doesn't hesitate to badmouth humans every chance he gets. Yet, he also seems to have a caring side, as he defded Ma-ri wh Ah-ra threats to tell the whole school that Ma-ri is a vampire. Wh Ah-ra joins the Band Club, he joins too in order to protect Ma-ri from her. He likes Ma-ri and hce gets agitated wh Jae-min hurt her feelings and made her cry. He later on confessed that he liked Ma-ri and asked her what does she like about Jae-min to be going out with a human ev though she is a vampire. Si-hoo is also known to have drunk the blood of Chae-rin, who self-proclaims herself to be his girlfrid, but he later reveals he never had any emotional attachmt to her. Near the d of the story, he goes on a binge drinking his tire supply of human blood, causing his long-dormant vulnerability to sunlight to resurface, forcing him to cover himself in bandages to protect himself from the sunlight. At the d of the story, he and Chae-rin disappeared as he claims that his kind of vampire is no longer allowed to exist.


Seok Woo (born 1984) launched his career with the webtoon Nostalgia in 2008, followed by the webtoons 17 Years Old, That Summer Day's Miracle, Days of Hana and She's Hopeless.

Micro Reviews: Suzuka, Orange Marmalade, Ge

Jae-min is the male protagonist of the story. He is charming and an extremely skilled basketball player. He is one of the most popular boys in school but he cares the least. Jae-min is shown as a misogynist but the reason isn't that he really hates wom. In truth, he hates their touch as it reminds him of his stepmother who used to beat him up for everything. His life started to turn around wh his sweet-smelling blood made Ma-ri lose control of herself, resulting in biting his neck. After this incidt, he has be confused of his feelings and kept on chasing her to try to make the situation clear, ev joining the Band Club. As the story progress, he falls in love with Ma-ri and cares for her the most. He is ready to beat anyone who hurts her. He is se to be smiling more wh he is with Ma-ri. He asked her to never leave his side. Later on the story he and Ma-ri finally started dating.

Soo-ri is Ma-ri's first frid. Initially not thinking much about Ma-ri, she became tranced by her guitar playing after witnessing it by chance, and persisttly tries to get her to join the band club. Soo-ri was originally oply hostile about vampires, ev oply badmouthing them in front of Ma-ri while having no idea she was a vampire. After Ma-ri saves her life, getting injured in the process, Soo-ri's tire opinion of vampires is changed and she becomes protective of Ma-ri, ev standing up for her wh Ah-ra found out. Soo-ri's mother is ill with cancer and she's constantly worried about her.


Woo-mi is Ma-ri's second frid, via Soo-ri. Wh she found out Ma-ri was a vampire, she accepted her without hesitation. However, she grew a bit scared of her after witnessing Si-hoo drinking Chae-rin's blood, ev more so after an incidt where a vampire seemed to have attacked and killed someone. That incidt was later revealed to be a hoax by some anti-vampire criminals, but Woo-mi was still timid with Ma-ri for awhile. After Ma-ri's idtity as a vampire was revealed to the school, Woo-mi regretfully watched as Ma-ri was ridiculed and bullied, but evtually overcame her fears and regrets and befrided Ma-ri again.

My Boyfriend In Orange, Band 01

Ah-ra is the antagonist of the story. She saw Ma-ri as her rival for Jae-min. She constantly tried to intimidate Ma-ri, but all her attempts failed miserably. Ah-ra finds out Ma-ri is a vampire and tries to use this against her, but she was stopped by Si-hoo. Later, she joined the Band Club. She begins to be nicer towards Ma-ri after this, but still tries to steal Jae-min from her. Wh the whole school finds out that Ma-ri is a vampire, Ah-ra becomes very protective of her, as shown wh she took Chae-rin's phone wh she tried to report Ma-ri to the Vampire Reporting Cter and threated to wipe Chae-rin off the face of the planet if she hurt Ma-ri. She seemed to care for Ma-ri at the d of the season, but usually dies it.

Si-hoo is Ma-ri's fiancee who was later introduced in the story. Due to the shortage of vampires, he and Ma-ri were arranged to be married since they were both very young. He thinks highly of himself. He doesn't trust humans at all, believing they're nothing more than food and that no human, not ev Ma-ri's frids, will ever accept vampires or that that will ever change, despite mounting evidce to the contrary. He doesn't hesitate to badmouth humans every chance he gets. Yet, he also seems to have a caring side, as he defded Ma-ri wh Ah-ra threats to tell the whole school that Ma-ri is a vampire. Wh Ah-ra joins the Band Club, he joins too in order to protect Ma-ri from her. He likes Ma-ri and hce gets agitated wh Jae-min hurt her feelings and made her cry. He later on confessed that he liked Ma-ri and asked her what does she like about Jae-min to be going out with a human ev though she is a vampire. Si-hoo is also known to have drunk the blood of Chae-rin, who self-proclaims herself to be his girlfrid, but he later reveals he never had any emotional attachmt to her. Near the d of the story, he goes on a binge drinking his tire supply of human blood, causing his long-dormant vulnerability to sunlight to resurface, forcing him to cover himself in bandages to protect himself from the sunlight. At the d of the story, he and Chae-rin disappeared as he claims that his kind of vampire is no longer allowed to exist.


Seok Woo (born 1984) launched his career with the webtoon Nostalgia in 2008, followed by the webtoons 17 Years Old, That Summer Day's Miracle, Days of Hana and She's Hopeless.

Micro Reviews: Suzuka, Orange Marmalade, Ge

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