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Manga Head Shape

Manga Head Shape

Drawing the head have always been one of the many difficulties that an artist struggle with. To draw a decent head, you will need to know how to draw the facial features properly as well. However, just knowing how to draw the different facial features is not enough, you’ll need to place them properly on the head to complete the whole head. Since the head is made up of different facial features, being able to draw them properly first will help you in drawing the head as a whole.

In this post, I will be going through how I construct and draw basic anime-styled heads. If you’re interested in how to draw more realistic head proportions, I’ve made a post about it here. I will also talk about how you can modify the proportions to achieve different styles. This post will only be for drawing the head and placing the facial features in the front view. I will make a separate post on drawing in different angles, facial features and hair in the future.


As you probably already know, anime-styled drawings can differ quite a bit depending on the artist. Once you’ve learnt the basic proportions and guidelines, you can change things up depending on your own preferences! Below are some anime-styled heads in different proportions. As you can tell, they have very different proportions ranging from more realistic to less realistic.

How To Draw Anime Faces: Girl & Boy Drawing Guides + Video

Below is just one way on how you can construct an anime style head. There are many other ways you can draw them, simply do a google search and you’ll see how other artists approach drawing heads.

First, draw a circle or an oval for the general head shape, In my case, I drew a circle. If you have difficulties drawing circles and ovals, you can use the shape tools in your digital drawing software.

Now, draw a vertical line down the middle of the circle, this is the centre line and your nose will be placed somewhere on that line.

How To Draw The Head Shape & Facial Features In Manga

Then, using the circle as a guide add in the chin and shape the whole head. How long or short the chin depends on your preferences or the style you want to achieve.

Add a horizontal line in the middle of the head. This is where the top of the eyes will be. In a realistic style, the eyes would be higher. The eyes should be roughly one eye apart. However, since it’s anime style, you can place them slightly closer if you want.

For a front view where the head is facing forward and not looking up or down, the top of the ears will align with the top of the eyebrows and the bottom of the ears will align with the nose. However, since it’s anime style, the ears can be smaller. Art Room

And above we have a proportional looking anime head! Add in the neck and hair and we have a complete drawing of an anime head!

Drawing the guidelines will help you draw the head and place the facial features more accurately. However, once you’ve done a few of them and are more experienced in drawing the head in this view, you should be able to draw them with less guidelines and quicker.

Here comes the fun part! By changing the proportions, you can create different looks. I will go through a few examples and the changes made to achieve the style.

How To Draw Anime Characters

The trick here is big heads, big eyes and short chins! I’ve made a more detailed post on how to draw the chibi style here.

From the picture above, you can see that a cute chibi style head is a lot shorter and rounder, thus cuter. The eyes are placed a lot lower on the face and there is little space for the nose and mouth. Some of the noses are almost on the same line as the bottom of the eyes. The eyes are also relatively larger.

For a more matured anime head, the proportions should be more towards a realistic proportion. I’ve made a post about it here.

Beginner's Guide To Master Face Drawing

Above are how to draw the head in anime style in front view! I hope you’ve learnt something new from this post and are able to draw your very own anime head in proportion.


For artists, designed for drawing & painting. Open the door to creativity without limits, with specialized features for illustration, comics, manga, webtoons, concept art, design, and animation built-in.

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Face Shapes And Eyes: Style Reference

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I’ve made a post on how to draw the head and the face in the front and side view, now it’s time to learn how

Drawing the eyes can be very challenging yet fun for most artists. Eyes are the window to the soul, drawing them properly can make youHello! In this tutorial, let's learn how to draw some anime or manga styled portraits! Please note that I mainly specialize in female portraits (at least for now ;u;)


For drawing pretty and anatomically correct faces, let’s see how the famous loomis head method works. Here is a step by step process of how to use the Loomis head method. This method is a baseline to a typical head and does not serve as a concrete rule to varying head shapes and proportions!

Manga Head Shape With Simple Atari By Adiaz Airtif On Deviantart

First of all, this method suggests that a head can be split into three sections: the distance between the brow, tip of nose and chin are equal. The mouth is right between the nose and chin. It is important to take note that the top half of the head is not a sphere, but rather a sphere with its sides chopped off. Now let’s take a look at the loomis head method from different angles.

From other angles, the loomis head takes into account foreshadowing, meaning facial features such as the eyes and ears wrap around the head.

Here is a picture summarising the proportions of the face from the loomis head method. I added a scale showing that the distance between the eyes is the length of an eye. Clearly, the ear sits between the eyes and nose, and will be higher or lower depending on the head’s angle. As the head tilts up, ears become lower than the eyes, and as the head tilts down, the eyes become higher than the eyes, for example.

Draw A Manga Face

Here is a picture summarising the proportions of the head in relation to the ribcage (upper torso). The diagram shows a female body and ribcage, but the reality is that a female’s ribcage is slightly smaller and shorter than a male’s ribcage. For males, the distance from the top of the head to the pit of the neck is roughly the same as the length of the ribcage!

Proko has youtube videos on anatomy, and for portraits I think his clavicle (collar bone) and neck muscle (trapezium, sternocleidomastoids) videos are great for portraits.

It’s easier to remember the general look of an ear by splitting it into three parts: Pink - outer part of ear. Blue - the y-shaped anti-helix. Yellow green - tragus, small piece of skin in front of ear canal.


View Anime Head Tutorial By Donutaddic On Deviantart

Below is a rough step by step process of drawing and coloring an ear. Although, I usually simplify the ear as drawing the whole ear can make it look unnecessarily detailed for anime/semi-realistic portraits.

For tutorials on eyes, nose, mouth, eyebrows etc, I recommend pinterest tutorial pics and youtube videos! Studying the facial structure and proportions of pretty girls and boys on pinterest can also help you build your own desired aesthetic of pretty faces.

For the hair, I recommend visualizing the hair as flat strands that twist and turn in 3D space. This is definitely more of a simplification that I use when drawing in anime style rather than realistic. But this helps with drawing hair shapes that seem convincing! ;) I also imagine the back layer of hair as mostly in shadow (pink).

Best Photos Of Anime Head Outline Template

In terms of drawing the actual hair overall, I suggest first drawing thick groups of hair first, and then splitting the groups into smaller hair strands later as shown. This can help create a cohesive form rather than a clump of intertwined mess c: Also, vary the width and length of hair periodically to avoid static and dull looking hair!

Using what we've learnt about hair strands twisting like ribbons in 3D space and grouping hair, we can draw arrows representing how hair flows (down) from the roots. Be careful and be consistent with where the hair

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