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Manga Boy Hairstyle

Manga Boy Hairstyle

This tutorial shows how to draw male anime and manga hair. It includes a total of nine hairstyles with step by step drawing examples and instruction for each.

There are many variations of male anime hairstyles. This tutorial focuses on the more common and generic styles that you are likely to see in many shows and manga.


While drawing hair can seem complicated a good way of managing the drawing process is by thinking of it as being split into various sections. These are the front, sides and back/top.

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To help avoid mistakes this tutorial uses a “see through” drawing approach. This means that if you are going to be following along using pencil and paper it’s important that you first make light lines that you can easily erase. You will need to do so with parts of the drawing before you finish. You can darken the strokes after you complete the line drawing.

While this “hairstyle” is hardly any hair it’s a good one to start with as it shows the hairline. This will be important to drawing the other styles.

The front off the “buzz cut” will be part of the hairline. Draw it with with just two large curves that create a bottom pointing tip slightly below the top of the head.

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Please note that this is just a basic example as to how to draw the hairline. It can vary in shape and position in both real people and anime characters.

Add the sides of the hairline with another pair of curves that join with the first set a good distance above the ears.

Finally draw the top/back part of the “buzz cut” hair. Depending on how short you want this to be you can even leave this step out. If the hair is almost completely shaved you can just use the outline of the head to define it’s top.

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In this case the hair will be slightly longer so it will be draw with just a little bit of volume. To do this draw the hair pretty much hugging the shape of the head starting from the top of the ears gradually moving away from it towards the top.

To finish the line drawing first erase the top part of the head that should be covered by the hair. Afterwards go over your drawing with a darker stroke.

Short anime hair will usually be drawn in smaller clumps compared to longer hair. The reason for this is that short hairs can’t reach far enough to join into as a big a clump.

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Finally draw the back/top section of the hair somewhat “fanning out” around the head. Also be sure to draw the clumps leaning somewhat downwards instead of projecting directly away from the head like sun rays.

Once you finish drawing the three parts of the hair erase the hairline and the sections of the head covered by them. You can also go over your drawing with darker lines.

The medium length hair (or some variation of it) is probably one of the most generic hairstyles in anime and manga. Very common to the “average guy” protagonists.

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Draw the front of the hair in fairly large clumps that start from around the top of the head and go down well past the hairline. Make the clump/clumps in the middle slightly longer than the sides.

Add the side sections with just a few long clumps each again starting from around the top of the head and going down close to the bottom of the ears.

Finally add the top/back section of the hair with a bit of a “roof like” shape on it’s upper part where the hair slopes down and then transitions into clumps.


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This hairstyle is fairly similar to the previous example but slightly longer. One common characteristic of this hair is that the portions that would cover the eyes are often swept to the sides with one big chunk going down the middle of the face to around the tip of the nose.

Begin the drawing of the actual hair by adding the part that goes down the middle of the face. It can start from about the top of the head and go down to around the tip of the nose (if it was shown). Draw this part as two combined clumps that curve in opposite directions forming a bit of an “x” shape near their bottom as they overlap. You can also draw some small splits into each clump to make the hair look a little more natural.

Add the side parts of the hair as two large curved shapes that somewhat “hug” the head and split into smaller clumps towards their ends.

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Though really this “side hair” also grabs parts of the front section of the hair it’s still easier to simply split it up as shown in the example.

Finally draw the back/top parts of the hair. To show that it’s fairly long leave a good amount of distance between most of the clumps in it’s upper part with just a few shorter clumps sticking out near the very top.

Once done with the light line drawing erase the hairline/parts of the head covered by the hair and go over everything with a darker stroke.

Draw Manga Hair Easily

The front portion of the hair will be the section that shows that it has been “combed”. Position it some distance below the hairline as the hair will need some length to be combed like this. Draw the “front hair” in medium sized clumps that are all sort of “swept” to one side. At the same time try and draw each individual clump pointing in a slightly different direction so that the hair looks more natural.

To not make the hair look too neat you can draw the sides slightly messy as in the above example. If you do want a neater look you can draw them more like the hair in the “medium length example”.


Generally the fewer clumps you draw and the more they point in the same direction the neater the hair or part of the hair will look. Drawing more clumps pointing in different directions will generally create a messier look.

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Add the back/top portion of the hair in pretty much two main curves going from one side of the top of the head. It’s overall shape should somewhat hug the head/face getting closer to it the more it goes down. You can also add a few small clumps at the very bottom and slightly above the ears.

Again these clumps will take away just a little bit from the “neat” look but will make the hair appear slightly more natural.

Erase the hairline and the part of the head covered by the hair. Afterwards go over the light line drawing with darker lines.

How To Draw Anime Hair

You can also apply some basic shading to the hair to make it stand out a little bit more as shown above.

Draw the front section of the combed back hair as a let of little “teeth like” shapes running along the hairline. You may notice that this is a little different from the “buzz cut” where you could simply use the hairline itself as the “front of the hair”. The reason for drawing the “teeth” is because the hair in this example is much longer and these teeth along with the rest of it will help create the look of pulled back hair strands.

For the sides of the hair you can pretty much trace the hairline and connect them to “teeth” of the front section.

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The back/top part in this case is somewhat complex as hair that has been combed back like this will tend to create all kinds of small bumps and clumps.


When drawing these bumps try to position them in a way where their combined shape still has a consistent flow to it. Meaning that you don’t get one part that is very close to the head and one that really far away from it. There should be a gradual transition where the bumps and clumps are closer to the head around the ears and farther away from it at the top.

Try and make the “hair bumps” around the upper area of the head somewhat random in shape with some being much bigger and other being much smaller but keep the bumps above the ears generally small.

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Draw a few pointy clumps in between the bumps as well. You can draw most of them with a bit of a “wave”.

For this step first erase the hairline and the part of the head covered by the hair. Next draw in some curved (or wave like) lines in between the hair bumps/clumps of the back/top section and the “teeth” of the front section.

You can also add a tiny clump of hair (or a pair of clumps) that is hanging down around the upper middle of the hairline as shown in the example. Simply erase part of the hairline and add it in.

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Some long male hairstyles can be drawn pretty much the same as female. However the combed back long hair as in this example tends to be common to males.

Similar to the previous example of the “combed back

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