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Light And Shadow Manga Story

Light And Shadow Manga Story

It’s a rude insult when lowly and headstrong servant Edna comes to marry Duke Eli, instead of the noble daughter he expected. But the ambitious maid hides an even bigger secret behind her obvious ruse – one that could change the kingdom’s very history. Can the two find freedom, redemption – and love – without drawing their swords on each other?

Loveloveshow Oct 28, 2020 1 The female lead was raped by the male lead by chapter 3 and then goes on to treat her horribly. I do not understand why people like this manga. Ruined my mood. 12

Lupa Jun 14, 2019 8 If you like a strong female MC, then this webcomic is for you. Edna initially seemed like she was going to be a weak character who gets pushed around by the circumstances and people around her, but with every chapter that went by, she became more badass and confident. I loved her! Edna and Eli make a great, well-balanced power couple, and their relationship with each other becomes very heartfelt. The plot was good - good pacing and a nice mix of both romance and action. Enough plot twists to keep things from getting stale or predictable . I've seen this webcomic labelled as smut, but aside from a few brief scenes at the beginning there isn't much content that would fall into that category. The emphasis of this webcomic is definitely the plot and character development, not fan service. *minor spoilers* There were a few minor things that kept me from rating this webcomic as a 9 - the main one being the start of the relation ship btwn Edna and Eli. It was hard for me to like Eli after he forced himself on Edna on the first day that they met. For a quasi-medieval setting, yes, that is a realistic scenario. And yes, he eventually does apologize. But as a woman in the 21st century, it was hard for me to move past that when the author began to develop his character more. The transition of their relationship from you are the guy who basically raped me to oh actually I really love you a lot felt forced and unnatural to me.

Light And Shadow Wiki

Natanickii Nov 9, 2020 2 I don't understand how this is so hyped. The characters are very typical and their relationship is so shallow. It's just that they're both attractive and she's nice and he's unused to nice people. Very typical. They hardly have any moments where they actually have a heart to heart. There's also a rape scene that's never addressed. The greater plot is bland and simple. Let me repeat, I don't understand how this is so hyped. The art is spectacular but everything else is average or below. 2주인의 명령에 신분을 속이고 결혼하게 된 하녀, 에드나. 일라이 공작을 싫어하는 자작의 딸 대신 결혼하게 됐지만 그에게 정체가 탄로 나는 건 시간문제였다.

Read up to ch.78 ch. 89 (still on-going) EDIT:// Finished @ ch. 103. Overall; this was such a good journey!! A strong and knowledge female lead, action packed and very addictive story, great romance, amazing art, everything rocked! I keep coming back to this manga and repeating the amazing parts of the couple and their child. I think the only thing bothered me was the ending which felt a bit unsatisfying for me. It kinda felt rushed and not well spaced after the second time skip. I feel like the political aspects of the story could have been handled better at the end but oh well, at least THERE IS A SEQUEL!!! It's called Golden Time. Just google it with the authors name (Ryu Hyang) and you'll find the next webtoon. It's only at ch. 5 so far and updating a bit slow but so far it's good. The story is about Alex and a girl named Jessica it’s kinda a vice versa version of light and shadow. Give it a chance as well! ************** THIS. IS. SUCH. A. GOOD. MANGA. The perfect balance of drama, romance, mystery, and action. But why are these chapters so short ╥﹏╥ Wow. I never thought I would be this much wowed by the development of a female lead after Yona. Edna is the best! The basic story is that the female lead, Edna is a girl raised as a man to have a chance on the royal successor. Stuff happens and there are coup d'etat and she has to run away where she has to be a maid and work on some small noble, the story starts here. The noble decides to disguise her as his daughter and makes her marry this 'horrible' duke called Eli but it turns out he's not that horrible at all ;) Edna is an amazing character because her father, the King, is depraved, insane and absolute trash but even though Edna grew around her father witnessing such cruelty and depravity she still ended up as ok. I feel that normally someone as privileged would lack empathy, be self-absorbed, selfish and uncaring but nope, not Edna. That's not her. There's a certain, how to say this, a rape sexual assualt ugh-I-cant-make-up-my- mind-but-the-good-old-days-make-me-really-angry scene? I mean, it's the old days, but's still kindaaaa against her will but I also wouldn't call it a rape scene exactly. It was not a loving moment, let's just say that. The relationship is really complicated because of the political aspect. Not that I'm trying to excuse it or anything but let me at least try to explain why I'm kindaaa ok with it: They had a mutual agreement to have sex. She agreed to give her body in exchange of protection and a living. I mean, he was just not gentle with a maid who supposedly was no longer a virgin. Not to mention she was sent over to replace a noble fiance who deemed him unworthy for her hand. He was quite pissed that night. It was already kind of him to accept her as an official wife instead of just slashing her throat. He is not famous for being a saint. He is famed for the kill-count on the battle field.Edna herself did mentioned that Eli was ashamed of what he did and apologized and that's good enough for a story in another era (let's admit that their relationship is a complicated one - _ - ). Everything would be different if it was in the present time for sure. If you look past 'that' and continue to read on you will find your self forgiving that horrid scene and move on with the story. Just because the series showed something distasteful in that one chapter doesn't mean that's how the series will be. This story is great and interesting because the characters are well developed and have complex upbringing in a quite cruel environment. Up till now we've at least seen pedophilia, murder of children or using children as baits for dogs just with the previous king (at this level he could almost have come right out of Game of Thrones), so there's cruelty and also loneliness and longing for a loving parent depicted in every character's childhood. However, do not worry. The characters are starting to find see the light the end of the tunnel thanks to each other. Both main characters are fighters who do make progress despite the challenges they face, and there's even some comedy here and there. Actually, not to spoil anything but, both Eli and Edna's presence is nothing but a mirror image of each other defines the title really well. There are only two things I don't like about this webtoon really; 1. The chapters are hella short. 2. Are all the fathers in this story just plain assholes? I'm so ticked of right now! Even if they throw themselves to the dogs, they won't eat such garbage. Poor dogs will get sick instead. I'm disgusted by these fathers! (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸 To sum up; the story starts really tragic, there are still tragic elements here and there (both leads had horrible childhoods thanks to their dads) but otherwise, the story is incredibly addictive. Original webtoon can be read on TappyToon (You need to spend money for locked chapters.) Deinitely give it a chance!! THE ART:

I would've loved to have started the new year by reading a physical book with more words than pictures, but alas this one enticed me before I could even start any novels. I have no complaints tho. This was one of the cutest and most adorable webtoons I have read in a while. The two main characters are absolute angels, I can't even at this point. I've never loved two characters more in my life and they are so perfect. It was refreshing to read about a headstrong, determined, and stubborn, female protagonist that worked alongside her people. Even though she had a husband that tried to keep her safe b minimizing her involvement, she never took it as an insult. Instead, she saw it as her husband's love for her.

When I Stopped Being Your Shadow Manga(novel) At Zinmanga

Natanickii Nov 9, 2020 2 I don't understand how this is so hyped. The characters are very typical and their relationship is so shallow. It's just that they're both attractive and she's nice and he's unused to nice people. Very typical. They hardly have any moments where they actually have a heart to heart. There's also a rape scene that's never addressed. The greater plot is bland and simple. Let me repeat, I don't understand how this is so hyped. The art is spectacular but everything else is average or below. 2주인의 명령에 신분을 속이고 결혼하게 된 하녀, 에드나. 일라이 공작을 싫어하는 자작의 딸 대신 결혼하게 됐지만 그에게 정체가 탄로 나는 건 시간문제였다.

Read up to ch.78 ch. 89 (still on-going) EDIT:// Finished @ ch. 103. Overall; this was such a good journey!! A strong and knowledge female lead, action packed and very addictive story, great romance, amazing art, everything rocked! I keep coming back to this manga and repeating the amazing parts of the couple and their child. I think the only thing bothered me was the ending which felt a bit unsatisfying for me. It kinda felt rushed and not well spaced after the second time skip. I feel like the political aspects of the story could have been handled better at the end but oh well, at least THERE IS A SEQUEL!!! It's called Golden Time. Just google it with the authors name (Ryu Hyang) and you'll find the next webtoon. It's only at ch. 5 so far and updating a bit slow but so far it's good. The story is about Alex and a girl named Jessica it’s kinda a vice versa version of light and shadow. Give it a chance as well! ************** THIS. IS. SUCH. A. GOOD. MANGA. The perfect balance of drama, romance, mystery, and action. But why are these chapters so short ╥﹏╥ Wow. I never thought I would be this much wowed by the development of a female lead after Yona. Edna is the best! The basic story is that the female lead, Edna is a girl raised as a man to have a chance on the royal successor. Stuff happens and there are coup d'etat and she has to run away where she has to be a maid and work on some small noble, the story starts here. The noble decides to disguise her as his daughter and makes her marry this 'horrible' duke called Eli but it turns out he's not that horrible at all ;) Edna is an amazing character because her father, the King, is depraved, insane and absolute trash but even though Edna grew around her father witnessing such cruelty and depravity she still ended up as ok. I feel that normally someone as privileged would lack empathy, be self-absorbed, selfish and uncaring but nope, not Edna. That's not her. There's a certain, how to say this, a rape sexual assualt ugh-I-cant-make-up-my- mind-but-the-good-old-days-make-me-really-angry scene? I mean, it's the old days, but's still kindaaaa against her will but I also wouldn't call it a rape scene exactly. It was not a loving moment, let's just say that. The relationship is really complicated because of the political aspect. Not that I'm trying to excuse it or anything but let me at least try to explain why I'm kindaaa ok with it: They had a mutual agreement to have sex. She agreed to give her body in exchange of protection and a living. I mean, he was just not gentle with a maid who supposedly was no longer a virgin. Not to mention she was sent over to replace a noble fiance who deemed him unworthy for her hand. He was quite pissed that night. It was already kind of him to accept her as an official wife instead of just slashing her throat. He is not famous for being a saint. He is famed for the kill-count on the battle field.Edna herself did mentioned that Eli was ashamed of what he did and apologized and that's good enough for a story in another era (let's admit that their relationship is a complicated one - _ - ). Everything would be different if it was in the present time for sure. If you look past 'that' and continue to read on you will find your self forgiving that horrid scene and move on with the story. Just because the series showed something distasteful in that one chapter doesn't mean that's how the series will be. This story is great and interesting because the characters are well developed and have complex upbringing in a quite cruel environment. Up till now we've at least seen pedophilia, murder of children or using children as baits for dogs just with the previous king (at this level he could almost have come right out of Game of Thrones), so there's cruelty and also loneliness and longing for a loving parent depicted in every character's childhood. However, do not worry. The characters are starting to find see the light the end of the tunnel thanks to each other. Both main characters are fighters who do make progress despite the challenges they face, and there's even some comedy here and there. Actually, not to spoil anything but, both Eli and Edna's presence is nothing but a mirror image of each other defines the title really well. There are only two things I don't like about this webtoon really; 1. The chapters are hella short. 2. Are all the fathers in this story just plain assholes? I'm so ticked of right now! Even if they throw themselves to the dogs, they won't eat such garbage. Poor dogs will get sick instead. I'm disgusted by these fathers! (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸 To sum up; the story starts really tragic, there are still tragic elements here and there (both leads had horrible childhoods thanks to their dads) but otherwise, the story is incredibly addictive. Original webtoon can be read on TappyToon (You need to spend money for locked chapters.) Deinitely give it a chance!! THE ART:

I would've loved to have started the new year by reading a physical book with more words than pictures, but alas this one enticed me before I could even start any novels. I have no complaints tho. This was one of the cutest and most adorable webtoons I have read in a while. The two main characters are absolute angels, I can't even at this point. I've never loved two characters more in my life and they are so perfect. It was refreshing to read about a headstrong, determined, and stubborn, female protagonist that worked alongside her people. Even though she had a husband that tried to keep her safe b minimizing her involvement, she never took it as an insult. Instead, she saw it as her husband's love for her.

When I Stopped Being Your Shadow Manga(novel) At Zinmanga

Natanickii Nov 9, 2020 2 I don't understand how this is so hyped. The characters are very typical and their relationship is so shallow. It's just that they're both attractive and she's nice and he's unused to nice people. Very typical. They hardly have any moments where they actually have a heart to heart. There's also a rape scene that's never addressed. The greater plot is bland and simple. Let me repeat, I don't understand how this is so hyped. The art is spectacular but everything else is average or below. 2주인의 명령에 신분을 속이고 결혼하게 된 하녀, 에드나. 일라이 공작을 싫어하는 자작의 딸 대신 결혼하게 됐지만 그에게 정체가 탄로 나는 건 시간문제였다.

Read up to ch.78 ch. 89 (still on-going) EDIT:// Finished @ ch. 103. Overall; this was such a good journey!! A strong and knowledge female lead, action packed and very addictive story, great romance, amazing art, everything rocked! I keep coming back to this manga and repeating the amazing parts of the couple and their child. I think the only thing bothered me was the ending which felt a bit unsatisfying for me. It kinda felt rushed and not well spaced after the second time skip. I feel like the political aspects of the story could have been handled better at the end but oh well, at least THERE IS A SEQUEL!!! It's called Golden Time. Just google it with the authors name (Ryu Hyang) and you'll find the next webtoon. It's only at ch. 5 so far and updating a bit slow but so far it's good. The story is about Alex and a girl named Jessica it’s kinda a vice versa version of light and shadow. Give it a chance as well! ************** THIS. IS. SUCH. A. GOOD. MANGA. The perfect balance of drama, romance, mystery, and action. But why are these chapters so short ╥﹏╥ Wow. I never thought I would be this much wowed by the development of a female lead after Yona. Edna is the best! The basic story is that the female lead, Edna is a girl raised as a man to have a chance on the royal successor. Stuff happens and there are coup d'etat and she has to run away where she has to be a maid and work on some small noble, the story starts here. The noble decides to disguise her as his daughter and makes her marry this 'horrible' duke called Eli but it turns out he's not that horrible at all ;) Edna is an amazing character because her father, the King, is depraved, insane and absolute trash but even though Edna grew around her father witnessing such cruelty and depravity she still ended up as ok. I feel that normally someone as privileged would lack empathy, be self-absorbed, selfish and uncaring but nope, not Edna. That's not her. There's a certain, how to say this, a rape sexual assualt ugh-I-cant-make-up-my- mind-but-the-good-old-days-make-me-really-angry scene? I mean, it's the old days, but's still kindaaaa against her will but I also wouldn't call it a rape scene exactly. It was not a loving moment, let's just say that. The relationship is really complicated because of the political aspect. Not that I'm trying to excuse it or anything but let me at least try to explain why I'm kindaaa ok with it: They had a mutual agreement to have sex. She agreed to give her body in exchange of protection and a living. I mean, he was just not gentle with a maid who supposedly was no longer a virgin. Not to mention she was sent over to replace a noble fiance who deemed him unworthy for her hand. He was quite pissed that night. It was already kind of him to accept her as an official wife instead of just slashing her throat. He is not famous for being a saint. He is famed for the kill-count on the battle field.Edna herself did mentioned that Eli was ashamed of what he did and apologized and that's good enough for a story in another era (let's admit that their relationship is a complicated one - _ - ). Everything would be different if it was in the present time for sure. If you look past 'that' and continue to read on you will find your self forgiving that horrid scene and move on with the story. Just because the series showed something distasteful in that one chapter doesn't mean that's how the series will be. This story is great and interesting because the characters are well developed and have complex upbringing in a quite cruel environment. Up till now we've at least seen pedophilia, murder of children or using children as baits for dogs just with the previous king (at this level he could almost have come right out of Game of Thrones), so there's cruelty and also loneliness and longing for a loving parent depicted in every character's childhood. However, do not worry. The characters are starting to find see the light the end of the tunnel thanks to each other. Both main characters are fighters who do make progress despite the challenges they face, and there's even some comedy here and there. Actually, not to spoil anything but, both Eli and Edna's presence is nothing but a mirror image of each other defines the title really well. There are only two things I don't like about this webtoon really; 1. The chapters are hella short. 2. Are all the fathers in this story just plain assholes? I'm so ticked of right now! Even if they throw themselves to the dogs, they won't eat such garbage. Poor dogs will get sick instead. I'm disgusted by these fathers! (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸 To sum up; the story starts really tragic, there are still tragic elements here and there (both leads had horrible childhoods thanks to their dads) but otherwise, the story is incredibly addictive. Original webtoon can be read on TappyToon (You need to spend money for locked chapters.) Deinitely give it a chance!! THE ART:

I would've loved to have started the new year by reading a physical book with more words than pictures, but alas this one enticed me before I could even start any novels. I have no complaints tho. This was one of the cutest and most adorable webtoons I have read in a while. The two main characters are absolute angels, I can't even at this point. I've never loved two characters more in my life and they are so perfect. It was refreshing to read about a headstrong, determined, and stubborn, female protagonist that worked alongside her people. Even though she had a husband that tried to keep her safe b minimizing her involvement, she never took it as an insult. Instead, she saw it as her husband's love for her.

When I Stopped Being Your Shadow Manga(novel) At Zinmanga

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