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Latest Manga Releases

Latest Manga Releases

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, Fist of the North Star, Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead and more. New manga for 2022 is being announced and what's been revealed so far has us excited for what publishers, like Viz, Kodansha, Yen Press, Seven Seas and more, have in store for us in the new year.


Check at all of the new manga as well as all of the new manga editions that are releasing in 2022 below! I've included them all in a release schedule, but if you are looking for more details on each, such as synopses, cover art, preorder links, I've included that all on this post as well. Keep in mind that estimated arrival dates are subject to delay or change and may vary depending on where you preorder them from.

September 2022 Manga / Light Novel / Book Releases

I've also included all of the new manhwa that are being printed in 2022, including a Solo Leveling manga box set, on this post as well. If you are interested in manhwa also or are just getting into manhwa, check out my favorite places to read manhwa. Want to check out the new manga releasing in 2022 prior to their release? Here are the best places to read manga online legally!

If you are wanting to see all of the continuing manga volumes that are releasing in 2022 in addition to all of the new manga that's listed on this post, check out the 2022 Continuing Manga Release Schedule. Also if you are interested in learning more about where to buy manga, check out the best manga bookstores and sites! We've also compiled a complete list of all manga restock dates for 2022 as well.

Right Stuf Shop new manga Amazon Shop new manga Book Depository Shop new manga Barnes & Noble Shop new manga Blackwell's (UK) Shop new manga

One Punch Man And Mob Psycho 100 Creator One To Release New Manga

To learn more about each of these manga sites and why I like buying from them, check out the best manga bookstores and sites!

You can learn more about all of the new manga coming in 2022 and find out what sites have them up for preorder below!

Synopsis: Return to the magical and thrilling world of Britannia with this new adventure from the creator of The Seven Deadly Sins, the manga that inspired the No. 1 hit Netflix Original Anime! Four Knights of the Apocalypse is a new story in the world of The Seven Deadly Sins, but can be enjoyed totally on its own!

One Punch Man Author One's New Manga

Percival has always lived with his grandfather on the idyllic, remote God’s Finger. And though Percival loves the simple life, he longs for adventure. That is, until adventure comes knocking at his door, tearing away everything he’s ever known and leaving him alone in the world. Now Percival has no choice but to go out into the world and see what it holds...after all, it’s his destiny!

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Synopsis: Savage demons devour unsuspecting humans in Taisho-era Japan. The Demon Slayer Corps wields special swords to end the devastation demons spread. Giyu Tomioka—the sole Water Hashira—and Kyojuro Rengoku—a high-ranking Kinoe—travel on missions to eliminate demons and prove their mettle as two of the fiercest Demon Slayers.


New Gl Manga Natsu To Lemon To Overlay To Release Soon!

Giyu heads north toward an area where hunters have been killed. He and the Insect Hashira meet Yae, the daughter of a slain hunter. Yae believes a bear killed her father, but the truth is harder to endure. Kyojuro also receives his newest assignment and hopes completing it will prove he’s worthy of becoming the Flame Hashira, the title his father abandoned. An explosive battle unfolds as Kyojuro takes on a demon of the Twelve Kizuki with a grudge against Kyojuro’s father.

, is releasing in the Winter 2022 anime season! In the mean time, here are some anime like Demon Slayer that are worth checking out!

Synopsis: Tetsu is a seemingly normal student, whose passionate love for his teacher turns violent in the most unexpected of ways when another suitor attempts to stand between them. Haunted by his family’s past, he must learn to navigate his desire and quell his rage if he hopes to find peace and solace in his relationships with others.

Yen Press Announces 10 New Manga & Manhwa Releases At Nycc 2022

Osamu Tezuka’s masterful artwork and irrepressibly creative page layouts reach a feverish peak in depicting the manifestation of the tortured youth’s explosive angst. Thematically rich yet instinctively relatable, Bomba! deftly weaves an exploration of the complex nature of friendship and the lasting psychological ravages of war into its tale of love, jealousy, revenge, and redemption.

Synopsis: Once every millennium, the gods assemble to decide if humanity is worthy of its continued existence or if it should be destroyed! When the verdict is destruction, the final battle between the gods and mortal heroes will decide the survival or extinction of the human race—a battle known as Ragnarok!


The Valkyrie Brunhilde has convinced the gods to give humanity a chance at redemption through combat in the Valhalla arena. Seeking a quick end to the proceedings, the gods present their first fighter: Thor, the Norse god of thunder. Facing him is a warrior said to be the strongest in the history of mankind, the legendary general Lü Bu!

February 2023 Manga / Light Novel / Book Releases

Synopsis: A high school loner is given the part-time job of a lifetime as a modern day ninja tasked to perform international assassinations. After World War II, Allied Command in Japan developed a new agency to help manage terrorism and violence within the Pacific region.

The agency was staffed with ninja and they were initially tasked to handle domestic affairs. Eventually that program grew to its current form, managing 20, 000 ninja across a range of domestic and international affairs. One of those ninja happens to be Kudo. The seventeen-year-old high school loser is now poised to be the next line of defense against a potential surge in foreign assassins invading Tokyo.

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The Best New Manga And Light Novels To Pick Up In 2021

Synopsis: Everyone’s favorite Merc with a Mouth is back! As a member of the newly formed Samurai Squad, Deadpool moves to Tokyo, where he soon runs afoul of some familiar faces. Whether he’s teaming up with new heroes, battling gods, attending concerts, or being repeatedly dismembered, Deadpool always brings chaos and his characteristic sense of humor along with him!


Deadpool lands in Tokyo with a bang! Several bangs in a row, actually. Plus a few slashes, a thud, a fwoosh or two, and finally, a huge kaboom! What could possibly go wrong when Iron Man invites Deadpool to the Samurai Squad of the Avengers? After all, Deadpool is just in it for the money and the trip to Japan. This is fine, right?

Synopsis: Five intimate magical-realist tales from manga legend Rumiko Takahashi! A supernatural mirror compels a teenager to draw out and destroy the evil lurking within others. But will his duty destroy him? A has-been manga creator acquires the power to curse his competition. Is it worth it? A pet cat plays human matchmaker—warning, side effects may include partial transmogrification.

Tokyopop Confirms License Of 7 New Manga

Synopsis: Despite being the bearer of the powerful Divine Blessing of the Guide, Red has been banished from the Hero's party. Listless, he decides to head to the frontier and hatches a plan to spend his days working an easy apothecary job. Thus begins his new life!

Synopsis: Students of the prestigious Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing High School are given remarkable freedom—if they can win, barter, or save enough points to work their way up the ranks! Ayanokouji Kiyotaka has landed at the bottom in the scorned Class D, where he meets Horikita Suzune, who’s determined to rise up the ladder to Class A. Can they beat the system in a school where cutthroat competition is the name of the game?

In a devastated post-apocalyptic future, Earth is a ruinous wasteland. Humanity's only remaining strongholds are mobile fortress cities called Plantations. Massive beasts known as klaxosaurs, the planet's new apex predators, have pushed mankind to the edge of extinction, and within the walls of the Plantations, things are no less dire.


Best Upcoming Manga Released (or Ongoing) In 2023!

Humans no longer love or reproduce–adults live on in sterile immortality while children are regarded as nothing more than parasites, artificially created to pair up

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