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Hypnosis Mic Manga Order

Hypnosis Mic Manga Order

The chapter opens with one page of TDD era Jakurai and Ramuda near the end of a heated rap battle against each other––Jakurai hits Ramuda square on with an attack, downing him to his knees, and announces that the next verse will be the last for both of them. Then, much like BB & MTC’s first chapter, we’re given a very similar rundown of the setting introducing the H Era, the Hypnosis Mic, the Divisions, etc.

Next things start following the first drama track from Matenro: Aural Medicine almost word for word. Thoughts of Ramuda during the battle on the opening pages flash through Jakurai’s mind as he ponders the issue of finding new team members.


Then we cut to Doppo. He comes home looking exhausted, to find dinner set out for him with a note––”Doppo-chin, Today’s dinner is soy-poached flounder. It’s super yummy so eat up! –Hifumi”

Hypnosis Mic Division Rap Battle Side F.p. & M Manga Gets 2nd Part

The scene then shifts to Hifumi at the host club introducing himself and working a customer who replies to his flattery by saying she’ll be trying to spend 12345600 yen on him this month and orders some champagne. The hosts basically do the call from Champagne Gold. But a woman in shadow hiding in the doorway just mumbles “Hifumi…” to herself while the festivities are going on.

Hifumi returns home and takes off his suit. He checks the rice cooker and comments that Doppo must’ve even had seconds before going to bed. He gets started on chores the moment he wakes up and smiles when gets a text from Doppo.

We shift to Doppo on his way home from work that evening. He’s impressed that he managed to leave the office on time for once––something that usually only happens about once a year––before spiraling into negative thoughts. He picks up the mail and notices a large envelope addressed to Hifumi but doesn’t give it much thought. Hifumi welcomes him home and tells him dinner will be ready soon, commenting that they haven’t had a proper meal together since New Years. Doppo immediately jumps to negativity again but Hifumi laughs it off and says he put extra effort into the dinner since Doppo’s been working so hard. Doppo’s eyes sparkle at the spread, and he mentions he’s surprised Hifumi made all that in the short time since he texted him he was on his way back. Hifumi jokes that he wasn’t planning anything special initially, but that he went out of his way to make Doppo’s favorites since it was a rare occasion where they’d be eating together.

Matenro's Original Multi Clear File

Doppo thanks him, they eat. After dinner, Doppo compliments Hifumi on his cooking and makes him some coffee before he(Hifumi) has to go to work. Then he hands him the envelope he picked up on his way home. It contains the letter from the stalker written in blood and the knife and photos as described in the drama track. Hifumi seems oddly amused almost but Doppo immediately freaks out.

Doppo urges him to call the police at once, but Hifumi calmly explains that he’s the top host in Shinjuku, so he’s come to expect this sort of thing, and that ultimately she’s coming from a place of fondness for him so Dopop shouldn’t worry too much. Doppo remains unconvinced. The doorbell rings the security camera shows a woman in uniform carrying a package claiming she has a delivery. Hifumi immediately freaks out, asking Doppo to talk to her because he can’t handle women. Doppo agrees to handle the visitor and tells Hifumi to get ready for work but teases him for being so calm when faced with a letter written in blood but being unable to handle a delivery person. He receives the package, the woman leaves after confirming the apartment is Hifumi’s.

Doppo notices that the package has no return address and then a loud crash comes from the other room. When he rushes to Hifumi’s aid, he finds a broken window, the delivery woman holding a knife and suit-clad Hifumi with a wounded arm. Hifumi tells him to stay back. The woman screams at Doppo, saying she can’t allow him to live with her precious Hifumi and then shouts that she’s going to kill him and charges with the knife. Hifumi tackles her before she reaches Doppo. Hifumi declares that he doesn’t care what happens to him, but hurting his best friend Doppo would be crossing a line that would make him hate even one of his dear clients.

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The woman seems shocked that he could be mad about this and runs. Doppo is freaked out but Hifumi is playing it excessively cool and Doppo isn’t having it. Hifumi seems more worried about the woman though.


Two weeks later. Doppo pays Jakurai a visit at work. Things proceed almost word-for-word from the drama track––Jakurai asks about whether Doppo’s back because he can’t sleep, Doppo introduces Hifumi, Hifumi freaks out over the woman nurse coming in, etc.

We end on the two of them leaving Jakurai with plans to meet later and Jakurai’s interest in the two of them being piqued as potential team members. The narration notes that as a former member of TDD Jakurai should be able to do something for this woman.

Hypnosis Mic Division Rap Battle Side B.b & M.t.c. Vol. 1

On the final page of the chapter we’re treated to a page of Ramuda singing drops as he walks through Shibuya with the text “and someone is on the move in Shibuya…”

The chapter opens with Ramuda on the phone with Ichiro, saying he has something he wants Ichiro to do for him. He lights a cigarette and switches to his “real” mode looking down at dossiers of Gentaro and Dice, thinking it’s finally time for him to make a move, “with these two, surely…”


We cut to Yokohama, where Dice is shoveling Rio’s cooking into his face. Rio remarks on how Dice is always hungry. Dice responds that it’s all over for a gambler if you lose your hunger. Rio is unfamiliar with that world, but thinks Dice would make a good soldier with that mindset. Dice is full and says that Rio’s food is delicious as always. But he has one more request for Rio and proceeds to do a flying dogeza (begging pose) and asks to lend him money. Rio asks if he needs military funding for some sort of battle given how he appears to be desperate. Dice says he needs the money to defeat the “Demon” (name of a slot machine illustrated for readers, so defeat = win big). Rio muses how the name reminds of him of some military equipment and goes into a detailed monologue about its specs. Dice doesn’t understand a single word he says.

Hypnosis Mic: Before The Battle

Rio hands Dice a bag and says he can just pay him back once he completes his mission. Dice is moved and says he doesn’t need a bag when he can just pocket the money. He looks inside & balks at how it’s filled with 10, 000 yen bills. Rio says it should be enough for battle. Dice, shaking, says he can’t possibly borrow all of it, so he’ll take only 50, 000 yen. Rio’s surprised he’s going to face a tough enemy with such a small amount. He salutes and says Dice is a far greater patriot than he could ever be. Dice awkwardly returns the salute.

The next scene is Gentaro sitting in a coffeeshop with a stack of blank paper and a pen. He watches people pass by while imagining outlandish scenarios and settings for them: “That guy’s actually the prince of a country, but he wants find a bride on his own so he’s just hitting on everyone.”

Ramuda appears and introduces himself to Gentaro––the sequence then follows the first drama track from Fling Posse: F.P.S.M. fairly closely––Gentaro pretends to be someone else, Ramuda is unconvinced and keeps pushing, Gentaro finally relents, and ultimately Ramuda invites him to join his crew.


Things About Hypnosis Mic You Didn't Know

The next scene follows the scene from Matenro: Aural Medicine‘s first drama track where Jakurai, Hifumi and Doppo confront Hifumi’s stalker, ending with Jakurai asking the other two to join his crew.

We open on Ramuda looking over the file Ichiro provided on Gentaro. Ramuda is glad Ichiro’s good at his job because he didn’t want to go through Central Ward for info. He notes that the Central Ward have had their eye on Gentaro for some time, so there must be something special about him. Ramuda thinks his use of details of Gentaro’s past (per Saburo’s report) seemed effective. He shifts focus to Dice, suggesting things ought to go well if his personality is as his research indicated as he looks down at a Central Ward branded mic in his coat pocket.

Things proceed essentially word-for-word from the Dice half of the first drama track from Fling Posse: F.P.S.M., starting with Ramuda literally jumping on Dice playing slots and making him lose, to their eventual rap battle and his recruitment.

Manga, Hypnosis Mic: Division Rap Battle

We cut to Gentaro visiting someone unconscious in a hospital bed hooked up to IVs. He muses on the Ramuda’s comment about changing the world, thinking that, the grand scheme of


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