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Fruits Basket Manga Suite

Fruits Basket Manga Suite

If you're reading Fruits Basket Another, then you love Natsuki Takaya and her series Fruits Basket. So do you really need a critical review of volume 4, the final volume? Probably not. So don't expect me to get all analytical here. I just don't want to be that person in regards to this series.

In this volume, we get a long, single, final chapter to the Another series, we also get the six part Three MusketeersArc and some warm fuzzies at the end with the original series.


The final chapter, just like the prior three volumes, goes by at a frenetic pace, without necessarily a clear goal or arc in mind. In fact, from the first volume to this one, there's quite the shift in which characters are the focus (and honestly, I had trouble remember who was who after such a long publishing delay between volumes). Is that a criticism? No. If this was a formal series I'd be tempted to dig into it's pacing, organization, and narrative structure. But I continue to view this as being more akin to fan-service to those, like myself, who love the original Fruits Basket. So no matter how it's presented, I love living in their world and meeting their children.

Fruits Basket Manga

What I do particularly like about this volume, and actually wish was made into a full series in it's own right, is Shiki's relationship with his mother. For those who haven't seen the original series, I won't spoil who his mother is. But this chapter offers a fascinating glimpse into the fallout that character experienced after the original series. And I thought, as with all that Takaya-sensei does, it is remarkably kind and sensitive even to a character that could be very hard to sympathize with.

I did read somewhere that this final chapter, with it's focus on Shiki, was actually a one-shot and not necessarily part of the prior three volumes, which may account of the shift in narrative perspective. Either way, I would have wanted much more time with him, just like I would have wanted much more time with Sawa (the primary lead in the first three volumes - although they're frenetic with focus as well). But I'll take anything that Takaya-sensei wants to give us. I love her art, I love the feeling, and if nothing else, this was some relatively light, hopeful fun with that bit of bittersweetness that is so strong in her works.

Please legitimately purchase or borrow manga and anime. Never read scanlations or watch fansubs. Those rob the creators of the income they need to survive and reduce the chance of manga and anime being legitimately released in English.

Fruits Basket Serie Online Stream Anschauen

All comments are moderated by a real person who only checks them once a day. Therefore, comments may take a while before they show up. Thanks for understanding. It's how we keep this a community of lovingkindness.Nach einer Familientragödie steht die Welt für die 16-jahrige Oberschülerin Tooru Honda Kopf. Sie packt ihre Sachen und zieht aus … in ein Zelt! Unglücklicherweise stellt sie ihr Zelt auf einem Privatgrundstück des mysteriösen

Auf und es dauert nicht lang, bis der Besitzer ihr Geheimnis herausfindet. Doch der Souma-Clan hat sein ganz eigenes Geheimnis, wie Tooru bald erfahren soll. Denn wenn Mitglieder des Clans von einer Person des anderen Geschlechts umarmt werden, verwandeln sie sich in die Tiere der chinesischen Sternzeichen. Quelle: /anime/13991


After having gone through family tragedy, the world of the 16-year-old high-school student Tooru Honda is turned upside down. She packs her things and moves out … into a tent! Unfortunately, she manages to set up her tent on the private property of the mysterious

Fruits Basket Letter Writing Set [envelope 3pc + Paper 6pc] Japan Manga Anime

And it doesn’t take the owner very long until he learns her secret. The Souma Clan, however, has its very own secret as Tooru is soon to find out. When members of the Clan are embraced by a person of the opposite sex, they transform into animals from the Chinese zodiac signs! Source:

Una tragedia familiar pone de cabeza el mundo de Tooru Honda, una estudiante de bachillerato de 16 años. Ella empaca sus cosas y se va de su casa … ¡Ahora vive en una carpa! Desafortunadamente, monta su tienda de campaña en la propiedad del misterioso


Y el propietario no tarda en descubrir su secreto. Sin embargo, el Clan Souma tiene su propio secreto, cosa que Tooru pronto descubrirá, ya que los miembros del clan se convierten en los animales del horóscopo chino cuando son abrazados por una persona del sexo opuesto. Fuente:

Fruits Basket Another

Suite à une tragédie familiale, le monde a basculé pour Tooru Honda, une lycéenne de 16 ans. Elle fait ses bagages et déménage… dans une tente ! Mais elle installe malheureusement sa tente sur une propriété privée appartenant au mystérieux

Et il ne faut pas longtemps au propriétaire pour découvrir son secret. Le clan Souma a cependant son propre secret, comme Tooru va bientôt l’apprendre. En effet, lorsque les membres du clan sont embrassés par une personne du sexe opposé, ils se transforment en animaux du zodiaque chinois. Source:


Dopo una tragedia famigliare, la vita della liceale 16enne Tooru Honda si capovolge. Prende le sue cose e trasloca… in una tenda! Sfortunatamente mette la sua tenda sulla proprietà privata del misterioso

Fruits Basket Collectors Edition Vol. 4 By Natsuki Takaya

, e non dura a lungo fino a che il proprietario scopre il suo segreto. Il Souma clan ha un segreto proprio, però, come Tootu scoprirà presto: se un membro del clan viene abbracciato da una persona del sesso opposto, si trasforma in un animale del calendario zodiacale cinese. Fonte:

Du hilfst anderen gerne bei der Suche nach einem Anime oder informierst gern über Anime? Dann empfehlen wir, zusätzlich einen Link zum Anime-Eintrag hier auf mit anzugeben. Damit erleichterst Du dem Empfänger die Suche nach dem Anime und bietest ihm eine ganze Fülle an Informationen!Fan-favorite Fruits Basket is back with more Sohma-filled adventures! Except this time, it's set in the same world, years later. Find out more in this new volume! School's no longer an endless pit of anxiety and solitary lunches for Sawa thanks to the Sohmas. She's joined the student council and made new friends who don't abandon her no matter how painfully awkward or useless she is. They don't even get angry when she screws up or starts blabbering gibberish! Though social interactions are still daunting, people don't seem to be as scary anymore--at least, until another Sohma appears?!


Name (in native language) : 高屋奈月 Natsuki Takaya (高屋 奈月 Takaya Natsuki, real name Naka Hatake) is the penname of a Japanese manga artist best-known for creating the series Fruits Basket. She was born on July 7, 1973; (Tanabata). Takaya is left-handed and once revealed that she wanted to be a mangaka since first grade, when her sister started drawing. She was born in Shizuoka, Japan, but was raised in Tokyo, where she made her debut in 1992. She enjoys video games such as the Final Fantasy series or Sakura Wars, or working on her different manga series, such as Fruits Basket, which is the second best-selling shōjo manga ever in Japan, and the top selling shōjo manga in North America. Fruits Basket has also been adapted into a twenty-six-episode anime series. In 2001, Takaya received a Kodansha Manga Award for shōjo manga for Fruits Basket. According to Takaya (in a sidebar of a Fruits Basket manga volume), she enjoys drawing girls (girly ones) more than she does boys. Takaya also enjoys electronics and music, but dislikes talking about herself. Also revealed in a sidebar of Fruits Basket, Takaya broke her drawing arm (left) after Fruits Basket volume six was published. She had to go into surgery, and as a result, had put Fruits Basket on a brief hiatus. Takaya made a full recovery, but complains that her handwriting had gotten uglier, due to the surgery. During her hospital stay, she gained an interest in baseball.

The Transient Queerness Of Fruits Basket

All right buckle up. Some amendments to my Vol 1 review - the kid who is weak and we see at the end of the volume is Shiki, Akito & Shigure's son (a first year middle school student). Will wonders never cease. Hanajima meanwhile appears to have a son as well, Ryo, who is a third year in middle school (but not a then did she not end up with Kazuma?). Momiji and an unknown woman had a daughter, Mii, who's so darling. Momo is Momiji's assistant and quite close with Mii. Ayame had two kids - a son Chizuru and a daughter Hibiki (who is a spitting image of her mother but practically Ayame in personality). Hiro is mentioned, though little is said and Kisa not at all. I still think that Kinu is Hatori's kid (either Uotani & Kagure's kid or Hatori's), I..haven't seen anything about Ritsu. Meanwhile the story itself is better paced and explained - I understand Mitoma better and she plays off Shiki well. And while it's hard not to compare every one against their parents I felt somewhat chastised by Chizuru who apparently is compared against his father (positively and negatively) fairly

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