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Buy Japanese Manga India

Buy Japanese Manga India

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5 new Japanese manga store in Mumbai so that you can buy your favorite manga and Light novels without spending a fortune on international sites.


I never thought that my first post about manga places will rank on the Google search results. This gave me the confidence to write a second one but this time I’ll be curating the list for 5 Japanese manga stores in Mumbai.

Japanese Manga Stores In Bangalore

I know there aren’t any good manga stores in Mumbai but if you ever came across a video that vaguely describes the manga culture in Mumbai, then chances are you already know about the place. But if you have not seen any Manga store in Mumbai then tag along because this is a once in a lifetime experience to live inside the manga world in the heart of Mumbai.

Located in the serene area of Mumbai, Granth Book Store is one hell of a destination. You can simply pick up your favorite manga and Light novel to read while enjoying the cool breeze of air from the local beach. The staff is extremely friendly, and they always help newcomers to pick up their first book. Although I never visited the place myself, I have a hunch that it’ll be a paradise for us book lovers.

There aren’t many comic book stores that are as popular as Comicclan. These guys started their journey in 2017, and in just four years, Comicclan becomes the leading comic store in India. You can find Tokyo Ghoul bundles to classic DBX manga under a single roof. I’ll be honest with you, even the Japan Foundation cannot match the Comicclan’s ever-growing manga collection. These guys are humongous and they will never let you down with your manga reading journey with their exclusive collection of Japanese manga, light novels, and action figurines.

Demon Slayer, A Japanese Anime Show On Ott Has Captured Netizens' Hearts

Your one-stop destination for all your manga worries, Entertainment Store is one of the best places to buy manga in India. You can shop mangas, comics, novels, short stories while enjoying your favorite chibi Nauro figurines. The place is packed with books, lights novels, and whatnot.

Calling it only a manga destination is an insult, I prefer to call this store complete book heaven for all the readers around the world. Not only Indians, but foreigners can also sip their Favorite coffee while looking into a giant collection of books and novels.

Internet nerd! this is your place and all of you belong in this shop only and nowhere else. I would have mentioned 2-3 things about the place but considering how big of a deal Nerd Arena is, it’s hard to write about such a cool store that has covered 10+ fandoms of anime, manga, DC, Marvel, and whatnot. You can find video games, movies, anime, manga collectibles, and some of the rarest pop culture items in the store that are so unique that no other manga store in Mumbai has them.

Manga Market Size, Share & Growth Analysis Report, 2030

At this point i can only say, check out their website and let me know in the comment section. I am a huge fan of pop culture, and these guys have been working since 2020 and they are so successful. i swear if i ever visit Mumbai, Nerd Arena will be on my checklist and I’ll sleep there if they allow me.

Crossword is a diamond mine in a gold mine. While you can find all the marvel, DC, and Indian comics, Japanese manga fans are in for a treat as this book store has a tiny section specially dedicated to Japanese books, manga, light novels, and everything otaku.

I am not from Mumbai so I am not what and how many mangas this store currently has, but i am sure its positive reviews speak for themselves. If you are from Mumbai and you watch/read anime and manga then the place might feel like home. I have visited a few places in New Delhi and I can my city has so few options to buy manga in comparison to Mumbai. If you are an otaku then these places should be on your otaku list.


Best Places To Buy Japanese Manga And Comics In Bangalore

Before leaving check the New Delhi Article, you’ll find 5 more Japanese Manga stores in New Delhi. Or you can subscribe to us so that the latest news will reach its senpai from all over the world.We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page..

As a fellow otaku, I tried to find some of the hidden gems in New Delhi for my readers. After extensive research, I curated this list of 5 Japanese Manga Stores in New Delhi that you should visit right now.

NOTE: The availability of mangas totally depends upon your luck. Nowadays, people purchase manga more often than before. Make sure to confirm before coming to the stores.

Buy Genshin Impact Japanese Manga Comic Book Anthology Dna Media Online In India

The staff is extremely helpful and you can find all the Popular Mangas in the book store. The best part is the long history of the store that dates back to 1978.

Midland book shop was founded by Mirza Yaseen Baig in 1978 and it is considered as one of the oldest book shops in New Delhi.


Situated in the Posh area of Saket of South Delhi, The Bahrisons Booksellers is a world of its own. While you can find limited Manga and Light novels in the store, the environment is extremely peaceful and the hospitality of the store employees will make you feel at home.

Coming Of Age Manga You Should Read

Although I have never visited the place myself I can say all the otakus must visit the place once to experience the store firsthand.

Om Book Shop is located near Delhi – Jaipur Express Highway in Ambience Island. Although the place is far for South Delhiites, you can visit the store franchise in Saket as well.

The ambiance is cool and the staff is friendly to the readers. You can order a coffee and read your favorite books inside the store and nobody will bother you.

Where Can I Buy Japanese Manga Books In Bangalore For Less Price?

NOTE: I am not sure if they still had mangas in the book store. I would suggest confirm the availability of mangas before coming.Mangaful Cafe


Every otaku would agree that good food and manga go hand-in-hand. well if you are into good food and good manga then Mangaful Cafe is your ultimate destination.

Located in the MG Road, Mangaful Cafe is one hidden cafe that offers mouth-watering Japanese food and a collection of mangas to read.

Manga Planet India Hosts Stall At Japan Food Sake Festival Until March 6

Every week The Japan Foundation adds new Mangas to their library and it is the best manga store for all the otakus.

What makes The Japan foundation special is the whole idea of the building. I personally visited the place and there are Japanese language classes that the reader can opt for. I personally suggest you visit the place first if you love Japanese culture and arts.

 is a news source for anime, manga,  k-pop, gaming, and pop culture in the world. Bringing you the latest in the world of Anime entertainment.


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