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Boku No Hero Manga Leo Manga

Boku No Hero Manga Leo Manga

HORIKOSHI Kouhei Name (in native language): 堀越耕平 Associated Names: Kouhei Horikoshi Born 1986 in the prefecture Aichi, Horikoshi first attracted attention in the second half of 2006 when he entered Shueisha's 72th Tezuka Award for Newcomers with his one shot Nukegara and made it to the final six, where he gained himself an Honorable Mention. Various short stories in Shueisha's Akamaru JUMP followed over the years until he published his one shot Oumagadoki Doubutsuen in issue #2/2010 of Weekly Shounen JUMP. Kouhei Horikoshi is a graduate of Nagoya University of Arts. He was previously an assistant to TANAKA Yasuki. Zodiac: Scorpio Pixiv: 堀越

I want to say the major highlight of this book were Bakugo's actions, but in hindsight, it was more than that. The volume in total not only set a precedent how bonds should be like, but also made me understand how you affect lives of people with simple actions. Midoriya's kindness towards his classmates was well paid off. It's about Bakugo and Midoriya indeed, but it is also about Midoriya and his class (Uraraka, Shoto, and Tenya notwithstanding). I also appreciate Denki fulfulling his promise and making Midoriya take a bath 😂.

I have no words. But if I did, I’d be crying into my keyboard. It got me. The series set me up and sucker punched me with a Idaho-Smash. I kept showing my family scenes of Deku and all the UA students as they are now and I got lots of amazed stares. You see, they’re fans to. We have little figurines. To see how dark it got here… well… just wow. So good. Sooo good.

Boku No Hero Academia (2019)

I've most likely already started this volume even if we don't know for sure what chapters this will include. I'm very excited to read the new chapters coming up as the story somehow manages to become better and better with everything Horikoshi continues to add to it.

This is... the story of how I became the greatest hero... and also... the story of how we all became the greatest heroes. The stage is gone now. The theatre's knocked down. Lack of understanding. Intolerance. It seems we're always just one step away. Try as it might, humanity struggles to make true progress down its path. Issues shift... and voices clash... making that single step... feel like an impossible journey. Me reading this:

I don't particularly like the conflict between civilians and heroes but I can see why it is needed. chap. 322: I'm so proud of Bakugo

Boku No Hero Academia |manga| 98

Yes. We've finally reached that point where almost every other chapter renders me to a pitiful sap, bawling my eyes out. Deku vs. Class A? (Chef's kiss!) Do yourself a favor and have plenty tissues handy! MHA isn't a romance by any stretch of the imagination. But if it was? Uraraka's speech upon their return to UA High would be better than any admission of love.

Covers chapters 319 - 330, as I'm not sure which chapters this volume will cover. In comparison to the previous two volumes... this one honestly left me a little disappointed. It started off super well with the force Deku to accept help battle, the incredible character growth of Kacchan, and the overview/realisations of the hero society structure and all that... but by the end I felt it was falling a bit flat, and so far I'm not convinced with this whole Stars and Stripes coming to the rescue... More Deku and 1A, and less introducing new characters I couldn't care less about at this late stage, please! Chapter notes below for personal reference: (potentially spoiler heavy) Notes cover Chapters 319 - 336, as those are all the chapters currently released. Chapter 319. LMAO. They used Nedzu to get Endeavour in so that they could ambush him XDD – Awwwww… Kacchan is worried about his best friendddd <33 – They all want to be there for Deku <3 Class 1A are the best (...except Mineta. He still sucks.) – There’s Deku! So they ALL arrived to save him? Seems overkill, but nevertheless I approve. – Deku, just accept their help. They’re there because they care about you :| Chapter 320. Accept their help dammit! They’re trying so hard! – Todoroko still doesn’t do things by halves, huh? XD – ACCEPT. THEIR. HELP. Chapter 321. They’re certainly getting good at the combo attacks, huh? o.O – Little confused by the combo between Todoroki, Bakugo and Mina honestly… all I got is that it’s a ramp? Maybe the acid is to make it more slippery to gain speed, and then Kacchan for explosive propellant? – …Huh? Is throwing Iida really far a good idea? – He got his hand! Finally! Chapter 322. Ohhh… Iida was weightless thanks to Uraraka, to prevent y’know… plummeting and dying. – Kacchan’s bearing his all to Deku, and explaining his feelings - which means that a) he has enough self-actualisation to realise what those feelings were, and why he felt that way, and b) that he’s opening up to his childhood bestie <33 – HE APOLOGISEDDDDDDD. The angry pomeranian has grown up so much ;u; <33 – IS THAT THIRTEEN? I don’t know why, but I legit thought they looked like an astronaut for real, rather than being a “normal” looking person in a suit… oops? But in my defense there is a LITERAL washing machine hero. – Those civilians can get fucked. I know you’re scared, but don’t try to turn a teenager out into the cold to save your own skin because the big bad is after him. You guys are in probably the most well defended place in the country, thanks to Nedzu, and if the big bad wins you’re screwed anyways soooo…. Chapter 323. Yep. Knew it. INSANE defenses, courtesy of Nedzu. – Oh look! Mitsuki, Inko, Eri, uhhh… Ragdoll’s nephew? That over there looks like Monoma… – What’s Uraraka doing? o.O – A great speech from Uraraka about Deku, though I do wonder where she got the loudspeaker from… Did Momo hand it to her before she jumped up there? Chapter 324. Baby Uraraka is adorable and I love her. These flashbacks really tell a lot about who she is as a person now too. Super sweet and genuine and just wants to help others - civilian and hero alike c: – KOTA. THAT’S HIS NAME. I’m so glad he went to help Izuku, help his hero <3 Chapter 325. He called him his big brotherrrrrr ;u; – Oooh… This civilian guy is GOOD. “How long do we plan to be the audience?” Makes a good pointttt – Inko’s finally able to give her son a hug! :D – IS THAT A PROSTHETIC LIMB? …what did I miss. When did Aizawa lose a limb. It’s been a while and a LOT has happened 8’D – …Has he also completely lost an eye? Chapter 326. STAIN! I was wondering when you’d pop up, after seeing you in the background :| Why are you threatening All Might? o.O – Oh yeahhhhh. Stain’s only ever seen All Might in All Might form. – Whoaaaaa… Did Stain just therapy-no-jutsu All Might to get him to get his shit together? :O Chapter 327. ...I am so confused by the stressful bathing scene… – KACCHAN CALLED HIM IZUKU :O :O :O – lol, creepy All Might outside window XDD – …who’s that beside Jirou? Is it Momo? Because it doesn’t LOOK like Momo… but isn’t Momo the only one with hair like that? I’m so confused. – WHAT DOES STAIN’S LETTER SAY. Chapter 328. Okay… So Stain got some information from a guard(?) at Tartarus, that in the wrong hands could destroy everything? So what is it then? – THREE DAYS? Shit. – WAIT WAIT WAIT WHAT?! ALL MIGHT HAS A PREVIOUS STUDENT? AND SHE’S THE NO.1 HERO IN AMERICA?! WHAAAAAAAAAT Chapter 329. Uh oh. AFO is wanting to get Stars and Stripes’ quirk. Hopefully that doesn’t work, given that she’s apparently the “strongest woman in the world”. – She really does just look like a genderswapped All Might, huh? o.O Don’t really have the highest hopes for her against Shigaraki unfortunately 8’D Chapter 330. Pretty intense between these two so far… – Okay, so he’s not Shigaraki Tomura. But is that because the name is wrong (...I mean, AFO changed his name to this, right?) or because he and AFO are merging into a new being? Chapter 331. She’s going to try and kill him? :o – She seems very OP, but I suppose that’s necessary in this case. – Missiles incoming? Didn’t expect THAT o.o Chapter 332. I gotta say, the limits of Star’s quirk are pretty amazing, and I love that in order to be the hero she is, that she needs to have backup from the military and its firepower. – Oh look. What a surprise. Shigaraki survived. – Sooooooo… he’s got her quirk? Chapter 333. WAITTTT… did she turn her own quirk into a bomb? So that if Shigaraki got it it would basically self-destruct? :O – So

I've most likely already started this volume even if we don't know for sure what chapters this will include. I'm very excited to read the new chapters coming up as the story somehow manages to become better and better with everything Horikoshi continues to add to it.

This is... the story of how I became the greatest hero... and also... the story of how we all became the greatest heroes. The stage is gone now. The theatre's knocked down. Lack of understanding. Intolerance. It seems we're always just one step away. Try as it might, humanity struggles to make true progress down its path. Issues shift... and voices clash... making that single step... feel like an impossible journey. Me reading this:

I don't particularly like the conflict between civilians and heroes but I can see why it is needed. chap. 322: I'm so proud of Bakugo

Boku No Hero Academia |manga| 98

Yes. We've finally reached that point where almost every other chapter renders me to a pitiful sap, bawling my eyes out. Deku vs. Class A? (Chef's kiss!) Do yourself a favor and have plenty tissues handy! MHA isn't a romance by any stretch of the imagination. But if it was? Uraraka's speech upon their return to UA High would be better than any admission of love.

Covers chapters 319 - 330, as I'm not sure which chapters this volume will cover. In comparison to the previous two volumes... this one honestly left me a little disappointed. It started off super well with the force Deku to accept help battle, the incredible character growth of Kacchan, and the overview/realisations of the hero society structure and all that... but by the end I felt it was falling a bit flat, and so far I'm not convinced with this whole Stars and Stripes coming to the rescue... More Deku and 1A, and less introducing new characters I couldn't care less about at this late stage, please! Chapter notes below for personal reference: (potentially spoiler heavy) Notes cover Chapters 319 - 336, as those are all the chapters currently released. Chapter 319. LMAO. They used Nedzu to get Endeavour in so that they could ambush him XDD – Awwwww… Kacchan is worried about his best friendddd <33 – They all want to be there for Deku <3 Class 1A are the best (...except Mineta. He still sucks.) – There’s Deku! So they ALL arrived to save him? Seems overkill, but nevertheless I approve. – Deku, just accept their help. They’re there because they care about you :| Chapter 320. Accept their help dammit! They’re trying so hard! – Todoroko still doesn’t do things by halves, huh? XD – ACCEPT. THEIR. HELP. Chapter 321. They’re certainly getting good at the combo attacks, huh? o.O – Little confused by the combo between Todoroki, Bakugo and Mina honestly… all I got is that it’s a ramp? Maybe the acid is to make it more slippery to gain speed, and then Kacchan for explosive propellant? – …Huh? Is throwing Iida really far a good idea? – He got his hand! Finally! Chapter 322. Ohhh… Iida was weightless thanks to Uraraka, to prevent y’know… plummeting and dying. – Kacchan’s bearing his all to Deku, and explaining his feelings - which means that a) he has enough self-actualisation to realise what those feelings were, and why he felt that way, and b) that he’s opening up to his childhood bestie <33 – HE APOLOGISEDDDDDDD. The angry pomeranian has grown up so much ;u; <33 – IS THAT THIRTEEN? I don’t know why, but I legit thought they looked like an astronaut for real, rather than being a “normal” looking person in a suit… oops? But in my defense there is a LITERAL washing machine hero. – Those civilians can get fucked. I know you’re scared, but don’t try to turn a teenager out into the cold to save your own skin because the big bad is after him. You guys are in probably the most well defended place in the country, thanks to Nedzu, and if the big bad wins you’re screwed anyways soooo…. Chapter 323. Yep. Knew it. INSANE defenses, courtesy of Nedzu. – Oh look! Mitsuki, Inko, Eri, uhhh… Ragdoll’s nephew? That over there looks like Monoma… – What’s Uraraka doing? o.O – A great speech from Uraraka about Deku, though I do wonder where she got the loudspeaker from… Did Momo hand it to her before she jumped up there? Chapter 324. Baby Uraraka is adorable and I love her. These flashbacks really tell a lot about who she is as a person now too. Super sweet and genuine and just wants to help others - civilian and hero alike c: – KOTA. THAT’S HIS NAME. I’m so glad he went to help Izuku, help his hero <3 Chapter 325. He called him his big brotherrrrrr ;u; – Oooh… This civilian guy is GOOD. “How long do we plan to be the audience?” Makes a good pointttt – Inko’s finally able to give her son a hug! :D – IS THAT A PROSTHETIC LIMB? …what did I miss. When did Aizawa lose a limb. It’s been a while and a LOT has happened 8’D – …Has he also completely lost an eye? Chapter 326. STAIN! I was wondering when you’d pop up, after seeing you in the background :| Why are you threatening All Might? o.O – Oh yeahhhhh. Stain’s only ever seen All Might in All Might form. – Whoaaaaa… Did Stain just therapy-no-jutsu All Might to get him to get his shit together? :O Chapter 327. ...I am so confused by the stressful bathing scene… – KACCHAN CALLED HIM IZUKU :O :O :O – lol, creepy All Might outside window XDD – …who’s that beside Jirou? Is it Momo? Because it doesn’t LOOK like Momo… but isn’t Momo the only one with hair like that? I’m so confused. – WHAT DOES STAIN’S LETTER SAY. Chapter 328. Okay… So Stain got some information from a guard(?) at Tartarus, that in the wrong hands could destroy everything? So what is it then? – THREE DAYS? Shit. – WAIT WAIT WAIT WHAT?! ALL MIGHT HAS A PREVIOUS STUDENT? AND SHE’S THE NO.1 HERO IN AMERICA?! WHAAAAAAAAAT Chapter 329. Uh oh. AFO is wanting to get Stars and Stripes’ quirk. Hopefully that doesn’t work, given that she’s apparently the “strongest woman in the world”. – She really does just look like a genderswapped All Might, huh? o.O Don’t really have the highest hopes for her against Shigaraki unfortunately 8’D Chapter 330. Pretty intense between these two so far… – Okay, so he’s not Shigaraki Tomura. But is that because the name is wrong (...I mean, AFO changed his name to this, right?) or because he and AFO are merging into a new being? Chapter 331. She’s going to try and kill him? :o – She seems very OP, but I suppose that’s necessary in this case. – Missiles incoming? Didn’t expect THAT o.o Chapter 332. I gotta say, the limits of Star’s quirk are pretty amazing, and I love that in order to be the hero she is, that she needs to have backup from the military and its firepower. – Oh look. What a surprise. Shigaraki survived. – Sooooooo… he’s got her quirk? Chapter 333. WAITTTT… did she turn her own quirk into a bomb? So that if Shigaraki got it it would basically self-destruct? :O – So

I've most likely already started this volume even if we don't know for sure what chapters this will include. I'm very excited to read the new chapters coming up as the story somehow manages to become better and better with everything Horikoshi continues to add to it.

This is... the story of how I became the greatest hero... and also... the story of how we all became the greatest heroes. The stage is gone now. The theatre's knocked down. Lack of understanding. Intolerance. It seems we're always just one step away. Try as it might, humanity struggles to make true progress down its path. Issues shift... and voices clash... making that single step... feel like an impossible journey. Me reading this:

I don't particularly like the conflict between civilians and heroes but I can see why it is needed. chap. 322: I'm so proud of Bakugo

Boku No Hero Academia |manga| 98

Yes. We've finally reached that point where almost every other chapter renders me to a pitiful sap, bawling my eyes out. Deku vs. Class A? (Chef's kiss!) Do yourself a favor and have plenty tissues handy! MHA isn't a romance by any stretch of the imagination. But if it was? Uraraka's speech upon their return to UA High would be better than any admission of love.

Covers chapters 319 - 330, as I'm not sure which chapters this volume will cover. In comparison to the previous two volumes... this one honestly left me a little disappointed. It started off super well with the force Deku to accept help battle, the incredible character growth of Kacchan, and the overview/realisations of the hero society structure and all that... but by the end I felt it was falling a bit flat, and so far I'm not convinced with this whole Stars and Stripes coming to the rescue... More Deku and 1A, and less introducing new characters I couldn't care less about at this late stage, please! Chapter notes below for personal reference: (potentially spoiler heavy) Notes cover Chapters 319 - 336, as those are all the chapters currently released. Chapter 319. LMAO. They used Nedzu to get Endeavour in so that they could ambush him XDD – Awwwww… Kacchan is worried about his best friendddd <33 – They all want to be there for Deku <3 Class 1A are the best (...except Mineta. He still sucks.) – There’s Deku! So they ALL arrived to save him? Seems overkill, but nevertheless I approve. – Deku, just accept their help. They’re there because they care about you :| Chapter 320. Accept their help dammit! They’re trying so hard! – Todoroko still doesn’t do things by halves, huh? XD – ACCEPT. THEIR. HELP. Chapter 321. They’re certainly getting good at the combo attacks, huh? o.O – Little confused by the combo between Todoroki, Bakugo and Mina honestly… all I got is that it’s a ramp? Maybe the acid is to make it more slippery to gain speed, and then Kacchan for explosive propellant? – …Huh? Is throwing Iida really far a good idea? – He got his hand! Finally! Chapter 322. Ohhh… Iida was weightless thanks to Uraraka, to prevent y’know… plummeting and dying. – Kacchan’s bearing his all to Deku, and explaining his feelings - which means that a) he has enough self-actualisation to realise what those feelings were, and why he felt that way, and b) that he’s opening up to his childhood bestie <33 – HE APOLOGISEDDDDDDD. The angry pomeranian has grown up so much ;u; <33 – IS THAT THIRTEEN? I don’t know why, but I legit thought they looked like an astronaut for real, rather than being a “normal” looking person in a suit… oops? But in my defense there is a LITERAL washing machine hero. – Those civilians can get fucked. I know you’re scared, but don’t try to turn a teenager out into the cold to save your own skin because the big bad is after him. You guys are in probably the most well defended place in the country, thanks to Nedzu, and if the big bad wins you’re screwed anyways soooo…. Chapter 323. Yep. Knew it. INSANE defenses, courtesy of Nedzu. – Oh look! Mitsuki, Inko, Eri, uhhh… Ragdoll’s nephew? That over there looks like Monoma… – What’s Uraraka doing? o.O – A great speech from Uraraka about Deku, though I do wonder where she got the loudspeaker from… Did Momo hand it to her before she jumped up there? Chapter 324. Baby Uraraka is adorable and I love her. These flashbacks really tell a lot about who she is as a person now too. Super sweet and genuine and just wants to help others - civilian and hero alike c: – KOTA. THAT’S HIS NAME. I’m so glad he went to help Izuku, help his hero <3 Chapter 325. He called him his big brotherrrrrr ;u; – Oooh… This civilian guy is GOOD. “How long do we plan to be the audience?” Makes a good pointttt – Inko’s finally able to give her son a hug! :D – IS THAT A PROSTHETIC LIMB? …what did I miss. When did Aizawa lose a limb. It’s been a while and a LOT has happened 8’D – …Has he also completely lost an eye? Chapter 326. STAIN! I was wondering when you’d pop up, after seeing you in the background :| Why are you threatening All Might? o.O – Oh yeahhhhh. Stain’s only ever seen All Might in All Might form. – Whoaaaaa… Did Stain just therapy-no-jutsu All Might to get him to get his shit together? :O Chapter 327. ...I am so confused by the stressful bathing scene… – KACCHAN CALLED HIM IZUKU :O :O :O – lol, creepy All Might outside window XDD – …who’s that beside Jirou? Is it Momo? Because it doesn’t LOOK like Momo… but isn’t Momo the only one with hair like that? I’m so confused. – WHAT DOES STAIN’S LETTER SAY. Chapter 328. Okay… So Stain got some information from a guard(?) at Tartarus, that in the wrong hands could destroy everything? So what is it then? – THREE DAYS? Shit. – WAIT WAIT WAIT WHAT?! ALL MIGHT HAS A PREVIOUS STUDENT? AND SHE’S THE NO.1 HERO IN AMERICA?! WHAAAAAAAAAT Chapter 329. Uh oh. AFO is wanting to get Stars and Stripes’ quirk. Hopefully that doesn’t work, given that she’s apparently the “strongest woman in the world”. – She really does just look like a genderswapped All Might, huh? o.O Don’t really have the highest hopes for her against Shigaraki unfortunately 8’D Chapter 330. Pretty intense between these two so far… – Okay, so he’s not Shigaraki Tomura. But is that because the name is wrong (...I mean, AFO changed his name to this, right?) or because he and AFO are merging into a new being? Chapter 331. She’s going to try and kill him? :o – She seems very OP, but I suppose that’s necessary in this case. – Missiles incoming? Didn’t expect THAT o.o Chapter 332. I gotta say, the limits of Star’s quirk are pretty amazing, and I love that in order to be the hero she is, that she needs to have backup from the military and its firepower. – Oh look. What a surprise. Shigaraki survived. – Sooooooo… he’s got her quirk? Chapter 333. WAITTTT… did she turn her own quirk into a bomb? So that if Shigaraki got it it would basically self-destruct? :O – So

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