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Blue Exorcist Season 3 Manga

Blue Exorcist Season 3 Manga

Vor 2 Jahren endete die 2. Season von Blue Exorcist im Fernsehen, aber vorbei ist die Anime-Serie noch lange nicht. Wie es momentan um eine Fortsetzung steht, erklären wir euch in den folgenden Zeilen.

Die letzte Episode der 2. Staffel von Blue Exorcist, welche hierzulande sogar im TV ausgestrahlt wurde, ließ die Fans mit einigen offenen Fragen zurück. Denn obwohl Rin endlich lernen konnte, seine dämonischen Kräfte zu kontrollieren, wirkte das nicht wie ein Ende der Serie. Dementsprechend besteht momentan die Hoffnung auf eine Staffel 3 – nur wie wahrscheinlich ist es, dass wir diese jemals sehen?


Auf offizieller Seite gibt es zur Zeit leider keine Bestätigung für eine Fortsetzung des Anime. Nichtsdestotrotz wird im Netz fleißig spekuliert, wann es soweit sein könnte.

Blue Exorcist Manga

Viele vermuten, da zwischen dem Release der 1. und 2. Staffel knapp 6 Jahre Abstand lagen, dass wir auf den 3. Teil ebenso lange warten könnten. Da im Gegensatz zu damals aber mittlerweile genug Inhalt der Manga-Vorlage existiert, um theoretisch sogar 2 weitere Staffeln zu produzieren, ist das eher unwahrscheinlich. Bezogen auf den Erfolg des Anime wäre ein Start im kommenden oder dem darauffolgenden Jahr wohl realistischer.

Nimmt man den Manga als Vorlage für die Serie, so treffen Rin und seine Freunde auf die Illuminati, eine Gruppe aus dem Untergrund, die sich merkwürdigerweise den selben Namen mit der weltweit bekannten Verschwörung-Theorie teilt. Ihr Anführer ist der Dämon Lucifer und ihr Ziel besteht darin, den besiegten Satan, sowie auch viele weitere Dämonen wiederzubeleben. Können die Exorzisten es schaffen, das Portal zwischen der Welt der Menschen und dem Reich der Dämonen endgültig zu versiegeln und dieses große Unglück verhindern?

Wenn ihr euch bis zum Start der möglichen 3. Staffel nicht gedulden könnt, bietet es sich an den Manga zu lesen, welcher mit der Handlung schon wesentlich weiter voraus ist. Wenn ihr da anfangen wollt, wo die Anime-Serie abgeschlossen wurde, solltet ihr euch den 9. Band von Autor Kazue Kato auf Amazon kaufen*.

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*Die mit einem Sternchen versehen Produkte unterliegen dem Amazon-Partnerprogramm. Wenn ihr über diese Links etwas erwerbt, erhalten wir eine kleine Provision – euch kostet das keinen Cent mehr.

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Ihr sucht nach einer Serie für den nächsten Marathon oder einem kurzen Häppchen für zwischendurch? Dann seid ihr bei uns genau richtig. Wir stellen vor: Die 10 besten Anime-Serien aller Zeiten. Das Medium Anime fristet [...]Six years have passed since we saw a new season of the dark fantasy anime about Satan’s sons, and this time it looks like it’ll be a longer wait than it was with the second season. Blue Exorcist: Season 3 is a very curious case in particular, mostly because the anime is a classic with a giant fan base, yet it’s pretty slow when it comes to renewals.

Miraculously, more than half a decade later, Blue Exorcist: Season 3 has been officially confirmed to be in the works. Well, at least I hope it’s a third season since the announcement didn’t mention exactly what the upcoming “animation project” is. This project continues to remain an enigma as there’s a lot surrounding it that remains unclear, specifically whether it’s a third season, which odds are it is, or if it’s a reboot. But let’s surmise both possibilities and everything we know about them below.


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The release date for Blue Exorcist: Season 3 hasn’t been announced as of yet. Considering that it’s already being made, fall 2023 or winter 2023 do seem promising air dates.

It has always remained confusing why the anime takes years to return even when there’s ample source material and impressive viewership. After the Kyoto Saga (Season 2) of the anime finished airing, there were enough manga chapters to make a third season. It’s unfortunate that it took this long, but at least it’s confirmed now.

If Blue Exorcist: Season 3 sticks to the manga, then next up we’ll have the Academy Seven Wonders arc. Following their confrontation with the Impure King in Kyoto, Rin and his peers at the True Cross Academy will start preparing for an annual festival.

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Everything may appear pleasant at first, but unexpected happenings start taking place. It’s only after a while that it’s revealed an organization called the Illuminati is behind them, and at its forefront, it’s led by Lucifer, Rin and Yukio’s brother.

Blue Exorcist: Season 3 will likely be made by A-1 Pictures. This may look doubtful to some, but the first two seasons of the anime were released 6 years apart, and both of them still had the same production, A-1 Pictures.


Unless the upcoming project is announced to be a remake, you should consider that A-1 Pictures will be animating it. The Seven Deadly Sins (Seasons 1 & 2), Sword Art Online, and Fate/Apocrypha are a few of the critically acclaimed series the studio has made, similarly, Blue Exorcist was receptive to the same praise, especially for its high levels of visual details. So I doubt anyone would mind them reprising the series, even if it’s a remake.

Blue Exorcist Season 3 — What Do We Know?

You’ll likely be able to watch Blue Exorcist: Season 3 on Crunchyroll, Netflix, and Hulu once it releases. The first two seasons are already streaming on the above services, so I don’t see a reason otherwise.

The manga has 130+ chapters, and so far, the anime’s first two seasons have only adapted around 40. There’s simply no shortage of source material, and considering that the anime has only covered the early arcs of the manga till now, it’s highly unlikely that the upcoming Blue Exorcist project will be a reboot. That’s why I’d say that if you were waiting for a third season, the time’s right for celebration.

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Blue Exorcist Season 3

Gamezeen is a Zeen theme demo site. Zeen is a next generation WordPress theme. It’s powerful, beautifully designed and comes with everything you need to engage your visitors and increase conversions.Fans are still looking forward to Blue Exorcist Season 3 (Ao No Exorcist Season 3) but unfortunately there has been no official declaration on it. Image Credit: Facebook / Blue Exorcist


Blue Exorcist Season 3 (Ao No Exorcist Season 3) is undeniably one of the most anticipated Japanese manga series fans have been waiting for since Season 2 dropped its finale in April 2017. Blue Exorcist Season 2 took six years to continue the tale of Kazue Katō-written Rin Okumura. Thus, fans believe they will have to wait for a long time for another season.

Fans are still looking forward to Blue Exorcist Season 3 (Ao No Exorcist Season 3) but unfortunately, there has been no official declaration on it. However, it’s true that the series received huge appreciation from the global audience including the experts and critics with some critics drawing parallels between the famous Shōnen manga and Blue Exorcist despite praising its storyline and impressive artwork.

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Although Kazue Katō didn’t directly confirm the making of Blue Exorcist Season 3, she stated that ‘there may be four more arcs’, which means ‘half of the entire story arc [had] been completed’. “We’ve talked about the ending a couple times, many times. There’s a couple patterns right now for the ending, and we’re hoping one of those will solidify eventually. Of those patterns, sometimes it’s just like ‘Oh, that’s not going to work.’ So that gets deleted.” She also admitted that she has a “rough storyline complete for the ending, ” as reported by The Cinemaholic.

According to Monster & Critics, Blue Exorcist Season 3 will portray Mephisto admitting to his real identity. It turns out Mephisto is the Demon King of Time, Samael, and among Gehenna’s eight Demon Kings he is the second strongest. It is also said that the third season would focus on a conspired group of the Illuminati. The viewers might be flabbergasted seeing the primary mission of King of Light’s demon to resurrect Satan.

There is also a possibility that the third season picks up with the invention of Gehenna Gate a portal between the two worlds. The Illuminati constructed this gate in the territory of the former Russian nuclear plant. However, they weren't able to force the engine to work properly, TVDate noted.


Dude That Love Crying Blue Exorcist Close To Being Cancelled It Isn't The Manga Is Doing Well I Just Want Season 3

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