Contains episode 111-ongoing 만화 장성락(REDICE), 원작 추공 | 매주 목요일 카카오페이지 독점연재 10여 년 전, 다른 차원과 이쪽 세계를 이어 주는 통로 ‘게이트’가 열리고 평범한 이들 중 각성한 자들이 생겨났다. 게이트 안의 던전에서 마물을 사냥하는 각성자. 그들을 일컬어 ‘헌터’라 부른다. 그러나 모든 헌터가 강한 것은 아니다. 내 이름은 성진우. E급 헌터다. 저급 던전에서조차 죽을 고비를 넘겨야 하는 ‘인류 최약병기’. 무엇 하나 내세울 것 없는 형편에 저급 던전으로 근근이 생계를 이어가던 그는, D급 던전 속에 숨겨진 최악의 난이도의 이중 던전을 만난다. 그리고 결국… 죽음을 맞이하려던 순간, 그는 기이한 능력을 얻게 된다. 오직 그에게만 보이는 게임 퀘스트 창! 오직 그만이 알게 된 레벨 업의 비밀! 퀘스트를 따라 수련하고 몬스터를 사냥하면 레벨이 오른다. 오직 그 혼자만! 최약체 헌터에서 최강 헌터로 각성하다!
This manhwa is only getting better and better , Sun jin woo may come as overpowered but for this story it just works , you know a story is good when after finishing you start looking for similar stories.
Still fun, still stupid lol. Idk how the author is gonna manage to make the story exciting it feels like jin-woo is becoming too powerful, to the point where there isn't really any consequences or high stakes. But I think the next season will most likely be about the new worlds within the gates and I'm guessing that the fights will be much more intense. The artwork is so beautiful.
New Solo Leveling Manga Box Set Announced
The predictability is making me feel like a fucking genius. But this manga feels like gaming for poor people who can't upgrade their hardware. Its entertaining to no limit to a Gamer like me. And the game logic, even the gamers logic is great here. And best of all its happening in real life. Let's just turn this shithole world into a big MMORPG simulation please? Also i did predict that the squad were the lizards, what a fucking bunch of toxic gamer assholes, i meet a lot of their kind over the years. The player has 12 attribute points, depending on the start of the fight i would choose to add either in strength or in agility depending if the boss is too fast, or the fact that you will be fighting an 8 legged spider. The rich good-hearted boy, is what worries me the challenge is too much for him, and could easily get squashed mid fight.
(minor spoilers) 30.12.2021: THE ENDING WAS SO SUDDEN. I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S OVER. LIKE, WTF 😭 It's a good ending though. 12.08.2021: YES!!! some interesting lore about the worlds! omg the Shadow Monarch is basically Lucifer 🤩 05.08.2021: fuck nooooo! I hate time traveling 😩 21.07.2021: Beru, I love you. You're precious. 03.06.2021: I need a Beru. Love this guy! In fact, love all his shadow soldiers! (I'm repeating myself) ---------- *praying for a good animation studio to pick it up and make it into an anime* Jinwoo is a fucking king and everyone knows it 🙇🏻♀️ He is ruthless af in terms of fighting (but is ridiculously dense in terms of women) 😂😂 his shadow beasts are cool and freaking funny 😂 I love them all.
This is getting better and better.🖤🔥 the ending was sudden for me. 😭 The world building is so amazing . jin woo is becoming too powerful . this is very interesting, actually.😌🖤
Has Solo Leveling Manhwa Ended With Chapter 179?
Subió mucho el nivel de la historia!! La evolución del personaje y la brutalidad de las escenas se pusieron cada vez mejor a lo largo del tomo. Una historia de fantasía y acción que se volvió adictiva.
I live for how his character evolves and god the artwork is beautiful but at times it feels like he author is cutting the main character so much slack that there are literally no has its own perks but feels to easy for me now that he is so powerful
Abbiamo ancora dei buchi di trama da risolvere, ad esempio, ancora la lunga ospedalizzazione del protagonista che non ha soldi per pagarla e il fatto che non se ne torna a casa, nonostante sia in forma, ma abbiamo raggiunto un livello più solido nello scopo del manhwa: Avanzare di livello da solo. - Da quando gli viene data una 2° Chance, è sottoposto ad uno stancante piano di allenamento che non fà altro che farlo salire continuamente di livello, distinguendolo dagli altri Hunter che hanno un livello fisso. Sembra un mix tra Sword Art Online e Scum Villain Self Saving System. Un pò come Kirito quando fa il Solo Player e come Shen Qingqiu quando gli viene imposto dal Sistema di prendere alcune scelte, pena la morte immediata. Secondo me è stata una scelta perfetta che ti fa capire / giustificare il mod mentale del protagonista e allo stesso tempo vedere fino a dove riesce ad arrivare. Sinceramente non ho ben capito perché l'essere scoperto più forte di quello che effettivamente risolta rappresenta una grande minaccia, tanto da nascondere le sue effettive potenzialità agli altri. E non ho capito nemmeno perché alcuni umani hanno la predisposizione per diventare Hunter mentre altri nò e perché sono fisicamente diversi, nonostante siano sempre umani. Ad esempio un Healer che è in grado di guarire ferite con la magia, non dovrebbe cambiare la società attuale, ad esempio, impiegando gli Healer negli ospedali invece che solo nei dungeon? E perché vanno vestiti con abiti normali / scomodi senza la minima protezione? Ho capito che armi ed armature sono apparentemente costosissime ma già dei vestiti con delle protezioni sarebbero una scelta migliore rispetto al niente. - Per quanto riguarda le meccaniche di gioco, mi sta piacendo molto che il protagonista sia abbastanza intelligente da sfruttare al meglio tutte le opzioni a suo vantaggio: Ricompensa del re-full degli HP, armi, buff / debuff, statistiche, etc.. Mi piace.
Solo Leveling Chapter 183 Release Date, Time, And Where To Read
Not as fun as the first volume, but still enough to hold my interest. I'm worried the hero is growing too powerful too quickly to leave any suspense in the outcomes of his battles, but the new characters may shake things up before that happens. I'm sticking with it for now.
Dios mío, mira que la historia no me parece tampoco una pasada, pero ¡me engancha tantísimo...! Es tipo videojuego y una vez que entras, ya no puedes soltarlo. Me muero por descubrir cómo continúa.
This was a even stronger volume than the first. This time we get into a far deeper look into this world of Solo Leveling. I was wondering what happened if you die here, is this a video game? Or is this just life? And well... you die you die. What's interesting is in Dungeon's I guess they can't track what happens so you can basically be a murderer and get away with it in this world. The art remains really solid with some excellent fight scenes. Especially as our main character gets stronger and stronger. I really want to keep seeing where we go with this series and hope it continues to improve.
The Solo Leveling Manhwa Is An Essential Must Read For True Gamers
I am the record of your struggles, the evidence of your resistance, and the reward of your pain My lieeeege, my king 🙏
Engancha enseguida y tiene mucha acció, pero no me acaba de convencer. Me ha sido más fácil seguir la historia con la paginación de este número que con el anterior, pero los textos tipo videojuego hay unos que se leen muy bien y otros que es imposible, sobre todo los que el tipo de letra es verde o rojo. No hay manera de descifrar qué pone.
3.5 ★ again, it was so entertaining and exciting. my only problem with this one was that the world building was really complicated due to the lack of any explanation (even though we got a lot of explanation on how the main character could become so ridiculously strong, but the world building? we got nothing). i’m still very curious about how the story will evolve and i hope that it gets more thrilling, more brutal, and deep. i have high expectations and i’m ready for it.
Identical Manga To Solo Leveling. Kill The Hero 100% Recommend It!
Ok so I’ve just finished Season 1 and for Season 2 it’s chapters 110-128 so far and I’m excited. I have high expectations for what I want answers for and what I’d like to see happen so I’ll be reading as its translation updates😆☺️ --I'll be continuing to read this currently on chapter 142 and I'll get back to editing this when it's done
Not sure why it says I haven't reviewed this... Anyway this volume is stronger than the first. A bit more action, but also showing what happens to a person pushed into being stronger and doing just that. Some brutal deaths + with great art + smooth pacing. Really, this is shaping up to be a ton of fun.
Chap 110 Will be waiting for season 2 ; if I get bored I'll just read the NOVELS. Was enjoying it so much couldn't put it down; Been reading this since morning and it's THE WITCHING HOUR! gotta sleep now
Anybody Reading Solo Leveling?
It's so good!!!! I am excited to learn more about the world hopefully more in the next season but really couldn't put this part down
Nunca pense que este manhwa llegaria
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