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Otaku Game Anime Manga Indonesia

Otaku Game Anime Manga Indonesia

Animes und Mangas erfreuen sich mittlerweile nicht nur in Asien großer Beliebtheit. Auch hierzulande haben Anime-Serien wie Naruto, One Piece oder Detektiv Conan mittlerweile eine riesige Fanbase. Doch wisst ihr, wann das erste Anime erschien und warum Heidi eigentlich so japanisch wie Karaoke und Sushi ist? Wir haben 5 spannende, lustige und wissenswerte Fakten zum Thema Anime für euch gesammelt.  

Als erstes Anime gilt die Animation Namakura Gatana (dt. Das stumpfe Schwert) aus dem Jahre 1917. Es geht in dem Anime um einen Samurai, der ein Schwert kauft, mit diesem aber nicht zurechtkommt und von jedem noch so schwachen Gegner besiegt wird. Klingt simpel? Kein Wunder: Der Animefilm dauert gerade einmal vier Minuten. Nachdem das Werk lange Zeit als verschollen galt, wurde es übrigens erst 2008 in einem Antiquitätenladen in Osaka wiederentdeckt und ist inzwischen auch bei YouTube zu bewundern.


Auch Hollywood kann sich der magischen Wirkung der Animes nicht entziehen. Seit einigen Jahren schaffen es immer wieder Animefilme zumindest auf die erweiterte Liste für die Oscar-Nominierungen. Bislang ist es allerdings erst einem Animefilm gelungen, den Academy Award zu gewinnen – und zwar Chihiros Reise ins Zauberland. Bei der Oscar-Verleihung 2003 erhielt das Meisterwerk von Studio Ghibli die Trophäe in der Kategorie Bester Animationsfilm.

I'm Not Even An Npc In This Otome Game!

Es gibt Anime-Fans und Anime-Fans – wie immer eigentlich, wenn es um Fankultur geht. Wer ab und zu gerne mal ein Manga liest oder eine Anime-Serie anschaut, der kann sich als Anime-Fan bezeichnen. Wer Anime aber atmet und lebt, der ist ein Otaku. So werden in Japan die echten Anime-Hardcore-Fans genannt. Allzu positiv war und ist dieser Begriff allerdings nicht behaftet. Otaku bedeutet so viel wie Haus und bezieht sich darauf, dass eine Person sich so sehr mit ihrer Leidenschaft beschäftigt, dass sie nicht mehr das Haus verlässt. Otakus könnte man also auch als nerdige Stubenhocker bezeichnen - wir nennen sie aber einfach echte Fans!

Wer kennt Zeichentrick-Klassikern wie Heidi, Sindbad oder auch Kimba, der weiße Löwe nicht aus seiner Kindheit? Was wohl nur die wenigsten Zuschauer damals wussten: Die Zeichentrickserien sind eigentlich Animes. So wurde Heidi vom japanischen Studio Zuiyo Eizo produziert, und zwar unter der Regie von Isao Takahata und mit Hayao Miyazaki als Layouter – den späteren Begründern des Studio Ghibli. Auch Sinbad wurde von einem japanischen Studio produziert und Kimba, der weiße Löwe basiert sogar auf einer erfolgreichen Manga-Serie aus den 1950ern.  

In Japan ist die öffentliche Darstellung nackter Menschen verpönt – von sexuellen Handlungen ganz zu schweigen! Im Anime fand man aber eine Möglichkeit, solche Handlungen darzustellen, und zwar durch Tentakel. Da es sich hierbei um phallusähnliche Objekte handelt, ist es schon sehr eindeutig, was gemeint ist, wenn sich ein Tentakel einem hübschen Mädchen nähert … Ganz klarer Fall: pervers! Die Sittenrichter konnten dennoch nichts dagegen ausrichten, und auch heute noch tummeln sich in Animes immer noch gerne Tentakel, und es gibt sogar eigene Tentakel-Animes.Blackmailed into playing a dating simulator set in a matriarchy, an ordinary man must put up with the unbearable and convoluted world until he clears the game. After countless days of grinding, he finally manages to beat it, but his hardcore gaming comes at a cost: extreme sleep deprivation and hunger.


Mobuseka Web Novel

While heading out to the convenience store to solve one of these problems, the man tumbles down the stairs and falls unconscious, only to wake up to the worst possible realization—he has been reincarnated into the game as the mob character Leon Fou Bartfort. Now trapped in a world he despises, Leon must use his knowledge of the game to navigate through the plot safely and sustain himself in a society where the odds are heavily stacked against him.

Otome Game Sekai wa Mob ni Kibishii Sekai desu was released on Blu-ray in two volumes from July 27, 2022 to September 28, 2022.


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Ikémen Prince: Beauty And Her Beast

As you imagine, a title like this will spark and make you scratch your head about what to expect. It's essentially about a guy who reincarnates into a world where women reigns supreme. Being a mob, or otherwise a background character, main protagonist Leon plays his life like a game as he's trapped in this dating sim world.


At first, it wasn't easy to figure out exactly what this anime is trying to be. An isekai otome harem? A fantasy school drama? Or one of those wild unpredictable stories carved from the author's wild imaginations? One thing is for sure is the anime follows a recurring ... trend we've seen countless times in these recent years: reincarnation. Whether he likes it or not, Leon is reincarnated and more importantly, trapped in a world where women rules all. He is pretty much a background character, a nobody like one those nameless NPCs you find in roleplaying games. Fortunately, the author decides to allow Leon to retain hs past memories so he has the knowledge to change the dating world he's trapped in. First, the audience have every right to think this may be another cash grab at the recurring isekai tropes in today's industry. Isekai comes in all shape and sizes except this one throw in a few twists. Nonetheless, I also admit this show does justice at establishing Leon as a knowledgable protagonist. He may be a mob but he also represents far from being a useless NPC type character. On a mental level, he is virtually unmatched when he plays mind games against his adversaries. As witnessed in the first few episodes, he plays his life like a game. And for Leon, his games are how he plays by exploiting vulnerablities. He is essentially a gamer that uses his knowledge as a psudeo cheat code. A defining trait is also Leon's pride as he believes in his own superiority. Maybe we can call this a source of 'gamer's pride' as it may have stemed from his past life. For a dating sim, there's no void for its cast of colorful female cast. These include the protagonist from the first otome game Olivia, Redgrave heiress Angelica, and the petite yet manipulative Marie. Between these characters, it's shown that some of them possesses traits you'd find in a real life otome game. For instance, Olivia is the friendly type of girl who has an inferior personality compared to her noble classmates. Angelica represents a more traditional type of heiress who has pride but does not arrogantly look down on others. And, we can't forget about Marie, a manipulate girl who uses others for her personal gain. Yeah, it would be easy to designate her as a major antagonist for her manipulative nature. However, I will say that she's less cunning compared to Leon but far more devious. This central female cast represents a typical otome game but you have to also remember Leon's role here. He knows events from the game and because of his knowledge, he can potentially change outcomes. That's what happens throughout the story as certain game events are altered or occurs at different time frames. In essence, this is like changing routes in a game with previous acquired knowledge. Talk about cheating on an unique level. Now, I will admit that a good deal of the characters in this show are unlikale. Very few are tolerable at best such as Angelica. However, characters such as Olivia and Marie are filled with flaws. Marie in particular carries a personality that borderlines to psychotic with her childish and manipulative nature. The anime protrays it in a lighthearted fashion but who can stand someone who always tries to use others for personal gain? That reminds me that the majority of the male cast are forgetable. To me, they are the supporting cast with limited roles other than to be partnered with the female cast. Oh and of course, some of them fall victim to Marie's twisted plans so that adds bonus points for their uselessness. Leon practically carries this anime with his mental intellect and knowledge of the game world. Even if you don't like Leon, you have to admit that he is one, if not the most talented character in the show. Composed of 12 episodes, the anime falls victim to a common trend with mediocre adaptations: failing to reach its full potential. In other words, you're missing out content from the light novel. The anime adaptation had to limit content to reach its audience and sacrifice character development with more limited storytelling. To me, it's a travesty because at some point in the show, I did show interest in the growth of the main female cast. For instance, Olivia getting bullied by her peers is an obstacle I want to see her overcome. Unfortunately, it didn't change my mind based on my initial impressions. There's so little character development in the show that I just gave up on them. What does director Kazuya Miura and studio ENGI have in common? He literally directed four of the five projects produced by this studio since they've

As you imagine, a title like this will spark and make you scratch your head about what to expect. It's essentially about a guy who reincarnates into a world where women reigns supreme. Being a mob, or otherwise a background character, main protagonist Leon plays his life like a game as he's trapped in this dating sim world.


At first, it wasn't easy to figure out exactly what this anime is trying to be. An isekai otome harem? A fantasy school drama? Or one of those wild unpredictable stories carved from the author's wild imaginations? One thing is for sure is the anime follows a recurring ... trend we've seen countless times in these recent years: reincarnation. Whether he likes it or not, Leon is reincarnated and more importantly, trapped in a world where women rules all. He is pretty much a background character, a nobody like one those nameless NPCs you find in roleplaying games. Fortunately, the author decides to allow Leon to retain hs past memories so he has the knowledge to change the dating world he's trapped in. First, the audience have every right to think this may be another cash grab at the recurring isekai tropes in today's industry. Isekai comes in all shape and sizes except this one throw in a few twists. Nonetheless, I also admit this show does justice at establishing Leon as a knowledgable protagonist. He may be a mob but he also represents far from being a useless NPC type character. On a mental level, he is virtually unmatched when he plays mind games against his adversaries. As witnessed in the first few episodes, he plays his life like a game. And for Leon, his games are how he plays by exploiting vulnerablities. He is essentially a gamer that uses his knowledge as a psudeo cheat code. A defining trait is also Leon's pride as he believes in his own superiority. Maybe we can call this a source of 'gamer's pride' as it may have stemed from his past life. For a dating sim, there's no void for its cast of colorful female cast. These include the protagonist from the first otome game Olivia, Redgrave heiress Angelica, and the petite yet manipulative Marie. Between these characters, it's shown that some of them possesses traits you'd find in a real life otome game. For instance, Olivia is the friendly type of girl who has an inferior personality compared to her noble classmates. Angelica represents a more traditional type of heiress who has pride but does not arrogantly look down on others. And, we can't forget about Marie, a manipulate girl who uses others for her personal gain. Yeah, it would be easy to designate her as a major antagonist for her manipulative nature. However, I will say that she's less cunning compared to Leon but far more devious. This central female cast represents a typical otome game but you have to also remember Leon's role here. He knows events from the game and because of his knowledge, he can potentially change outcomes. That's what happens throughout the story as certain game events are altered or occurs at different time frames. In essence, this is like changing routes in a game with previous acquired knowledge. Talk about cheating on an unique level. Now, I will admit that a good deal of the characters in this show are unlikale. Very few are tolerable at best such as Angelica. However, characters such as Olivia and Marie are filled with flaws. Marie in particular carries a personality that borderlines to psychotic with her childish and manipulative nature. The anime protrays it in a lighthearted fashion but who can stand someone who always tries to use others for personal gain? That reminds me that the majority of the male cast are forgetable. To me, they are the supporting cast with limited roles other than to be partnered with the female cast. Oh and of course, some of them fall victim to Marie's twisted plans so that adds bonus points for their uselessness. Leon practically carries this anime with his mental intellect and knowledge of the game world. Even if you don't like Leon, you have to admit that he is one, if not the most talented character in the show. Composed of 12 episodes, the anime falls victim to a common trend with mediocre adaptations: failing to reach its full potential. In other words, you're missing out content from the light novel. The anime adaptation had to limit content to reach its audience and sacrifice character development with more limited storytelling. To me, it's a travesty because at some point in the show, I did show interest in the growth of the main female cast. For instance, Olivia getting bullied by her peers is an obstacle I want to see her overcome. Unfortunately, it didn't change my mind based on my initial impressions. There's so little character development in the show that I just gave up on them. What does director Kazuya Miura and studio ENGI have in common? He literally directed four of the five projects produced by this studio since they've

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