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One Piece Manga Luffy Vs Katakuri

One Piece Manga Luffy Vs Katakuri

I expected Katakuri to be powerful given his bounty and position within the Big Mom Pirates but I didn’t expect his attacks to mirror Luffy’s within this battle. Is Oda-sensei really trying to nail down in Luffy’s mind the point that his current attack style is not sufficient to tackle the threats he will face within the New World. Katakuri painfully showed that in a battle, power is just as relevant as technique and style. In terms of Luffy going forward, this battle is illustrating that he will both need to evolve his fighting style and find ways of applying more power behind his existing techniques. The final(?) trump card Luffy has left to play is Gear Fourth. Will Katakuri be able to counter that form as well? Somehow I find that just like Cracker, Katakuri will struggle but unlike Cracker I don’t believe he will be defeated yet.

Jinbe, while he did sound cold-hearted, everything he said was completely correct. The opponents the Straw Hat Pirates are facing now hold power far exceeding the opponents they face before in previous arcs. They have angered a Yonkou and are now directly targeted by Big Mom who is burning with enthusiasm to crush them. While Big Mom’s rage is driven by her hunger, it is still fueled by her anger towards them. Fighting is not going to work as Big Mom is just too powerful so the Straw Hat Pirates best hope is to rely on Nami as their navigator to guide them through the unpredictable seas of the New World all the while utilising its harshness to buy them enough time to sail towards Sanji, Pudding and Chiffon (and Pound) who will bake a Wedding Cake that will hopefully knock Big Mom out.


Pudding, her reactions of opposite extremes are so amazingly humourous, I am absolutely loving the coverage Pudding is receiving now. Her “anti” attitude of justifying her current actions all the while internally swooning over Sanji’s comments of concern and care for her add such an enjoyable layer of intrigue to their interactions. I care about both the characters and have become substantially invested in their relationship and finding out what will happen between the two when this arc concludes. Pudding won’t stay with Sanji, she will forever be grateful to him for his kindness and actions but Pudding has her own story to follow. She will likely make the decision to begin her own journey once this arc concludes, a journey that will likely see her traveling the world to find Lola.

One Piece! Luffy Vs Katakuri By Artsbyak By Artsbyak On Deviantart

One Piece characters have always been ridiculous but the ridiculous Pudding exudes makes sense now, it has been earned by Pudding and substantiates her current development from a daughter fearful of taking steps forward to a woman building up the courage to adventure out into the world. Pudding’s admiration of Lola illustrates just that. Lola was the Chocolate Minister of Cacao Island but Pudding never filled that position once Lola left because she felt Lola was the perfect person for that role. And it is because of that admiration and love for Lola that I believe Pudding will journey into the world to try to find Lola.

Luffy really is in a pinch now. With Karakuri negating and countering every move Luffy has tried so far, will Gear Fourth really be enough to challenge Katakuri? I can see the resemblance between Rubber and Mochi, so Katakuri being able to utilise Luffy’s moves makes sense but it is frightening to see Katakuri perform Luffy’s attacks more effectively than Luffy himself. As the fight currently stands, Luffy’s won’t be able to win but he may be able to find a way to escape from the Mirror World taking Brulee with him and stranding Katakuri inside the Mirror World while he makes his escape with his crew. Another possibility is Luffy finding out a weakness to the Mochi Mochi no Mi and exploiting it similar to how he turned the tables against Crocodile when he found out water makes Crocodile tangible – would freezing Katakuri’s Mochi reduce the effectiveness of his Devil Fruit i.e. prevent him from carrying out attacks that mirror Luffy’s? Beyond that, a third-party trapped within the Mirror World from a past incident could come into play to assist Luffy but that seems unlikely at this point. Excited to see what happens next and how Luffy handles Katakuri. Looking forward to the next chapter!What a tough life Katakuri must lead needing to meet the ridiculously high expectations his family and the Big Mom army have of him. Anything below perfect would be a stain against his radiant form and betray the image the Big Mom Pirates have of him in their mind. Their judgement demands perfection and all Katakuri can do is attempt to satisfy that expectation however impossible that may be. Unfortunately, the day such expectations were deflated is today, the day Katakuri will be defeated.

Katakuri represents the pride of Big Mom’s army and as long as he remains standing, the Big Mom Pirates and residents of Totland will continue to look down on the Straw Hat Pirates and any who oppose them. Luffy’s presence and challenge to Katakuri puts them at unease and despite their frustration of being uneasy, they willfully turn away from such a sight towards a radiant Katakuri whom they mentally constructed into a flawless being with their unrestrained desires. By defeating Katakuri, Luffy will set off a tremor that shakes each individual Big Mom Pirates crew member and Charlotte family member to their core. Katakuri has been established as that significant that his defeat will signal such a massive consequential effect. Reality will set in and the realisation of their current predicament will inevitably and shockingly wash over them. Katakuri’s defeat signals the beginning of the Big Mom Pirates collapse.


Can You Assume That Luffy And Katakuri Are Equal Since They Both Still Stand At The End?

In a sense Katakuri reminds me of Crocodile, just not as cool. Both aren’t evil in their core but the events around them have shaped how they view the world and approach the future. Crocodile’s defeat as a pirate passionate about becoming Pirate King has chipped away at his enthusiasm toward that dream and Katakuri’s image in his subordinates and family’s mind has forced him to want to live up to such expectations even if he finds such a task burdensome. Both overpowered Luffy yet found themselves more closely challenged after each defeat Luffy took until Luffy was able to exceed his limits and push beyond to defeat them. Luffy learned to combat a powerful Logia user with Crocodile and now he is learning to combat an opponent who excels at Kenbunshoku Haki with Katakuri. Just like Luffy’s fight with Crocodile which shaped how he handled the rest of the opponents in the Paradise story, Katakuri’s battle is shaping how Luffy will approach his future battles within the New World against Yonko, Marine Admiral and other powerful opponents and legends that have yet to reveal themselves.

As things are, Katakuri may hold the upper hand against Luffy but with each attack Katakuri sends Luffy way, Luffy is learning to control his Kenbunshoku Haki and ever so slightly is closing the gap between the two. Luffy will overcome Katakuri’s Kenbunshoku Haki and not only knock Katakuri on his back but defeat him.


While I do appreciate Sanji’s coverage as a cook within the current arc, I still wish he would have gotten a fight to feature in, a fight to highlight his growth against powerful New World opponents. Even with Sanji sharing the spot light with Luffy, it is clear who the more interesting Straw Hat Pirate member is based on the focus they are currently receiving. At the very least, Sanji and the rest of the crew should get substantial battle focus during the next major arc (Wano Kuni). Luffy needs to take center stage now because he needs to be put in situations where he can grow and close the gap between the future enemies he will face i.e. Yonko and Marine Admirals. Looking forward to the next chapter.FINALLY! Katakuri finally got to have a taste of what Gear Fourth is like. An unmatched boldness mixed in with the sweetness of panic and seasoned with the spice of pain. A dish so fulfilling Katakuri couldn’t help but be taken aback by its explosive flavours. What a deliciously satisfying moment to signal the shift in momentum. That counterattack by Luffy has been a long time coming. Even with Katakuri regaining his composure, his weakness has been exposed. Luffy knows Katakuri isn’t invincible and with that Katakuri is now going to find out how badly he has underestimated Luffy. Defeat is going to be the next dish Katakuri taste. The liberating, mellow and ever bitter taste of defeat.

One Piece' Manga Revealed The Winner Of Luffy Vs Katakuri Battle

Mentally thrown off-balance by the shock of having his secret found out, Katakuri was in a state unable to utilise his Kenbunshoku Haki to its fullest. Luffy capitalised on that weakness and got in a few blows. A few blows that contained the might of Gear Fourth’s Kong attacks. Unfortunately


Mentally thrown off-balance by the shock of having his secret found out, Katakuri was in a state unable to utilise his Kenbunshoku Haki to its fullest. Luffy capitalised on that weakness and got in a few blows. A few blows that contained the might of Gear Fourth’s Kong attacks. Unfortunately


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