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Manga Self Publishing Websites

Manga Self Publishing Websites

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Do you have a manga you have thrown together? Do you want to self-publish it, but don't know how? The internet has opened up many doors to help aspiring artists publish and promote their work. With a little persistence, you can begin building a fanbase and self-publishing your manga.

Make Your Own Manga

Is a “wiki, ” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 13 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 136, 683 times.

Writing your own manga is an awesome achievement. Now, it’s time to self-publish and promote it online so you can share it with the world. Use websites like Kindle Direct Publishing or ComiXology Submit to convert your manga to an ebook. Then, publish it on websites like Drunk Duck or Smack Jeeve. If you want to sell physical copies of your manga, publish it through a self-publishing press like, Cafe Press, or Doujin Press. Full-color paperbacks will cost you $13-20 each. You can also build your own website where you can sell your manga. To promote your work, upload art from your manga to Deviant Art, where you can post individual panels, character art, or publish your manga in its entirety. If you have a lot of experience drawing manga, you can also make tutorials online to help people draw their own and build an audience at the same time. For more tips, including how to promote your manga at conventions, read on!We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page..

As the title suggests, this post is all about self publishing manga, but what is manga, and how do you get started with it?

Simplepaper Manga Zeichnen Lernen

Manga refers to the various kinds of cartooning and image or graphic expressions used to narrate a story in Japanese. The word manga is derived from two words; 

The use of animated pictures to tell a story in Japan is believed to have originated in the 12th Century when a series titled Choju-giga (Scrolls of Frolicking Animals) was published.

However, the word 'manga' to describe this art was first used in the 18th Century with Santo Kyoden's picture book, Shiji no yoikai

Check Out The Best Manga Comics Of All Time

In 1798. Manga continues to be a preferred channel of information and entertainment in the modern world, having spread its tentacles in various countries. 

This post seeks to demystify manga and shed light on how you can tell your own story in manga and make an honest living.

Manga and comics have their similarities, but they are also profoundly different. Here are some of the ways you can distinguish the two:

History Of Manga

Most manga are written in Japanese, seeing that they originated and enjoyed a huge audience in Japan. Comics, on the other hand, are an American concept and are mostly written in English.

This is one of the most distinguishable characteristics of manga from comics. Manga are read from back to front or right to left. The panels are arranged from the right. Comics are read from left to right or front to back, and their panels are arranged as such.


Manga are printed in black and white. Nowadays, most manga might have their covers only printed in color, but the rest of the book is black and white. Comics will, however, enjoy full-color printing both on the cover and on the rest of the pages.

How To Self Publish And Promote Your Manga: 13 Steps

You can easily pick out manga from their use of more detailed drawings. Comics will almost always have detailed and sometimes complicated drawings.

Most manga are released chapter by chapter on a weekly or monthly basis. They are also commonly published first in magazines then in paperback. Comic books are strictly published in paperback or hardback, never in magazines.

Manga comes in almost various genres ranging from fantasy, fiction, romance, and humor. Manga writing has, over time, been highly influenced by two major processes. 

Viz Originals Takes Manga Mainstream

At first, it was used to ensure the continuity of Japanese cultural beliefs and traditions. The Japanese empire also used manga to spread propaganda during the war. Manga was also heavily used during and after the Allied Occupation of Japan to stress and influence American traditions, which was instrumental in changing the manga style of writing.

This is a manga written specifically for boys between the age of 9-18. They feature coming to age interactions between the characters, comedy, and action. Shonen covers usually have a male principal character posing as if in action.2). Shojo


This type of manga is targeted at tween and teen girls (between the ages of 9-18). They feature lots of drama and emotion and less action. Romance is also a key feature in shojo. They are easily identifiable through their heavy use of pink color, flowers, or a female protagonist in a cute pose on the cover.3). Seinen

Learn Japanese With Manga Volume One: A Self Study Language Book For Beginners

This manga is targeted at adult men over the age of 18. They feature a relative amount of violence and action, usually written in a serious, darker tone. Seinen also features sexual storylines and strong language.4). Josei

This is a manga for adult women over the age of 18. Their storylines lean heavily on mature narratives about romance and relationships. Like in seinen, josei may also feature sexual scenes and strong language, sometimes bordering on pornography. It almost always features male and female protagonists on their covers.5). Kodomomuke

This is a manga specifically for young children. They usually feature lots of fun and moral teachings packaged in a delightful way to capture both adults and young children's attention.

Review: Amazon Self Publishing, Is It Worth Your Time?

The first thing to do when designing your manga characters is to set up their profiles. Decide the necessary details needed for the character, e.g., what kind of accessories or clothing they'll need to make them recognizable for the reader.

Once done setting up the character profiles, draw rough sketches using the ideas you wrote down. You can draw them in as many poses as your imagination allows. Be sure to showcase your character's most outstanding traits. Make these drawings simple and easy to relate with.


From here now, you'll need to develop your designs to show your character/s from all angles. You might have to draw them many times to get the best views possible. Get the characters' back, front and side views to know exactly how they'll look from all angles.

A History Of Modern Manga

Most manga are black and white and don't require any other coloring. However, if need be, you can pick any colors to use on the cover of your manga.

This is to mean four rows, with each consisting of two panels. You can tweak this a little to either large or small panels, to an average of 6-8 panels.

It's advisable to make the gap between the rows bigger and the gap between the panels smaller. This allows your reader's eyes to have a continuous line of motion while reading. You can also mix up the panel sizes to make your manga more captivating. Larger panels are more impactful than smaller ones. Feel free to divide the panels vertically or at your preferred angle to create better flow and energy for your manga.

Free Websites To Publish Your Own Comic Online

How much money can I make Selling My Manga & How Much Do Manga Artists Make? There's no fixed figure that you can make from manga writing since, like any other creative industry, the income you make is dependent on so many factors that are not all achievable at once.You Should Read This Next 👇 AI Audiobook Narration: Easily CLONE YOUR VOICE And Let It Read Your Book! However, you can make a decent income as a manga manuscript artist. In Japan, manuscript artists get paid an average of JPY 5, 500 per manuscript page. Manga is published on a weekly or monthly basis, and a typical story is around 20 pages. Roughly, if published weekly, a manuscript artist can make an annual income of (JPY 5, 500*20) * 48 =JPY 5, 280, 000. This is roughly $50, 106. If your manuscript is published monthly, the estimated annual income is (JPY 5, 500*20)

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