Ten years after the Seven Deadly Sins parted ways, Tristan, Meliodas and Elizabeth's son and Liones' current prince, overhears that this legendary group is assembling at the kingdom so he decides to fight them.
A little kid is running through town. Behind him, a guard from Liones castle is on his chase, referring to the kid as Prince Tristan.
After evading the guard, Tristan gather a group of his friends and communicates them an urgent matter: after hearing a maid gossips, he got to know that the legendary group of criminals, the Seven Deadly Sins, will reunite at the Liones castle that same night, and he fears that they want to take over Liones. However, the children did not believe him and leave.
Manga 'nanatsu No Taizai' Ends Seven Year Serialization
Back in the castle, Tristan states that he will defeat the Seven Deadly Sins by himself. Tristan tries to sneak in, but it is stopped by Elizabeth. While Tristan delivers his secret information to his mother, the very Seven Deadly Sins appears behind him. Everyone greets Tristan. Diane pets him on the head while stating he is cute but King says he is, but not like their own kid. Gowther comments on Tristan's Power Level, stating that is impressive, despite being a child.
Then, Tristan states that he knows how the Sins and his father were exiled from the kingdom and are planning to take over the kingdom tonight and states that Howzer and Hendrickson got his back. Meliodas plays along and declares that now he cannot let him live. In a state of shock, Tristan charges at his father, claiming that a Holy Knight will punish him. Surprised, Meliodas asks him if he wants to be a Holy Knight, to which his son replies affirmatively. Tristan challenges them to a fight. Meliodas and the rest lead him outside, where fireworks are being used.
It is revealed that it is actually Tristan's tenth birthday celebration. Everyone cheers for him, welcoming the Seven Deadly Sins as well. Ban goes up to Tristan and says if his old man were really a villain, everyone in the country would not admire him that much. His father then asks what he wants for his birthday. Tristan then says a legendary sword but his father refuses it. Gowther then says he shall give him a special gift. Gowther uses his powers to show him the true story of the Seven Deadly Sins which leads Tristan to shed a tear.
The Incomplete Manga Guide
The next day Meliodas and Tristan are training with the sword, as they wait for Elizabeth to prepare a picnic lunch. Tristan asks his father why he did not tell him the truth. Meliodas wonders what kind of adult his son would become. Tristan manifests some concern over having to become king, but Meliodas tells his son that it is fine if he does not want to be a king and that him being a Holy Knight is fine too. Tristan then declares that he will be one of the Seven Deadly Sins.Following the Demon King’s defeat, all of the lesser demons attacking Liones retreat. The Sins are happy that the Holy War has seemingly ended but also show regret because Elizabeth’s curse has one day left before it manifests due to Meliodas having to destroy the Demon King's power which was the only thing that could save her. However, Meliodas then reveals he gained the power to break the curse back in Purgatory, to Ban's shock as he realizes what it meant. With the help of Merlin he finally destroys the curses and the Sins head back to Liones.
Within the capital of Liones, the battle rages on as a Red Demon appears through a hole in Bartra's quarters, who is being protected by Slader who refuses to allow it to lay a hand on the king. The demon merely cackles as it prepares to attack and the two brace but notice the killing blow has failed to come. They then see the demon has suddenly begun to fly away to their confusion and looking outside, they see that all lesser demons have begun to retreat following their ruler's defeat.
Back in the wasteland that remained of Camelot, Ludociel's astral body has begun to dissolve and he notices that everything has gone quiet and when he asks Mael, who is holding him up, what happens, he tells his brother that its over thanks to the efforts of the Seven Deadly Sins, who had done the impossible. Ludociel finds it too optimistic to saw its truly over just because the Demon King was forced out of Meliodas but claims it to be one small step forward in ending the feud of hate between the Demon Clan and the Goddess Clan.
El Manga De Nanatsu No Taizai Se Prepara Para Su Desenlace Final
Hendrickson and Elizabeth are both surprised to hear such words coming from him and he tries to brush it off as delusion but Elizabeth smiles and says she won't forget as he finally dissipates. Escanor commemerates how everything is back as it should be with Meliodas back to normal and Ban having returned but notices the forlorn expressions of King and Diane as they remember the main issue hasn't been resolved.
Elizabeth's curse will go into effect tomorrow and they have lost the only way to break the curse. Diane begins to cry as she explained that Meliodas only tried to absorb the Commandments and become the new Demon King in order to break the curse but in order to defeat his father, he had to destory that power. Elizabeth tries to reassure Diane its fine as she'll simply reincarnate again one day but if Meliodas had become the Demon King, he couldn't exist in Britannia anymore.
Merlin understands Elizabeth's wishes but wonders if she's truly okay with dying again but Meliodas cuts them off by saying he can break the curse to everyone's surprise. He explains that while escaping Purgatory he just so happened to gain enough power to equal his father, despite everyone's belief that he's bluffing until Ban realizes what he means by it.
I Finally Finished The Seven Deadly Sins Manga.
Meliodas asks that everyone give him and Elizabeth space as he asks Merlin to do the honors to which she uses Curse Discovery, a spell to reveal the true forms of Meliodas and Elizabeth's curses of eternal life and eternal reincarnation. Elizabeth is shocked to see what their curses really are as Meliodas begins to change and his appearance seems to mirror how he appeared when his father possessed him but in his original shape, revealing to have power that equals the Demon King.
He apologizes to Elizabeth that it took him over 3, 000 years to fulfill their promise but claims that it will finally end here and now. As he says this, Elizabeth remembers what Meliodas' old personality told her that he felt nothing for her and that their promise was all he had left and once it was fulfilled, their false love would finally cease as well. She begins to cry and asks Meliodas that even after the curse is broken, if he will still love her to which he assures her he will until the point where she gets sick of him.
With that he unleashes a sphere of energy onto the curses that destroys them, finally freeing them of their tragic history of death and rebirth. Surprised at how easily the curse was broken after everything they went through, Meliodas claims it to be over but Elizabeth hugs him crying tears of joy and says its only beginning as the two of them, along with the others finally head back to Liones with their journey over at last.
What Is The Problem With The Humans In Nanatsu No Taizai? Why Did They Become So Useless In The Story Like Gilthunder And Hendrickson For Example?
Nakaba: Each of their bodies have their own unique traits and characteristics. And apparently their growths doesn't necessarily happen like it does in humans either.
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Read Nanatsu No Taizai Chapter 328 2023 Updated
Search-and-Destroy Force vs. Demons • Monspeet & Derieri vs. Estarossa • Sariel & Tarmiel vs. Estarossa • Meliodas, Ban & Wild vs. Demon King • Gowther, King, Sariel, Tarmiel & Derieri vs. Mael • Gowther, King, Diane & Elizabeth vs. Mael • Assault Force vs. Zeldris, Chandler & Cusack • Seven Deadly Sins & Four Archangels vs. Zeldris & Original Demon • Seven Deadly Sins, Four Archangels & Zeldris vs. Demon KingNanatsu no Taizai: aparece Tristán, el
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