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Manga Beautiful Art

Manga Beautiful Art

Manga that is rich in creativity, story and detail, draw us in, keep us hooked, and leave us wanting more. Let's take a special look at the series which have the most amazing artwork in all of manga.

It is truly amazing to think about how much effort goes into creating these interesting tales, with relatable, and lovable characters, as well as deep, well thought out worlds. You can just feel all the love, care and time that was put into each page, poured into each panel and carefully sketched into each tiny detail.


Manga tell stories like no other genre can. From the ingenious works of renowned horror mangaka, Junji Ito, to the beautiful and heartwarming stories such as Your Lie in April, there’s something in manga to suit everyone’s tastes.

Most Beautiful Manga Boys

Technical proficiency and art style are two amazing, important and fascinating things about manga. Some series certainly stand out more than others artistically. You will also find that the best manga is often much more detailed than anime. Reasons include time. There is more flexibility in finishing manga compared to the more stringent anime deadlines. Another factor is money. It costs more to create one anime episode than it does to create manga. Mangaka’s also have a bit more freedom to draw their desired characters and scenery.

The artist for Death Note is one of the best. The genius of gorgeous character designs and settings create a realistic feeling. The contrast between the realistic human world, and supernatural Shinigami world mirrors the internal conflict of the main character and the external confusion of his mortal world. The story is partially told through the character’s facial expressions. Shading, dimensions, and angles play an important part in the art to convey deep conflict and the character’s gradual changes as he becomes more enmeshed in his struggle to use a supernatural power to control his environment. The last few frames of the series are definitely some of the most memorable in manga.

When it comes to Blade of the Immortal, the story and art weave together perfectly for a remarkable result. The style, flow of action and subtle, yet effective, balance of detail and simplicity complement the complex atmosphere.

The Art Of Berserk Is Beautiful. Some Of The Best Out Of All The Comics And Manga I Have Read.

The precise art of Gon fills the story with life and realism to create an illustrious manga that portrays anime and nature in a pleasingly realistic way. The art supports sparse dialogue for a powerful result.

Climber creates a feel of adventure through its art. With soft, wispy detail in its background, you can almost feel the white snow, crisp nights and beautiful, yet challenging mountains and rocks. The character designs are sharper, so that they pop, never fading into the background.

As an 80’s manga, the character designs in Akira might not be anything special, but the beautiful backgrounds and pretty panoramic views give the drawings a spot on this list.

Beauty With Bouquet

The art of Gantz’s controversial story quality stands apart for its excellence. With interesting scenes full of intriguing detail and dimension, Gantz is a treat to behold.

Fitting the historical setting of Vinland Saga, each frame contributes to the captivating story. The gore of battles and their aftermath portray fierce brutality. With a high level of realism and accuracy, the art tells a poignant story. The chapters were switched from weekly, to monthly so that the mangaka could include as much detail as possible. The results are astonishing.

This bizarre yet creative story offers some bizarre yet creative art! This one has a more modern feel compared to some other entries on this list, but look at those amazing dimensions, shading, and details. The artistic and technical qualities of these drawings are outstanding.

Which Manga's Art Was So Brilliant That It Literally Took Your Breath Away?

Uzumaki , as well as the rest of Junji Ito’s work, is beautifully horrifying. Terrifying, yet fascinating, Junji’s art tells a tale of its own. You wouldn’t expect pictures to scare you. But Junji’s creativity with manga is unsettling. The ominous art complements the story to create a constant state of foreboding. The art leaves a haunting impression.

One Punch Man, a comedic action manga blows us all away with its intricately detailed art. The story and premise sound absolutely ridiculous, but a solid combination of clever writing and sharp, cool drawings, make for a great series.

Oyasumi PunPun is a heart wrenching tale about adolescence and the grim realities of transitioning to adulthood. It addresses serious, taboo issues in a frank, bleak, matter-of-fact tone. It spares no one’s feelings, and is not for the faint of heart. The art is beautifully detailed, and sets a realistic, yet fitting atmosphere for the story. Both the series and the art are amazingly thought provoking.

Best Manga/manhwa With Stunning Artwork To Read! (march 2023)

Vagabond’s detailed art sets the ambiance for its rich storyline. The art has movement and immerses the reader in a gorgeous environment. In the midst of intense beauty, the art maintains a rough, yet aloof feel that words cannot express.


Ah yes, what can be said about Berserk that's not already been said? It is truly, without a doubt, an amazing manga, through and through. Creative, fascinating, incredibly well executed, not to mention stunningly detailed, there is no other series that has quite the same feel as Berserk, and no other series that can top its ridiculously amazing art.

Here are the 12 finalist novels from the MAL x Honeyfeed Writing Contest! Try them out and let us know which web novels you want to see brought to life as published manga.

Top Five Beautifully Drawn Manga

First of all, what is “manga art”? Manga art is a new initiative to shine a spotlight on the illustrations that manga artists draw for their comics and give them lasting value as “works of art.”

Shonen manga is awesome - the action, hot characters, and some cliches that tell us life lessons. We picked the timeless masterpieces from the first-class magazines!

We have 10 semi-finalist novels from the MAL x Honeyfeed Writing Contest waiting for your vote! Try them out and let us know which ones you want to see brought to life as published manga.

Top 10 Beautiful Anime Art List [best Recommendations]

We love anime, but we love anime fanart even more! Join us as we round up some of our favorite anime fanart images ever.So that means don't bring up stuff like Berserk, Akira, Vagabond, Blade of the Immortal, Blame, or any post-1993 Naoki Urasawa series, please.

Comic artist Mahmud Asrar was asking for recommendations of manga with great art on twitter, so that's what made me think of this. Here were some that came to mind for me:


John Kowalski said: Do yuri doujins count Click to expand... Click to shrink... Sure! As long as you're not posting stuff that would get moderated, go ahead and post any manga.

Bl Manga With Beautiful Artwork

The magical kitsune said: Takehiko Inoue's Vagabond is great. Same guy who did character designs in Lost Odyssey. Click to expand... Click to shrink... First sentence of the OP :P Vagabond is quite famous in the manga community.

Aizō said: First sentence of the OP :P Vagabond is quite famous in the manga community. Click to expand... Click to shrink... Oh oops, I even read the sentence. That's all I got lol

The magical kitsune said: Oh oops, I even read the sentence. That's all I got lol Click to expand... Click to shrink... Haha. No worries. Inoue's art on Slam Dunk, Vagabond, and REAL are all truly incredible. He's a phenomenal artist.

The Top 14 Series With The Best Manga Artwork Ever

SirKai said: Golden Kamuy by Satoru Noda. Click to expand... Click to shrink... This is a beautiful encapsulation of Golden Kamuy lmao

I’m on my phone and I can’t post it right now but Blue Period is legitimately gorgeous. It’s beautiful in many different ways.

RochHoch said: This is a beautiful encapsulation of Golden Kamuy lmao Also: Read Golden Kamuy y'all. It's an amazing series. Click to expand... Click to shrink...


Manga Free To Color For Kids

But some of them are obviously traced photographs which is obviously fine but probably not what the thread is asking for lol

Aizō said: All right, residentgrigo. I know this is your kind of thread. Unleash your power. Sure! As long as you're not posting stuff that would get moderated, go ahead and post any manga. Click to expand... Click to shrink...

Ok so since these are often just one or two chapters long, i'm going to mention the author instead. One of my favs over time has been Kiriyama Haruka, who does a lot of Love Live stuff. I usually prefer this genre because it's very focused on quotidian life and shared spaced, especially the ones about adult life.

Show Off Lesser Known Manga With Beautiful Art (say The Name, Too)

They've done a looot of things and i love the naturalistic and calm look of their art a lot. It's not given to grandiosity at all, but gentleness and small scenes. Also the stories have a very subtle kind of romance that feels, uhh, kinda french i guess. Also they feel like relationships that real people could have.

I feel like a lot of people just don't look at things from this genre because it may feel restricted in its reach and breadth. But yuri has a ginormous amount of really good art and good stories. Plus it's not hard to find stories that are very positive about gay relationships without fetishization or objectification.

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Which Manga Has The Best Artwork?

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