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Manga Apk Android

Manga Apk Android

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Wenn Sie gerne Manga lesen, finden Sie in der Super Manga App eine große Bibliothek mit zehntausenden von englischen Titeln aus den verschiedensten Genres


Sie sind ein Fan von Manga und haben nichts dagegen, auf Ihrem Android-Gerät zu lesen? Wenn die Antwort ja ist, können Sie diese App nicht verpassen. In ihr finden Sie Tausende von beliebten (und nicht so beliebten) Sammlungen in englischer Sprache, wie

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Außerdem ist sie sehr einfach zu bedienen. Alles was Sie tun müssen, ist Ihren Lieblingstitel zu finden, das Kapitel auszuwählen, das Sie lesen möchten, und sich zu setzen und zu genießen. Sie finden Informationen über Popularität, Autoren, Genres, Erscheinungsjahr, ob die Serie fertig ist oder nicht, eine Zusammenfassung und die Bewertung der Benutzer innerhalb jedes Titels.

) umblättern. Sie können auch Ihre Lieblingsserien und -kapitel als gelesen markieren und sogar jedes beliebige Kapitel auf unserem Terminal herunterladen, um es später zu lesen. Denken Sie natürlich daran, dass Sie für einige dieser Inhalte eine Augenklappe und einen Papagei auf der Schulter benötigen...

Die App ist in mehrere Abschnitte unterteilt, um Ihnen zu helfen, die Inhalte zu finden, die Sie lesen möchten, auch wenn Sie sie noch nicht kennen. Auf diese Weise können Sie die beliebtesten Titel, die neuesten Ergänzungen, die letzten Ausgaben, auf die Sie zugegriffen haben, sehen und zwischen den verschiedenen Genres blättern.

The Best Manga Apps For Android

Darüber hinaus können Sie mit dem Suchfeld wirklich vollständige Suchen nach Genre, Autor, Titel und Status durchführen und diese dann nach Ihren Wünschen organisieren. Wenn du Manga magst, ist diese App super cool.

Ich habe Jura und Journalismus studiert und mich dabei auf Kriminologie und Kulturjournalismus spezialisiert. Eine meiner großen Leidenschaften sind mobile Anwendungen, vor allem Android-Apps. Seit über sechs Jahren teste ich jeden Tag Dutzende...

Wir verwenden eigene Cookies und Drittanbieter-Cookies für Werbung, Sitzungen, Analysen und soziale Netzwerke. Jede andere Handlung als ihre Sperrung oder die ausdrückliche Beantragung der mit dem Cookie verknüpften Dienstleistung setzt die Zustimmung zu seiner Verwendung voraus. Bitte sehen Sie dazu unsere Datenschutzerklärung ein.As a kid, I could count on comics to sail through plenty of free time. While I loved all sorts of comics, mangas aka Japanese comic books were one of my top picks. With an intriguing storyline coupled with vivid pictures, those comic books left a lasting impression. And despite having a boatload of movies to watch on Netflix, I turn back to the classy Japanese comics again and again. They fill my time with plenty of bone-tickling comedies and whimsical fantasies. If you are willing to give them a chance as well, look no further than this meticulous selection of the 13 best manga apps for Android and iPhone. Best Manga Apps for Android and iOS in 2023

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So, what sort of mangas do you like to take on: comedy, action, horror, or love? Considering the age-old theory that one size may not fit all, I have picked out the apps that cater to a wide range of tastes. Therefore, irrespective of what appeals to your choice, you can find comic books that can take you on a long reading spree. And that too without costing you anything/much. With that said, let’s flip over to the first story of a long series!


Tachiyomi is one of the most loved manga reader apps for Android users out there. It’s a completely free and open-source Manga reader that you can install on your phone. The app itself doesn’t offer a catalog of manga to read, but you can add manga sources to the app, and it will automatically organize them for you so you can read whichever comic you want to read at your leisure. It supports services like MyAnimeList, AniList, Kitsu, Shikimori, and Bangumi.

The reader itself is also highly customizable, and you can adjust things like the color filters and more, including custom reading modes. The only drawback of this app is the fact that it’s only available for Android. If you’re an iPhone user, you will have to go with one of the other apps mentioned on our list for your manga fix. Furthermore, the other drawback of this application is that most sources are released by scanlation groups, which means most of the mangas available to read are not officially released by the licensing distributors.

Best Manga Reader Apps For Android And Iphone

The next best manga reader app in my opinion is Viz Manga. Boasting the entire VIZ digital catalog, the app offers you access to the most popular manga and comics including hit series such as Dragon Ball Super, My Hero Academia, Naruto Next Generations, and the cult classics like Vampire Knight, Tokyo Ghoul, Official RWBY Manga Anthology, and more. Furthermore, the app keeps on adding new series regularly such as the critically popular Chainsawman, so that you always have something really interesting to read.

One of my favorite features of this app is the ability to build a vast library of interesting mangas. With a fully personalized library, you can catch up with your favorite comics at your own pace. Not just that, it offers a downloading option as well to let you read books even offline. What’s more, the app also lets you read free previews of paid volumes to make an informed buying decision.


When you have the official manga app at your disposal, getting the latest manga titles directly from Japan becomes easy-picking. As you may have already guessed, Crunchyroll Manga is an official manga app for Android and iOS that lets you quickly access the hottest manga books as soon as they are rolled out on the newsstands in Japan. So, staying in the loop with all the trending books like Fairy Tail, Space Brothers, and Attack on Titan will be smooth sailing for you.

Top Manga Reader Apps For Android And Ios Devices

The app features a clean look and also offers some neat customization tools so that you can fine-tune all of your favorite titles in line with your reading taste. Do note that Crunchyroll Manga’s freemium model is quite basic. Therefore, you will need to get a premium membership, if you wish to get the entire series catalog or have unlimited reading access. Furthermore, Crunchyroll’s manga application suffers from the same problem noticed in the actual Crunchyroll – a lack of series for you to read through, and existing series taking time to update. Regardless, Crunchyroll Manga is a good alternative, but not one I would actively suggest.

I can’t possibly write a list of the best manga apps for iPhone and Android and not mention something about the Shonen Jump series, right? Well, the Shonen Jump app is the perfect manga reader for you if you’re a fan of titles from the Shonen Jump series. The app lets you read up to 100 chapters for free every day. However, if you want to read more than that, you can pay $1.99 per month to unlock unlimited reading.

Shonen Jump has all the latest chapters from your favorite Shonen Jump series that are updated as soon as new chapters are released, so you will never have to wait for new chapters. That said, bear in mind that this app only deals with the Shonen Jump series, which includes some of the most popular names such as Naruto, Dr. Stone, and One Piece.


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When you’re looking for the best manga reader apps for Android and iPhone, you’ll come across many that offer manga illegally. That’s not right; so if you want to read manga legally and ensure that the authors get their due cut, you should check out Mangamo. It is one of the best manga reader apps you can find out there, boasting a pretty solid collection of titles for your perusal. The app comes with some of the biggest manga titles out there such as Attack on Titan, among others.

The subscription isn’t too steep, at $4.99 per month, and gives you access to over 300 manga comics. New chapters are added every week, so you’ll always have something to read. Plus, there are no ads either, which means your experience will not be hindered by random pop-ups and other ads. Moreover, if you want to try it out before subscribing, Mangamo allows anyone to read one free chapter every 24 hours without any registration.

Another manga reader app you should check out is Manga Plus. The service brings an absolute ton of manga comics to your fingertips for you to read anytime you like. It’s an official service that’s available free of cost and brings almost every Shonen Jump title you can think of. Whether you’re a fan of Naruto, My Hero Academia, Jujutsu Kaisen, or Dragon Ball, you can find all the comics right here on Manga Plus.

Best Manga Apps For Android In 2023

Manga Plus has the latest chapters from all your favorite Manga series in English and Spanish and is controlled by Shueisha, which is a Japanese publisher that works with manga artists and creators. So, you can rest assured that you’re not indulging in piracy by using this free manga reader app.


INKR Comics is the brainchild of the team behind the popular scanlation manga aggregator

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