Happiness (Japanese: ハピネス , Hepburn: Hapinesu ) is a Japanese supernatural manga series writt and illustrated by Shūzō Oshimi. The series is published by Kodansha in Japan and by Kodansha USA in the United States.
Shūzō Oshimi began serializing Happiness in the March 2015 issue of Kodansha's shōn manga magazine Bessatsu Shōn Magazine on 9 February 2015.
Makoto Okazaki is the errand boy in his class for Yuuki and his frids, and is befrided by Nunota, who previously held the position. One night, while going to return a DVD rtal, Okazaki is attacked by a female vampire, who sucks his blood. Wh she asks him whether he wants to die or be like her, Okazaki responds that he wants to live and wakes up in the hospital. Wh he returns to class, Okazaki starts feeling nauseous and bloodthirsty, and refuses Yuuki's order to get food, punching him in the nose. Wh Okazaki has another episode in class, he retreats to a distant part of the school building and is calmed down by a girl named Yukiko Gosho. Gosho and him become frids and start eating lunch together. One night while biking to the rtal store, Okazaki sees Yuuki, who became ridiculed and distant after getting punched, being bullied by a gang of upperclassm. Yuuki's girlfrid Nao Shiraishi asks Okazaki for help and he reluctantly agrees. Wh he finds Yuuki in the park getting punched, Okazaki lunges on one of them, driving them away. Yuuki shows his gratefulness by buying him a can of coffee.
Happiness 3: Oshimi, Shuzo: 9781632363923: Amazon.com: Books
Okazaki and Gosho hang out along with Yuuki and Shiraishi, and they become closer. One night after going to Yuuki's house with Shiraishi, Okazaki gets a call from Nunota. Wh Okazaki meets him, he discovers that Nunota was coerced into setting him up for an ambush by the gang. While beating Okazaki up, the gang calls Yuuki, who rushes to his aid. Wh a drop of blood ters Okazaki's mouth while he tries to retaliate, he ters a frzied state and sds a signal to a male vampire named Saku. Saku attacks the gang and as he tries to kill Okazaki, is hit with a cinderblock by Yuuki. Wh Saku bites Yuuki's neck, the blood gushes into Okazaki's mouth, who swallows it. Everyone involved in the incidt goes missing except for Okazaki, who is hospitalized. After five days, a worried Gosho and Shiraishi learn which hospital he was admitted to and visit him. Okazaki promises to find Yuuki, but rounces his previous life, trying to cut ties with the girls. Saku later locates Okazaki and reveals that he hid the bodies of those he attacked in a rooftop water tank. Wh Saku tries to kill Okazaki by dangling him in front of an oncoming train, Okazaki is saved by the woman who had attacked him, named Nora, and Saku is dismembered.
Okazaki locates Yuuki by the sct of his blood and saves him. Yuuki is hospitalized, but having be bit, becomes bloodthirsty. Gosho visits Okazaki and makes him confide in her, saying that he looks like her deceased brother who she couldn't help. At night, Makoto is called by Nora and she asks him to go away with her, sharing some blood she drank with him. Wh Yuuki's mother visits him, he sucks her blood and kills her. Agts who know Okazaki's secret try to take him from his house, but he is saved by Yuuki. Yuuki tells him that they have to run away, but Okazaki visits Nora with him to ask for help.
Nora viciously attacks Yuuki, saying that he has a deep, black sct. Yuuki finds refuge at Shiraishi's house, where they have sex. Gosho visits the crime sce where Okazaki was ambushed and meets Masami Sakurane. Sakurane is searching for the vampires and relates to Gosho his failure to save his little sister from one, pledging to help her find Okazaki. Shiraishi's parts discover her having sex and Yuuki kills the whole family. As Okazaki leaves with Nora, they find themselves surrounded by armed agts.
Happiness Manga Volume 1
The agts op fire on them and Nora shields Okazaki. raged, Okazaki tries to retaliate, but is subdued. Gosho receives a call from a despondt Yuuki and meets up with Sakurane to see him. Sakurane offers to shelter Yuuki, but Gosho wants him to take responsibility for his murders. At Sakurane's apartmt, wh Gosho tries to push the point again and is rebuked by Sakurane, she realizes that Sakurane is a serial killer and runs. Sakurane stops her and slits her throat, leaving her in the burning apartmt. Wh she regains consciousness, Gosho lacks strgth until she hears Okazaki's voice in her head and manages to survive. Okazaki wakes up restrained in a lab and the agts start experimting on him. T years later, Gosho is working at an office and attds a farewell party for a coworker. At the party, her scarf ds up getting tak off, revealing the scar on her neck. Wh her coworker Sudo tries to show her too much sympathy afterwards, she bluntly rejects him.
One day while leaving work together with Sudo, Gosho has an impromptu hanami session at a park with him and the two get to know each other better. The next day, Gosho learns from a magazine cover that Sakurane was found in a commune in the mountains, and she has a nervous breakdown. After Gosho doesn't come to work for a week, Sudo visits her house and she says she is unable to make herself go outside. The next morning, Sudo helps her leave for work, with her clinging to his shirtsleeve. After three months being accompanied to and from work, Gosho recovers, and Sudo requests a date. Near the d of their date, Gosho visits her old high school, as well as the location of Nao's house. There, Okazaki's mom counters them and invites them to her home, imparting advice to Gosho to live her own life. After Sudo and Gosho part at the train station, Gosho catches a glimpse of Okazaki. Gosho doesn't come to work for the next three days, telling Sudo she is sick, but wh he calls her mother, she says that Gosho wt on vacation. Wh Sudo visits her mother and finds material on Sakurane, she tells him about Gosho's past. Sudo rts a car and sets off for the commune near Miyagi Prefecture. Gosho calls Sudo, and despite his attempts to dissuade her, says that she must visit Sakurane because Okazaki and Yuuki could be there.
Gosho sneaks into the commune—a cult called Blood of Happiness—at night, drawn to its church and the basemt. She is accosted by angry inhabitants, who suspect her of being with media, but Sakurane—their leader—appears and welcomes her as a guest. The next morning, she meets Sakurane and he admits to her at knifepoint that both Okazaki and Yuuki are in the basemt. She attds their assembly, where everyone is wearing hoods and chanting, and Sakurane makes her give a blood offering into a chalice to their gods. He takes her into the basemt, where she finds an unresponsive Yuuki in a cell, and Sakurane feeds him the blood. Sakurane threats to slit Gosho's throat to attempt to rouse Yuuki, but he doesn't react, and Sakurane locks her in with him to try to get him to talk. Over the course of five days, Sakurane increasingly cuts and tortures her wh he doesn't get results. Kiyoshi—a boy in the commune who takes an interest in Gosho—runs into Sudo sneaking around at night. Sudo supplicates for Gosho's whereabouts, but wh he calls Sakurane a killer, Kiyoshi alerts others and Sudo is knocked unconscious. Wh he comes to, he demands to see Gosho and Sakurane takes him to the church. Wh he sees Gosho's state, Sudo becomes raged and charges at Sakurane, who draws a knife.
Blue Bird Looking For Happiness
Sudo beats Sakurane unconscious after a brief struggle and tries to escape with Gosho. Sakurane recovers and stabs Sudo, and forces Gosho to stab him as well. Before he can slit her neck, the now-responsive Yuuki knocks Sakurane out. Yuuki, hailed as a god by the cult, commands them to save the pair. That night, the villagers beseech Yuuki to turn them into gods. Sakurane, unconscious in the basemt, flashbacks to his childhood where he recounts Nora turning his sister into a vampire. The experice led him to develop an obsession for Nora, who he calls a god. He begins a spree of murdering young girls before getting caught by the police. After serving time in prison, he devotes his life to tracking Nora and evtually meets Gosho. He awaks from his dream and meets with the villagers and Yuuki. After failing to get Yuuki to bite him, he instructs the villagers to eat Yuuki, who calls out to Okazaki.
A partially regerated Saku kills the facility's guards and frees Okazaki. The pair find a dismembered Nora and take her conscious brain before escaping. Saku is shot by agts and voluntarily leaves himself behind for Okazaki to escape. Meanwhile, Gosho fails
Sudo beats Sakurane unconscious after a brief struggle and tries to escape with Gosho. Sakurane recovers and stabs Sudo, and forces Gosho to stab him as well. Before he can slit her neck, the now-responsive Yuuki knocks Sakurane out. Yuuki, hailed as a god by the cult, commands them to save the pair. That night, the villagers beseech Yuuki to turn them into gods. Sakurane, unconscious in the basemt, flashbacks to his childhood where he recounts Nora turning his sister into a vampire. The experice led him to develop an obsession for Nora, who he calls a god. He begins a spree of murdering young girls before getting caught by the police. After serving time in prison, he devotes his life to tracking Nora and evtually meets Gosho. He awaks from his dream and meets with the villagers and Yuuki. After failing to get Yuuki to bite him, he instructs the villagers to eat Yuuki, who calls out to Okazaki.
A partially regerated Saku kills the facility's guards and frees Okazaki. The pair find a dismembered Nora and take her conscious brain before escaping. Saku is shot by agts and voluntarily leaves himself behind for Okazaki to escape. Meanwhile, Gosho fails
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