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Forum Rpg Harry Potter Manga

Forum Rpg Harry Potter Manga

Wir schreiben das Jahr 2022. In der magischen Welt scheint der Frieden eingekehrt zu sein. Alles ist gut. Oder doch nicht? Ehemalige Todesser haben wieder für Angst und Schrecken in England gesorgt, dem will nun die neue Zaubereiministerin Regina Qui

Tauche ein in das magische Universum von Harry Potter und spiele deinen eigenen Wunschcharakter. Welcher Seite gilt deine Loyalität? Registriere dich und entscheide.


Regenschauer gingen seit Wochen über London nieder. Die Straßen waren längst nicht mehr sicher. Zahlreiche Morde wurden an Muggeln und Schlammblütern in den letzten Tagen ausgeführt. Die ganze Zaube

Hogwarts Legacy: Release Des Harry Potter Rpgs Wird Verschoben

Fast ein Jahr ist es jetzt her, als Lord Voldemort wieder in einen festen Körper zurückgekehrt ist. Die gefangenen Todesser sind befreit und alles scheint darauf hinaus zu laufen, dass es Krieg geben wird. Wer wird gewinnen und wer bekommt die Kugel

Dies ist ein ausgeflipptes RPG, dass sich zum größten teil auf Harry Potter bezieht. Ihr könnt euren eigenen Schüler erstellen und mit ihnen quer durch Hogwarts gehen und euch mit anderen Mitgliedern verständigen.

Das Harry Potter Rollenspiel. Ein zauberhaft schönes RPG in dem du in die wunderbare Welt des jungen Magiers eintauchen kannst. Lerne Zaubersprüche, gehe deinen Träumen nach und Beweise, was du kannst!

Create A Rpg Forum

15 Jahre sind nun nach dem Tod des dunklen Lords vergangen und die dunkle Magie wurde seitdem nicht mehr verwendet. -Bis jetzt! Ein Schüler gerät durch ein Buch an stärkere Kräfte, als die Voldemorts.

Ein ganz besonderes Harry Potter RPG, für alle die Lust am schreiben haben. Die Todesser sind auf dem Vormarsch, der Orden kämpft für Freiheit und es ist Zeit, sich einer Seite anzuschließen.

Ein Harry Potter RPG im Jahre 1999! Der Krieg ist nun s vorbei. Voldemort hat gewonnen . Alle glauben Harry sei tot, doch Snape konnte ihn retten . er ist nun unter falschen Namen auf Hogwarts, denn nun hat Voldemort die Macht im Ministerium und Hogw

Mages (fate) Vs Wizards (harry Potter) Vs Alchemist (fma)

21 Jahre später: Der dunkle Lord ist besiegt, das goldene Trio kann ein normales Leben führen & ihre Kinder wandeln durch die Gänge von Hogwarts als neue 'Helden'.

50 Jahre nach Harry Potters Sieg, wird England erneut von bösen Mächten umkämpft. In Hogwarts gibt es eine neue Bedrohung und die Schule steht kurz davpr geschlossen zu werden.

Hallo! Das hier ist ein RPG für alle Harry Potter Fans dieser Erde. Es ist noch im Aufbau, aber das soll uns ja nicht stören. Also erstellt euch einen Chara und los gehts!Hello everyone, looking at the different boards, I see that there is no thread dedicated to this great franchise by the author loved by us all, J. K. Rowling. As one of the most memorable books I've read, and definitely the most enjoyable, and a host of nearly as enjoyable movies adapting them, the franchise is one of the most successful in the fantasy genre, and will always have a special spot in every fan's heart.

Stronger Harry Potter Character Who The Protagonist Of Hogwarts Legacy Could Defeat?

I have to say, I haven't felt emotional like the time I read the final word of harry potter ('well') after ending any franchise, from books, comics, manga, anime, movies, series and sitcoms.. And I've seen a lot of people sharing the feeling.

Honestly, how many of us haven't thought once in our lifetimes.. What if my invitation got lost in the mail last year?

I'd say it's mandatory for to have at least one thread for it, and appalled that no one has made one yet.

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I love HP. Well written and massively entertaining, they deserve all the hype they get. I like the movies, though they are a bit boring and slow. My main problem with the series is that the main 3 characters annoy me and the main villain is way too cliched. The movies make Voldy worse; he comes off as effeminate and weak, and seems hardly a threat at all. But yeah, loved those books.

I have to agree. I found the book voldemort a lot more threatening. The movie took out a lot from him, which is the reason he gets underestimated on the forums..

The cast was quite different from what I was expected, like rufus skimgeor.. he turned from a battle hardened old lion to a wimpy snape reject..


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Child actors are never good: ruined the movie. Even now I dont find Daniel good. Great bools though. I would read them while I waited for my ride to come at 5pm everyday afterschool. I resd them in the Winter, so it was a nice feel: snuggling up with myself amd reading.

@darkbiscuit: Yeah, the actors weren't really that good in the first two or three movies. And the special effects were really bad at first, even for the time. I normally don't care that much about special effects, but they are trying to recreate the fantastical world from the books.

I was actually introduced to the franchise by the movies. Prisoner of Azkaban was my first HP movie. Didn't understand half the movie. Everybody kept saying You-Know-Who and I was like, no I don't.

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And I don't think movie Voldie was that bad. They kept him loyal to book in most of the appearance(except the red eye). But that's better treatment he got compared to others. As much as I like Emma, she's nothing like Hermione. And Bonnie ruined Ginny for me. Best portrayal for me was Maggie Smith's Minerva McGonagall, Alan Rickman's Snape, Evanna's Luna and Phelp's twins. Rest was okay.

I don't think I disliked any book. All were pretty awesome. Its the only franchise whose fanfictions I still read and write.

I agree voldy is severly underestimated in battle forums.. i have repeatedly heard arguments like voldy would loose someone with a gun voldy is a little bitc* because he screamed during their fall with potter.. but hes menacing and completely different in the books..

Hogwarts Legacy: So Viel Rollenspiel Steckt Im Action Rpg

To this day I still hated how the movies gave Ron hardly anything to do when Rupert Grint was the best darn actor there.

Loved the books (the first 5 I actually read), The movies were great too except the last two got a little bit milked. I hate two parters.


This. Rupert is the best actor out of trio. I especially hated when I was rewatching PoA. Standing before Sirius with a broken leg, that was one of the best Ron moments. And they gave it to Hermione! Like she's already not a Marie Sue.

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Would put Riddle above Dumbledore. Dumbledore is a genius but even he said he couldn't beat Voldemort if he returned to full power.

I disagree. Dumbledore is the only Wizard Voldemort ever feared, and when Dumbledore was even attempting to go for a kill, he had Volemort on his heels.

10. Hermione Granger: Better hexing skills than aurors in fifth year, tagged antonin twice. Arguably McGonagall should be here, considering she would've supposedly taken on four aurors at once. Or harry, depending on plot, he's sometimes fast enough to react to voldemort..

Har(rule)ry Potter, Opinions?

Its Sirius Black. And I won't put him in top 10. Laughing in face of Bellatrix is a feat of arrogance and stupidity. He did loose the duel.

Aurors who weren't even trying. Kinglsely could've broken that hex with a flick if he wanted. Tagging someone makes you fast. Harry is a better duelist.

My mistake. But no one else had the skills to be that casual with her. she was flooring everyone who fought her like nothing.

Gibt Es Romanzen In Hogwarts Legacy?

In harry potter, speed is always the primary factor in duels. Can't duel someone who can blitz you. Harry is a better duelist depending on plot.


Again, that was stupid of Sirius to do so. He knew her from before(she was his cousin) and was trying to make fun of her. He paid the price. He was acting casual because he was either overestimating himslef(less likely) or underestimating her(more likely.)

Not really. There are many AoE spells. Hermione tagging Doholov says that she's a great aim. Harry has reacted to Voldy on every occasion he faced him. In the Riddle graveyard, in the great hall.

Forum Rpg Harry Potter

Dawlish was said to be an excellent auror by dumbledore himself. I don't recall anyone calling dawlish 'too stupid to be an auror'

Aoe spells aren't generally used in combat. How many times did anyone use aoe spells in a duel? They always try to tag each other, which hermione does pretty well.

Harry has been blitzed repeatedly by voldemort whenever he was serious, but at all the times voldemort didn't use a killing spell. When the plot demands him, he does. That's why I said better duelist depending on plot.

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I'm pretty sure Voldy was serious when he sent a killing curse at Harry in the graveyard. Priori Incantatem would not have happened if Harry couldn't have reacted to him. Harry once again reacted to Voldemort in the Final Battle.

Which is the result of plot. Doesn't change that voldemort has repeatedly shown to be faster than him without the plot armor.

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