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Fire Emblem 4-Koma Manga

Fire Emblem 4-Koma Manga

Fire Emblem: 4-koma Manga is a manga adaptation of the Archanea Series and Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War. It has a total of 6 volumes; the first four volumes are based on the Archanea Series and the fifth and the sixth volumes are an adaptation of Genealogy of the Holy War.

Characters (1 - 11) - Classes (1 - 11) - Weapons (1 - 11) - Items (1 - 11) - Chapters - Music - Version Differences - Translations (1 - 11)


Marth - Jagen - Abel - Cain - Gordin - Draug - Caeda - Wrys - Ogma - Barst - Bord - Cord - Castor - Darros - Julian - Lena - Navarre - Merric - Matthis - Hardin - Wolf - Sedgar - Roshea - Vyland - Wendell - Rickard - Bantu - Caesar - Radd - Roger - Jeorge - Maria - Minerva - Linde - Jake - Midia - Dolph - Macellan - Tomas - Boah - Beck - Astram - Palla - Catria - Arran - Samson - Xane - Est - Tiki - Lorenz - Elice - Gotoh

Gzeidraws — Crossover Awakening X Fates 4koma 10 This Is The

Cornelius - King of Aurelis - Liza - Ludwik - Mostyn - Miloah - Malledus - Anna - Aimee - Nyna - Camus - Jiol - Michalis - Gharnef - Medeus - Captain - Gazzak - Gomer - Hyman - Bentheon - Merach - Emereus - Bathys - Harmein - Kannival - Mannu - Zharov - Khozen - Volzhin - Heimler - Dejanira - Grigas - Hollstadt - Morzas - Dactyl - Sternlin - Larissa - Orridyon - Xemcel - Anri - Iote - Marlon - Artemis - Cartas - Naga

Falchion - Starlight - Imhullu - Excalibur - Aura - Wing Spear - Gradivus - Mercurius - Parthia - Hauteclere - Aum Staff

P: Prologue (Shadow Dragon) - C1: Marth Embarks - C2: The Pirates of Galder - C3: A Brush in the Teeth - C4: Battle in the Lea - C5: Champions of Aurelis - C6: Fire Emblem - C6x: In War's Grip - C7: Lefcandith Gauntlet - C8: Port Warren - C9: The Pyrathi Dragon - C10: Princess Minerva - C11: Knorda Market - C12: The Ageless Palace - C12x: A Traitor's Worth - C13: The Wooden Cavalry - C14: Land of Sorrow - C15: An Oasis of Magic - C16: The Battle for Altea - C17: Star and Savior - C17x: Helena Castle - C18: The Sable Order - C19: Manakete Princess - C20: Camus the Sable - C20x: The Lair of Fire - C21: Clash in Macedon - C22: A Knight-Filled Sky - C23: Dark Pontifex - C24: The Dragonkin Realm - C24x: The Alterspire - E: Chosen by Fate

Mother 2: 4 Koma Manga Oukoku

Divine Dragon - Earth Dragon - Event Recap - Fire Emblem - Galder Pirates - Lightsphere - Manakete - Online Shop - Reclassing - Replacement character - Sable Order of Knights - Soothsires - Starsphere - Together, We Ride

Fire Emblem The Complete - Fire Emblem 20th Anniversary Encyclopedia - Fire Emblem 25th Anniversary Staff Book - Fire Emblem Memorial Book Archanea Chronicle - The Making of Fire Emblem 25th Anniversary Development Secrets, Awakening and Fates

Fire Emblem (manga) - Fire Emblem: 4-koma Manga - Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light (manga) - Fire Emblem: Wind Mage

Fire Emblem If/fates: 4koma Kings Page 74 Translation

Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light (Hirosi Yamaguti novel) - Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light (Shinozaki Sunami novel) - Fire Emblem: Illusion Kingdom

Marth (Nendoroid) - Cordelia (Good Smile) - Caeda (Nendoroid) - Fire Emblem: One Hundred Songs of Heroes - Fire Emblem Music Collection: Piano ~Faith & Engagement - Sounds of Fire Emblem from Cipher Caravan – Horse and Rider as One

Characters (3 - 12) - Classes (3 - 12) - Items (3 - 12) - Weapons (3 - 12) - Chapters - Music (3 - 12) - Translation (3 - 12)


Fire Emblem: Sensen No Keifu

Marth - Cecil - Roderick - Luke - Arran - Draug - Gordin - Ryan - Marisha - Catria - Warren - Linde - Palla - Julian - Matthis - Ogma - Yuliya - Jubelo - Sirius - Castor - Caeda - Rickard - Samuel - Wendell - Navarre - Phina - Cain - Bantu - Jeorge - Minerva - Merric - Arlen - Xane - Tiki - Est - Abel - Astram - Sheena - Samson - Roshea - Midia - Maria - Lena - Nyna - Elice

Kris - Wrys - Athena - Cord - Bord - Barst - Frey - Norne - Caesar - Radd - Roger - Etzel - Dice - Malice - Horace - Jake - Darros - Roberto - Belf - Reiden - Beck - Dolph - Macellan - Katarina - Tomas - Frost - Wolf - Sedgar - Vyland - Ymir - Michalis - Nagi

Medeus - Gharnef - Hardin - Wolf - Sedgar - Vyland - Gail - Rucke - Rumel - Dahl - Yodel - Nehring - Eibel - Willow - Toras - Lang - Lorenz - Boah - Michalis - Jagen - Gotoh - King of Aurelis - Eremiya - Clarisse - Legion - Ruffian - Gouber - Ruben - Barm - Bulzark - Naga - Adrah - Anri - Iote - Artemis - Cartas - Marlon - Miloah

Fire Emblem: 4 Koma Manga

Archanea - Altea - Gra - Talys - Aurelis - Grust - Khadein - Macedon - Dolhr - Ice Dragon Temple - Wyvern's Dale - Flame Barrel - The Dragon's Table - Mamorthod - Fane of Raman

Falchion - Starlight - Imhullu - Excalibur - Aura - Gradivus - Mercurius - Parthia - Hauteclere - Wing Spear - Aum Staff


P1: Meeting - P2: Young Squires - P3: Training Begins - P4: New Companions - P5: March Duty - P6: Bonds - P7: The Final Test - P8: Assassination of the Hero-King - C1: The Grustian Expedition - C2: Rebellion at Macedon - C3: Abducted Princess - C3x: Shadows Behind the Scenes - C4: Joy and Sorrow - C5: Liberation of Grust - C6: The Nest of Vice - C6x: Mercenary Squad - C7: The Scarlet Swordsman - C8: Soulful Bridge - C9: Sanctuary of Sorcery - C10: Two Sorcerers - C10x: The Mask Laughs - C11: Anri's Way - C12: Graveyard of Fire Dragons - C13: Frozen Land - C13x: Within the White Darkness - C14: A Mystery Revealed - C15: Return of the Prince - C16: Regaining the Capitol - C16x: Reunion - C17: Gra's Setting Sun - C18: Battle of the Pass - C19: The Final Battle - C20: Dark Emperor - C20x: Depths of the Abyss - C21: The Wyvern's Dale - F Part 1/C22: The Dragon's Table* - F Part 2/C23: The Dark Pontifex Lives* - F Part 3/E: Light and Shadow*

Read Fire Emblem Heroes 4 Koma [español] :: Contra Corta

Darksphere - Divine Dragon - Earth Dragon - Geosphere - Lifesphere - Lightsphere - Manakete - Raman Thieves - Binding Shield - Starsphere - Starsphere Shards

Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem (Takayashiki Hideo novel) - Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem (Shinozaki Sunami novel) - Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem Game Book

Sigurd - Alec - Naoise - Arden - Azelle - Lex - Quan - Ethlyn - Finn - Midir - Edain - Dew - Ayra - Jamke - Deirdre - Chulainn - Lachesis - Beowolf - Lewyn - Silvia - Erinys - Tailtiu - Claud - Brigid

Posting Some Of My Home Made Fe6 Manga Translations

Oifey - Arvis - Shannan - Mariccle - Mananan - Eldigan - Grahnye - Manfroy - Sandima - Kurth - Victor - Cigyun - Lahna - Dimaggio - Gerrard - Filat - Munnir - Cimbaeth - Batu - Imuka - Eve - Alva - Eva - Elliot - Philip - Boldor - Macbeth - Voltz - Clement - Zyne - Chagall - Jacobi - Papilio - Pizarl - Dobarl - Myos - Daccar - Annand - Cuvuli - Pamela - Díthorba - Donovan - Lamia - Slayder - Vaja - Byron - Ring - Andrey - Lombard - Reptor - Travant - Magorn - Azmur - Aida


Seliph - Lana/Muirne - Larcei/Creidne - Scáthach/Dalvin - Oifey - Diarmuid/Tristan - Lester/Deimne - Julia - Fee/Hermina - Arthur/Amid - Iuchar - Iucharba - Shannan - Patty/Daisy - Leif - Nanna/Jeanne - Finn - Ares - Lene/Laylea - Tine/Linda - Febail/Asaello - Ced/Hawk - Hannibal - Coirpre/Charlot - Altena

Lewyn/Forseti - Julius - Manfroy - Arvis - Bloom - Hilda - Ishtar - Ishtore - Harold - Schmidt - Danann - Liza - Vampa - Fetra - Eliu - Bramsel - Jabarro - Muhammad - Ovo - Brian - Scipio - Kutuzov - Coruta - Maikov - Kanatz - Disler - Travant - Arion - Anna - Jake - Musar - Judah - Ridale - Morigan - Zagam - Robert - Boyce - Rodan - Felipe - Palmark - Yupheel - Fisher - Daggon - Baran - Meng - Maybell - Bleg - Mus - Bovis - Tigris - Lepus - Draco - Anguilla - Equus - Ovis - Simia - Gallus - Canis - Porcus

Fire Emblem: Thracia 776

Loptous - Naga - Forseti - Salamander - Gair - Maera - Heim - Baldr - Hoðr - Od - Njörun

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