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Cat'S Bride Manga Tensei

Cat'S Bride Manga Tensei

By Keishi Ayasato and murakaruki. Released in Japan as “Shūen no Hanayome” by MF Bunko J. Released in North America by Yen On. Translated by Jordan Taylor.

Sometimes an author, regardless of the material, simply reaches out, grabs you by the throat, and starts to throttle you with evocative prose. Keishi Ayasato is one of those authors. Torture Princess, their previous series, contains just about every type of thing that I normally avoid in fiction, and yet it’s one of my favorite LN series. Likewise, when I first saw the solicit for The Bride of Demise, my first thought was “ooooh, not my thing”. But then I saw the author and knew I would have to buy it. And I was right. As with Torture Princess, this series has a certain loving fascination with grand guignol horror in its writing, but this one is, and I can’t believe that I’m even typing this, a magical academy series. That almost cheapens it, and I would hate to see it compared with things like the various “Demon King Went to School and Was Super Badass” books. This is the story of a young man and his fated meeting with a living weapon.

Kou, an orphan whose parents were killed when he was young, is a Magical Research student at the academy. He and his fellow researchers learn about the Kihei, monstrous creatures who were essentially the reason this is a somewhat post-apocalyptic world. Then one day, while he ad his team are exploring a supposedly safe area to harvest kihei corpses for material, they’re attacked by some very strong kihei. Kou decides to sacrifice himself to save the others, and falls trough a glass ceiling into a garden… which is convenient, as this is very much like the dream that he keeps having during his waking hours. In that dream, he meets someone who promises she will be at his side for all eternity. Now it’s come true. She’s White Princess, she is his “bride”, and it feels like he’s known her for years.

I'd Rather Have A Cat Than A Harem!

This review will very much be talking about the first half of the novel, because the second half is a nest of spoilers that I do not want to be responsible for you learning. All the “holy shit!” moments are there, and they are fantastic. That said, the rest of the book is a lot of fun. Kou is now part of a special team of elite students, all with their own “bride”, and taught by a classic badass teacher with a dark side to him. Kou manages to befriend most of the group pretty quickly, partly because it turns out that he’s a lot better at combat against the kihei than anyone really expected. But really it’s Kou’s relationship with his bride that is the emotional core of this book. Their love for each other is very quick to develop and very strong, and also, again trying not to spoil, the cause of the entire second half of the book.

I rarely have to say “trust me” in my reviews, as everyone knows I spoil like a mad fiend. But trust me on this one. Unless you can’t abide blood and gore (you should steer clear in that case), The Bride of Demise is a fantastic debut. Indeed, my one complaint is that it feels finished in one volume. Where else does this series go? Vol. 2 is coming soon to tell us.Kind-hearted Haji was always surrounded by friends, but now her classmates turned their backs and have begun bullying her. Making matters worse, she's fallen down to the otherworldly Cat Kingdom while saving an odd-eyed critter from certain danger. To preserve her own life in this magical domain, can Haji's puppy charm win over the heart of the Cat Prince? Or are cats and dogs truly not able to get along?

Machiabeeli Aug 9, 2021 2.5 As much as possible, I try to finish all mangas that I read but this one bored me out of my mind because of two main things: first, the weak-ass female lead; and two, the pathetic reason as to why they fall in love. The female lead is a Mary-Sue type of character- and there's nothing wrong with that at all - but the way that she interacts and reacts to other characters bullying her is just straight-up pathetic. She lets people walk all over her and expects other people to 'save' her just by her believing in them. The power of friendship and all that bullshit. Usually, that's fine for character development but she takes it a step too far. If you will read this, I won't spoil it for you but there is no redeeming quality that makes all this abuse justifiable. I can't believe I read as far as chapter 60 expecting that something good will finallyfinallyhappen to any of the characters but all of them, I repeat, ALL OF THEM, are caricatures of themselves. None of them are good characters. My second problem with this manga is that their relationship and basis for respect for each other comes from a falsehood. The premise why the male lead starts to like the female lead is not because of an intrinsic character trait or her actions but because of something inorganic, something she didn't evenchooseto have. Bro, there's a higher chance of seeing something like this build up in a hentai / smut manga and being executed way better than this manga did. Honestly a complete waste because the premise seemed so interesting in the beginning. 1

Hello Kitty Wedding Doll Bride And Groom Plush Mcdonalds Japan Sanrio Very Rare

Itzmoonlight May 9, 2021 6 just completed season 2 and imo the plot was nice. I liked the new art style too. the male leads were really good looking and the female lead was pretty. But it would be better if you don't expect much when you start reading and if you don't like dumb mc then it would be better to not read it. SPOLIER ALERT: I love strong and smart Mc's but I can also like innocent/naive ones. But let me tell ya this mc was so fucking annoying, I liked her in the beginning but then she started making dumb choices. I don't mind your naive-ness as long as you're the only one who suffer the consequences but when it affects the other characters in a negative way then it pisses me off. And the biggest problem is she knows and regrets it but still don't make the effort of changing. People say that the mc is just too kind/compassionate but no girl. There's a fine line between kindness and and being dumb and it seems like she loves crossing that line frequently. your friend bullied you and tried to kill you yet you still forgive her again and again and not just you but she fucking stabbed your friend who was trying to protect you and held him hostage and yet still you think of her as your friend?? I mean if that's not being dumb Idk what is. Idk how I even finished season 2 but I'm gonns drop it at that. (if she grows up a bit in season 3 please feel free to spoil me) Honestly Minjoo would've been pretty cool if she was the MC. I know she is a twisted villainess but at least she has brain... ಥ‿ಥ

Jiyuna Dec 15, 2020 8 Nice story, nice idea, nice world-building, nice everything. but why do you go and change the artist for the second season? WHYYYYY???? The previous art-style was one of my favorite ones and now it just bugs me so much when I read the story with the new art that I just can't read it at all. very sad really. 2

This review will very much be talking about the first half of the novel, because the second half is a nest of spoilers that I do not want to be responsible for you learning. All the “holy shit!” moments are there, and they are fantastic. That said, the rest of the book is a lot of fun. Kou is now part of a special team of elite students, all with their own “bride”, and taught by a classic badass teacher with a dark side to him. Kou manages to befriend most of the group pretty quickly, partly because it turns out that he’s a lot better at combat against the kihei than anyone really expected. But really it’s Kou’s relationship with his bride that is the emotional core of this book. Their love for each other is very quick to develop and very strong, and also, again trying not to spoil, the cause of the entire second half of the book.

I rarely have to say “trust me” in my reviews, as everyone knows I spoil like a mad fiend. But trust me on this one. Unless you can’t abide blood and gore (you should steer clear in that case), The Bride of Demise is a fantastic debut. Indeed, my one complaint is that it feels finished in one volume. Where else does this series go? Vol. 2 is coming soon to tell us.Kind-hearted Haji was always surrounded by friends, but now her classmates turned their backs and have begun bullying her. Making matters worse, she's fallen down to the otherworldly Cat Kingdom while saving an odd-eyed critter from certain danger. To preserve her own life in this magical domain, can Haji's puppy charm win over the heart of the Cat Prince? Or are cats and dogs truly not able to get along?

Machiabeeli Aug 9, 2021 2.5 As much as possible, I try to finish all mangas that I read but this one bored me out of my mind because of two main things: first, the weak-ass female lead; and two, the pathetic reason as to why they fall in love. The female lead is a Mary-Sue type of character- and there's nothing wrong with that at all - but the way that she interacts and reacts to other characters bullying her is just straight-up pathetic. She lets people walk all over her and expects other people to 'save' her just by her believing in them. The power of friendship and all that bullshit. Usually, that's fine for character development but she takes it a step too far. If you will read this, I won't spoil it for you but there is no redeeming quality that makes all this abuse justifiable. I can't believe I read as far as chapter 60 expecting that something good will finallyfinallyhappen to any of the characters but all of them, I repeat, ALL OF THEM, are caricatures of themselves. None of them are good characters. My second problem with this manga is that their relationship and basis for respect for each other comes from a falsehood. The premise why the male lead starts to like the female lead is not because of an intrinsic character trait or her actions but because of something inorganic, something she didn't evenchooseto have. Bro, there's a higher chance of seeing something like this build up in a hentai / smut manga and being executed way better than this manga did. Honestly a complete waste because the premise seemed so interesting in the beginning. 1

Hello Kitty Wedding Doll Bride And Groom Plush Mcdonalds Japan Sanrio Very Rare

Itzmoonlight May 9, 2021 6 just completed season 2 and imo the plot was nice. I liked the new art style too. the male leads were really good looking and the female lead was pretty. But it would be better if you don't expect much when you start reading and if you don't like dumb mc then it would be better to not read it. SPOLIER ALERT: I love strong and smart Mc's but I can also like innocent/naive ones. But let me tell ya this mc was so fucking annoying, I liked her in the beginning but then she started making dumb choices. I don't mind your naive-ness as long as you're the only one who suffer the consequences but when it affects the other characters in a negative way then it pisses me off. And the biggest problem is she knows and regrets it but still don't make the effort of changing. People say that the mc is just too kind/compassionate but no girl. There's a fine line between kindness and and being dumb and it seems like she loves crossing that line frequently. your friend bullied you and tried to kill you yet you still forgive her again and again and not just you but she fucking stabbed your friend who was trying to protect you and held him hostage and yet still you think of her as your friend?? I mean if that's not being dumb Idk what is. Idk how I even finished season 2 but I'm gonns drop it at that. (if she grows up a bit in season 3 please feel free to spoil me) Honestly Minjoo would've been pretty cool if she was the MC. I know she is a twisted villainess but at least she has brain... ಥ‿ಥ

Jiyuna Dec 15, 2020 8 Nice story, nice idea, nice world-building, nice everything. but why do you go and change the artist for the second season? WHYYYYY???? The previous art-style was one of my favorite ones and now it just bugs me so much when I read the story with the new art that I just can't read it at all. very sad really. 2

This review will very much be talking about the first half of the novel, because the second half is a nest of spoilers that I do not want to be responsible for you learning. All the “holy shit!” moments are there, and they are fantastic. That said, the rest of the book is a lot of fun. Kou is now part of a special team of elite students, all with their own “bride”, and taught by a classic badass teacher with a dark side to him. Kou manages to befriend most of the group pretty quickly, partly because it turns out that he’s a lot better at combat against the kihei than anyone really expected. But really it’s Kou’s relationship with his bride that is the emotional core of this book. Their love for each other is very quick to develop and very strong, and also, again trying not to spoil, the cause of the entire second half of the book.

I rarely have to say “trust me” in my reviews, as everyone knows I spoil like a mad fiend. But trust me on this one. Unless you can’t abide blood and gore (you should steer clear in that case), The Bride of Demise is a fantastic debut. Indeed, my one complaint is that it feels finished in one volume. Where else does this series go? Vol. 2 is coming soon to tell us.Kind-hearted Haji was always surrounded by friends, but now her classmates turned their backs and have begun bullying her. Making matters worse, she's fallen down to the otherworldly Cat Kingdom while saving an odd-eyed critter from certain danger. To preserve her own life in this magical domain, can Haji's puppy charm win over the heart of the Cat Prince? Or are cats and dogs truly not able to get along?

Machiabeeli Aug 9, 2021 2.5 As much as possible, I try to finish all mangas that I read but this one bored me out of my mind because of two main things: first, the weak-ass female lead; and two, the pathetic reason as to why they fall in love. The female lead is a Mary-Sue type of character- and there's nothing wrong with that at all - but the way that she interacts and reacts to other characters bullying her is just straight-up pathetic. She lets people walk all over her and expects other people to 'save' her just by her believing in them. The power of friendship and all that bullshit. Usually, that's fine for character development but she takes it a step too far. If you will read this, I won't spoil it for you but there is no redeeming quality that makes all this abuse justifiable. I can't believe I read as far as chapter 60 expecting that something good will finallyfinallyhappen to any of the characters but all of them, I repeat, ALL OF THEM, are caricatures of themselves. None of them are good characters. My second problem with this manga is that their relationship and basis for respect for each other comes from a falsehood. The premise why the male lead starts to like the female lead is not because of an intrinsic character trait or her actions but because of something inorganic, something she didn't evenchooseto have. Bro, there's a higher chance of seeing something like this build up in a hentai / smut manga and being executed way better than this manga did. Honestly a complete waste because the premise seemed so interesting in the beginning. 1

Hello Kitty Wedding Doll Bride And Groom Plush Mcdonalds Japan Sanrio Very Rare

Itzmoonlight May 9, 2021 6 just completed season 2 and imo the plot was nice. I liked the new art style too. the male leads were really good looking and the female lead was pretty. But it would be better if you don't expect much when you start reading and if you don't like dumb mc then it would be better to not read it. SPOLIER ALERT: I love strong and smart Mc's but I can also like innocent/naive ones. But let me tell ya this mc was so fucking annoying, I liked her in the beginning but then she started making dumb choices. I don't mind your naive-ness as long as you're the only one who suffer the consequences but when it affects the other characters in a negative way then it pisses me off. And the biggest problem is she knows and regrets it but still don't make the effort of changing. People say that the mc is just too kind/compassionate but no girl. There's a fine line between kindness and and being dumb and it seems like she loves crossing that line frequently. your friend bullied you and tried to kill you yet you still forgive her again and again and not just you but she fucking stabbed your friend who was trying to protect you and held him hostage and yet still you think of her as your friend?? I mean if that's not being dumb Idk what is. Idk how I even finished season 2 but I'm gonns drop it at that. (if she grows up a bit in season 3 please feel free to spoil me) Honestly Minjoo would've been pretty cool if she was the MC. I know she is a twisted villainess but at least she has brain... ಥ‿ಥ

Jiyuna Dec 15, 2020 8 Nice story, nice idea, nice world-building, nice everything. but why do you go and change the artist for the second season? WHYYYYY???? The previous art-style was one of my favorite ones and now it just bugs me so much when I read the story with the new art that I just can't read it at all. very sad really. 2

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