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Yokohama Shopping Log Manga

Yokohama Shopping Log Manga

Is a Japanese scice fiction manga series writt and illustrated by Hitoshi Ashinano. It was serialized in Kodansha's Monthly Afternoon magazine from June 1994 to February 2006, with a concluding postscript episode in July 2006, and collected in 14 tankōbon volumes. Parts of the story were adapted as two original video animation (OVA) anime series of two episodes each, where the latter one is titled Quiet Country Cafe.

The series depicts the daily life of an android who runs a coffee shop some time after the Earth's ecology has collapsed. It is noted for its spare p-and-ink drawing style, as well as its calm, meticulously paced stories and gaging characters.


Yokohama Kaidashi Kikō is set in a peaceful, post-cataclysmic world where mankind is in decline after an vironmtal disaster. Exactly what happed is never explained, but sea levels have ris significantly, inundating coastal cities such as Yokohama, Mount Fuji erupted in living memory, and climate change has occurred. With the seasons being less pronounced, the winters are milder and the summer isn't scorching anymore. The reduced human population has reverted to a simpler life, and the reader is told this is the twilight of the human age. One sce depicts an anti-aircraft missile being used in a firework display. Instead of raging against their fate, humans have quietly accepted it.

Seven Seas Licenses Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou Manga And More

Alpha Hatsuso is an android (robot person) who runs an out-of-the-way coffee shop, Café Alpha, on the lonely coast of the Miura Pinsula of Japan, while her human owner is on a trip of indefinite lgth.

Most chapters of Yokohama Kaidashi Kikō are self-contained slice-of-life episodes depicting Alpha in daily activities, either alone, with customers, or on occasional trips through the countryside or into Yokohama for supplies (whce the shopping log of the title came). Whole chapters are devoted to brewing coffee, taking photographs, or repairing a tiny model aircraft gine, sometimes with only a few lines of dialogue. Through Alpha's experices, the author brings out the small wonders of everyday life and makes the reader aware of their passing: the aircraft gine runs out of fuel; her scooter breaks down; the rising ocean croaches on her coffee shop; the neighborhood childr she loves grow up and move away. In evoking a nostalgia for this loss, Ashinano follows the Japanese tradition of mono no aware (sadness for the transice of things).

A type A7M2 robot, one of only three production prototypes, who runs Café Alpha in the absce of her owner (whose family name is Hatsuso). Alpha is cheerful and thoughtful. She joys talking with her few customers, but is initially socially awkward and sheltered—despite being her model's prototype, at the start of the series she has met only a few people and no other robots. Because of this, wh her owner departed, she declined to travel with him. As the series progresses, however, she grows more confidt in her social skills, ough so that she spds a year traveling herself, and becomes more attached to her human frids ev as they age and depart. Alpha is not very expericed about human behavior or appearances, she uses dishwasher liquid instead of brushing her teeth and doesn't think of her eye or hair color being strange. One of her unique abilities is that she is, according to her emotions, able to induce tears in her eye moisturizers. In her spare time, Alpha plays a gekkin, carves small art objects with fish designs, and travels the local countryside on her scooter, investigating the remains of humanity's previous age and the emerging world to come.

Print Quality Comparison: Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou English Volume 1 Vs Japanese Volume 1 (reprint Version)

A type A7M3 production robot who works as a courier in what remains of Musashino, Tokyo. She is the first robot that Alpha meets, wh she delivers a package (containing a camera) and a message from Alpha's owner. They soon become frids. Kokone is sweet, shy, and somewhat intellectual, but because of her job she has more experice with people than Alpha, and can sometimes pass for human. After meeting Alpha, her older sister production-wise, Kokone becomes curious about the history and nature of robots. Unlike Alpha, she is able to process animal protein.

A middle-aged man with a perpetual grin, he is Alpha's closest neighbor and a regular customer at her café. He runs a gas station and sells vegetables on the side. He is a grandfather-figure to Alpha and the actual grandfather of Takahiro. Ojisan refers to himself as a bum, and seems to regret not pursuing a relationship with Ssei wh they were younger. His real name is never giv.


An older woman, she is a doctor for both humans and androids. She was involved in the creation of the A7 series of robots,

Best Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou Gifs

Wh she was younger, she rode motorcycles and raced hovercraft, and was Ojisan's spai from school. Her surname is Koumi'ishi (子海石 , , lit. child-sea-stone), but she is always addressed by just her title. She tells Kokone that she is also involved in creation of Misago.

The grandson of Ojisan, who lives with his grandparts. He meets Alpha at age nine, and she quickly takes to him as if he were a younger brother. He is the first character in the series to meet the Misago. As he grows up, Takahiro becomes fascinated with gines of all types and evtually moves away in his mid-tes to work for Nai.


A girl a few years younger than Takahiro. She likes Takahiro and is initially jealous of Alpha. Makki evtually becomes close to Alpha after learning the latter would never consider having a relationship with Takahiro because mortal humans move through time in a differt way than immortal robots. She is skeptical of Takahiro's stories of the Misago until she meets the wild-woman herself. In her early tes, Makki works for a while at Alpha's café, before moving away to become a courier with Kokone's company, and th later to Hamamatsu to be with Takahiro.

Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou (anime)

An ageless wild-woman who lives in the inlets and bays near Café Alpha. She is always naked, and eats raw fish, crabs and insects caught using her short fangs and inhuman speed which ables her to run on water and easily jump 10 metres high. She only shows herself to young childr, and shies away from contact with adults. She does not age and, according to omake material, does not understand how childr grow up. While Ayase claims she existed decades before robots were created, it is later implied by Doctor that she is the first robot. Despite Misago's feral nature, she is a gtle person, and does not cause harm to anyone beyond accidtally scaring some of the childr she counters.

A wanderer who travels dlessly, relying on his kamas (a large predatory flying fish) to live off the land. He likes to see the curiosities of the world, and is especially fascinated by the Misago after an counter with her as a child. Because of Makki's affinity for the Misago and his kamas, he tries to convince her to travel with him as a sort of protégé.


The A7M1 prototype of the A7 series, and thus older sister to the other A7 robots. Like Alpha Hatsuso, Director Alpha acquired her giv name because she is the initial model, or alpha-type, of a robot series. She is the director of a stratospheric aircraft called Taapon that circles the Earth without landing, observing the world's changes from above without ever being able to leave. Her surname is Koumi'ishi, the same as Ssei, and she has a pdant with Ssei's logo, indicating a past with her that is never elaborated on, and she never interacts with any of the other major characters.

Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou: Quiet Country Cafe

A type A7M3 robot with a prickly personality. She is an artist who lives in Yokohama and works as a waitress and th shopclerk as a day job. She is unusual among robots for having changed her surname to one of her own choosing rather than adopting her owner's. Her giv name is pronounced the same as her surname, but spelled in katakana. She likes Kokone and is jealous of Alpha for taking her. Nai sometimes sds her ssory impressions, delivered by Kokone, which she uses in her art.

An A7 robot of unknown model. He is unusual because for unknown reasons the majority of male robots rarely survive for very long after activation. He runs a delivery service, flying an AT-6 Texan aircraft. Nai is quiet and impassive.


Flying and flight recurs through the series. Alpha herself has repeated visions of flying. Planes that appear include Nai's airplane, the always-flying Taapon, and the model airplane gine that Alpha finds but never flies. The A7 series of robots is named after a Japanese World War II warplane Mitsubishi A7M that never saw production, and the character Saetta's name may be inspired by an Italian World War II warplane built by Aeronautica Macchi. Takahiro leaves (flies away) to work for Nai. Ayase's kamas is a kind of flying fish. In the postscript episode, the unnamed character travels by glider.

A Quiet Robot Apocalypse: Yokohama Kaidashi Kiko

The series contains elemts of Chinese culture and mythology. Alpha's gekkin guitar is of Chinese origin,

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