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Red Eyes Manga Wiki

Red Eyes Manga Wiki

Red-Eyes (レッドアイズ Reddoaizu) is an archetype of mostly DARK Dragon monsters used most notably by Joey Wheeler in Yu-Gi-Oh! and Atticus Rhodes in Yu-Gi-Oh! GX.

The archetype is based mainly on supporting Red-Eyes Black Dragon, whose card was created to rival the strength of Blue-Eyes White Dragon. The first Yu-Gi-Oh! movie stated that while Blue-Eyes brings power, Red-Eyes brings potential.


Prior to its rename from Red-Eyes B. Chick, Black Dragon's Chick was specifically excluded from the archetype because it does not have 「レッドアイズ」 in its Japanese name.

Comic Guide: Red Eyes

In the first movie, Shougo Aoyama got a Red-Eyes Black Dragon card but was too timid to use it. Yugi Mutou used it against Seto Kaiba, demonstrating how Red-Eyes brings potential by fusing it with Meteor Dragon to Summon Meteor Black Dragon.

In the Yu-Gi-Oh! manga and anime, Red-Eyes Black Dragon became one of the signature cards of Joey Wheeler after he won it from Rex Raptor in Duelist Kingdom. Joey used it and a few of its support cards throughout the series.

In Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, Atticus Rhodes (and by extension, Nightshroud) uses a Red-Eyes Deck which includes a number of Red-Eyes cards and their support.

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In Yu-Gi-Oh! 3D Bonds Beyond Time, Paradox sent a Red-Eyes Black Dragon to the Graveyard to Special Summon Malefic Red-Eyes Black Dragon.

In Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL, Red-Eyes Black Dragon appeared as a statue as one of the legendary monsters in the Duel Sanctuary. Roku played a Statue version of it in a Statue Duel against Yuma Tsukumo.

Most of the cards in this archetype and its related cards that were released after the original Red-Eyes Black Dragon are based on cards used by Joey Wheeler, Yugi Muto, Nightshroud and Atticus Rhodes. Most of them changed card types, usually changing from Non-Effect Monsters to Effect Monsters or even from Trap Cards to Effect Monsters.

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The first strategy for the Red-Eyes archetype lies in the Structure Deck, Structure Deck - Dragon's Roar, which focuses on mainly on LV monsters and powering up Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon by sending Dragon monsters to the Graveyard.

Prior to the release of the Dragon Ruler archetype, Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon and Red-Eyes Wyvern made the Hopeless Dragon Deck and its more aggressive counterpart, Disaster Dragon, possible, using multiple copies of Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon to swarm the field until it was Limited.

With the release of Clash of Rebellions, new Red-Eyes support based on Gemini monsters and effect damage was introduced. This contrasted with the Performage archetype's ability to avoid opposing effect damage and the D/D archetype's ability to cut the player's own LP to gain advantage.

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Duelist Pack: Legend Duelist introduced three new members to the archetype, namely Red-Eyes Baby Dragon, Red-Eyes Slash Dragon and Red-Eyes Metal Knight Gearfried; as well as a new Trap Card: Red-Eyes Fang with Chain.

The Red-Eyes deck mainly focuses on massive Effect Damage in one instance with a card like Inferno Fire Blast or Archfiend Black Skull Dragon, and domination over the field using Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon.


Since the release of Red-Eyes Wyvern in 2008 cemented Red-Eyes as an archetype, the deck has undergone many changes in card design leading to a wide variety of playstyles.

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As each of its effects can be used once per turn, The Black Stone of Legend can alternate each turn between Special Summoning a Red-Eyes monster from the Main Deck, and returning itself to the hand and a Red-Eyes monster from the Graveyard to the Deck.

Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon benefits from this archetype's support cards and can Special Summon a Dragon monster from the hand or Graveyard every turn, greatly improving field presence.

Keeper of the Shrine (for any Dragon Normal Monster) and Red-Eyes Retro Dragon (for any Red-Eyes monster) serve the same purpose as each other for Normal Summoning a Red-Eyes monster from the hand on your turn and protecting it during the opponents turn.

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Black Metal Dragon can equip itself to a Red-Eyes monster for an ATK boost and can search for a Red-Eyes card when sent to the Graveyard. The Black Stone of Legend and Black Metal Dragon can be revived by the effect of Kinka-byo which can allow for Contact Fusion in order to Summon Beast-Eyes Pendulum Dragon (since Kinka-byo and Black Metal Dragon are sent to the Graveyard simultaneously), Black Metal Dragon can then search a Red-Eyes card via its effect.

Kuribandit can use its mill effect in combination with Rank-Up-Magic Astral Force. Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon is a typical target to Summon Number 95: Galaxy-Eyes Dark Matter Dragon.


The Fusion version utilizes Red-Eyes Fusion to use Normal and Gemini monsters as Fusion Materials from the hand, Deck, or field, but it cannot use Gemini monsters from the Deck, as they are not treated as Normal Monsters there. Afterward, the Fusion Materials can be revived using Return of the Red-Eyes. While Archfiend Black Skull Dragon can prevent your opponent from using card effects during its battles and recycling Red-Eyes Normal Monsters after inflicting damage, it has very strict Summoning requirements, as it requires a Red-Eyes Normal monster and a Level 6 Archfiend Normal Monster, forcing the inclusion of Summoned Skull, Red-Eyes Archfiend of Lightning, or Beast of Talwar in the Deck. Meteor Black Comet Dragon is a more flexible alternative that can be Summoned with Red-Eyes Fusion, as it only requires any Level 6 Dragon monster in addition to a Level 7 Red-Eyes monster. Red-Eyes Fusion and Return of the Red-Eyes can be searched by Red-Eyes Insight.

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The Hieratic archetype has support for Dragon Normal Monsters, which can be used in combination with Return of the Red-Eyes and Meteor Black Comet Dragon, which requires any Level 6 Dragon monster as Fusion Material.

The Ritual version uses Lord of the Red and Paladin of Dark Dragon as disruption and support, respectively. Junk Synchron can Special Summon a Level 1 Monster from Graveyard and Synchro Summon Herald of the Arc Light. When Arc Light is sent to the Graveyard, it can search for either Paladin of Dark Dragon, Lord of the Red or their Ritual Spells; Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands can search the other piece, while Pre-Preparation of Rites can search both.

Paladin of Dark Dragon can Special Summon Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon from your Deck, allowing faster swarming of Dragon monsters. Dark Dragon Ritual can banish itself from the Graveyard to search for a Red-Eyes Spell/Trap.

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First use Red-Eyes Fusion to Fusion Summon Meteor Black Comet Dragon and, using its effect, send a Red-Eyes monster with more than 2000 ATK from the Deck to the Graveyard. Since Red-Eyes Fusion treats the monster it summons as being named Red-Eyes Black Dragon, Meteor Black Comet Dragon is a viable target for Inferno Fire Blast which will deal 3500 Effect Damage for each copy you activate.

*Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.Red Eyes (レッドアイーズ ReddoAiizu? ), reso graficamente redEyes, è un manga, scrto e disegnato da Jun Shindo, pubblicato in originale per la prima volta nel 1999


Il fumetto, che si legge come in originale da destra verso sinistra, è un misto tra azione, violenza e coraggio, un impasto in cui l'attenzione del lettore viene continuamente sollecata da combattimenti all'ultimo sangue e dalla comparsa di nuovi personaggi

Snow White With The Red Hair

. Oltre alla storia, nella parte finale del fumetto, l'autore inserisce una rubrica chiamata “Raccolta dati”, in cui spiega con maggior precisione gli avvenimenti bellici e polici lasciati in secondo piano durante la narrazione, come anche i modelli delle tute e delle armi che l'autore ha inventato e utilizzato nella storia.

Red Eyes è un fumetto ambientato apparentemente in un presente alternativo, dove la Repubblica di Regium e la Federazione di Dragnof si stanno dando battaglia sfoggiando tutti gli armamenti a loro disposizione.

Il protagonista è Grant Mills, comandante dei Jackal, un corpo speciale dotato di SAA (Special Assault Armor, esoscheletri armati pesantemente), al servizio dell'eserco di Regium.

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Genocide, così viene chiamato Grant Mills sul campo di battaglia, viene trado dal suo sottoposto Julian Crazy, e dai suoi stessi compagni nello scontro decisivo, che porta così Dragnof alla vtoria della guerra. Successivamente Crazy riceve promozioni e continua il suo doppio gioco tra i due eserci per realizzare le proprie ambizioni, mentre Mills viene ingiustamente accusato di tradimento e condannato a morte. Il giorno dell'esecuzione, Mills però riesce a fuggire e a reintegrasi in quel che resta del suo eserco, la Terza Armata di Regium, che non si è mai arresa, per continuare la guerra, ma soprattutto, cominciare una violenta e spietata caccia al responsabile dell'accaduto, il maggiore Julian Crazy.

Da questo punto in poi si vengono a scoprire i vari complotti che hanno minato la repubblica di Regium, ordi dai Divan, un'antica e ricchissima casata nobiliare di cui Crazy fa parte, oltre al passato dei vari membri della squadra dei Jackal e del suo comandante che continua ad incutere terrore negli animi di chiunque gli si ponga di fronte.


In seguo proseguendo nella storia, si scopre che è ambientata nel futuro, e che le due nazioni immaginarie protagoniste del

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