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Neon Genesis Evangelion Manga Baka

Neon Genesis Evangelion Manga Baka

This is the list of confirmed references to Evangelion from other anime and manga. These are either confirmed by authoritative sources or are obvious references. This is a work in progress.

In 801 T.T.S. Airbats, an OVA that was released from 1994 to 1996, an Evangelion poster can be seen on the wall of Takuya Isurugi's bedroom.


A romantic comedy manga series by Ken Akamatsu, A.I. Love You has a panel from volume 8, chapter 53, where the protagonist's sister, Yayoi, mentions that the subterranean section of the house looks like Nerv.

Baka Shinji By Pshbling On Deviantart

Advanced placement into a school of higher grade proof-reading is determined by the results of the Promotion Test strictly for class type. Ranging from A class with the best facilities anyone can offer all the way down to F Class which is composed of low dining tables, rotten tatami mats and other worn out facilities. Students can change classes by competing using the Examination Summons Battle system or ESB. Students summon characters with their equivalent test mark scores and use them to compete with other classes.

A 12 episode anime series from the 2014 Summer season about a calligrapher named Handa Seishu who was exiled to a small island because he punched a famous calligrapher. In episode 6, Handa's friend since middle school, Kawafuji, visits him and was describing how much of a handful Handa was. He mentions that when Handa gets depressed, he walls himself off and we see an AT-Field.

In Binbogami ga!, or The God Of Poverty is! or Good Luck Girl!, a show about Momiji, a poverty god, who attempts to take away the happiness energy surrounded by the other main character, Sakura, in episode 4, there's a Lance of Longinus that makes an appearance in the background:

Asuka, Anime, Evangelion, Hd Phone Wallpaper

Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai is a harem-ish school romance/comedy that started airing in October 2011 which features a boy main character that recently transferred schools. One of the girls, Rika Shiguma, one of the love interests, is a fujoshi and likes doujins featuring mecha and sex. In episode 4, she's describing one of these doujins that features a Gundam ZZ and Evangelion Unit-02.

Burn Up W, a 4 episode OVA release starting in April of 1996. Although it was released the same year the Evangelion TV Series was aired, in episode 2, Nanvel produces a robot named El Heggunte' which is very obviously a reference to Evangelion Unit-01. There is a sequence of Nanvel's display with a timer and text scrolling by. The text is the episode list of the Evangelion TV Series. In the second half of episode 8 of Burn Up Excess, the follow-up TV series, Rio Kinezono and Lilica Ebett perform a synchronized somersault and double kick like Eva-01 and Eva-02 do in Episode 08. Also in the second half of episode 8, a giant transvestite performs a rush and somersault mimicking Eva-01 in Episode 02 against Sachiel.

Carnival Phantasm is a 12 episode OVA that consist of parodies of popular Type-Moon characters from series like Tsukihime and Fate/Stay Night. In episode 12, Shiki is holding a bunch of movie tickets and one of them has a picture of Mari Makinami in her plugsuit.

Neon Genesis Evangelion: The Shinji Ikari Raising Project Volume 1 By Osamu Takahashi

Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! is a series consisting of 2 seasons, 1 movie, and 2 OVAs that encompasses a romantic comedy surrounding characters dealing with their chuunibyou tendencies.

In episode 3 of season 1, Dekomori exclaims that she is of the same age as the Second Children and Third Children when they are at Togashi's house.

During episode 5 of season 1, in response to Rikka's announcement of an emergency, Dekomori says, don't tell me it's a Blood Type Blue!


Souryuu Asuka Langley (neon Genesis Evangelion) Drawn By Ragecndy

During episode 9 of season 1, Dekomori exclaims that they have Synchronization Rate 100% as she is synced with Rikka on the swingset.

During episode 10 of season 1, after the opening plays, Dekomori is humming Contre Les Agressions, the music that plays during Unit-01's first launch in Rebuild of Evangelion.

In episode 9 of season 2, a scene of Rikka's delusions includes various tributes and shout-outs to mecha shows, including Evangelion, Gurren Lagann, and Gundam.

Runaway And Maze And The Summoned Beast Instrumentality Project

Desert Punk focuses on the adventures of a desert handyman called Kanta Mizuno, nicknamed Desert Punk (Sunabōzu), due to his seemingly incredible feats of skill and daring while on the job. Throughout the series, he acquires an apprentice and makes a few friends as well as enemies.

Elf ban Kakyuusei is a 4 episode OVA that was released in November of 1997 and based on a dating sim. In episode 4, during a scene in a theatre, several characters from Evangelion are clearly depicted sitting in the theatre.


Gear Fighter Dendoh is a lesser-known mecha series by the Gundam SEED director Mitsuo Fukuda. The show makes numerous humorous references to older mecha shows, and two of its episodes are largely dedicated for parodying Evangelion.

Ayanami Rei (neon Genesis Evangelion) Drawn By Raijuu_(bakanara)

Episode 14 of Gear Fighter Dendoh is practically Evangelion's Episode 6 on super robot crack. When the Gulfer aliens use a swarm of tiny machine beasts to sap all electricity from Earth's power plants, GEAR HQ must devise an alternate way to recharge their battery-powered giant robot. Their ingenious solution is to harness together a huge number of small stand-alone power sources, including gasoline-powered generators, car and motorcycle engines, bicycle dynamos and even batteries from household appliances and children's toys. The ludicrous recharging operation becomes a race against time as a huge, slowly-crawling machine beast (looking vaguely like a cross-breed between Ramiel and Matarael) begins to home in on Dendoh's location in the mountains. In the ensuing beam sniping match Dendoh's Final Attack pushes back the machine beast's beam, destroying the invader. The episode ends with a public service announcement urging viewers to save electricity.

In Super Robot Wars MX, the series roster of which includes both Evangelion and Dendoh, their respective episode scenarios are combined and Operation Yashima is powered by people pedaling bicycles. (See Deranged's walkthrough on Gamefaqs.)

Dendoh's episode 18 is another, less inventive medley of Evangelion spoofs. Gulfer emperor's pet, Ragoh, has infected Dendoh's Data Weapons with a deadly computer virus, which is now slowly taking over their bodies. Scientists at the GEAR base desperately try to counterhack the virus (mimicking Evangelion's Episode 13), but when their attempts prove unsuccesful, the Dendoh pilots are sent to retrieve a sample of Ragoh's body from the bottom of the Japan Trench so that a vaccine could be based on it. The descent to the bottom of the Trench mimics Evangelion's Episode 10, and the subsequent battle against a marine-adapted machine beast recycles imagery from Episode 08.

Anta Baka? Neon Genesis Evangelion

In the Genshiken manga by Shimoku Kio, which started in December of 2002, one of the short Omake strips has Ohno Kanako, an avid cosplayer, dressed up as Asuka.


In the second season of the Genshiken anime, near the end of episode 2 you can see 2 stacks of doujin on a table. The one on the right features Asuka and Rei in bikinis on the cover and Asuka is holding a beach ball that looks like Leliel.

In volume 1, chapter 3, of the manga, a panel of Best Selling Fan-zines (or Doujinshi), you can see one of them being an Asuka doujin.

Neon Genesis Evangelion: The Shinji Ikari Raising Project Omnibus Book 2 Tpb :: Profile :: Dark Horse Comics

In volume 7, chapter 39, of the manga, when Ohno's 2 friends Susanna Hopkins from the States come to visit, one of her friends, Sue, introduces herself by saying Anta Baka, a saying made popular by Asuka. The reference is made even more evident in episode 10 of the second season TV series where she even mimics the way Asuka says it. (Sue's outfit - a dress andd two hair-ties - also somewhat resembles Asuka's outfit when she first appeared in Asuka Strikes! using that phrase.) Ohno then tells her she can't just say stuff like that and that she's lucky Madarame (the person she says it to) understands that it's a parody (of Evangelion).

In the Genshiken, Second Season TV series which depicts the second generation of the club, during one of the extras at the end of episode 3, Kenjiro Hato, a cross dresser, is attempting to put on a costume at a coplay cafe that looks like Asuka's plugsuit (but censored).

In episode 151, the barber says that, for a samurai, wearing a helmet causes baldness so everybody in society cuts their hair into a topknot so everybody will be the same. Gintoki responds by saying What the hell is that about? The Human Instrumentality Project?


Souryuu Asuka Langley And Eva 02 (neon Genesis Evangelion) Drawn By Xbaka

In the Popularity Poll Arc, everybody received a rank based on a popularity poll conduced in JUMP magazine. Some characters were disasstisfied with their number and started to kill or discredit higher ranked characters to raise their number. A group of main girls, Tsukuyo, Tae, Kagura, Sarutobi Ayame, and Kyuubei created a group called Diamond Perfume, parodying the Japanese band Perfume. By creating the group, they all gained the same ranking as the highest ranked person. Doing this, they attempted to make other high ranking characters join their group. When they cornered Gintoki and Shinpachi in episode 184, they said they can all be first place together. Gintoki responds with a joke about

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