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Manga Systems

Manga Systems

Supporting Actor's Survival Gae Hotblood Reunion Experienced an unexpected death, Qi Yan was forced to bind a fast tie travel syste which enables hi to tie travel across various different worlds to win the targets' heart. For Qi Yan, this is just a task that has to be accoplished. It is just a gae that does not involve eotion and feelings. He is confident that he can withdraw unscathed and uneotional . But the experience in every task is so real, even if he tells hiself over and over that it's all illusions, he still can't copletely isolate hiself fro those feelings... 274.0k 3065.9k

Why Did I, the C Of Gal Gae Jup Into A World Of Yuri Coic? Cohabitating Hare As you can see, the title tells all. 136.6k 1425.5k


WeChat in the Third Diension Eastern Fantasy Xianxia One day, the ordinary college student, Lin Hai, was added into a heaven’s trade group after the update of WeChat, which led a different and colorful life fro then on. Holy Peach for ask, golden pellet for Chonghua cigarette. No bargin and no credit! 91.3k 843.3k

Baby Making System (manhua)

Super Shared Boyfriend Syste Western Fantasy Superpower Being friendzoned by different girls for alost a hundred ties, the extreely unlucky an, Lin Yi, was chosen by the Super Shared Boyfriend Syste as a qualified host. As long as he receives the order, he will teporarily acquire all the skills required by the clients! asculine char = Charing eyes; Transgender = A an wears feale clothing... Wait! Why does a girl want her boyfriend to be a transgender!Hey, syste! Don't run away! ake it clear! 105.1k 790.0k

Hell Syste Satisfying Betrayal By chance, Farrell becae Satan and obtained a ysterious Hell syste that can be leveled up. After solving various weird cases, Farrell looks ore and ore like the real Satan, whose ission is to reshape Hell. But just when everything goes soothly, Farrell suddenly discovers that a huge secret is hidden in the Hell syste, a big secret affecting all lives in the world... 94.2k 709.6k

Here Coes The Queen Killer Revenge The infaous actress fell into the sea and cae back like a different person. She was originally weak and vulnerable, but now she's ost feared killer. Transforing fro an unskillful actress to a ovie queen, she receives respect fro everyone. Unspoken rules? You'd better ask how uch oney your copany owns? ovie queen? I was only acting for fun. I didn't know I would win all the awards. Fighting scubags? That's what I' really good at. Don't be too weak. I enjoy the screaing coing out of your throat. I coe back in the nae of the God of Death! 81.5k 705.6k

Read I Get An All Career Experience System Manga

Escape fro ary Sue Conteporary Urban In this world, does there really exist the steadfast love which is never affected by external factors? Su is arranged by the destiny (actually destroyed by the editor), and encountered all sorts of roantic plot, idol, bossy president... Can she still stand fir her love for hi? 82.9k 627.0k

Ode Ⅱ Tragic Revenge ode Ⅱ app is a kind of software that enables people to have super power. Shu Ye is a cowardly high school student. One day, he received the invitation to experiencing ode Ⅱ, and got the ability to hear the thoughts deep inside other's hearts. eanwhile, Shea Ye, his young sister, was seriously injured because of the attack of an abnoral killer. Shu Ye decided to use the ability of ode Ⅱ to find out the real urderer. But what he didn't know is that he is not the only person who got the ability of ode Ⅱ... 73.2k 587.3k

Little Raider Princess Syste Western Fantasy Counter attack One day when I woke up, I found yself turned into a princess and also cae to a world with agic?! The only good thing was that y father, who was a king, loved e very uch, but everyone around e wanted to kill e. Fortunately, I have a little princess syste to protect yself, but I never thought... What should I do to control y fate? 92.3k 569.6k

Read Ultimate Loading System

Superior Top-rank Syste Eastern Fantasy Xianxia A youth on the earth travelled to another world, by virtue of inforation syste, he knew everything in the world and took the initiative to be a raider. He practised unique artial arts and acquired atchless skills; he ate super panacea and took soldiers of the universe into control! Finally, he was above all living creatures and becae the sybol for supreacy. 64.6k 458.5k


Incoing r High Energy Superpower Supernatural After a catastrophe, the biggest trouble facing huans is energy shortage! A brand new profession was thus born, controlling various eleents such as iron, copper, phosphorus, gold, silicon, and carbon, they are the strongest cobat power in the world. Restarting a powerful syste, the youth began to be accopanied by copulsive tasks again and again! Challenging issions full of danger tie and tie again, he gradually becae stronger, and went further and further on the road to a great deon... 52.0k 455.3k

Panda Wife Wants Hug Transforation Iperial court Thanks to a botched job by the King of Hell, I, a teenage girl, transigrated to ancient ties and becae a fat panda?! Shortly after y transigration, I was chased by a bear! Wait, why is that wild boar looking at e?! Thank god that this seeingly cold prince passed by and saved e, but unexpectedly, he is trying to do this to e... 53.8k 401.8k

Top 10 Manhwa Where Mc Has A Special Ability/power/system That Only He Has

Fatal Code Hotblood Conteporary In a gae, the top gae aster Tu Lan received the essage of seeking help fro his full brother Tu u. After he got off the line and investigated, he discovered that Tu u in real world was actually a fake one. Tu Lan then logged into the gae, trying to save the real Tu u, only to find he was unable to get off the line and was hunted by his forer full-levelled account... 40.9k 343.0k

Super oney-aking App Eastern Fantasy Superpower When there is a software that can produce innuerable oney every day, what will you do? How will Song Ping reach the peak of his life through a oney syste! Beauties? Luxury cars? He deserves to own everything, is there anything he can't buy? No! 38.4k 311.8k


Struck By A Lightning Bolt Superpower Counter attack Zhong a, an unlucky, basic college student, was cuckolded and struck by a lighting bolt! He thought he ust be dead, but it turned to be a blessing in disguise. Since then, Zhong a got an upgrade syste of ighty power, leading a successful life! Seeing through ability, teleportation, super fighting skills... just a piece of cake! 22.8k 296.2k

Read Metropolitan System Manga English Translated

Aster of the Top 1 Sect Eastern Fantasy artial art Liu Chengfeng, an elite of the odern world wakes up to find hiself reincarnated as the notorious leader of the Wicked Valley in the cultivation world. But wait a inute, as the bad guy, he has a syste that requires good deeds to level up?! 20.5k 277.5k

A Plot War in the ary Sue World Sci-fi CEO As long as you're rich, you can act perfectly in every ary Sue story! He Gu was a tour actor in a VR gae. Experienced as he was, He Gu still got defeated in the gae! What was worse was that the disruptor was haunting hi? Great! Let the battle begin then! ary Sue VS Anti-sue, schees VS anti-schees, Egocentris VS Egotis, a battle between two en! 29.5k 261.7k

Be r. Billionaire Fro Today Superpower Supernatural Lin Tian, a college loser, lives in poverty. After he happened to help the weak who were bullied by local vulgar rich people, he accidentally acquired a syste and lived a painful life of being forced to spend oney. Since then, he has been forced to spend oney every day and is always distressed that he cannot spend all his oney. Alas, there is still a hundred illion left to spend, and I will be punished again. Hopefully they will go easy on e this tie! Lin Tian shook his head and looked depressed. Dan, look at he, he began to show off again. Can't spend all your oney? Just give it to us, and we will help you! The inner voice of everyone... 28.0k 252.7k


Se (system Engineer)

Super Cube Sci-fi Superpower An ordinary boy attracted his drea girl's attention by chance, but he also invited troubles brought by a ob boss. The boy accidentally got a ysterious cube and started his journey as a super power holder. Since then, he'd been helping the weak on his way toward a warrior. 24.7k 247.0k

Genius Teacher Syste Western Fantasy Superpower Ning Fan died, but unexpectedly, he traveled to another world and becae a teacher with superpowers. He was supposed to be a genius teacher of S level, but soething unforeseeable happened to his faily. Fraed by backstabbers, his faily was knocked off the pedestal, so he was assigned to the worst class--D Class. Fortunately, he still had the Genius Teacher Syste. Let's see how he could conquer students, prove wrong of the villain, take the acadey, set up new

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