Herrscht eine anhaltende Dürre, für die wohl ein Feuergeist verantwortlich zu sein scheint. Mo Fan und Tang Yue wollen diesen Geist einfangen, treffen dabei aber auf den Dämonen
Nach den Strapazen in Bo City möchte Mo Fan jedoch auch seine schulische Laufbahn vorantreiben. Er meistert unter anderem Beschwörungsmagie und trainiert hart, um an der
, der prompt zu seinem Rivalen wird. Sie bestreiten ein Duell, bei dem Mo Fan seine Beschwörungsmagie testet und einen Wolf herbeiruft, den Luo Song allerdings bezwingen kann. Und auch wenn Mo Fan seinen Gegner in die Flucht schlagen kann, hat er nun ein Problem: Für ein kommendes Turnier ist er gehandicapt, weil sein Wolfsbiest noch immer verletzt ist … Quelle: /anime/13966
Versatile Mage ( Quanzhi Fashi Manga ) 256
Is plagued by a prolonged drought, for which a fire spirit is seemingly responsible. Mo Fan and Tang Yue want to capture the spirit but encounter the demon
After the exertions in Bo City, however, Mo Fan also wants to encourage his school career. Among other things, he’s capable of using spell magic and trains hard to be accepted at
, who promptly becomes his rival. The two compete in a duel in which Mo Fan tests his spell magic and summons a wolf, though Luo Song can defeat it. And even if Mo Fan was able to put his rival to flight, he’s in trouble now: he’s hampered for an upcoming tournament because his wolf beast is still hurt … Source: www..com/anime/13966
Versatile Mage Manga
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Quanzhi Fashi 3rd Season By Valmanwaylaevatain On Deviantart
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Du hilfst anderen gerne bei der Suche nach einem Anime oder informierst gern über Anime? Dann empfehlen wir, zusätzlich einen Link zum Anime-Eintrag hier auf mit anzugeben. Damit erleichterst Du dem Empfänger die Suche nach dem Anime und bietest ihm eine ganze Fülle an Informationen!After the crisis brought forth by the Black Order, Bo City's surviving residents desert the place. With nearby cities providing shelter to the displaced refugees, Mo Fan and his family accept the offer and travel to Mingzhu City, the capital of magic. Mo Fan has little time to settle in when his teacher Tang Yue requests him to assist her with an investigation involving the Black Order. However, Mo Fan agrees only on the condition of having a dark element awakened in him.
As he steadily attunes to his newfound powers, Mo Fan prepares to enroll at Mingzhu University, a dream place for all magicians. Along the way, Mo Fan's interactions with the elements steadily surpass his expectations, showing him that this is only the beginning of discoveries within his limitless potential.
Versatile Mage Manhua Chapter 753
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Quanzhi Fashi have satisfying story line. I can't understand Chinese language then watched it with sub so i won't give a f*ck to art and animation.
Vollzeit Magister (quanzhi Fashi) Anime Mo Fan
In fact they almost just buried season 2 story in back there. Mc goes to city awakes second magic. Then story starts...
He hides his true skills on social just uses them as trump ... carts. That's cool and satisfying. I enjoyed this university arc. There's a lot great manhwa and manhuas are coming. In near future Korea and Chinese will stand versuss Japanese anime. So i won't give glue on animation. They' ll develop it month by month. See you again on Quanzhi Fashi season 4.
This is by far the best season of the anime! I'm honestly shocked this got a continuation after season 2, but I am super happy. I'll keep this brief.
Full Time Magister Iii
Even though this season wasn't perfect, it was by far better then the second. The level of animation is far better when compared to the last one (although this is not difficult) and, despite the opening and ending, the soundtrack sounded developed too.
In my opinion, the main character is the strong point of this anime. Mo Fan is very powerfull and trains a lot to improve himself, and he does this well while still can flee from some cliches that anime protagonists usually have. His behavior is believable and not always that heroic, and this helps to relate with him. Mostly because of him ... i can say i enjoyed Quanzi Fashi (with the exception of season 2. It was horrible). I know that the tecnical stuff, mainly animation quality, is bad because chinese studios don't really have resources when compared to the japanese ones, and i know in the future this is going to change, but they really could have made a bit more effort in season two. At all, i would recommend Quanzhi Fashi to people who likes school animes with OP main characters. If you don't have a preference for this time of anime, i don't think you will enjoy it.
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