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Manga The Heiress Vs Young Ruffian

Manga The Heiress Vs Young Ruffian

Bad luck! My dad kicked me out of the house! Then revenge a playboy whose grandfather was a gangster! That's not all! I go to the noble school to be the maid of four demons...

Aztroexorcist11 May 31, 2019 4 If you're looking for a bunch of cliches and god-awful but good looking characteres, then this ties with Diabolik Lovers. Actually, it's below that. I picked this up, falling in love with the art, only to be disappointed over how simple and stupid the plot was. The story is that a young rich girl doesn't want to get an arranged marriage- against her father's wishes. He sets the condition that he won't force her as long as she is able to live on her own and make a huge sum of money. SHe accepts this challenge and ends up working as a maid for these three rich dudes who trick her into doing a bunch of really stupid things. The plot may progress later on, this is simply a plot summary of the first 20 or so chapters. Besides the heavy mysoginistic plot points, the story also falls short of devveloping a compelling main character who is competent in literally anything, of developing a love interest who isn't an absolute dirtbag or an idiot, and for having any interesting relationships between the characters. This is an absolute waste of time to read.

Amesthy May 4, 2020 8 A bit clichet but if you want a story that makes sense, has romance, is quite good and has a happy ending that continues after that. Ofc parts of the story are a bit dumb my feeling is that this is a chinese manhua so, normally they are a bit dumb overall. But I kind of liked the strong female lead, and is very similiar of Boy over flowers.

The Heiress Vs Young Ruffian Manga Chapter 237

SanaaHAF Jun 27, 2019 10 the story started off very riddiculously but later on it started getting more and more interesting so even though some villain characters are a little over powered but it implicates the story more and makes it even more fun to read so it's not big of a deal. and about the characters since i can only guess that it might've been redrawn by mangatoon, it makes sense since the art of the story is just fantastic from the beginning of the story. what i dont like about the characters are the outfits most of them dont change outfits, it wont affect the story if they get drawn in some other clothes, ok? and last but not least, the genral view of the story based on someone who read the complete story, i can only say it's wonderful.Wir sind auf der Suche nach Grafikern, die unser Team verstärken. Deine Aufgaben wären unter anderem die Erstellung von Grafiken für unsere Gewinnspiele und Socials. Die Tätigkeit ist natürlich freiwillig und hat keinerlei Verpflichtungen – Du entscheidest, wie viel Zeit und Aufwand Du in investieren möchtest! Neugierig? Dann melde Dich einfach formlos über unser Support-Formular und wir besprechen das sehr gern mit Dir!

Widersetzt sich dem Wunsch ihres Vaters, endlich zu heiraten. Weil sie nun endgültig genug davon hat, stellt sie ihm ein Ultimatum: Entweder er lässt sie endlich damit in Ruhe oder sie verlässt das Haus und kehrt nie wieder zurück. Entgegen ihrer Erwartung geht ihr Vater, ohne zu zögern, darauf ein und wünscht ihr ein schönes Leben. Wie es wohl mit Lucy weitergeht? Quelle: /manga/63517

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The Heiress Vs Young Ruffian Chapter 220

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The Heiress Vs Young Ruffian (manhua)

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