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Manga Berserk Chapter 359

Manga Berserk Chapter 359

Danan finishes cutting Casca's hair short, and fits Casca with a new tunic and sword. Afterward, Casca reconvenes with her companions, and together they reminisce over their long journey, particularly over how Casca was in her regressed state. Casca thanks Farnese for having been a protective, soothing figure to her in her regressed state, and then thanks Schierke for getting the group out of a number of perilous situations. Isidro expresses his interest in Casca's swordsmanship, and Casca likewise ponders the competence of her strike, to which Danan summons enchanted straw dolls (formerly veykings) for Casca to spar with. Having retained much of her combat prowess, Casca swiftly dispatches the enchanted straw dolls, leaving her companions in awe. Isidro bows in acknowledgement of her skill, and the two engage in a brief sparring match using wooden swords.

Schierke and Farnese go to see Guts, who is hiding behind a tree nearby, having decided to avoid Casca due to the horrifying response he elicited from her before. Danan arrives and remarks that it is up to Casca to decide how to handle her deep wounds. Farnese is then spurred on by her memories of Casca's dreamscape to bring Casca to Guts. Casca tells Guts that he has made good friends, and expresses her surprise at him having taken a student under his wing in Isidro. When she likens Isidro's adeptness at fighting with two blades to Judeau, she is overcome with images of Judeau's last moments during the Eclipse, and falls to the ground in shock. Turning from behind the tree to check on her, Guts evokes in Casca the imagery of himself flanked by numerous apostles, to both his and Casca's horror. As a distraught Guts storms off and Casca is tended to, the Skull Knight looks on from afar.


308. Ghost Ship (1) · 309. Ghost Ship (2) · 310. Ghost Ship (3) · 311. Solitary Island · 312. Girl of the Roaring Shallows · 313. Denizens of the Sinister Sea · 314. Human Tentacles · 315. Tentacled Ship

Beneath Sun Dappled Trees”

316. Full Moon (1) · 317. Full Moon (2) · 318. Beast Warrior · 319. Sea God (1) · 320. Sea God (2) · 321. Sea God (3) · 322. Booming Heart · 323. Call from the Deep · 324. Merrow (1)

325. Merrow (2) · 326. Siren · 327. Surfacing · 328. Shooting Star · 329. Spring Flower of Days Long Passed (1) · 330. Spring Flower of Days Long Passed (2) · 331. Spring Flower of Days Long Passed (3) · 332. Covered Wagon · 333. Paradise

334. Capital City of Humanity · 335. Divine Right of Kings · 336. Pandemonium · 337. Bridge of Parting · 338. Twilight Assassin · 339. Capital City in the Moonlight · 340. Night Battle · 341. Soaring Escape · 342. Landing


Berserk Chapter 359

343. Blazing Puppet · 344. Village of Witches · 345. Great Gurus · 346. Elfhelm · 347. Flower Storm Monarch · 348. Gloomy Wasteland · 349. Corridor of Dreams · 350. Fragments of Memories

351. Forest of Corpses and Thorny Cedars · 352. Main Cause · 353. Final Fragment · 354. Awakening · 355. Beneath Sun-Dappled Trees · 356. Jötunn · 357. Triumphant Return at Dawn


358. Dawn of an Empire · 359. Barrier · 360. Cherry Orchard · 361. Gorge · 362. Phantom Death · 363. Leaping Monkey · 364. Teardrop of Morning Dew

Berserk, Chapter 359

365. Lull of the Waning Moon · 366. Eye of the Maelstrom · 367. Mistful Fading of the Cherry Blossoms · 368. Devourers · 369. Fading Isle · 370. Refugees on the West Sea · 371. A Dying Light in the Pitch Black Night


365. Lull of the Waning Moon · 366. Eye of the Maelstrom · 367. Mistful Fading of the Cherry Blossoms · 368. Devourers · 369. Fading Isle · 370. Refugees on the West Sea · 371. A Dying Light in the Pitch Black Night


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