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Good Morning Call Manga Online Ita

Good Morning Call Manga Online Ita

Dopo aver convissuto per poco più di un anno ai tempi del liceo, Nao e Uehara si sono messi insieme e sono ormai una coppia. I due frequentano l’università e vivono in due camere adiacenti dello stesso condominio, per cui continuano di fatto a condividere praticamente tutto. Un giorno il padre di Nao irrompe senza avvertirla sorprendendo Uehara nel suo appartamento e così scoppia il caos, ma alla fine l’affetto tra Nao e Uehara ha la meglio, e i due si ripromettono di trascorrere la vita insieme.

Nel frattempo, assieme ai loro amici, Nao e Uehara stanno terminando gli studi all’università, e Uehara vorrebbe continuare gli studi a Tokyo, ma finisce in ospedale per aver trascurato troppo la sua salute per lo studio. Così la proprietaria del loro vecchio appartamento (che è ancora molto affezionata ai ragazzi) decide di mettergli a disposizione la casa.


Nonostante volesse fare la casalinga, alla fine Nao decide di diventare una office lady, per poter essere più di supporto a Uehara, ma riuscirà a trovare lavoro?

Genre Vo Romance

È una ragazza semplice che adora il suo ragazzo. Le piace fare shopping e uscire con gli amici. La sua famiglia vive in campagna e non li vede molto spesso, ma è molto affezionata a loro, nonostante il rapporto con il padre sia a volte burrascoso.

È il ragazzo di Nao. È orfano di entrambi i genitori, ma ha un fratello maggiore. È un ragazzo piuttosto tirchio, ma a volte per Nao è disposto anche a spendere.

È la migliore amica di Nao fin dalle medie. Intelligente e sicura di sé, ha un debole per i bei ragazzi. Il suo ragazzo del liceo studia nello Hokkaido e al momento la loro è una relazione a distanza.

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Good Morning Kiss è il sequel di Good Morning Call, ma è una storia molto diversa, non solo per i disegni della Takasuka (che sono diventati davvero stupendi pur rimanendo personali, basta guardare anche le cover dei volumi per rendersene conto), ma anche per i temi trattati, infatti in Giappone viene pubblicato sulla rivista Cookie (la stessa di Nana, per intenderci).

Seppure dai primi capitoli il manga possa apparire banale, dal 4° volume (con la ricerca di un lavoro di Nao e gli altri), la storia assume toni più adulti, e si nota la crescita dei protagonisti, ma non per questo la storia risulta pesante, infatti anche l’umorismo non manca mai, così come non mancheranno i colpi di scena. Per quanto riguarda i personaggi, all’inizio sono tutti delle vecchie conoscenze (escludendo Ota-chan), ma con il passare dei volumi arriveranno anche molti personaggi nuovi.

In conclusione, devo ammettere che questa serie mi ha presa tantissimo, anche più di quanto mi aspettassi, quindi consiglio a tutti di leggerla!Good Morning Call (グッドモーニング・コール , Guddo Mōningu Kōru ) is a Japanese shōjo manga series by Yue Takasuka that ran in the monthly magazine Ribon from 1997 to 2002. Part of the story has be adapted into an OVA. In 2007, a sequel manga, Good Morning Kiss (グッドモーニング・キス , guddomōningu kisu ), was serialized in Cookie. As of December 2019, eighte volumes have be released.

Good Morning Call 30

Like the manga, the series is set in Tokyo and follows the relationships of the main characters from high school to university. Season one streamed on Fuji on Demand and Netflix Japan from February 12, 2016 to June 10, 2016. A second season aired on September 22, 2017 under the title Good Morning Call: Our Campus Days. According to the program's social media, a third season is under discussion.

Teager Nao Yoshikawa has moved into her own 2DK apartmt in the city as her parts have returned to the country to manage the family farm. However, she soon discovers that Hisashi Uehara, a good-looking classmate, is also moving in. Realizing that they have be scammed into rting the same apartmt, they agree to become roommates in order to make the rtal paymt. The story follows their advtures as they try to keep their cohabitation a secret from their classmates, with Nao developing romantic feelings for Hisashi as she gets to know him better.

Because of a scam in her rtal agreemt, she and Hisashi Uehara d up sharing an apartmt until other options op up.


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Nao is more oft annoyed by Hisashi than attracted by his looks like her classmates. However, she begins to care about getting along with him and grows to like him more than just as a roommate. She starts to date Hisashi later in the story. In the d of the manga, Nao and Uehara move into differt apartmts, due to the landlady of their previous apartmt having a son who wanted to rt out a room for him and his girlfrid.

Hisashi is a good-looking boy, and unsurprisingly has a bunch of fan-girls. He had a big crush on Yuri for 6 years (8 years in the live-action drama), but was heartbrok wh she had married his older brother despite her knowing about his crush on her. Later in the story, Hisashi and Nao live next door in the apartmt.

Marina is Nao's best frid who keeps a book of all the hot boys she knows. Although Marina is very knowledgeable about them, she would never go out with anyone she doesn't like. Later in the story, she starts going out with Yuichi Mitsuishi.

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Jun is Nao's classmate, who is called the King of Confessions because he oft goes around asking girls out, but gets rejected every single time.

Nanako is the twelve-year-old daughter of the owner of the shop that Hisashi works at. Being a spoiled brat, she wants Hisashi to be her boyfrid and loves to make fun of Nao. In the final chapter, she realizes that her feelings for Hisashi were nothing more than admiration and not true love.


Daichi is Nao's childhood frid. He is usually helping out his classmates on various activities. Daichi acts kind and caring, but also protective wh it comes to Nao.

Good Morning Call Read Manga Online

Good Morning Call is writt and illustrated by Yue Takasuka. It was serialized in the monthly magazine Ribon from September 1997 to April 2002. The chapters were later released in 11 bound volumes by Shueisha under the Ribon Mascot Comics imprint.

An original video animation adaptation of Good Morning Call was screed as a short film at the 2001 Ribon Festival on August 2, 2001 as a double-feature with Time Strange Kyoko: Leave it to Chocola!

The series stars Haruka Fukuhara as Nao Yoshikawa and Shunya Shiraishi as Hisashi Uehara. It ran for 17 episodes until June 10, 2016. It was later streamed internationally on Netflix starting May 13.

Imdb Seen: Kate Higgins

A second season with 10 episodes, titled Good Morning Call: Our Campus Days was released on Fuji on Demand and Netflix Japan on September 22, 2017. The season follows Nao and Hisashi as college studts.


High school girl Nao Yoshikawa is moving into a new apartmt, but she discovers that the school prince, the popular but aloof Hisashi Uehara is also going to live there. They discover they've be scammed into rting the same apartmt, but agree they would have to live together to afford the rt until they can find other places. Hisashi sets some house rules, including not having frids over, not tering each other's rooms, not interacting at school, or telling anyone about their living arrangemt. One morning, Nao finds Hisashi has left all his alarms on but accidtally knocks over and breaks a family photo frame. Although she apologizes, he acts more cold to her. Nao learns from his frids that Hisashi lost his parts in a car crash, so she tries to buy a replacemt frame. At night, she eats one of his puddings, Hisashi gets upset and scolds her. She goes out at night looking for one. Hisashi discovers Nao got him a replacemt frame. Hisashi finds her hiding from a supposed assaulter, and carries her home. The next morning, Nao tries to wake Hisashi again, but he suddly pulls Nao close and kisses her.

Hisashi does not recall kissing Nao. At school, Nao discovers that they accidtally have each other's gym uniform jackets. She cuts out the name from the jacket, but Hisashi has her fix it. A Uehara fan club girl who had secretly observed their interaction warns Nao not to be fridly with Hisashi. Nao's best frid Marina is suspicious that Nao is hiding something; wh she visits Nao's apartmt, she learns that Nao has be rooming with Hisashi. The fan club girls start bullying Nao but Hisashi rescues her and tells the girls that she is his girlfrid. He reasons that by pretding to be a couple there will be less hassle at school. He faints from exhaustion and is st to a hospital. A beautiful young woman named Yuri arrives.

Good Morning Call

Yuri turns out to be Hisashi's brother's wife and that Hisashi had a crush on her before. Wh Yuri wants Hisashi to come home to live with her family, Nao tries to cook up some food to coax Hisashi to stay. Marina is upset over the news that Nao and Hisashi are a couple, so Nao tries to reconcile that. Wh Nao

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