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Fire Force Manga Character

Fire Force Manga Character

) is a former Third Generation Second Class Fire Soldier previously in Special Fire Force Company 1. Due to her service for Rekka Hoshimiya, she was disciplined under Special Fire Force Company 8's watch.

Tamaki is a young girl of average height with long, straight dark hair tied into twintails, golden eyes with white pupils similar to Shinra, and a curvy body. On missions, her outfit consists of black panties and bra, a protective outer jacket, a neck protector, dark boots and protective gloves.[1] Parts of her outfit are coated with blue lines. Tamaki's torso is open, revealing her entire stomach area and cleavage. Her trousers are also exposed at the buttocks. The sleeves of her jacket appear to be too long for the arms and the buttons are in the shape of cross-like symbols. Her outfits previously contained patches with 1 on it, to signify Tamaki's affiliation to the 1st Special Fire Brigade.


While off duty, during her time at the 1st, Tamaki wore a more modest outfit, which consists of a light dress, a dark-colored garment with long sleeves over it, leggings, dark shoes, and a headband. Tamaki's collar is tied up with a string in a ribbon-like fashion that has a cross-like button on it. As a member of the 8th Special Fire Brigade, she wears an orange jumpsuit. She also wears the habit of a nun when performing religious services including blue lines to signify her being part of a Special Fire Force. She later combines her Fire Force uniform and her habit, wearing her habit in addition to her neck brace and gloves. She wears an oversized bunker jacket that functions as a dress although with black tights and shoes.[2] While under the effects of her Ignition Ability, Tamaki gains noticeable cat-like traits, which include two forked-tails, cat ears, and claws.

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Tamaki has a friendly demeanor and kindness toward others, especially members of her brigade and children. Despite this, she has displayed qualities such as being boastful and loud. She is known to be exceptionally clumsy, which she blames her Lucky Lecher Lure for, resulting in her stumbling into intimate or humiliating situations, for which she often blames others. This, along with her bad luck, embarrasses her to no end. Tamaki is easily annoyed by other people and shows dissatisfaction when her superiors are confronted by lower-rank Fire Soldiers. She is very proud of Company 1 and thinks highly of its members, especially its commanders. In spite of this, she has also formed bonds with members of Company 8 and 2.

Tamaki has shown to be insecure about her strength compared to her peers, especially in terms of conviction as she felt she did not join the Fire Force for a particular reason. These insecurities build into anger before giving way to her newfound drive to catch up and improve herself. In spite of her doubts and aggression, Tamaki is a courageous person with a strong sense of justice and a drive to protect those around her. Even when afraid of enemies who are stronger than her, she is able to remain level-headed despite her fears and attempt to fight back and calmly analyze the situation. Despite holding him in high regards, Tamaki immediately disobeyed Rekka Hoshimiya after seeing how he treated innocent people, finding a way to call for help even after being violently beaten.[3] Even when feeling deep sadness and confusion when she found out her commander's evil intentions, she turned against him and was welcome to any punishment she would received for her unknowing role in his crimes, no matter how minor.

It is also hinted that Tamaki has feelings for Shinra, as seen when she was willing to give her phone number to Shinra, although she refused after Shinra told her the reason why. Over the course of the series she has shown classic tsundere traits.


Elizabeth (elzburg)'s Review Of Fire Force, Vol. 1

While attending school, Tamaki's clumsiness lead her to being ostracized by other girls at school, whose actions included verbal bullying and forcing her to sit out of the way. After her friend became a sister she assured Tamaki that she could pass the test to take the occupation as well, during which she fell over and sprouted fire tails. When her school peers found out she had become a Third Generation, they questioned if she'll become a fire soldier and join Company 1. Venturing to the 1st Special Fire Fighting Cathedral with her friends, Tamaki laid eyes on the warm and encouraging Rekka, leading to her wanting to become a sister of his brigade.[4]

Despite her affiliation with the elite Company 1, [5] Tamaki's initial showings do not reflect her true abilities as she had yet to tap into her full potential. Despite this, Tamaki has shown to be able to quickly assess her situations to plan out her next move and speculate about an opponent's abilities. These crisis management skills have proven valuable in saving lives.[6] When backed into a corner, Tamaki has shown the ability to find ways of improving her firepower, like using her own clothes as fuel. As a member of Company 1, she is also a fully qualified sister of the Holy Sol Temple and able to officially deliver the rites for Infernals.


As a Third Generation pyrokinetic Tamaki is immune to most burns and can use her Ignition Ability to cover herself in pink flames.[7] Her powers grant her various cat-like traits when activated, including: cat ears, two forked tails, and nails on her fingertips. This is an ability she dubbed Nekomata. With her Ignition Ability active, Tamaki's agility and mobility are substantially increased, allowing her to run on all fours and across rooftops. She can use her forked-tails to propel herself forwards or upwards[8] or generate a blast of fire, which is strong enough to break through building walls[9] or repel Infernals. She can also restrain her targets in a circle of fire by lengthening these tails, [10] or use them as a distress signal by the same process.[11] With additional training, Tamaki's abilities evolve to allow her to coat her entire body in flames which takes the form of a humanoid cat. She is also able to generate larger, almost transparent flames in the shapes of fangs and other features. In this state, her flexibility improves dramatically and she is able to destroy large fire constructs created by powerful opponents.

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Enhanced Speed: Tamaki is quick, agile, and has sharp reflexes, being able to dodge attacks from Assault and Orochi, who are both very powerful Pyrokinetics themselves. Her ignition ability allows her to outrun members of Company 7, and even catch up to Shinra. Her speed further evolved when training with Hinata and Hikage in Asakusa, allowing her to move at astonishing speeds when playing tag with the duo.


Enhanced Durability: Tamaki is recognized by several individuals including Orochi for having an above average level of durability. She was capable of surviving blows from Rekka Hoshimiya and several infernals with little strain, and even managed to tank blows from Assault. Tamaki also possesses incredibly resistance to heat, allowing her to withstand several attacks from Orochi and Assault with moderate difficulty.

Tamaki participates in the Rookie Fire Soldier Games, where she meets Shinra Kusakabe and gets irritated with him staring at her chest with his devious grin. Tamaki attempts to stop Shinra from approaching Leonard Burns, but gets groped in the process, much to her dissatisfaction. When the simulation exam begins, she notices how further Shinra has advanced, which pushes her to use her own Ignition Ability in hopes of recovering her position. Inside, Tamaki teams up with Arthur Boyle to fight Joker, despite Shinra's warnings, thinking it to be part of the exam. When the stranger uses a substance to detonate the building, Tamaki decides to ally herself with the two Fire Soldiers in order to survive the jeopardy. When she starts falling from the sky, Leonard catches her, after which she stubbornly claims that she could've survived on her own accord.


Is 'fire Force' Connected To 'soul Eater?' One Character Is The Key

When trainees from the 2nd, 5th and 8th Companies arrive at the 1st Special Fire Fighting Cathedral, Tamaki recognizes Shinra in the crowd and spectates the event. After training, an Infernal is spotted in the Shinjuku District, and Tamaki informs the newcomers of the emergency and directs them to their respective Company Commanders for the duration of the mission. Afterwards, she leads a few people to an abandoned building, where Rekka claims to know of a prayer that can protect people from succumbing to Spontaneous Human Combustion. Tamaki, asked to be dismissed by Rekka so he can focus on the prayer, insists she stays because she wants to witness it with her eyes. Tamaki is then hugged by Rekka, who starts thanking her loudly. The hug soon turns into painful suffocating, and Tamaki collapses from shortness of breath. As she lays on the ground, she witnesses Rekka turn a mother into an Infernal and kill her brutally, and realizes he isn't the man she thought he was. After recollecting herself, Tamaki slaps Rekka for conducting experiments with people's lives, but is quickly punched and told that she will not intervene with his passion for violence.



Enhanced Speed: Tamaki is quick, agile, and has sharp reflexes, being able to dodge attacks from Assault and Orochi, who are both very powerful Pyrokinetics themselves. Her ignition ability allows her to outrun members of Company 7, and even catch up to Shinra. Her speed further evolved when training with Hinata and Hikage in Asakusa, allowing her to move at astonishing speeds when playing tag with the duo.


Enhanced Durability: Tamaki is recognized by several individuals including Orochi for having an above average level of durability. She was capable of surviving blows from Rekka Hoshimiya and several infernals with little strain, and even managed to tank blows from Assault. Tamaki also possesses incredibly resistance to heat, allowing her to withstand several attacks from Orochi and Assault with moderate difficulty.

Tamaki participates in the Rookie Fire Soldier Games, where she meets Shinra Kusakabe and gets irritated with him staring at her chest with his devious grin. Tamaki attempts to stop Shinra from approaching Leonard Burns, but gets groped in the process, much to her dissatisfaction. When the simulation exam begins, she notices how further Shinra has advanced, which pushes her to use her own Ignition Ability in hopes of recovering her position. Inside, Tamaki teams up with Arthur Boyle to fight Joker, despite Shinra's warnings, thinking it to be part of the exam. When the stranger uses a substance to detonate the building, Tamaki decides to ally herself with the two Fire Soldiers in order to survive the jeopardy. When she starts falling from the sky, Leonard catches her, after which she stubbornly claims that she could've survived on her own accord.


Is 'fire Force' Connected To 'soul Eater?' One Character Is The Key

When trainees from the 2nd, 5th and 8th Companies arrive at the 1st Special Fire Fighting Cathedral, Tamaki recognizes Shinra in the crowd and spectates the event. After training, an Infernal is spotted in the Shinjuku District, and Tamaki informs the newcomers of the emergency and directs them to their respective Company Commanders for the duration of the mission. Afterwards, she leads a few people to an abandoned building, where Rekka claims to know of a prayer that can protect people from succumbing to Spontaneous Human Combustion. Tamaki, asked to be dismissed by Rekka so he can focus on the prayer, insists she stays because she wants to witness it with her eyes. Tamaki is then hugged by Rekka, who starts thanking her loudly. The hug soon turns into painful suffocating, and Tamaki collapses from shortness of breath. As she lays on the ground, she witnesses Rekka turn a mother into an Infernal and kill her brutally, and realizes he isn't the man she thought he was. After recollecting herself, Tamaki slaps Rekka for conducting experiments with people's lives, but is quickly punched and told that she will not intervene with his passion for violence.



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