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Battle Angel Alita Best Manga

Battle Angel Alita Best Manga

In a dump in the lawless settlement of Scrapyard, far beneath the mysterious space city of Zalem, disgraced cyber-doctor Daisuke Ido makes a strange find: the detached head of a cyborg woman who has lost all her memories. He names her Alita and equips her with a powerful new body, the Berserker. While Alita remembers no details of her former life, a moment of desperation reawakens in her nerves the legendary school of martial arts known as Panzer Kunst. In a place where there is no justice but what people make for themselves, Alita decides to become a hunter-killer, tracking down and taking out those who prey on the weak. But can she hold onto her humanity as she begins to revel in her own bloodlust?

After rewatching the Alita: Battle Angel movie recently and remembering how much I love it, I knew I wanted to finally check out the manga that inspired it. I really loved this story that was darker and more twisted than the movie.


I was really surprised at how much I enjoyed the art in this manga. I tend to struggle feeling invested in the action in manga because it is hard for me to follow and fill in the blanks between panels. However, I thought that the action in these volumes was very well done. It was easy to follow what was happening even in the action scene panels and the action felt fast paced and had high stakes.

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Alita is a compelling protagonist to follow. She is innnocent, yet ruthless. She is often introspective, but confident in making decisions and quick to act. She is kind hearted and trusting. She is also one of the most BA heroines that I have ever read about. It was such a joy to follow such a complex character.

“I don’t know if it’s a sin, or something to be proud of. I don’t know if it’s hate or mourning…All I know is that my tears flowed for him.”

I often have trouble connecting with characters in manga because the medium itself limits the amount of words used and therefore can limit the author’s ability to dive deep into a character’s personality, motivations, etc. However, with Alita this was not the case. I instantly felt a connection with her honest, wild eyed, hope filled outlook on life even in the midst of the dark and grim reality of the world. Alita is truly just a good person. She wants to do her best by everybody she meets and contantly gives those she is fighting a chance to give up and surrender. I really love her character.

New Battle Angel Alita Manga Poster Shows Off A Refreshed Alita Design

The world itself is incredibly well done and immersive. Every panel felt intentional and added to the story or worldbuilding. I love the cyberpunk feel to this world. This is my first cyberpunk type story and I can tell you that I really enjoy it and will now be seeking out more stories that are set in this type of world.

This is the first manga that I feel like I have gotten invested in for itself and not just because I have watched an adaptation previously. Surprisingly deep and meaningful, this is a story of hope in the darkness and of doing the right thing at all times no matter the consequence. I am really enjoying my journey through the Battle Angel Alita manga and will be continuing the series immediately!

David S. loves fantasy and Sci Fi books and enjoys hiking, spending time with friends, and eating too much pizza. On the weekend you can find him visiting family, going to church, and most of all at home under a blanket while reading books, watching anime/tv shows, or playing video games with in a strange place in the world of manga. In comparison to other cyberpunk series in the medium, it isn’t as famous as say

A Cool Scene From The

Was subject to a controversial Hollywood adaptation – that’s “controversial” in the sense that any manga adapted by Hollywood is always going to be controversial. No matter how good it is, Hollywood touching a manga is always going to be suspect.


Regardless, this series has been out in English in various forms: first published by VIZ Media, it is now released by Kodansha, who are bringing out this nine-volume-long series in a collection of six books. Thus, each of these paperback editions is 1.5 volumes long. You would think that it would make more sense to release it in three books, each three volumes’ long, rather than split everything up, but this is not the only issue with regards to the way this version has been released.

Before getting into that however, let’s get into the story. The series is set in The Scrapyard, a gigantic slum area below the wondrous space-city of Zalem. A cyber doctor called Daisuke Ido discovers the remains of a cyborg which he takes back to his lab and fixes. He calls the cyborg Alita, but when she awakens, it appears she has no memory.

Battle Angel Alita? More Like Best Girl Alita

Later, Alita overhears Ido having a conversation and mistakenly thinks he is a killer preying on a young woman. She follows him, but comes to discover that Ido is actually a Hunter-Warrior – a bounty hunter – and the woman he is after is a mutant serial killer. Alita is able to defeat the killer herself using an advanced martial art, which Ido recognises as the art called “Panzerkunst”. Following this, Alita decides to become a Hunter-Warrior herself, bringing in bounties while also on a mission to track down her missing memories.

It is hard to tell how the story is developing in this opening volume. Probably the best thing in this manga is Yukito Kishiro’s artwork. His varied character designs are deeply engrossing, with Alita’s own slender form standing in stark contrast to some of the gigantic and violent brutes she battles against. One of the best moments is a scene in a sewer, where after Alita falls into it, she dries off by shaking herself like a dog, a nice humorous detail which pops up among the more frenzied action sequences.


There are some elements of Kodansha’s production that I do like, such as Scott O. Brown and Evan Hayden’s use of lettering. The use of a more computerised font for most machines does bring up questions regarding Alita who uses the font that is also used by human characters, and given that she is a cyborg, that would mean there is a likelihood that part of her is in some way human.

Gunnm, Aka Battle Angel Alita

Other parts of the production I’m less keen on. Aside from dividing the books into 1.5-volume chunks, another issue I have with Kodansha’s release is how they use translation notes. Most of them are tiny pieces of text stuck between the space in panels, some written horizontally but others vertically. Many of these notes however appear to relate to pieces of technology specific to the series rather than just general translation. Also, I feel these notes would work better in a separate translation notes section rather than as small footnotes.

What makes this weirder however is that there is an actual translation notes section, but it is just one page long, and it mainly talks about how the series and lead character have different names compared to the Japanese translation.

, and Alita is actually called Gally. The notes explain that when VIZ first released the series in English, these translations were added to give the series more appeal to English-speaking audiences, and that they are used in this edition because this translation is what the audience is used to.


Throw Back Thursday

Still remains one of the key works in cyberpunk manga. It is not the most famous, but it is still one that those interested in the genre should read.

Ian works as an anime and manga critic for Anime UK News, and was also the manga critic for MyM Magazine. Outside of anime, he is data specialist for the British Comedy Guide, is QI's most pedantic viewer, has written questions for both The Wall and Richard Osman's House of Games, and has been a contestant on Mastermind.

This monstrous manga may look cute on the outside, but inside the NSFW contents, including violence and references to rape, will deter some readers.

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