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Abyss Rage Manga

Abyss Rage Manga

Für Menschen mit Sehvermögen ist die Welt eines Blinn unnkbar. Die Dunkelheit kann je Aufgabe im Leben behinrn. Shinobu, r Protagonist von Abyss Rage, verwanlt diese „Schwäche“ jedoch in eine Stärke.

Um das Dojo (ssen Nachfolger er sein wird) und seine Liebe, Mikoto, zu schützen, übt Shinobu Tag und Nacht, um seine anren Sinne zu schärfen. Seine Lebensgrün wurn auf einen Schlag gestohlen, aber er kämpft immer noch für sie.


Abyss Rage von Narita Nariaki erreicht seinen Höhepunkt im Shounen Jump Plus-Webdienst. Manga Plus bietet die englische Version an. Manga Mogura (@MangaMogura) 22. Juli 2020

Abyss Rage (volume)

Es wird seit Mai 2018 auf r Shonen Jump Plus-Website veröffentlicht. Die englische Version s Mangas kann auf r gelesen wern Manga-Mehr App von Shueisha.

In m neuesten Kapitel, das auf r Manga Plus-Website veröffentlicht wur, zeigt Chief Magami seine Verachtung für die Liebe zwischen Shinobu und Mikoto. Ihm zufolge kann eine Person nur dann ein Liebhaber sein, wenn sie die äußerste Fähigkeit hat, ihre Liebe zu schützen.

Häuptling Magami bestreitet die Liebe zwischen Mikoto und Shinobi einfach, weil sie in seinen Augen zu schwach sind und die Liebe zu stärkeren Wesen ist. Mikoto macht ihm klar, dass er sie nicht töten kann, weil er dadurch seine Chance verlieren wür, die wahre Liebe zu sehen.

Abyss Range Delayed: Der Autor Leidet Unter Einer Schlimmen Erkältung

In r Zwischenzeit tritt Kashiwagi ein und berichtet Amagami, dass das Gefängnis in r Dunkelheit verschluckt wur. In einem solchen Zustand kann kein Gefangener außer Shinobu kämpfen. Shinobu erscheint aus r Dunkelheit, um Mikoto zurückzunehmen.

Da r Manga-Höhepunkt angekündigt wur, könnte ein langwieriger Kampf stattfinn, an ssen En Amagami endlich die Liebe zwischen Mikoto und Shinobi zur Kenntnis nehmen kann.


R Abyss Rage Manga wur von Narita verfasst und von Nariaki illustriert. Es wird von Shueisha in ihrem Shonen Jump Plus-Webdienst veröffentlicht.

All Your Faves Are Autistic — Today's Autistic Character Of The Day Is: Mibuchi

Shinobu, ein Blinr, ist Experte für n Kampfkunststil „Mibuchi Toshujutsu“. Eines Tages wird sein Meister jedoch getötet und das Mädchen, das er liebt, wird gefangen genommen.

Nach drei langen Jahren r Ausbildung erreicht Shinobu ein Gefängnis auf einer Insel, auf r Gefangene gegen athmatches kämpfen. Wird er die Person zurückbringen können, die er liebt?


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Manga Abyss Rage 03 Jump Comics Japanese Version

Eine Oma auswendig, die es liebt, in Parks zu stricken, zu skizzieren und zu schwingen. Binge-liest eine riesige Menge Manga von psychologisch bis shounen-ai. Entwer umständlich or salzig, es gibt kein dazwischen.EditSynopsisA blind boy, Shinobu, lives a peaceful life with the support of his kind teacher and girlfriend, Mikoto, training daily to learn the ancient martial art of self-defense known as Mibuchi Toshujutsu. Until one day, when all is stolen from him by a strange visitor who appears at the dojo. This man, defeating both Shinobu and his teacher, steals away Mikoto with him. Three years pass—In order to take back his girlfriend, Shinobu climbs up from the depths of despair, and finds himself at a remote island prison where only the most abominable kind of criminals are housed. There begins a battle royal, a free-for-all fight to the death with the villainous men within!! (Source: MANGA Plus)EditBackgroundAbyss Rage was simulpub in English through MANGA Plus service since January 20, 2019.

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At the beginning this manga to me had so much potential and hooked me from the first few chapters, throughout the ending though I felt myself just kinda staggering on waiting for the chapters to be released so it would be finished. It became monotonous and lost sight of what made it interesting.

Abyss Rage Chapter 31.5 Volume 4

The art in this is absolutely fantastic save a few character designs but it worked perfectly for a fighting series and captured emotion, fluidity and action with ease.

Anyone besides the main character and a couple others felt completely replaceable, forgettable and honestly boring. Their backstories and the arcs that ... followed could've been executed much better and could've lent themselves to actually make these characters interesting. Unfortunately it just didn't work for whatever reason and failed to capture my attention and I found myself not appreciating these chapters and moreso just finishing as to continue on with the story. Enjoyment 7/10 This manga was honestly enjoyable but just throughout the ending it felt like the author had somewhat given up in giving it a memorable ending. Personally it felt like they started this with the end in sight and forgot that the ride there needs to be great or else there's no meaning Overall 6/10 As a fan of fighting manga: Baki, Kengan etc. I went into this with high hopes and left somewhat disappointed but not regretting the time invested. Would I recommend this manga? Probably not but I wouldn't recommend against reading this


After reading the title or/and the synopsis, you may think this could be an interesting dark martial art manga. This isn’t completely false, but it has a lot of blind points.

Abyss Rage Bölüm 5

The story begins with a random person who challenges dojos. Few moments later you know, he will be the main villain, because he not only defeats our blind protagonist (Shinobu) but he also takes his girlfriend. So to take her back, he goes in a time skip, training like hell and then to a prison led by our villain. Of course, it’s a prison where you have to fight a battle royal, to ... be exact, you have to gain 100 points to be free again, where 1 kill = 1 point. This sounds interesting, yes (but battle royals are kind of overused), however our protagonist is way too kind… You learn very soon how kind he is, because he never kills and you hope for one of 2 options at this point: he never loses his kindness or he dives in this ‘Abyss Rage’... And now we already arrived at the big blind point. I don’t even have to spoil it for you and you still know which of these 2 options it will be. This destroys the whole tension. But hey, it could be still dark, I mean we are in a prison full of criminals. And we talk about rapists, murderers and psychopaths, not just some little thieves. However, this prison specialized somehow in martial art, so everything they (or at least the bigger villains) do is either train or kill with their pure fists. So yes, it could have been a dark prison story with martial art, but it isn’t. But hey, you get nice fights, which are good!... On the other hand, they are god damn slow… Each fight lasts 3-5 chapters and in each they make 2-3 blows, while of course the backstory for every villain can’t be missing, so another 3-5 chapters where the main story stops. And speaking of backstories, the rule in this manga is, you get someone’s backstory before their final moment. (Which don’t have to be their death, it is just they did what they have to, so they don’t have any use for the story). You may think I’m overreacting, but that happens literally every time! Now you may understand what the big weaknesses of this manga is. The premise is good, but it’s slow, it’s not dark enough and the repeating plot destroys the whole tension completely. However, it also has a bright side. The backstories are nice and varied (but still somehow martial art related), and the fighting scenes are well written too. - Art (4/10): While reading this manga, I saw some comments about how amazing and realistic the muscles and bodies were drawn. I doubt that. Maybe I read too many more well drawn manga, but in my opinion the art was totally ordinary. The praised bodies looked almost the same, the characters like some bodybuilders and not like martial artists. And I wouldn’t call that realistic at all! Sometimes it was like they were put together of bricks. Also to mention, the fights were definitely missing the dynamic. They were not just chapters long, but each panel felt so lame like you would watch it in slow motion. Now I may overreact a bit, because altogether it was okay, but if 80% of the manga is fighting and the dynamic is missing, it gets boring ironically fast. - Characters (6/10): One stronger point of the manga is the characters! The main character is mostly boring, typical shining hero-like, yes. However! The support characters, including the antagonists, as mentioned are all very well-written, with understandable backstory and character development. You really get to know them, which helps to feel their pain and struggle. Additionally, it has a big extra point for diversity. I don’t want to spoil it for anyone, but let me say it is way more diverse sexually than a lot of other manga. The achilles tendon here is the rule of the manga, you get the backstory before their final moment. So if one character doesn't have fights, they don’t get

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