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As You Wish Manga EspañOl

As You Wish Manga EspañOl

날 지옥으로 몰아넣은 장본인이 이런 보잘것없는 계집이라니. 하…… 차라리 모르는 게 나을 뻔했어.” 아인젠 카이트. 내가 써내려간 악역. 그가 나를 이야기 속으로 납치했다! 그런데 자기를 황제의 자리에 앉혀줘야 집에 보내준단다. 그것도 내가 만든 주인공들을 거꾸로 쓰러뜨리고서! 스타 작가가 심혈을 기울여 집필한다 해도 도무지 말이 안 되는 이야기. “나는 작가야! 내가 여기를 만들었듯, 네 소원 역시 이뤄 주겠다잖아!” “마녀 주제에 깜찍한 수를 다 쓰는군. 네 눈에는 내가 협상을 하자는 것처럼 보이나?” 나, 이윤수. 장르 작가 인생 최고의 위기가 찾아왔다!

THIS IS LITERALLY MY DREAM COME TRUE!!!! I love good, complex, structured villains and I love even more when they have the chance to fall in love, that's why I love this manga so much! Really, this manga is literally why I have a 'She chooses the villain' shelf.


Chapter 1-93 (Complete) What happens when your an author whose written 2 best selling romance novels only to find out the villain of your series has some how made his way to the real world...aaaand he's planning on kidnapping you into the novel until you agree to fix the mess you made of his life? Slowly fall for each other of course! Not that its a hardship or anything....

As You Wish, Prince 62. Bölüm

La historia arrancó muy bien. Era sumamente original e interesante. Pero los últimos 15 capítulos se me hicieron interminables, y el final me pareció demasiado conveniente, así que le bajé 1 estrella por ser demasiado feliz ahr. 2.5 de 5 estrellas.

Funny and fast paced, though the second male lead romance came out of nowhere. A author literally gets kidnapped to her world by her villain lead. She literally sees how the story and world expands without her

What can I say? I love a villain's love story but honestly this was not what it was. He was sweet and very handsome omg. The art! 🥺

As You Wish, My Lady (manhwa)

This plot is so interesting! What would you do if you, as the author, fell into your own created world and even met the characters you created? I love this story so much and things are starting to get so intense

🌈Probably my best read for 2021! 5 stars Kyte Einzen and Vasser are the epitome of ‘couple goals’. I love me a romance with an antagonist as the leading protagonist and this Manhwa hit all the right places for me. Vasser seemed so realistic in the beginning with her 9-5 job in addition to hiding a glorious secret from her co-workers; the only exciting thing going on in her life. She seemed dull with the way her life was monotonously progressing until Kyte showed up. Kyte's character completely took me by surprise. I've read quite a few books with antagonists being the centre of focus. The books often take a turn towards being Dark Romances, but the plot was re-directed in a note-worthy way that it instead became refreshingly sunny with a bit of action and blood bath here and there. But this was done in a way that didn't affect Kyte's narration at all! The beautiful artwork was a cherry on top. The book was a tear-jerker towards the end but I'm really happy that my ship sailed. P.S:- Kyte has to be my favourite protagonist till date. He made me feel all mushy. 😌

While some people haven't really enjoyed this romantic fantasy isekai manhwa, I surprisingly actually enjoyed it. I think the heroine of this series was pretty strong minded and we can see the world that she created in her fantasy novel. The colours and the art man, so so good! Even the blossoming romance between Kyte and Yoonsoo were obviously adorable. It's too bad that I was only able to read 73 chapters online (definitely support creators on Tappytoon if you want to continue reading the story). However, I think this story was good enough for me to realise it was great anyways and I'm sure the ending will be satisfying enough. Definitely give it a read if you're into fantasy ideal romance with a strong minded MC and a villian in love!

Read As You Wish My Lady By Hasnaul Husna Free On Mangakakalot

I loved the unique plot in this manhwa. It follows an author who ends up becoming trapped in her novel, and has to atone to the villain of her novel for creating him with such a tragic plot. Of course, in the midst of it all, they end up falling in love. Super cute enemies to lovers plot. I only wish that the ending was a bit better.


I ate this thing up! I loved it so much. I love how everything was said, there was no miscommunication, No assumptions, everyone knew what time everybody was on. The relationship between the main characters was so cute. The only thing tho the book could’ve done great without second male lead syndrome.

Read this online- I absolutely adored everything about it! I loved how the villain had his own story and become something more! I wish they would turn this into a Manga, so I can purchase it and put in my library!

Read [as You Wish, Prince] Online At

This is a different isekai from what you usually get. The author of a popular LN series is suddenly kidnapped by one of the main characters of her novels, one that is very unhappy with how things turned out for him. Now this isn't the first time I've read where an author gets transported to a series they have created (live as a protagonist, villain or side character). No, the author is literally herself. And she maintains a certain control over events or details she can influence with the help of her notebook. This is in itself is original as I enjoyed the agitated protagonist keeps on calling her a witch. The one issue I had was the way they finally admitted to each other their feelings and next day they decided to get married. It almost reminds me of the love at first sight romances and Las Vegas wedding - woot woot... he story itself is fast enough to end the novel quickly and wrapping up a few loose ends. Truth be told, the true antagonist became a bit easy to see what was it... 2/3 of the novel in. Kinda expected some characters to smarten up during the final arc but yeah no... Antagonist a bit cliche. The ending plucked all the couples together, and of course... I have the question of how since if the author remains in her novel, it collapses but since she returned home and fixed it, she can go back so consequences? Kinda goes against the principals... Not a bad novel in the end.

Finished at 7am. Am just about to sleep. WT. Loved it tho at some point I was like 'for an author, you’re such a...' Hayss. Kyte is ❤️. Manhwas are ❤️er.


Let me just say that on the surface, this comic is definitely a dream come true for me. • A villain hero (who’s actually a softie for the heroine) ✔️ • Author in a romantic relationship with their MC ✔️ • Typical but kick-ass heroine ✔️ • Stunning illustrations ✔️ However, as the book progressed, I couldn’t help feeling frustrated by everything that went down. I thought that the Hero fell for the heroine almost immediately and vice versa. This is probably a non-issue for other readers, but I’m not into it. Also, I thought the small little love triangle in the middle of the comic was so unnecessary. I don’t know why it was even inserted because it served nothing. It just made me feel sorry for the second lead. I won’t stop anyone from reading this comic though because while I had few frustrations, I did enjoy it for what it was. It’s not you, it���s me.

As You Wish, Prince Chapter 2

The concept for this story was interesting but as the story progressed, I found the plot mediocre. You can kind of tell that Vasser will end up with the third prince. I did feel bad for Perrat, though.

Put aside because I can't deal with knowing which characters are going to fuck up and when (not the fault of the story/misunderstanding plots (not totally the fault of the story)/love triangle that unsuspends my disbelief (totally the fault of the story). Everything else is valid, though. More like a 3.8.

Güzel başladı, 60-80 arası biraz sıksa da sonlara doğru yine güzelleşti. Özellikle son 2 bölüm kalbimi hoplattı. Konu olarak da güzel bence, kendi kitabının içine giren ve oradaki karakterlerle arkadaş olan bir yazarı ilk defa okuyorum. (Genelde ölüp kitap ya da bir oyunun içine giriyorlar.) Bunda karakter bizim dünyamıza geldi, yazarı kaptı ve hikayeye geri döndü.


As You Wish, Prince 1] By Mokgamgi

4.5 stars. Strong story, with good art and pacing. The characters were great and well developed. The plot was very entertaining as well. It was worth my money and I'll definitely reread it at some point!

The story kind of felt like it dragged on forever but the ending was really beautiful. I enjoyed it. I didn’t think I’d like the “villain” of the story so much but his development was AMAZING I was also in love with him at the end.

Ah, I kind of wanted a little more. I feel

As You Wish, My Lady

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